The act above alluded to, you will receive inclosed in a letter from Mr. Leaming, attested by the clerk of the lower House of As sembly. It is not yet published. The clerk was so obliging as to copy it from the journals of the House. You were mentioned as the gentleman we had pitched upon. The secretary of the state, from personal knowledge, and others, said things honourable and benevolent towards you. Now if the opinion of the Governor and other members of the council, explicitly given in entire agreement with the most respectable members among the representatives, who must be admitted to be competent judges of their own civil polity, is reasonably sufficient to remove all scruples about the concurrence of the legislature, we cannot imagine that objection will any longer have a place in the minds of the Archbishops. We here understand, as we suppose, the part which the government established among us, means to take in respect of religion in general, and the protection it will afford to the different denominations of Christians under which the subjects of it are classed: and the lowest construction, which is all we expect, must amount to a permission that the Episcopal Church enjoy all the requisites of her polity, and have a Bishop to reside among them. We feel ourselves at some loss for a reply to the objection which relates to the limits and establishment of a diocese, because the government here is not Episcopal; and because we do not conceive a civil or legal limitation and establishment of a diocese, essentially attached to the doctrine of Episcopacy, or the existence of a Bishop in the Church. The Presbyters who elect the Bishop, and the congregations to which they minister, may naturally direct his active superintendance, and prescribe the acknowledged boundaries of his diocese. Under existing circumstances, and utterly unable to judge with any certainty what, in the course of divine providence, may be the future condition of the Church in this country, we can contemplate no other support for a Bishop, than what is to be derived from voluntary contracts, and subscriptions and contributions, directed by the good will and zeal of the members of a Church who are taught, and do believe that a Bishop is the chief minister in the kingdom of Christ on earth. Other engagements, it is not in our power to enter into, than our best endeavours to obtain what our people can do, and we trust will continue to do, in proportion to the increase of their abil. ity, of which we flatter ourselves with some favourable prospect. A Bishop in Connecticut must in some degree, be of the primitive style. With patience and a share of primitive zeal, he must rest for support on the Church which he serves, as head in her ministrations, unornamented with temporal dignity, and without the props of secular power. An Episcopate of this plain and simple character, amid the doubts and uncertainties which at present in a measure pervade every thing, we hope may pass unenvied, and its sacred functions be performed unobstructed. Should what we have now written be thought sufficient to do away the objections which have been advanced, as a bar to your consecration: yet if you cannot find yourself disposed to come to us under these circumstances, painful necessity must compel us to wait patiently, until divine providence shall open a door propitious to our wants. But in the mean time, with the help of God, we will not remit in our endeavours to persevere, and as far as in us lies, cherish this remnant of his Church. We herewith transmit to you two copies of our letter, and two of the general testimonial, attested by the Secretary. Continuing fervently desirous of your success; and with our best wishes for your personal health and prosperity; we are in behalf of convention, Your affectionate Brethren, JEREMIAH LEAMING, [No date, being the first draught.] SELECT THOUGHTS. REFLECTIONS ON MAN. LET all remember that the generations of men are like the waves of the sea; in quick succession they follow each other to the court of death. Another, and another, quick succeeds and presses on the shore, and ebbs, and dies to give place to the following wave. Thus we are wafted forward: now buoyed, perhaps by hope, fanned by the breezes of prosperity; now sinking in despair; shivering in the tempest of fortune, overwhelmed in the billows of sorrow. Sometimes, when the least expected, the storms gather and the winds arise, and life's pale bubble bursts. Be cautioned then, nor trust to cloudless skies, to placid seas, nor sleeping winds. Forget not there are hidden rocks; guard too against the sudden blast; be faith your pilot: you will then safely be guided to the haven of eternal bliss. There you may bathe your happy soul In seas of heavenly rest, And not a wave of trouble roll Across your peaceful breast. GOOD EXAMPLE. BISHOP Hall, who was as humble and courteous as he was learned and devout, was accustomed to say, "That he would suffer a thousand wrongs rather than be guilty of doing one; or endeavour to right himself by contending; for he had always observed, that to contend with one's superior, is foolish; with one's equal, is dubious; and with one's inferior, mean and sordid." AMÍCUS" will receive the best testimony of our thanks, from the use we have made of his Communications, and we hope will be encouraged to persevere. WONDERFUL are the ways of God! Mysterious the operations of his hands! In vain the philosopher pries into the secrets of nature! In vain he tasks his skill to find out and explain the reason of the most common and familiar events; those which are perpetually falling under our notice. Dead of late was the vegetable world: Not a leaf in the forest, nor a spire of grass on the plain. But look now and see what a mighty change is taking place. The groves are putting on their richest attire. The orchard and the fruit-garden are expanding their blossoms; and the meadow and the lawn are clothed in green. Whence comes this to pass? In the pride of science we may be tempted to answer, from the united power of heat and moisture. But is this saying any thing to the purpose? Go then, wonder-working science, and make, if you can, a single seed, which, when put in the earth, shall shoot up and grow. Produce, if you are able, a single plant, which, after enduring the winter's cold, with returning May shall bud and blossom. If you cannot do this, talk not of accounting for the operations of nature. Boast not of skill in the secret moving cause of vegetative life; but shrink back, and with humility say, (as we are taught to do of our selves) these things are fearfully and wonderfully made; and with infinite wisdom are they preserved in their course. He who formed is every where present, and continually exerting his influence. It is he who communicates the subtle spring, by which the foresttree opens its buds and expands its trembling leaves. By the same influence is unfolded every flower that dazzles in the sun-beam, and loads the air with odours. By him each spire of grass and every useful plant shoots up: for he hath given to every seed his own body, as it hath pleased him. Clouds and darkness are, indeed, round about the habitation of his throne, and we may