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2. Give the general characters of the Order Siphonophora and describe fully any typical genus you may be acquainted with,

3. Give the general characters of Nematoda, and describe the external characters and general organisation of Ascaris lumbricoides.

4. Give the anatomical characters of the Peripatidea or Onychophora, and describe fully the organisation of the genus Peripatus.

5. Give the systematic review of the class Crustacea. Name the orders included in the group Entomostraca, and give mainly their distinguishing characters with the names of animals included in each order.

6. Give an account of the distribution of animals at various depths of the sea or of lakes, illustrating your answer with examples.

[2 P.M. TO 5 P.M.].


1. Describe the general organisation of the genus Chimæra (Holocephali) and compare it with that of the Scyllium.

2. Give an account of the arterial arches in the embryonic and adult conditions of various classes of Vertebrates. Mention the parts in an adult nammal that are developed from the five visceral skeletal arches.

3. Give the structural peculiarities of Ratite. How are they sub-divid ed? Name all the animals included in each sub-division, and give their geographical distribution.

4. What is Jacobson's Organ? Describe its position and morphology in various vertebrates. What is its function?

5. Give the anatomical characters of Pinnipedia including the dentition. How is it sub-divided? Name the type animals belonging to each family.

6. (a) What are persistent types? Name some of them and show that the occurrence of such persistent types is in no way opposed to the theory of Natural Selection.

(b) Give some examples of vestigial organs and state how their presence in animals could be explained by the Recapitulation Theory.



1. What is a pseudaxis? Describe the various forms of sympodial branch systems.

2. Give the chemical characters of Pectoses which are associated with cellulose in the cell-wall.

3 What are emergences? Describe their various forms, mentioning nts where they are met with.

4. Describe the various ways by which climbing is effected in plants, giving names in illustration.

5. Describe the special terms that are used to indicate the nature and the distribution of the hairs on a member.


What is a Nectary? In what plants is it found, and on what parts of them is it borne? Describe the mechanism of excretion of sugary fluid

by Nectaries.

7. Give an account of floral mechanism which guides and controls the movements of Insects favouring cross-pollination as seen in Scrophularia, Viola, Clerodendron, Salvia and Papilionaceous flowers.

8. Give the microscopic transverse sections of schizostelic and gamostelic stems and describe the arrangements of parts in each. Where are they met with ?


[2. P.M. TO 5 P.M.]


1. Give a brief account of the controversy with reference to the manner in which the transport of the water in the wood takes place. What is Sach's hypothesis on this subject? Give experimental arguments for and against this theory.

2. What is anthocyan? Where is it found? In what form does it occur? What are the views advanced as to its physiological significance ?

3. Give an account of the facilities afforded to the protoplasts for carrying out gaseous interchanges, including an account of the origin, nature and extent of the intercellular spaces, passages or canals.

4. Trace the further development of the zygote of an angiosperm after fertilisation and note the differences in the embryogeny of Dicotyledonous and Monocotyledonous plants respectively.

5. Give a brief account of the theories put forward by Darwin, Naegeli, Strasburger and Weismann to elucidate the physiological significance of the main facts of reproduction in plants.

6. Give the general characters of the N. O. Anacardiaceae, Umbelliferæ and Commelynaceae. Name the plants belonging to them and discuss their affinities with allied orders.

7. Describe the nature and general characters of the rhizome, leaves and sporocarp of Marsileaceæ.


[10 A.M. TO 1 P.M.]


1. Describe the structure and functions of the Thyroid gland. Give an account of the phenomena following its ablation and disease. What theories have been advanced to account for the effects of removal of the gland?

2. Describe the Traube-Hering undulations often met with in kymo. graphic experiments. What is known of their causation ?

3. Describe the action of intestinal bacteria on proteids, carbohydrates and fats.

4. Give an account of the present state of our knowledge with regard to the absorption of fat. Give a brief account of the emulsion and solution theories on this subject.

5. Describe the trophic action of nerve cells upon nerve fibres. Is there any proof of the existence of trophic nerves directly influencing the nutrition of peripheral tissues independently of vascular and other changes?


[2 P.M. TO 5 P.M.]


1. Give an account of the pigments of normal urine and their physiological and chemical relations with bile and blood pigments. Describe the chromogenic substances found in urine.

2. State and criticise the observations which appear to you to throw most light on the minute structure of a striated muscle fibre. What phenomena may be observed in a striated muscle fibre examined microscopically by ordinary and by polarised light during the passage of a wave of contraction? Compare the views of DuBois Reymond and Hermann regarding the electrical changes that occur when a muscle contracts.

