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E'QUAL, a. even; uniform; in just proportion
E'quity, *. justice; impartiality

Eer ct, a. upright; bold; contldent

E E'ct, V. a. raise; build; elevate; settle E'rmine, *. an animal found In cold countries, of which the fur is valuable, and used for the adornment of the person. A fur worn by judges in England Erro'neous, a. wrong; unfounded; false; misled by error

Eruption, S. the act of bursting out; sudden excursion of a hostile kind

Esco'et, v. a. convoy; guard from place to place
Especial, a. principal; chief

ESPECIALLY, ad. principally; chiefly; in an uncommon degree

ESPLANA'DE, S. the empty space between a citadel and the outskirts of a town Essential, a. necessary to the constitution or existence of anything; important in the highest degree Estarlishment, S. settlement; fixed state Estra'nge, V. a. keep at a distance; withdraw ETERNAL. a. without beginning or end; perpetual; unchanginx

Eternally, ad. incessantly; for evermore Ete'rnity, S. duration without beginning or end Ethe Heal, a. belonging to the higher regions Eva'porate, V. a. to drive away in fumes E'vening, s. the close of the day; beginning of night

Eventually, ad. In the event; In the last result E'viDent, a. plain; notorious

Exa'ct, O. nice; not deviating from rule; careful
Exa'mine, V. a. search into; make inquiry into
EXAMPLE, s. copy or pattern

E'xcavate, v. a. hollow; cut into hollows
EXCE'L, V. a. to outgo in good qualities; to surpass
E'XCELLENCE, *. the state of abounding in any
good quality; dignity; goodness

E'xcellent, a. eminent in any good quality; of great value

EXCEPT, prep, exclusively of; unless

Exce'ssive, a. beyond the common proportion
Excite, r. a. rouse; animate
EXCLU'DE, V. a. shut out; debar

EXCLU'SIVE, a. having the power of excluding or denying admission

EXCRUCIATE, u. a. torture; torment

EXCURSION, *. an expedition into some distant part
EXCURSIVE, a. rambling; deviating
EXECUTION, *. performance; practice; slaughter
Exemplary, a. such as may give warniug to
other?; such As may attract notice and imi'Ation
Exercise, S. labour of the mind or body
EXERTION, S. the act of exerting; effort
EXHIBIT, V. a. to offer to view; show; display
Exhihition, *. the act of exhibiting; display
Exhilarate, v. a. make cheerful; cheer; enliven
EXISTENCE, s. state of being

Expa'nd. V. a. to spread; to extend on all sides Exfa'nse, S. a body widely extended without inequalities

EXPEDIENT, *. that which helps forward as means

to an end

EXPEDITION, S. an excursion

Expe'l, V. a. drive away; banish; eject
Experience, *. knowledge gained by practice
Experienced, a. wise by long practice
Experiment, s. a trial of anything

Expire, V. a. breathe out; close; bring to an end
EXPLO'SION, *. an outburst; a suddeu crash
Expo'rt, V. a. carry out of a country

Expo'se, v. a. lay open; make bare; put in danger EXPRESSION, S, the form of language in which any thoughts are uttered; the act of squeesing out anything E'XQUISITE, a. excellent; consummate; complete Exte'mpore, ad. without premeditation; suddenly Exte'nd, V. a. stretch out; diffuse; impart EXTENSIVE, a. large; wide; comprehensive

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FACILITY, s. ease; dexterity; affebility Fa'ctort, *. a house or district inhabited by traders in a distant country; traders embodied in one place Fa'culty, s. the power of doing anything; ability Familiar, a. domestic; free; well known; common; unceremonious

FAMILIARITY, s. easiness of conversation; acquaint


Fa Milt, s. those who live in the same house; household; race; class

FA'MOUS, a. renowned; celebrated
Fanaticism, 8. madness; frenzy; insanity
FANTA'STIC, a. whimsical; fanciful; imaginary
Fa'rther, ad. at a greater distance; beyond this
FA'SHION, v. a. form; mould; figure; make ac-
cording to the rule prescribed by custom

