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place where the parricide's house stood, in memory of them, and of their assassin disciples.

'The last and most effectual regicide which these fathers employed was that bold and bloody villain Ravaillac, who gave Henry IV. his mortal stab, on May 14, 1610, after he had escaped above fifty conspiracies, most of them (as the Sieur Puffendorf remarks) contrived by priests against his life. That the Jesuits employed this murderer, we have the testimony of that great and learned man, Father Paull, who lived at that time; and, as he was counsellor of State to the republic of Venice, was perfectly well acquainted with the intrigues of all the Courts of Europe. He tells us in his letters, that the Jesuits were the trainers up of Ravaillacs and King-killers, and that they were the † authors of the death of this great Prince.

It were tedious to enumerate the murders, treasons, rebellions, blasphemies, and such like crimes, for which this society has been banished out of France, from Dantzic, from the Venetian territories, out of Thorn and Cracovia, and Bohemia; not to mention that inhuman contrivance of theirs in England, to blow up both King and Parliament at once.

The following is the Jesuits' manner of consecrating both the persons and weapons employed for the murdering of Kings and Princes, by them accounted heretics, as it is extant, in an original press, printed at Delph, by John Andrea, bookseller, and quoted by Hospinian in his History of the Jesuits, page 366, in the Zuruich edition :

the Jesuits have overcome

"The persons, whose silly reason with their more potent arguments, are immediately conducted into their Sanctum Sanctorium, designed for prayer and meditation. There the dagger is produced, carefully wrapped up in a linen safeguard, inclosed in an ivory sheath, engraven with several

* Letter 102.

+ Letters 47 and 54.

The Gunpowder Treason Plot was hatched about the year 1605, by Henry Garnet, Osweld Tesmond, and John Gerrard, Jesuits: the first of whom was their Provincial hero, and is now sainted by the Papists. Vide Act of Parliament, 3rd James I., cap, 1, 2.

enigmatical characters and accompanied with an Agnus Dei ; certainly a most monstrous couplation, so unadvisedly to intermix the height of murderous villiany and the most sacred emblem of meekness together.

"The dagger being unsheathed, is hypocritically bedewed with holy water; and the handle, adorned with a certain number of coral beads, put into his hand; thereby ascertaining-the credulous fool!-that as many effectual stabs as he gives the assassinated Prince, so many souls he should redeem out of purgatory, on his own account. Then they deliver the dagger into the parricide's hands, with a solemn recommendation in these words :

"Elected son of God, receive the sword of Jephtha, the * sword of Samson, the sword of David wherewith he smote off the head of Goliath, the sword of Gideon, the sword of Judith, the sword of the Macabees, the sword of Pope Julius II., wherewith he cut off the lives of several Princes, his enemies, filling whole cities with slaughter and blood: go prosper, and the Lord strengthen thy arm." Which being pronounced, they all fall upon their knees, and the superior of the Jesuits pronounces the following exorcism :-" Attend, O ye Cherubims; descend and be present, O Seraphims; you thrones, you powers, you holy angels, come down and fill this blessed † vessel with eternal glory; and daily offer to him (for it is but a small reward) the crown of the Virgin Mary, and of all the holy patriarchs and martyrs. He is no more concerned among us, he is now of your celestial fraternity. And Thou, O God, most terrible and inaccessible, Who yet hast revealed to this instrument of Thine, in Thy dedicated place of our prayer and meditation, that such a Prince is to be cut off as a tyrant and a heretic, and his dominions to be translated to another line; confirm and strengthen, we beseech Thee, this instrument of Thine, whom we have consecrated and dedicated to that sacred office, that he may be able to accomplish Thy will. Grant him the habergeon of Thy divine omnipotency, that he may be enabled to escape the hands of his pursurers. Give him wings that he may he enabled to avoid the designs of all that lie in wait

* Which was the jaw-bone of an ass.

+ The parricide.

for his destruction. Infuse into his soul the beams of Thy consolation, to uphold and sustain the weak fabric of his body; that, contemning all fears, he may be enabled to show a cheerful and lively countenance in the midst of present torments, or prolonged imprisonments; and that he may sing and rejoice, with a more than ordinary exultation, whatever death he undergoes."