3. Give a diagrammatic representation of the probable localisation of the chief motor and sensory areas of the cerebral cortex of man.

4. Give an account of the present state of our knowledge of the results of ablation of the cerebral hemispheres in the frog, pigeon, fish and rabbit, and give the interpretation and significance of the forms of activity manifested by them.

5. Give the minute structure of the organ of Corti, and the nerve-endings of the Cochlear nerve, illustrating it by a diagram. What is the nature of the process by which the vibrations of the perilymph give rise to auditory impulses? How does the organ of Corti analyse musical sounds? What are the views of Von Helmholtz, Rutherford and Hensen on the subject?


[2 P.M. TO 5 P.M.]

नीयम् ।


वेदान्तसारे ।


निर्विकल्पकसमाधेस्तदङ्कानां तद्विनानां च स्वरूपं प्रदर्श- ९

विरोधः । तथा


मनसैवानुद्रष्टव्यं, ' ' यन्मनसा न मनुते ' अनयोः श्रुत्यो - १२ यत्र नान्यत्पश्यति नान्यच्छृणोति, ' ' सोऽश्नुते सर्वान्कामान्सह ' अनयोः श्रुत्योर्विरोधः अनयोः श्रुत्योर्विरोधः । एतद्विरोधद्वयं कथं परि

हरणीयम् ।

वेदान्तपरिभाषायाम् |

३. ब्रह्मणो द्रव्यत्वं कुतो नास्ति द्रव्यत्वस्वीकारे च किं बाधकं ९ तत्सविस्तरमुपपादनीयम् |

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४. आकांक्षालक्षणं, तत्रत्यपदकृत्यं वैश्वदेवयागस्य च कुतो १२ न वाजिनाकांक्षा तत्प्रदर्शनीयम् ।

५. प्रातिभासिकरजतादिकं कथमुत्पद्यते ।

शारीरकभाष्ये ।


६. ' दुर्बलोहि सन्निधिः श्रुत्यादिभ्य इत्युक्तं प्रथमे तंत्रे ' एतद्वि- ८

बेचनीयम् ।


परशब्दः कस्मिन्कस्मिन्सूत्रे केन केनार्थेन योजितः ।

८. औपसद, पारिप्लव, चरण, ताद्विध्य, विपर्यय, समाकर्ष, ८ समाहार एषां शब्दानां तत्तत्सूत्रप्रदर्शनपूर्वकमर्थो लेख्यः ।

९. प्रलयेऽज्ञानस्य लयश्चेत्पुनः सृष्टयनुपपत्तिः नोचेत् द्वैतापत्तिः अत्र कः परिहारः |

१०. सप्तगतेरित्यादिसूत्र द्वयस्यापरा योजना कथं कृता तद्वक्तव्यम् । ९

११. स एव तु कर्मानुस्मृतिशब्दविधिभ्यः, दर्शनाच्च, आदरा- ८ दलोप:, विशेषितत्वाच्च एषां सूत्राणामर्थो लेख्यः ।

१२. अर्थवादवाक्यमितरानुवादेन के प्रवर्तते क वा गुणवादेन ६ प्रवर्तते तत्सोदाहरणं लेख्यम् ।


[blocks in formation]

Would "contract under seal and "marriage " fall within the province

of General Jurisprudence? Give reasons for your answers.

2. State and illustrate Austin's definition of Law, Positive Law, and Positive Morality.

Blackstone says that "human laws are of no validity if contrary to the laws of God." Is Austin justified in stigmatizing this statement as "stark nonsense"? Give reasons for your answer.

3. Give Austin's definition of Sanction. Distinguish between interme diate and ultimate sanctions. Classify Bentham's sanctions.


4. What is the meaning of the terms Sovereign, Independent Political 11 Society, Legislative Powers, and Executive Powers?

Can a subordinate legislature delegate its function of legislation to any person or corporation ?

Can the Governor of Bombay make laws?

5. Enumerate the various Sources of Law.

6. Define Right, Duty, Act, Will, Motive and Intention, giving illustra 10 tions.

7. A, a guest of B, has never seen a gun nor heard of it. In B's bed- 10 room there was a loaded gun. A chanced to come across it and was impelled by curiosity to examine it. In doing so he cocked the trigger and pulled it. The gun exploded and B was killed. Can A's act be said to be rash, heedless or negligent? Give reasons for your answers ?

8. What is the theory of the contract social?

Discuss briefly its weakness, value and evil. What influence has it exercised in fashioning the forms of Government?


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