Fa'tal, a. deadly; mortal; appointed by destiny
FATIGUE, $. weariness

FATIGUE, c. o. tire; weary

Faun, S. a kind of rural deity

Fa'VOURITE, *. a person or thing beloved; one regnrded with favOur

Fe'ather, *. plume of birds

FEATURE, *. the cast or mske of the face; any lineament or single part of the face

Feeling, S. the sense of touch; sensibility; tenderness; perception

FERMENTATION, *. a slow motion of the particles of a mixed body, arising usually from the operation of some active acid matter; as when leaven or yeast ferments bread or wort

Fero city, S. savageness; wildness; fierceness
FERTILE, a. fruitful; abundant; plenteous
FERTILITY, B. abundance; fruitfulness
Fe'stal, a. festive; joyous; gay

Festival, S. time of feast; anniversary-day of

civil or religious joy

Festo'gn, *. In architecture, an ornament of carved work in the form of a wreath or garland of flowers or leaves twisted together

Feu'dal, O. dependant; held by tenure
FIBRE, *. a small thread or string

Fi'ction, s, a fanciful invention; a probable or im-
probable invention; a falsehood; a lie
FIDELITY, s. honesty; faithful adherence
Figure, S. shape; person; stature; the form of
anything as terminated by the outline

Fi'lial, a. pertaining to a son; befitting a son; becoming the relation of a son

FIRMAMENT, s. sky; heavens

Fla'gon, S. a vessel with a narrow mouth FLA'MBEAU, S. (pronounced flam-bo) a lighted torch Fla'vour, *. power of pleasing the taste; odour Fleur-de-lis, S. (French for a lily, pronounced flurde-lee) a term applied in architecture and heraldry FLEXIBLE, a. capable of being bent; pliant; not brittle; complying; obsequious; ductile; manageable Float, V. n. to swim on the surface of water; to move without labour in a fluid; to pass with a light irregular course; v. a. to cover with water Flo'ridness, *. freshness of colour

Flo'uaisH v.a. and n. yield; prosper; wield; adorn Fluctuate, V. n. roll to and again, as water in agitation; be in an uncertain state

FLUId, s. anything not solid

Flatter, v. n. move Irregularly; take short flights with great agitation of the wings

Fo'liage, S. leaves; tuft of leaves

Fo'llowing, a. coming after another

Fome'nt, V. a. cherish with heat; encourage
Fo'refather, S. ancestor

Fo'reion, a. not in this country; not domestic; remote; not belonging to

Fo'repart, *. anterior part

Fo'rest, S. a wild uncultivated tract of ground, with wood

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FOUNDATION, *. the basis or lower parts of an edifice; the act of fixing the basis; original; rise FRAGMENT, 3. a part broken from the whole; an imperfect piece

Frantic, a. mad; deprived of understanding FREE STONE, S. stone commonly used in building, Bo called because it can be cut freely in all directions Freight, s. anything with which a ship is loaded; the money due for transportation of goods FREQUENT, a. often done; often seen; often occurring

Fre'sco, S. coolness; shade; duskiness; a picture

not drawn in glaring light, but in dusk

FRICTION, s. the act of rubbing two bodies together FRIVOLOUS, a. trifling; wasteful; dawdling FRONTIER, S. the limit; the utmost verge of any territory

Fu'rnace, S. a large fire

Fu'rnish, V. a. supply with what is necessary; fit up; equip; decorate

GA'BLE, *. the sloping roof of a building

GA'LAXY, s. the Milky Way

Ga'llant, a. brave; daring; noble

G'alley, a. a vessel used in the Mediterranean Ga'rden, S. piece of ground enclosed and cultivated Ga'rment, s. anything by which the body is covered GA'RRISON, S. fortified place, stored with soldiers Gauge, S. a measure; a standard

GENEALOGY, *. history of the succession of families Ge'neral, a. common; usual; extensive, though not universal; public

GENERATION, S. a family; a race; an age

Ge'nerocs, a. noble of mind; magnanimous ; open of heart

Ge'nial, a. that gives cheerfulness, or supports life; natural; native

GE'NTLE, a. soft; mild; tame; meek; peaceable GEOGRAPHICAL, a. that which relates to geography GEO'GRAPHY, Ss. knowledge of the earth

