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these wells here and there point unmistakably to an older river system, overlaid by the present surface, would it not be better to look for it, and arrange our theory to fit the facts, and not the facts to fit the theory? In other countries it has been found advantageous to do so, for Professor Marsh, of America, says: "Hydrographical researches have demonstrated the existence of subterranean currents in many places where superficial geology had not suggested such a possibility. For example, the river Tiber, in Italy, loses suddenly a much larger proportion of the rainfall than can be accounted for by evaporation and the water flowing in the river; and Lombardine, than whom perhaps there can be no higher authority, satisfied himself that the quantity of water carried by these subterranean conduits and carried into the river is not less than three-fourths of the total delivery of the Tiber's basin. And we have reason to think it will be so here. To go no further than the Sydney water supply, what do we find? That rivers flowing through compact sandstone have yet running near them—that is, within two or three miles-springs which are little rivers in themselves. One such, found in the tunnel, is remarkable for the abundance of water which it furnishes. I will not detain you longer; but I think I have said enough to show that there is abundant room for investigation, and that a matter of such vital importance to the community ought to be taken up by a Royal Commission, or by some one with time and means at his disposal to carry out a complete investigation of the whole subject.

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Additions to the Census of the Genera of Plants hitherto known as indigenous to Australia.


[Read before the Royal Society of N.S. W., 5 December, 1883.]


Cissampelos, Linné, gen. plant., 368 (1737); after Stephania. Pachygone, Miers in Annal. of nat. hist., second ser. VII, 37 (1851); after Stephania.

Ausemannia, F. v. M. in Wing's South. Science Rec. III., 127 (1883); after Pleogyne.

Fontainea, Heckel, these inaug. Montp. (1870); after Baloghia. Adansonia, Linné, spec. plant 1190 (1753); after Camptostemon. Malaisia, Blanco, fl. de Filipin. 789 (1837); after Antiaris.

Pseudomorus, Bureau in annal des sc. nat. sér. cinquième XI, 372 (1872); after Antiaris.

Hicksbeachia, F. v. M. in Wing's South Science Rec. III, 33 (1883); after Helicia.

Achnophora, F. v. M. in Transact. Roy. Soc. of S. Austr. (1883); after Brachycome.

Podosperma, Labillardière, Nov. Holl. pl. specim. II, 35, t. 177 (1806); instead of Podotheca.

Dimorphocoma, F. v. M. and Tate in Transact. Roy. Soc. of S. Austr. (1883); after Elachanthus.

Isandra, F. v. M. in Wing's South. Science Rec. III, 2 (1883); after Anthocercis.

Dicladanthera, F. v. M., fragm. phytogr. Austr. XII, 23 (1882); after Ruellia.

Strobilanthes, Blume Bijdr. 796 (1826); after Ruellia.

Oncinocalyx, F. v. M. in Wing's South. Science Rec. III, March (1883); after Spartothamnus.

Tatea, F. v. M. in Transact. Roy. Soc. of S. Austr. (1883); after Premna (or section of that genus).

Eria, Lindley, in Edw. Bot. Register t. 904 (1825); after Phreatia. Luisia, Gaudichaud in Freyc. voy. Bot. 426, t. 37 (1826); after Sarcochilus.

Phormium, R. & G. Forster, charact. gen. 47, t. 24 (1776); after Rhipogonum.

Wilsoniella, C. Mueller in Uhlworm et Behrens Bot. Centralblatt VII, 345 (1881); after Orthodontium.

Ephebe, Fries, plant. homonem. 256 (1825); after Lichina.

Calicium, Persoon in Usteri's Annalen I, 20 (1797); after Sphaerophorus.

Lobaria, Hoffmann in Schreber, gen. II, 768 (1791); after Sticta. Dichonema, Nees in Fries, plant. homon. 303 (1825); after Pannaria.

Amphiloma, Acharius, lichen. univers. 338 (1810); after Pannaria. Arthropyrenia, Massalongo, Mem. lich. 165 (1853); after Pertusaria. Porina, Acharius, lichen. univ. 60 et 308 (1810); after Pertusaria. Clathroporina, J. Mueller in Regensb. Flora (1883); after Pertusaria.

Buellia, De Notaris in Giorn. bot. Ital. II, 195 (1851); after Lecidea.

Rhizocarpon, Ramond in De Candolle, Flore française II, 365 (1855); after Lecidea.

Mycoporum, G. F. W. Meyer, Entw. Flecht. 327 (1825); after Opegrapha.

Stigmatidium, G. F. W. Meyer, Entw. Flecht. 328 (1825); after


Graphina, Chevallier in Journ. Phys. XCIV, 49 (1822); after


Melanographa, J. Mueller in Regensb. Flora (1882); after


Phaeographis, J. Mueller in Regensb. Flora (1882); after Graphis. Normandina, Nylander in Regensb. Flora 381 (1858); after Endocarpon.

Amphoridium, Massalongo in Regensb. Flora 593 (1852); after Verrucaria.

Pseudopyrenula, J. Mueller in Regensb. Flora (1883); after Pyrenula.

Fistulina, Bulliard, hist. des champ de la France, 314 (1812); after Porotheleum.

Microcera, Desmazières in Ann. des scienc. nat. trois. série X, 359 (1848); after Clavaria.

Spumaria, Persoon in J. Fr. Gmelin syst. nat. 1466 (1791); after Diderma.

Rhizopogon, Fries, symbol. gasteromys. 5 (1818); after Hydnangium. Sphaeropsis, Leveillé in Ann. sc. nat. trois. sér. III, 62 (1845); after Phoma.

Gloeosporium, Montagne in Ann. sc. nat. trois. sér. XII, 295 (1849); after Excipula.

Sporidesmium, Link in Berl. Mag. III, 41 (1801); after Torula. Morchella, Dillenius nov. gen. 74 (1719); after Helvella. Lecanidion, Endlicher, flor. Poson. 46 (1836) (Patellaria, Nees); after Peziza.

Urnula Fries, summ. veg. Scandin. II, 364 (1849); after Peziza. Eurotium, Link in Berl. Mag. III, 31 (1809); after Sphaeria. Callipsygma, J. Agardh in litteris (1883); after Horea.

Microthoe, Decaisne in Ann. des sc. nat. sec. sér. XVIII, 116 (1842); after Galaxaura.

Merrifieldia, J. Agardh in litteris (1883); after Hypnea.

Letterstedtia, Areschoug in Vet. Akad. Oefvers VII, 1 (1850); after Enteromorpha.

Graphiola, Poiteau in Ann. des sc. nat. III, 473 t. 26 (1824); after Trichodesmium.

Tryblionella, W. Smith, synops. of Brit. Diatom. I, t. XXX (1855); after Nitzschia.

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