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The numerals before the Arabic Figures refer to the different Volumes..

ABASSIDE, dynasty of the, ii. 55, 153.
Abbas, Shah, of Persia, ii. 330.
Abo-Abdeli, king of Granada, ii. 219.
Aboacen, king of Granada, ii. 219.
Abdallah the Moor, ii. 97.
Abdalrahman, several caliphs in Spain,
of eminent talent, ii. 98.
Abraham, the patriarch, i. 23, 34.
Abubeker collects the books of the Ko-
ran, ii. 54; he takes Jerusalem, 54.
Academy, the ancient, of Greek, and
Roman philosophy, i. 273; the new
and the Italian, i. 438; ii. 2.
Achæan league, i. 206, 211, 384.
Achæans, the, i. 86, 438.
Achilles, hero, i. 239.

Acteus, prince of Attica, i. 53.
Adherbal, death of, i. 389.
Adrastus, league of, i. 74.

Adrian, or Hadrian, the Roman empe-
ror, i. 496.

Ediles, the Roman, i. 351.
Elius, Roman general, victorious over
Attila, ii. 19; death of, 20.
Ella, Northumbrian prince, ii. 32.
Æmilius defeats king Perseus, i. 211.
Æneas, era of, i. 73; descent of C. J.
Cæsar, i. 414.

Eolians found Smyrna, i. 81.
Æqui, the, i. 329, 339, 354.

Eschines, orations of, i. 169, 172, 175.
Eschylus, tragedies of, i. 136, 246, 427.
Agamemnon, leader of the Greek arma-
ment, i. 76, 239.

Agathocles, of Syracuse, i. 364.
Ages, earliest, i. 15.
Agesilaus defends Sparta, i. 166.

expedition into Asia, i. 159.
Agincourt, victory of, ii. 204.
Agis, IV., virtue and death of, ii. 208.
Agrarian law, Roman question of an,
i. 323, 326.
Agricola, i. 423.

Agriculture, invention of, i. 32; Gre-
cian, 223.

Agrigentum, siege of, i. 368.
Agrippa, Marcus, i. 419.
Alani, the, ii. 15.

Alaric, leader of the Goths, ii. 13, king
of the Visigoths, 15; takes Rome, 16
his conquests and character, 40.
Alaric II. is slain by Clovis, ii. 46.
Alba, kings of, i. 73.

Alba, or Albano, canal of the lake of,
i. 345.

Albigenses persecuted by Pope Inno-
cent III., ii. 174.

Alcibiades, character of, i. 97, 149, 151;
death of, 153.

Alcmæonidæ, party in Athens, i. 110.
Alcuinus and Dungallus, ii. 77.
Alemanni, the, attack the empire, i
517; ii. 45.

Alen on, death of the duke of, ii. 204.
Alexander the Great, birth, i. 170; ac-
cession, 177; cultivation of mind, 177,
destroys Thebes, 178; Athens sub-
mits, 179; he invades Asia, 180; his
victories, 181; conquest of Tyre,
185; wounded at Gaza, 185; visits
Jerusalem, 185; sacrifices at Mem-
phis, 186; founds various cities
named Alexandreia, 186; crosses the
Tigris and Euphrates, 187; at Baby-
lon and Persepolis, 189; subdues
king Porus, 190; builds Nicea in
India, 190; his death, 193; character
and views, 193; anecdote of, 235.

tyrant of Pheræ, i. 165.
III., the pope, his interfer
ence in the affairs of Henry II of
England, ii. 139.

I., king of Scotland, ii. 189.
III., king of Scotland, ii. 190.
VI., pope, ii. 215, 221.
Alexandreia in Egypt, library burnt by
Julius Cæsar's army, i. 199, 411;
second Alexandrian library burnt by
the caliph Omar, i. 199, 411; ii. 9,

Alexis Michaelowitz, code of Russian
laws, ii. 474.

Alfred, king, defeats the Danes and
locates them in Northumberland, ii.
108 et seq.

Ali and Fatima succeed Mahomet, ii. | Antony, Mark, avenges the death of
54; the Fatimite caliphs, 153.
Almanza, battle of, ii. 466.
Almanzor the Great, ii. 55.

Alphabet, invented by the Phoenicians,
i. 48, 57; the Etruscan, 283.
Alphonso the Chaste, king of Asturias,
ii. 97.

Alphonso, king of Portugal, ii. 218.
Amalasonta, daughter of Theodoric, ii.
22, 40, 41, 42.

Amali, or Ostrogoths, the, ii. 42.
Amasis, king of Egypt, i. 38.
Ambrose, disputation against Symma-
chus, ii. 9.