GE'STURE, S. action or posture expressive of senti


GIANT, 3. a man of size above the ordinary rate of men; a man unnaturally large

Giga'ntic, a. suitable to a giant; enormous
Gla'cier, S. a mountain of ice

GLANDULAR, a. having glands

Gli'ster, V. n. shine; to be bright

Glo rule, S. a small particle of matter of a round
figure, as the red particles of the blood
GLO'RIOUS, a. noble; excellent; illustrious
Glo'sst, a. shiny; smoothly polished

GO'RGEOUS, a. fine; magnificent; gaudy; showy Go'sling, s. a young goose; a catkin on nut-trees and pines

Go'ssamer, S. the web of a male spider
Gout, s. a disease attended with great pain
Go'Vernor, 3. one who has the supreme direction;

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Ha'ggArd, a. deformed; ugly
HARA'NGUE, e. n. make a speech

Harmonize, V. a. to adjust in fit proportion
HARPO'ON, S. a bearded dart, with a line fastened to
the handle, with which whales are struck and caught
Hazardous, a. perilous, dangerous

He'avt, a. weighty; burdened; depressed HERALDRY, S. the art or ofllce of a herald; registers of genealogies

He'rrage, *. grass; pasture; herbs collectively
Herrivorous, a. that eats herbs

HERE'DITARY, a. possessed or claimed by right of inheritance; descending by inheritance

He'retic, *. one who propagates his private opinions in opposition to the Catholic Church He'yday, S. frolic; wildness

HIDEOUS, a. frightful; ugly

Hippopo'tamus, *. a large animal—the river horse HISTORIAN, *. a writer of facts and events HISTORICAL, a. that which relates to history II'STORY, S. narration; the knowledge of facts and


Ho'LLOW, a. excavated; not solid; not sound

Ho'ney, *. a sweet substance produced by bees Ho'ngur, *. dignity; fame; reputation; glory Ho'rizon, S. the line that terminates the view Ho'SPITABLE, a. giving entertainment to strangers; kind to strangers

Ho'ttento't, S. a native of the south of Africa HOWEVER, ad. in whatsoever manner; at all events; happen what will; yet

HOWITZER, s. a kind of bomb

HU'MAN, a. having the qualities of a man; belonging to man

Huma'nity, *. the nature of man; benevolence
HU'MBLE, a. not proud; modest; low

Hu'mid, a. wet; moist; watery

HUMILITY, *. freedom from pride; modesty

HUNDRED, 3. a company or body consisting of a hundred.

Hurricane, S. a blast; a tempest

HYDRAULIC, a. relating to the conveyance of water through pipes

Hydrogen, S. a gas, one of the component parts of the atmosphere

I'CEBERG, s. a hill of ice; a moving island of ice I'CICLE, *. a pendent shoot of ice

I'dol, s. an image worshipped as God; one loved or honoured to adoration

Igng'rle, a. mean of birth; worthless
IGUA'NA, S. a reptile of the lizard species
Ille'gal, a. unlawful

Illumination, S. brightness; splendour
Illu'minative, a. having the power to give light
ILLU'SION, S. mockery; false show

ILLU'STRATE, V. a. brighten with light; brighten with honour; explain; clear

Illustration, *. explanation; example; exposi


Illu'strious, a. conspicuous; noble; eminent
I'mAgE, S. a statue; a picture; an idol; a copy
Imaginary, a. fanciful; poetical

IMAGINATION, s. fancy; conception; contrivance;


I'mitate, p. a. copy; counterfeit; resemble Immaterial, a. incorporeal; unimportant IMMEA'SURABLE, a. immense; not to be measured Immediately, ad. without the intervention of any

other cause or event

Imme'nse, a. unlimited; unbounded; infinite
I'mminent, a. unavoidable; perilous

Immo'rtalise, V. a. to render immortal
IMMORTALITY, S. exemption from death; life never

to end

Impa'rt, V. a. grant; give; communicate IMPARTIAL, a. indifferent; disinterested; jnst Impa'ssarle, a. not to be passed; not admitting

