littleness with a holy and impla- of being the first body of troops cable hatred, too innocent to that enlisted for the war in the know, and too pure to use the Confederate army. On the 21st day of May, 1861, we were mustered into service, and started for Virginia. A flag was presented to our company by the ladies of ordinary artifices of political chicanery for success, and hence long kept away from the goal of his high ambition, but finally winning preeminence by the simple Savannah, and their orator was and coerced recognition of his Frederick Tupper, Esq. Gallant, unbending integrity, generous ill-fated, Tupper! he received his almost to extravagance, chivalric death wound in the last mighty to a chimera, he was a royal gen- struggles around Petersburg.tleman. The fervor of his temp- He had as bright an intellect as I erament, and the tenacious en- ever knew. He exhibited his thusiasm of his convictions had wonderful power as a school-boy, rather created the idea that he standing head and shoulders above was at times quixotic and im- us all. The strength of his mind practical. About forty years of was equalled by its versatility, age, with a large, light eye, a and surpassed by his modesty, broad expansive forehead, hair which prevented that display of rather scanty, a jaw indicating which he was so capable. An old firmness, a solid, rather square- school-mate here lays a sprig in set figure, and a habit of restless- memoriam upon his bloody grave. ness, showing the nervous energy "We marched to the depot amid and fiery impatience of his char- such public flurry as makes an acter, with a genial smile and a event for history - escorted by countenance open and sunny as a gleaming soldiers, the streets bright day, with a clear, hearty, thronged with an excited popuringing intonation of voice, ar- lace. It was as sweet a May ticulating distinctly every syllable morn as ever shone upon earth. he spoke, and always so earnest. The big heart out of doors heaved Who is there that knew him, that with tumultuous patriotism, that will not recall at this description, vented itself to the brave brood of our genial, heroic, Bartow-one young warriors, launching for the of the historic men of our big rude strife, in such thunders of Rebellion, whose eloquence ma- feeling, and such prodigality of terially assisted to drive the move- laudation, such rich mingling of ment to burst, and whose strong proud tears and fervent 'God head and bold resolution helped speed you, that each individual so much to mould its first fiery youth felt himself the elected throes, and who, in the manner hero of his country's liberty.of his death, has won a magnifi- The body congregate to its mincent immortality. was ablaze The company was offered and accepted, and thus to the "Oglethorpe Light Infantry," of Savannah, Georgia, belongs the honor utest ramifications The company was armed with guns that belonged to the State. Governor Brown forbade Captain with her brightest smile the unknown hero wending his way to the field in vindication of her own fond cause. Woman could Bartow to take them out of the ties to feed, and high words to State. Tenacious of authority, stimulate the soldiers. Convengreedily jealous of interference tionality was sent howling to the with his power, Governor Brown air; every soldier was a gentlewas unwilling that a man should man in right of his cause, and a leave the State, save through his friend by color of his patriotism. imperial consent. Here began Beauty paid her inevitable tribute that miserable pack of dissensions of admiration to valor, and that finally broke the cause-that thought it no shame to reward iniquitous system of hostility between State and General Governments, that sapped our vigor, and weakened our strength, that disunited our coöperation and re- not fight, but she could encourage; sulted in hopeless disaster. Bar- she could not strike, but she tow, with characteristic impetu- could cheer; she could not go, but osity, incredulous of Brown's au- she could animate those that did thority to retain the weapons, un- go. And here be it uttered in able to comprehend the reason for the grave solemnity of truth, and keeping arms in disuse when they for the sober perusal of posterity, were needed in the van, and un- as a plain statement of veritable willing to humor the petty ca- history, that if quenchless zeal, prices of envious and unreason- unstinted sacrifice, unconquerable able tyranny at a vital moment, spirit, boundless fortitude and cut the Gordian knot in true eternal devotion to a cause beAlexandrian fashion, took the lieved to be true, is an honor to arms, and in their place left a humanity, and a testimony of fiery "paper bullet of the brain," exalted virtue, not Spartan concluding with the striking and mother, nor Roman Cornelia, nor too fatally redeemed