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‘Metaphysics strives to learn too much; physics is satisfied with too little.'


JUNE, 1896.


No. 6.


The Way to the Physical, Moral, Mental, and Spiritual Regeneration, and the Life.


ye shall know the Truth, and the Truth shall make you free.”


Spirit Architect and Constructor of the Universe. The Osiris, or In-
carnate Representative of the Solar Power. Occultist and Meta-
Physician. Social Surveyor, Counsellor and Transformer.
Boudha, Krishna, and Jesus Christ Resurrected. The
Second Person of the Trinity. The Messiah, or
Son of Man. Redeemer of Humanity from the
Powers of Darkness. Leader of the Hea-

venly Hosts, and Spiritual Comman

November, 1895.

der of the Forces against Mam

mon. The Lion of the Tribe
of Judah. The Last

Avatar of Vishnu.

Olombia, or Millennial Era 1.

The Truth University Press, la Riley Street, Kings
S. W. London, England. Portrait. Octavo.

Book I, Part 2.
Road, Chelsea,

"I am all that has been, all that is, and all that will be, and no mortal has drawn aside my veil."-Isis. (Old Inscription.)

"Wherever Krishna is, the lord of the possessors of mystic powers, wherever the Great Archer is, the Son of Pritha, there in my opinion are fortune, victory, prosperity, and eternal justice."-Bhagavad Gita. "He who will not answer to the rudder, must answer to the rocks." "Salvation, in this life at least, cometh not by prayer, but by valiant effort under the guidance of wisdom, and the inspiration of love." -George W. Foote.


The Reverse System of Arithmetic.


NOTES: In the following treatise or formula, the system of arithmetic now in vogue will be termed the "Present System," with which the "Reverse System," termed as such, will be compared. Whereever the "Present System" is not mentioned the "Reverse System" is implied. The indexes indicate the direction in which the numbers are written.

METHOD: The well-known operations of Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division, etc, in the Reverse System are exactly the reverse of those of the Present System, except where otherwise specified, and are explained as follows:

Numbers are written from left to right, the lowest denomination preceding. A column is added from left to right. Numbers are subtracted from left to right. In multiplication the result of the multiplication of a number by each successive figure of the multiplier is placed one denomination to the right of the preceding result, the whole to be added together as outlined above, and giving the product. In division, after the first subtraction in the manner described above, the next figure is brought down to the left of the remainder, etc.


ADDITION: In writing a column of numbers you start each at the same perpendicular line, and no matter how great a number is, it always ends in its proper position, and it is also therefore unnecessary to call its several denominations. In adding many columns you can keep right on from left to right, a direction in which English and all modern languages are written, and you need not add backwards in a direction similar to the writing of Arabic, Indian, or Hebrew; and if you do not start at the end of a series or column, and work towards the beginning, you are obliged, in the Present System, to jump from the beginning of one column to the end of another, thus going over the same space twice.

[blocks in formation]

The numbers to be added are written in the direction of English writing; why not the sum ?

SUBTRACTION: About the same relative merits apply to subtraction as to addition.

[blocks in formation]

MULTIPLICATION: All numbers are written and figured from left to right, which is an advantage as explained under "Addition." The benefit of the Reverse System of addition also comes into use.

[blocks in formation]

DIVISION: All numbers except the quotient are writen from left to right, which is an advantage as explained under "Addition." The benefits of the Reverse System of Subtraction and Multiplication come into play. To conform with the rest of the system, however, it is necessary to write the quotient from right to left; but this is an advantage, as the dividend is written first, the divisor is written next

to the right, and can be carried out to any extent without interfering with the dividend the quotient being written last, to the left of the dividend; and it can also be carried out to any extent without interfering.

[blocks in formation]

DECIMALS: When decimals are used in Addition, each number is started from the same denomination; for example: if decimals as low as thousandths are being used, in a number where there are no thousandths, ciphers are used, so that all numbers are commenced on the same margin. They are otherwise operated upon the same as other numbers.

NOMENCLATURE: Numbers up to and including nineteen are pronounced the same as in the Present System, as they are named in their proper order; for example:

nine-teen, eight-teen, seven-teen, six-teen,
9 I, 8 1,

7 1,

6 1,

When many

the nine being both mentioned and written first, etc. similar figures occur in a number, the name of the figure is mentioned and the number of times it is to be written (as one word); thus, 22227 is read "twosfour-six." When the same figure occurs but two or three times in a number, it is preferable to pronounce the name of each; thus, 226 is read "two-two-six." By thus calling each figure in a number by its respective name, the calling of the denominaion is obviated. When decimals are used, the lowest denomination is first called, and then the figure as above described; for example: 100.06 is read "thousandths-one-cipher-cipher- (slight pause) -ciphersix." It may also be read "thousandths-one-ciphers three-six; but the first example is preferable. In the Present System the denominations of both the decimals or numbers and the figures composing the same are called, and you must wait until the whole number is called, before you can start to write In the Reverse System, in writing decimals, one denomination only must be called, and that only in Addition or Subtraction, as in any other operation it is entirely unnecessary; and you can write immediately upon hearing the first figure

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