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IMPLA CABILITY, s. irreconcileable enmity Implicitly, ad. with unreserved confidence IMPORT, V. a. carry into any country from abroad IMPO'RTANCE, S. thing imported, or implied; conse

quence; matter

IMPORTANT, a. momentous; weighty; of great consequence; forcible

Impo'se, V. a. lay on as a burden or penalty; deceive; fix on

Impossirle, a. that which cannot be; that which cannot be done

IMPREGNABLE, a. invincible; unsubdueable IMPRESSION, 5. the act of pressing one body upon another; mark made by pressure; image fixed in the mind I'mpulse, S. communicated love; the effect of one body npon another

Impu'nitt, S. freedom from punishment; exemption from punishment

Inarility, *. want of power; impotence
INACCE'SSIBLE, a. not to be reached or approached
Ina'ctive, a. sluggish; slothful; not quick
Incalcularle, a. that which cannot be counted
INCAPACITATE, V. a. disable; weaken; disqualify
INCARNATION, *. the act of assuming body
INCENTIVE, *. that which kindles; that which pro-
vokes; that which encourages; spur
Ince'ssant, a. unceasing; continual

I'ncident, s. something happening beside the main design; casualty

INCLOSURE, S. a place surrounded or fenced in
INCLUDE, V. a. comprise; shut

Inconce'ivarle, a. incomprehensible

INCONSIDERABLE, a. unworthy of notice; unim


Inconsistent, a. contrary; absurd; incompatible INCREDIBLE, a. surpassing belief; not to be credited INCULCATE, V. a. impress by frequent admonitions INCURSION, S. an expedition

INDENTA'TION, S. an indenture; having a wavy figure

I'ndicate, V. a. show; point out

Indictment, S. an accusation presented in a court of justice

Indignation, s. wrath; anger

Indiscriminate, a. without choice; impartially
Indispensarle, a. not to be spared; necessary
Individual, a. single; numerically one; undi-
vided; separate from others of the same species
Indu'ce, v. a. persuade; enforce; bring ioto view
Indulgence, S. fond kindness; tenderness; favour

INDUSTRIOUS, a. diligent; laborious
I'ndustry, s. diligence; cheerful labour
Inequality, S. difference of comparative quantity
Ine vttarle, a. unavoidable

Inexha'ustirle, a. not to be spent or consumed; incapable of being spent

INEXPRE'SSIBLE, a. not to be told; unntterable I'nfantry, *. a body of foot soldiers; foot soldiery INFATUATE, p. a. to strike with folly; to deprive of understanding

INFERIOR, a. lower in place, station, or value I'NFIDEL, s. an unbeliever; a Pagan; one who rejects Christianity

Infinite, a. unbounded; unlimited; immense
Infinite'ssimal, a. infinitely divided
INFINITY, S. immensity; endless number

INFIRMITY, S. weakness of age or temper; weakness; malady

Infla'te, V. a. to swell; to make larger

Inflexirle, a. not to be bent; immoveable; not to be changed

INFLICT, V. a. to impose as a punishment
I'NFLUENCE, *. power of directing or modifying
Influential, a. exerting influence or power
Ingenious, a. witty; inventive

INGENUITY, *. wit; invention; genius; subtlety
Inglo'rious, a. void of honour; mean; without glory
INGRATITUDE, S. unthankfulness

Inharitant, S. dweller; one that lives in a place Inhe rent, a. existing in something else, so as to be inseparable from it; innate

Ini'mttarle, a. not able to be imitated; that which is incapable of imitation

Injurious, a. hurtful; baneful; capable of injuring; that which injures; destructive

INJU'STICE, *. iniquity; wrong

INQUI'SITIVE, a. curious; busy in search; active to pry into everything

INSCRIPTION, *. something written or engraved; title

I'nsect, S. a small animal. Insects are so called from a separation in the middle of their bodies, whereby they are cut into two parts, wh*ch are joined together by a small ligature, as we see in wasps and common flies Inse'nsirly, ad. imperceptibly; in such a manner as is not discovered by the senses