"This exorcism being finished, the parricide is brought to the altar, over which at that time hangs a picture, containing the story of James Clement, a Dominican Friar, with the figure of several angels protecting and conducting him to Heaven. This picture the Jesuits show their cully, and at the same, presenting him with a celestial coronet, rehearse these words-Lord, look down, and behold this arm of thine, the executioner of thy justice; let all thy saints arise and give place to him,' which ceremonies being ended, there are only five Jesuits deputed to converse with, and keep the parricide's company; who, in their common discourse, make it their business, upon all occasions, to fill his cars with their divine wheedles; making believe that a certain celestial splendour shines in his countenance, by the beams whereof they are so overawed as to throw themselves down before him, and to kiss his feet, that he appears now no more a mortal, but is transfigured into a deity; and lastly, in a deep dissimulation, they bewail themselves, and feign a kind of envy at his happiness and eternal glory which he is so suddenly to enjoy ; exclaiming thus before the credulous wretch-Would to God the Lord had chosen me in thy stead, and had so ordained it by these means, that being freed from the pains of purgatory, I might go directly, without let to Paradise !' But if the person whom they imagine proper to attempt the parricide prove anything squeamish or reluctant to their exhortations, then by nocturnal scarecrows and affrighting apparitions, or by the suborned appearances of the Holy Virgin, or some other of the saints, even of Ignatius Loyola himself, or some of his most celebrated associates, they terrify the too soon retrieved misbeliever into a compliance with a ready prepared oath, which they force him to take,

That James Clement was accounted a blessed martyr for his barbarous murder of King Henry III. of France, appears from Spondanus A.D., 1589, sect. 17.

and therewith they animate and encourage his staggering resolution. Thus these villainous and impious doctors in the art of murder and parricide sometimes by the terrors of punishment, sometimes by the allurements of merit, inflame the courage of the unwary, and having entangled them in the nooses of sacrilegious and bloody attempts, precipitate both soul and body into eternal damnation."

This is the Christian method by which the Holy Society of Jesus clear themselves from their enemies: how happy then must that nation be, where Loyalists flourish, who will not permit a good King to live, and will always be the directors of a bad one! Let England look to herself at this Juncture!


An Invention of Pope Alexander VII., Bishop of Rome.

The Citations of Scripture upon which this Foppery is founded are all taken out of the Vulgar Latin Translation, attributed to St. Jerome, whereas there was no such translation in Alexander's time, nor was St. Jerome born till above three hundred years after him.

It is compounded of Salt and Water,. conjured together by a Priest for so the word runs, Exorcizo te Creatura Salis, and afterwards, Exorcizo te aquae, &c. This done the salt is sprinkled crosswise into the water and put into a Cistern standing at the entrance into their Churches, and the people coming in dip their fingers into it and make the sign of the cross upon their foreheads, and think themselves sufficiently blessed for that day.

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The advance of Popery, its Present Character and Pretensions.

ARE the Protestants of the British Islands aware of the bold step that the Papacy has taken to advance itself in this country. A few remarks, therefore, at this juncture may not be unreasonable. Let no one consider this question merely political. It involves not only our civil but our religious liberties. Popery is not only the enemy of man-the withering blast that blights all it touches -the Tyrant under whose grasp Intellect, Science, Freedom, Morality itself, all fall strangled; but it is the enemy of God, the Antichrist," that is, the adversary of Christ, the deadly foe of the Lord Jesus. With Rome, therefore, there can be no truce nor compromise. She must be resisted, as our martyred forefathers resisted her, unto the death.

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But before we proceed any further, a few words of explanation may be desirable, as it cannot be expected that all Protestants should clearly understand the steps that Popery has lately taken, steps which has caused so much excitement throughout the country.

Ever since 1829, when the Act of Emancipation was passed, Popery has been advancing with rapid strides, but more especially since Puseyism became prominent, about 1832, and which has sinced assumed the name of Ritualism. This system, which is disguised Popery, has most deeply leavened the ministers of the Establishment, nearly all the young active clergymen being real or semi-Ritualists, and from the countenance of the Bishops, it has spread very widely. Simultaneously with this, Popery itself has much increased. Chapels have sprung up in every direction. Nunneries, monasteries, various kinds of Ordersthings unknown in England since the Reformation-have, like night birds before a storm, begun to rear their heads. Upon these

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