prediction, Revolutionary heroine, shall outthat he went to "illustrate Geor- shine in the luminous immortality gia." of world-famous heroism the It was rumored that Governor Southern women of America's vast civil war. And of this, reader, as the lawyers conclude their pleadings we will e'en put ourselves upon the-world. Brown, in the unyielding obstinacy of his character, had ordered the commanding officer of the volunteer troops, in Savannah, to retain the arms by force, and that he had refused. Well was it that no such attempt was made, for the strife would have been deadly. That trip to Virginia seems like a rich dream, so lavish of ovation was it to the mettled young corps. At every station on every railroad swarms of fair women clus- army of the fairest faces of earth. tered, with flowers to deck, dain- And in a moment a sweet little Well do we remember in that most rememberable journey, at a little place in South Carolina, between Branchville and Columbia, that when the train stopped, we put our head out of the window to scan the waving and merry sea of orbs that gleamed at us from an bunch of flowers sailed in the hard rubs we have suffered, have window, and cuddled in our lap been able to entirely eradicate: and by the immortal memory of Cupid, we were enthused to the fullest hyperbolism of our inflammable nature. Semiramis, with queenly sweetness, and a warming radiance in her superb eyes, replied: as cosily as if they belonged there by birth; and we caught the graceful toss of the tapering arm, that sent them scattering odors on their fragrant way; and the owner of that agile, alabaster weapon of beauty stood as blithe and winsome a spectacle as one would care to see in a "World's Fair" of loveliness. The eye drank in a of the ladies who have the priviravishing inventory of charms, lege of doing anything for the the brain became fairly intoxica- blessed soldiers." "You are welcome as heartily, sir! The obligation is on the side steeped in a rich brogue with, ted with the draught. A form What think you did one of our like Diana, bust like Venus, foot comrades a humorous scamp of like Cinderella, carriage like a a Milesian-but break in at this queen, hair like midnight, lips auspicious moment of the interlike cherries, skin like velvet, esting scene, his mellow accent teeth like pearls, eyes like diamonds imprisoned in a sea of the raven's own proudest Cimmerian tinge, and a smile so heavenly sweet that it would make a Paradise of black perdition itself-was the quick and after verified appraisement of this lustrous woman. "Be jabers! but Misther Sydney is struck again. An' that's the tinth time in two days since we lift Savannah!" A broad titter broke out in the car, and was caught up among the ladies outside, in which Semiramis and the unfortunate Sydney both joined. Springing up from our seat we wedged our way through the jammed and babbling car, leaped to the ground careless of neighboring toes, or the integrity of our limbs, and with the speed of light presented ourself in all our laced matters for us, and said to my en bravery before our flower-throwing Semiramis, and with our courtliest bow, we earnestly ejaculated; "Thank you, dear lady, thank you most heartily for those sweet flowers." Somewhat daunted by the illtimed jocularity of the fun-loving Irishman, we stood a little confused, which seeing, the repentant Milesian kindly tried to mend amorata: "Faix, leddy, I didn't mane to tell on Misther Sidney. I forgot and thought aloud. Divil of a petticoat has he spoke to in the two days since we left home, the better nor tin days ago." Reader, we were young then- A new and more uproarious only twenty-three, and had a lit- burst of laughter greeted this tlə unquenchable leaven of ro- Irish bull. Just then the whistle mance in our rather susceptible seasonably blew its shrill clamor, bosom-a leaven that not even the and seizing the moment of this opportune distraction of the gen- agog with bounding excitement. eral attention from us, I held out my hand to Semiramis, and said; "Good-bye. I shall remember you and fight the more cheerfully for our dear country that it possesses such women as yourself.The cause is dear for itself, but thrice hallowed when we know it is connected with such loveliness and worth." Just made the Capital of the Government, and the central headquarters of military operations, it fairly boiled with glittering and noisy activity. All the departments of Government were moved there, the President and his officers held their levees, troops streamed through ceaselessly, business whirled furiously in all its multi With a warm clasp of her fair tudinous channels, applicants for hand, she replied earnestly: military and civil positions thronged the hotels, supplies of every description poured in for the army, distinguished men from all quar "The heart of