INSERT, V. a. place in or among other things
Insidious, a. sly; diligent to entrap; treacherous
INSIGNIA, S. ensigns; arms

INSIGNIFICANT, a. unimportant
INSIPID, a. tasteless; void of taste

INSIPIDITY, *. want of taste; want of life or spirit
I'NSOLENCE, S. petulant contempt

INSPECT, V. a. to examine; to look over Inspection, *. prying examination; superintendence

Inspiration, S. infusion of ideas into the mind by divine power; the act of drawing breath Instarility, *. inconstancy; fickleness

I'NSTANT, S. instant is such a part of duration wherein we perceive no succession; present or current month I'nstantly, ad. immediately

I'nstinct, s. natural desire or aversion; natural tendency

Institution, S. establishment; settlement; posi

tive law

INSTRUCT, V. a. teach; form by precept; form authoritatively; educate; model; form

Instruction, S. the act of teaching; information INSUFFICIENT, a. inadequate to any need, use, or purpose; unfit

INTEGRITY, S. honesty; straightforwardness; uprightness

Intellectual, a. relating to the understanding; mental; transacted by the understanding

Intelligence, S. commerce of information; spirit; understanding

INTELLIGIBLE, a. possible to be understood
Inte'mperance, *. the act of overdoing something
Inte'nse, a. excessive; very great

INTER, P. a. cover under ground; to bury
INTERCEPT, V. a. to hinder; to stop

I'NTERCOURSE, s. commerce; communication
I'NTEREST, S. concern; advantage; good; influence

over others

Interest, V. n. affect; move; touch with passion Interlocutor, s. a dialoglst; one that talks with another

Intermediate, a. intervening; interposed
INTERMINABLE, a. immense; without limits
Interpreter, S. one that interprets

INTERRUPT, V. a. hinder the process of anything by breaking in upon it

INTERSECTION, s. point where lines cross each other I'nterspace, S. space between

Interspe'rse, V. a. to scatter here and there among other things

Interve ne, V. n. to come between

I'nterview, S. mutual sight; 8ight of each other Interwe ave, V. a. to intermingle; to mix one with another in a regular texture

I'NTIMATE, a. inmost; inward; near; familiar
Intona'tton, S. the act of thundering

Into'xicate, V. a. to inebriate; to make drank
Intricate a. entangled; perplexed; obscure
INTRIGUER, S. one that intrigues
Intrinsic, a. inward; real; true

Introduction, S. the act of bringing anything into notice or practice; the preface or port of a book containing previous matter

INTRUDER, S. one who forces himself into company or affairs without right or welcome

INUNDATION, S. the overflow of waters; the flood; a confluence of any kind

INVALUABLE, a. precious above estimation
Invariarle, a. unchangeable; constant

Investigation, S. the act of investigating; the state of being investigated

Invincirle, a. not capable of being conquered
INVI'SIBLE, a. not to be seen

I'RIS, ;. the rainbow; the circle round the pupil of the eye

Irra'diate, V. a. brighten; animate by heat or light; iltuminate

INNUMEROUS, a. innumerable; too many to be IRREGULAR, a. deviating from rule, custom, or nacounted


I'RRIGATE, v. a. wet; moisten; water I'rritate, v. a. provoke; tease; agitate IRRITATION, *. provocation; stimulation I'SLAND, s. a tract of land surrounded by water I'ssce, v. a. send forth

ITA'LIC, s. a letter in the Italian character

JA'VELIN, *. a spear; a dart; an Implement of war JEALOUSY, S. suspicion in lore; suspicions fear; auspicious caution

Je'wel, *. a precious stone; a gem

Jo'CUND, o. merry; gay; lively

Jo'URNET, s. the travel of a day; passage from place to place

Jo'tous, a. glad; gay; merry; giving joy
Jum'cious, a. prudent; wise; skilful

Ju'goler, S. one who practises sleight of hand
Ju'kcnoir, s. union; coalition

Ju'stift, v. a. clear from imputed guilt; maintain

KANGARO'O, s. an animal found in Australia KERNEL, s. anything included in a husk; the seeds of pulpy fruiti