say in a great measure so, about the operation of his hands in these distant regions of his kingdom. But what then? We know he is every where present, every where exerting his power and wisdom. He says, let the wilder. ness bud and blossom, and it is so. He commands the earth to bring forth abundantly, and he is obeyed; for all things serve him. This is enough for piety to know; enough to enkindle devotion and love, to awaken gratitude and praise. Reason demands, religion dictates, and unfeigned piety will render, a tribute of homage and thanksgiving to that power, by whom reviving spring returns to cheer the plains, and spread abroad the earnest of his bounty, the forerunners of a plentiful crop of the necessaries and delicacies of the present life. Lose not then, in heedless inattention, the present season, so apt to inspire devotion, and beget real love of God. When now the softened air breathes along the lonely vale, loaded with fragrance, there delight to walk. When the leafy forest is sending forth its odours, and is made vocal by the cheerful song of birds from every spray, be hushed the cares of life; let not scenes of intemperate mirth and festivity intrude, but be still and listen to the voice of God, resounding in your ears. When the shades of evening are spread around, and the nightingale is pouring forth her shrill notes, join in the song, in praise to him who made and preserves you both. In the morning, shake off dull sloth; arise with the lark, and behold her soaring and singing towards heaven, and with her pour forth your morning hymns of praise. When even the inanimate vegetable is rising in cheerful attire, and looking up to heaven, will you not look up and lift up your heart in praise? When every sense is filled and gratified, will you not be thankful to the giver of all good? When all living creatures rejoice, will you not lend them your aid, and join in the chorus of thanksgiving? While the gentle rill murmurs along the glade, seeming to rejoice that it is unbarred from the icy fetters of winter, and undisturbed by the noisy deluges of rain, that descend in early spring-while the broad river in louder, yet soothing strains, lifts up its voice in praise to him who made and supports the course of nature, stupid must be the heart that doth not catch the spirit of devotion and silent adoration. While even the brute earth breathes incense to the great Lord of all for the return of this pleasant month, cold must be the bosom that doth not glow with rapture to the God of seasons. If the bursting bud, the opening flower, the rising corn, and luxuriant pasture cannot warm your affections, and inspire you with sentiments of piety, claim no more to be lord of this lower world, but resign your pretensions to the innocent lamb that gambols round the green, or the dumb ox that rejoices in his enlargement from the stall, and eyes with grateful heart the wide spread feast on which he grazes. This rich variety was not appointed by the wise author of all things purely for its own sake. The opening flowers display not their gaudiness merely to please the eye; to send forth their odours to gratify, for a few moments, our animal sense, and then to be no more. The melody of birds was not given them only for their or our amusement. The whole changing scene was not contrived for no purpose but to constitute a round of sublunary things, to rise and evanescent disappear; it were an impeachment of God's wisdom sa to deem. No, they are contrived to make a lasting impression on the immortal soul; they teach us to aspire after joys more durable, pleasures more stable, satisfactions more capable of filling the desires of one who knows he is always to exist. Loose not then negligently the impression which these things are intended to make upon your heart. Look attentively round you on the animating scene: behold the high mounting sun, pouring down his yet mild beams at the command of his creator: see the gentle dews and rains descend, as instruments in his hand; causing the earth to put forth her productions. Mark each passing day with its mild radiance, an emblem of that heart in which the peace of God reigns; of that soul from whence is banished the storms of sinful desires, the tempests of envy, anger and revenge; into which the sun of righteousness shines, and the dews of divine grace are plentifully poured. Cloudless, calm, and serene is such a soul. In such a heart every virtue springs and flourishes as the grass of the field. Some there are indeed, into whose souls the mortal poison of sin has struck so deep, and so chilled their moral feelings, that naught can animate them to the spirit of devotion. But every sincere Christian who has opened his heart to the impressions of God's spirit, who loves and practices, from his soul, the duties of religion, finds his devotion kindle and grow warm with the charms of the passing season. He catches the seraphic fire of love to God, and good will to men. In heart and disposition he partakes of what he beholds around him. He becomes mild and gentle, easy to be entreated, full of compassion and good fruits. The devotions that are payed to Almighty God in the Church, in the congregation of the faithful, even by the best disposed, are too apt, without continued effort, to grow languid and formal. But in that spacious temple which is now adorned, by the great author of nature, with such exquisite art, adoration arises spontaneously; it forces itself on the heart that is accustomed to devout exercises. The author of such a profusion of blessings to every creature, as are pouring around must be good and wise, great and worthy of all adoration. These reflections seize the mind and hurry it away to the fountain of life, of light and joy. Deem not then the time thrown away which shall be dedicated to a walk in the flowery field, or beneath the shady grove filled with the music of birds: but go often and muse on all the works of God, his marvellous loving kindness and wisdom; and join the chorus of reanimating nature in songs of praise, in devout ejaculations of the heart, which are as incense of a sweet smelling savour to him who dwells on high. But the passing season in a more peculiar manner is instructive to youth, for here they may behold an emblem of themselves. How gay the face of nature! With what a rich variety of colours is it decorated! Pass but a few days, and where will be these splendid ornaments? They will fade, wither, fall, and be no more seen. Mark each shooting plant, how vigourous, how rapid its growth! But soon mature summer is coming, when it will cease to spring, droop its head, cast its seed and die. Just such is the condition of man. Boast not then the lillies and roses of a fair countenance. Value not too inordinately the activity of youth; but remember that maturity of years is soon coming, when far other excellencies will be needed and expected. The vegetable flower was intended by the great Creator to be the forerunner of fruits; no less so is the flower of youth. A chilling frost or blighting wind may derange this order of nature, and just so is it with man. Death may interpose, and altogether destroy the stock on which there is a promising show of fruit to ripen |