America, continent of, discovered by
Columbus, ii. 304; the Bahama Isl-
ands, 305; visits Hispaniola, 305; the
Native Americans described, 305;
their customs, 306, 307; productions,
308; conquest of Mexico, 309; Pi-
zarro conquers Peru, 311, 312; mines
of Potosi, 312; Spanish policy with
regard to America, 313; effect of its
discovery and conquest upon society
in Europe, 314; in North America,
Florida and Canada colonized, 315;
the states of Maryland, Virginia,
Pennsylvania, &c., settled by the
English, 316.

Amerigo Vespuzio, ii. 305.

Amphictyon, i. 56.

Cæsar, i. 416, 417; his defeat by Octa-
vius, 420..

Apelles, Grecian painter, i. 234, 235.
Appius Claudius, decemvir, i. 313, 331,
335, 337.

Aquitiane, kingdom of, ii. 86, 90.
Arabia described, ii. 49; the Caabba of
Mecca, 50; the Arab tribes, 50;
birth of Mahomet, 50; extension of
the Saracenic empire; 54; literature
and science cultivated at Bagdad, 55;
manners of the Arabians, 55; ca-
liphs in Spain, 97; caliphs in Moroc-
co, 97, 99; Persia conquered by the
Arabs and Saracens, 54.

Aratus, general of the Achæans, i. 207
Arbela, Alexander's victory at, i. 187.
Arcadius succeeds to the Roman East-
ern empire in Constantinople, ii. 13
et seq.
Archelaus, son of Herod, governor of
Judæa, i. 494.

Archilochus, Greek poet, i. 242.
Archimedes, mechanician of Syracuse
i. 375.
Architecture, Egyptian, i. 39, 42; Gre
cian, 224; Gothic, 228; ii. 76; Itai
ian, 325.

Archytas, the Pythagorean, i. 264.
Areopagus, tribunal of the, i. 54; re
established by Solon, 101.

Amphyctyonic council, i. 56, 65, 133; Argonautic voyage, the, i. 71.

elects Philip, 172.

Amphitryon, i. 79.

Amurath, Sultan, ii 207.


II., his excellent
and successes, ii. 208, 330.
Anabaptists, the, ii. 297, 298.
Anastasius, the emperor, ii. 57.
Anatomy, by the ancients, i. 33.
Anaxagoras, doctrines of, i. 262.
Anaxarchus, i. 239.
Anaxemenes i. 261.

Anaximander, philosophy and science
of, i. 261.

Ancus Martius, reign of, i. 295.
Angles, the, from Jutland, ii. 219.
Anjou, duke of, becomes Philip V. of
Spain, ii. 464.

Anne of Austria, queen of Louis XIII.,
ii. 446; regent of France, 453.
Antalcidas, peace of, i. 160.
Anthropophagi, i. 59.

Antigonus I. rules in Asia, i. 197, 204.
Gonatus, i. 207.

Doson, i. 209.

Antioch built by Seleucus, i. 198.
Antiochus of Syria, i. 200; defeated at
Thermopylæ, 378.

Antipater rules in Macedon, i. 195;
death of, 197.

Antoninus Pius, reign of, i. 499; Titus
Aurelius Antoninus, 498; age of the
Antonines, 499 et seq.

Argos, war against, i. 74.

Aridæus succeeds Alexander, i. 195
death of, 204.

Ariosto, poetry of, ii. 492.

Ariovistus subdued by Cæsar, i. 404.
Aristarchus, critic, i. 239.

[ocr errors]

Aristides, the Just, i. 105, 108, 12
his reply to Persia, 136; dies poor
Aristion, his death at Athens, i. 212.
Aristippus and the Cyrenaic school, i.

Aristodemus, i. 80, 84.
Aristophanes, comedies, i. 244.
Aristotle, life and writings of, i. 170,
178, 264, 272; ii. 486.
Arius, doctrines of, ii. 39, 81.
Armada, the Spanish, ii. 369.
Arrian, history of Alexander, i. 258.
Artaphernes, satrap of Lydia, i. 128.
Artaxerxes Longimanus, i. 139; his
death, 151.


Memnon, victory of, i. 157,
Artemisia, queen of Halicarnassus, i.

Arthur of Brittany, prince, ii. 143, 145
Arts, i. 32; transmitted from Greece to
Rome, i. 143, 212, 384.
Arundelian marbles, the, i 130.
Ascham, Roger, ii. 286.

[blocks in formation]

Astronomy, Chaldæan, i. 32; Egyptian,

Astyages dethroned, i. 115.

Ataulphus, the Goth, espouses Placidia,
ii. 16; he reigns at Toulouse over
the Visigoths, 42.