Ki'ncdom, 8. the territories subject to a monarch; a different class or order of beings, aa the mineral kingdom; a region

Knighthood, s. the character or dignity of a knight KNOWLEDGE, s. information

KNUCKLE, s. joints of the fingers, protuberant when the fingers close

LABU'RNUM, s. a kind of tree
La'mestarle, a. deplorable

LAMENTATION, S. expression of sorrow; audible grief

Lanceolate, a. in a lance-like form

Landscape, S. the prospect of a country; a picture of the prospect of a country

La'mgdagk, s. human speech; style; manner of expression

La'nquoe, S. faintness; softness; inattention
La'eva, *. an insect in the caterpillar state
La'tent, a. concealed; invisible
La'terallt, ad. by the side

LA'TITUDE, *. latent diffusion; a certain degree reckoned from the Equator

LATTER, a. lately done or past; mentioned last

of two

LA'VA, 3. molten substance projected from volcanoes Lr'aflet, S. a small leaf

LEGION, s. a body of Roman soldiers, consisting of about five thousand; military force; a great number Le'nity, s. mildness; gentleness

Lens, *. a glass spherically convex on both sides LEVANT, s. east, particularly those coasts of the Mediterranean east of Italy

LEVIATHAN, s. a water-animal mentioned in the Book of Job

Li'arle, a. subject; not exempt

Li'reral, a. not mean; generous; bountiful
Li'reratr, V. a. free from confinement

Li'rehtt, *. freedom, as opposed to slavery; privilege; permission

LICE'NTIOUSNESS, S. boundless liberty; contempt of just restraint Li'chen, S. moss

Lirute'nAnt, s. a deputy; in war, one who holds the next rank to a superior of any denomination LIGHTHOUSE, s. a house built either upon a rock or some other place of danger, with a light, in order to warn ships of danger

LINEAR, a. composed of lines; having the form of


LIQUID, a. not solid; fluid; soft; clear LIQUOR, s. anything liquid; strong drink, in familiar language

LI'STEN, v. a. bear; attend

Laterally, ad. with close adherence to words
LITERARY, a. respecting letters; regarding learning
LITERATURE, s. learning; skill in letters
LITURGY, t, form of prayer
Loca'litt, s. existence in place

LOCOMOTIVe, a. changing place; having the power of removing or changing place

Lo'ccst, i. a devouring insect

Lu'dicrocs, a. fantastic; laughable; whimsical
Lu'minAry, A. any body which gives light
Lu'mingus, a. shining; enlightened

Lu'mar, a. that which relates to the moon

Lu'pine, s. a kind of pulse Luxu'riant, a. superfluously plentiful

MACHINE, s. an engine; any complicated work in which one part contributes to the motion of another MACHINERY, *. enginery; complicated workmansnip

Magazine, s. a storehouse

Ma'gical, a. acted or performed by secret an invisible powers

Magnani Mity, s. greatness of mind

MAGNA'NIMOUS, a. of great mind; of open heart MAgNIFICENT, a. grand in appearance; splendid; otherwise, pompous

Maje'stic, a. august; having dignity; grand MAJO'RITY, s. the state of being greater; the greater number; the office of a major

MALE'VOLENCE, S. ill-will; inclination to hurt others Ma Lite, s. hatred; enmity; desire of hurting MALICIOUS, a. desirous of hurting; with wicked design

Malignant, a. envious; malicious; mischievous MALIGNITY, s. ill-will; enmity

MA'NDIBLE, s. a jaw

MA'NKIND, s. the race or species of human beings Ma Nner, s. form; method; way; mode; sort MANUFACTORY, S. a place where a manufacture is carried on

Mance'uver, s. a stratagem; a trick

Maea'cder, *. a soldier that roves in quest of plunder

Ma'rgin, s. the brink; the edge

MA'RINER, s. a seaman

Ma riTiME. a. that which relates to the sea
MA'RSHAL, V. a. arrange; rank in order