every true Southern woman is riveted to our holy cause: and I, myself, have never until now, regretted that I was a ters concentrated for information, woman, since I am debarred from the glorious privilege of going to the field. God bless you, Sir, and preserve you in your dangerous mission. I shall pray for you and your comrades." fair women flocked in bevies to the great centre of fashion and social enchantment. An aristocratic society opened wide its doors with true Virginian hospitality. The novelty of revolution and the mirage of war were in all their The cars slowly moved off amid a storm of cheers, that al- freshness, sanguine hope gilding most cracked the skies, and a their dread and sanguinary feamerry waving of snowy handker- tures rosily and goldenly. Gay chiefs, and we sped on to repeat uniforms gleamed bravely on the the scene of welcome and en- streets and in the houses, in couragement every few miles at church and at the ball, kneeling in each station. prayer and gliding in the dance. We arrived in Richmond, and It was a gorgeous and changing there our company was combined phantasmagoria of novelty and with others, and organized into splendor. It was a dazzling carthe gallant and memorable old nival of gayety and magnificence Sth Georgia regiment, of which -a rich masquerade of resistless Captain Bartow was made the seductions and exuberant display. Colonel. The gay city reeled under a We remained in Richmond for constant intoxication of exa week or two. Having a number citement. Every breast throbof letters of introduction, I used bed with fiery zeal for the cause. them freely. The churches and public buildings were filled with aristocratic, gently-bred, luxurious women, working with their dainty fingers, unaccustomed to labor, making clothes and tents for the soldiers, Young, ardent and social, we fully availed ourself of every opportunity for pleasure and observation. Richmond at that time was all who were so rapidly hurried to copal Church, of which the Rev. the field, that the Government Dr. Minnegerode was the Pascould not provide for them as fast tor. The vast congregation.comas they were needed at the front. posed almost exclusively of an The day was passed in work, and aristocratic element, the great the night, by some, in devotion, mass of beauty, fashion and intelby others in festivity. Oh! but it ligence, bearing unmistakable was a bustling, rushing, rollick- marks of pure virtue and highing, feverish, mad, merry time bred refinement; the military and outside-a grave, solemn, earnest, political celebrities in all the proud impressive, terrible time in reality. bearing of conscious distinction; the minor lights, of course, playing their role of satellitism around the more conspicuous luminaries, and while less noticeable, yet con As the soldiers would arrive and tent near the city, their camps would be visited in the afternoons by vast armies of visitors, women, children and men, tributing to the aggregate of splencrowding densely, walking and dor that marked the whole; the *riding, in carriages and carts, in hundreds of laced uniforms, orhomespun and silks, to see and nate with insignia, mingling gaily encourage the brave patriots.- with the fashionable attire of the Reviews and dress parades were of ladies, thrown into more brilliant hourly occurrence. Bands filled contrast by the sombre garb of the air with their inspiriting the plain citizen; the varied and strains of martial music. Staff multifarious hues blending into a officers in their gay finery, on rich and waving profusion of disprancing steeds, and with jingling play; the imposing ceremonials of spurs, clattered in every direction, the Episcopal service; the deep carrying orders, locating newly- silence pervading the gorgeous asarrived troops, and curvetting in semblage; the reverential solemfront of lordly mansions, for a nity so anomalous amid such dazglance from some fair inmate. zling accessories; the impressive President Davis and Honorable interest investing noted leaders, Robert Toombs, of Georgia, reviewed and addressed our regiment in words of high hope and stirring appeal. stooping from worldly power in all its prestige with intense humility and clinging weakness before God's omnipotent sovereignty, and acknowledging, in the very zenith of authority and summit of ambition, trembling dependence We attended levees and routs, and dinings and balls, in ceaseless succession, and we saw all the gay abandon and rich coloring of upon the Unimaginable Jehovah Southern life and Southern char- -all made up a spectacle that acter in their most prodigal magnificence. Vividly stamped upon our recollection is the scene we saw one communion Sunday at the Epis VOL. IV. NO. I. could not easily be forgotten, that was witnessed with absorbing emotions, and is now remembered with thrilling fervor. 4 |