Athens, antiquity of the Athenians, i.
52; kings, 52, 69; archons, 99; de-
mocracy, 80; republic, 98; popula-
tion, 101; revenue, 109; armament
to aid its Ionian allies, 127; Athens
abandoned in the Persian invasion,
134; destroyed, 136; fortifications
rebuilt are an offence to Sparta, 137;
wars between these republics, 141,
146; plague, 146; splendid age of
Pericles, 147; council of elders, 150 ;
city besieged by Spartans, 152; the
oligarchy, 151; the Thirty Tyrants,
153; they are overthrown by Thra-
sybulus, 154; wars against Philip,
son of Amyntas, 169, 174; exulta-
tion of the Athenians on his murder,
178; deprecatory embassy to Alex-
ander, 179. Vide Greece.

Athos, Mount, Persian fleet wrecked, i.
128; canal of, 131.
Atlantis, tradition of a continent thus
named, ii. 489.
Attabalipa, emperor of the Peruvians,
ii. 311; death of the Inca, 312.
Attalus, i. 176.

[ocr errors]


Attica, its kings, i. 53, 69; population
under Cecrops, 60, 98, 101.
Attila, conquests of, 218; attacks Gaul,
19; defeated, 19; his death, 20.
Augustine, St., the canons regular, or
Augustin friars, ii. 85; he preaches
Christianity in England, 107.
Augustulus, the last emperor in Rome,
ii. 20.

Augustus establishes the Roman em-
pire, i. 417, 421; the Augustan age
of Latin literature, 435.
Aulus Posthumius, dictator, i. 313.
Aurelius, Marcus, reign of, i. 278.
Aurelian, Roman emperor, ii. 506.
Aurengzebe, the Mogul empire under,
ii. 335.

Azoph taken by Peter the Great, ii. 475.

Babylon, Nimrod, i. 17; distinct king-
dom from Assyria, 17; Chaldees or
priests, 32; siege, 116.
Babylonian Empire, ii. 354.
Bacchus, sacrifices to, i. 381.

and logical treatises of, i. 62, 275; ii.
246, 486.

Bacon, Roger, ii. 246, 486.
Bagdad, the caliphs' government in, ii.
55, 153.

Bajazet, his victories in the East, ii.
207; a captive of Tamerlane, 208.
Bailly, M., theory of, ii. 352 et seq.
Baldwin, count of Flanders, Frank em-
peror of Constantinople, ii. 161; his
horrible death, 162.

Baldwin II., emperor, ii. 173.
Baliol, John, king of Scotland, ii. 190;
made prisoner, 191.

Baliol, Edward, ii. 196, king of Scot-
land, 196, 131.

Balk, city of Bactriana, i. 122; ii. 342.
Balti, or Visigoths, ii. 42.
Barbarossa, Hayradin, defeated by
Charles V., ii. 282.

Bartholomew, massacre of St., ii. 375.
Bayard, the chevalier's death, ii. 280.
Bede, the venerable, writings of, ii. 77.
Bedford, duke of, governs France after
the death of his brother Henry V., ii.
205, his cruelty to Joan of Arc, 206.
Belesis of Babylon, i. 113.
Belisarius, general of Justinian, victo-
rious in Persia and Africa, i. 23, 24;
he attacks Theodatus in Rome, 24;
war against Totila, 25.
Belus, his dynasty, i. 17.
Benedict, St., order of, ii. 84.
Berengarius, duke of Friuli, ii. 99, 101
Bern, city of, ii. 180.

Bernard, St., preaches a new crusade
ii. 158.

Bessus, the satrap, i. 188.

Bigod, Hugh, Norman baron, ii. 136.
Blake, admiral, success of, i. 413, 415.
Blenheim, Marlborough's splendid vic
tory at, ii. 465.

Boadicea, queen of the Iceni, ii. 104
Boats, the first, i. 31.
Boccacio, i. 249.

Bocchoris, reign of, i. 45.
Boethius, death, and writings of, ii. 22,
48, 111.

Boleyn, Anna, queen, ii. 300, 301.
Boniface, archbishop of Mentz, and
pope, ii. 60.

Boniface VIII., pope, ii. 178; impris
oned by Philip the Fair, 179.
Borgia, Cæsar, son of pope Alexander
VI., his wickedness and death, ii.
220, 221.

Bossuet, Histoire Universelle, i. 3, 4,


Bothwell, earl of, his marriage with
queen Mary, ii. 387.
Bourbon, constable of, ii. 280.
Boustrophedon, writing so named, i. 57
Brama, Indian divinity, the Vedam or
book of, ii. 336.

Bacon, Francis, Lord Verulam. opinions Bramins of India, ii. 354.



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