Martyr, s. one who by his death bears witness to the truth

Ma Rvellocs, a. wonderful; strange; astonishing Ma'bonry, *. the craft or performance of a mason Ha'ssacre, s. butchery; murder

MA'SSIVE, a. heavy; weighty; ponderous; bulky;


MA'STERPIECE, s. chief excellence

Material, a. consisting of matter; not spiritual; important

Mathematics, s. that science which contemplates whatever is capable of being numbered or measured MA'XIM, S. general principle; leading truth Me'Asure, s. that by which anything is measured; proportion; quantity; time; degree Mecha'nic, 5. a workman

Mechanical, a. constructed by the laws of me


ME'DAL, S. a piece of metal stamped in honour of some remarkable performance

Medicinal, a. having the power of healing; belonging to physic

Meditation, a. deep thought; contemplation
ME'DIUM, s. the centre point between two extremes
ME'LANCHOLY, a. gloomy; dismal; sorrowful
Mr'llow, a. soft with ripeness; soft; unctuous
MsLo'DIOUS, a. musical; harmonious
ME'MBRANE, *. a web of several sorts of fibres, in-
terwoven for the wrapping up some parts; the fibres give
them an elasticity, whereby they can contract and closely
grasp the parts they contain

Memrra ngus, a. consisting of membranes
ME'MOIR, S. an account of anything

ME'MORABLE, a. worthy of memory; not to hi forgotten

ME'MORY, s. the power of retaining or recollecting things past; recollection

MENA'GERIE, s. a place for keeping foreign birds and

other curious animals

Me'ntion, v. a. to express in words or in writing ME'RCHANDISE, s. commerce; traffic; wares; anything to he bought or sold

ME'RCHANTMAN, s. a ship of trade

METALLIC, a. partaking of metal; consisting of


Meteor, *. any body in the air or sky that Is of a transitory nature

ME'TRICAL, a. pertaining to metre or numbers; consisting of verses

METROPOLITAN, a. belonging to a metropolis MICROSCOPE, *. an optical instrument, contrived to give to the eye a large appearance of many object* wnich could not otherwise be seen

MILITARY, a. engaged in the life of a soldier; soldierlike warlike; pertaining to war; affected by soldiers

MIND, S. intellectual capacity; memory; opinion Mineral, S. fossil body; something dag out of


MINSTER, S. a monastery; a cathedral church
Minstrelsy, S. music; instrumental harmony
MINUTE, a. small; little; slender

Miracle, S. a wonder; something above human power

MIRA ULOUS, a. done by miracle
Mirror, S. a looking-glass

MI'SERY, S. wretchedness; calamity; misfortune
MISFO'RTUNE, S. calamity; ill-luck

MI'SSILE, *. something thrown by the hand MI'SSIONARY, S. one sent to propagate religion Mixture, S. the act of mixing; that which is added and mixed

MO'ATED, a. surrounded with canals by way of


Moderate, a. temperate; not excessive

Moderation, S. state of keeping a due mean

between extremities

Mo'desty, *. decency; purity of manners Modulation, S. the act of forming anything to certain proportion; harmony

Mo'lten, part. pass. the state of being melted MO'MENT, S. an individual particle of time; force; importance

Momentum, S. the quantity of motion in a moving body

Mo'NARCH, S. a sovereign; a ruler; a king or queen Mo'nAstery, S. a residence of monks

Mo'NEY, S. metal coined for the purposes of com


Mo'nkey, S. an animal bearing some resemblance to man; a word of contempt, or slight kindness Mo'nument, *. anything by which the memory of persons or things is preserved, a memorial; a tomb Mo'rAlist, Ss. one who teaches the duties of life MORA'LITY, S. the doctrine of the duties of life Mo'rning, S. the first part of the day MO'RTAR, *. a cemeut for fixing bricks together; otherwise, a kind of cannon for firing bomb-shells; a kind or vessel in which anything is broken by a pestle Mo'rtipt, V. a. destroy vital properties, or active powers; vex; humble; depress; corrupt; die away MO'SLEM, S. a Mussulman; relating to the Mahometan form of religion

