The Kindergarten for Teachers and Parents, Том 28Alice B. Stockham & Company, 1915 |
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Address AGENCY animals baby ball beautiful Bertha Johnston birds booklet building cards cents Chicago chil child Christmas clay College color COPLEY SQ crayon dergarten doll drawing dren ELIZABETH HARRISON father Ferrotype flowers fold Froebel garten give grades hand illustrated inches interest Jack Frost Jenny kinder kindergar Kindergarten and Primary Kindergarten Association Kindergarten Teachers Kindergarten Training School Kindergarten-Primary lesson Let the children Lucy Wheelock Magazine Manistee Mary MELISSA MILLS Merrill Michigan milk Miss Montessori method month Mother Play nature paper pass device Patty Hill picture Playground postpaid practice Pratt Institute Price primary teacher public schools pupils Santa Claus Send sing song Squirrel stars stencil story Street Suggestions Susan Blow teach tell things tion tree Write York York City York University