Mosque, S. a Mahometan temple

Mo'tion, s. the act of changing place; action; agitation; proposal made

Mo'ULDER, V. n. be turned to dost; perish in dust MO'UNTAINOUS, a. hilly; full of mountains; huge Mo'vearle, a. capable of being moved; portable Mulete'er, S. mule-driver; horse-boy

Multiplicity, *. mbre than one of the same kind; state of being many

Mu'ltitude, S. a large crowd of people; a vast assembly

MU'RMUR, V. n. grumble; utter secret and sullen


Mu'ssulman, S. a Mahometan believer

MU'TILATE, V. a. deprive of some essential part
Mu'tuaily, ad. reciprocally; in return

MY'RIAD, S. the number of ten thousand; proverbially any great number

NA'RROW, a. not broad or wide; small; close; covetous; near

Na'tion, s. a people distinguished from another people

Na'tive, a. original; natural

Na'TIVe, S. one born in any place

Na'toral, a. produced or effected by nature; not forced; tender

Na'turalist, S. one who studies nature, more especially as regards inferior animals, plants, &c. NATURE, S. constitution of an animated body; regular course of things; d*sposition of mind; native state or properties of anything; sort; species Nautical, a. that which relates to a sailor Na'VIGABLE, a. capable of being passed by ships or


NavIgATOR, S. a sailor; seaman
NECESSARY, a. needful

Necessity, *. compulsion; want; need; poverty
Negotiation, *. treaty of business

Neighrourhood, S. vicinity; place adjoining Ne'ITHER, pron. not either; nor one nor other Niche, S. a hollow in which a statue may be placed NIDIFICATION, S. the act of building nests

[blocks in formation]

OBSTRUCT, V. a. block up; oppose; hinder Occa'sion, S. occurrence; casualty; incident; opportunity; convenience

Occa'sion, V. a. cause; produce; influence
O'ccupy, v. a. possess; keep; take up; employ; use
Offensive, a. displeasing; disgusting; injurious
O'ffer, V. n. present itself; be at hand; be present
O'ffer, V. a. propose; present; sacrifice
O'ffice, S. a public charge or employment; agency;

Olpactory, a. having the sense of smelling

O'live, S. a plant producing oil; the fruit of the tree; the emblem of peace

O'mingus, a. exhibiting bad tokens of futurity Oau'ssion, S. neglect of duty; neglect to do something

Omnipotent, S. the Almighty

OMNIPRESENCE, S. unbounded presence

Omni'science, a. boundless knowledge; infinite wisdom

O'nset, S. attack; storm; assault
O'PAL, S. a precious stone

O'PALINE, a. resembling opal

Opportunity, S. convenience; suitableness of circumstances to any end

Oppre'ss, V. a. crush by hardship or unreasonable severity; overpower; subdue

OPPRESSOR, S. one who harasses others with unreasonable or unjust severity

O'ptical, O. relating to the science of optics O'ptics, *. the science of the nature and laws of vision

O'pulent, a. rich

O'racle, s. something delivered by supernatural wisdom; the place where, or persons of whom, the determinations of heaven are inquired

O'ral, a. delivered by mouth; not written O'RATOR, S. a public speaker; a man of eloquence O'REIT, s. a circle; path of a heavenly body O'rchard, S. a garden of fruit trees

O'rchis, S. a kind of flowering plant

O'rder, S. method; regularity; command; a rank or class; rule

O'rdinance, S. law; rule; appointment

O'RDINARY, a. established; regular; common; of

low rank

0 Rdnance, s. cannon; great guns

O'rgAn, s. natural instrument: as the tongue is the organ of speech. A musical instrument Orga'nic, a. consisting of various parts co-operating with each other

O'rganism, s. organic structure

O'rient, a. eastern; oriental; bright; gaudy
ORIGINAL, a. primitive; first

O'rnament, v. a. embellish; decorate

OSCILLATION, a. the act of moving backward or forward like a pendulum

O'sseous, a. bony; resembling bone

Ostentation, S. outward show; pride of riches or


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