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were an evil-looking couple, laughing and chattering gaily, but on topics ill calculated to interest or reassure a brilliant satellite of the Grande


Châtillon was received with easy familiarity and encouraged to expatiate on the generosity of his master in sending assistance to revolted Naples. He was also encouraged to mention his own views with regard to Marie Arcos, and when he had concluded Masaniello demanded to know how he might be assured of the sincerity of the French king. Châtillon declared the intentions of his master to be strictly honourable; not only the old enmity to Spain, but the favour with which Louis XIV. was well known to have shown towards all popular movements (!) must lead the new viceroy of emancipated Naples to the conclusion that none but the highest and the purest motives could have induced France to interfere. A fleet-men-money-would be placed at the command of his excellency-and when the defeat of the Spaniards was completed, and the integrity of free Naples insured, then Louis would at once withdraw his troops.

Masaniello questioned him as to whether he was certain of the truth of his own statements, and is said to have asked would he guarantee the fidelity of Louis with his own head. Châtillon declared that he would do so. He was then invited to a repast consisting chiefly of fish and maccaroni coarsely cooked. It was rudely served, and the flaneur of rosecoloured and rose-scented boudoirs was ill at ease with his plebeian companions. His sense of his own dignity was offended by their familiarity, his taste revolted against their food, and his scent was irritated by tobacco fumes. Still he patiently submitted. Indeed, who could help doing so when his host and his host's intimate friend might at any time stab or pistol him with impunity-a host and a host's friend plainly accustomed to this sort of work, and thinking little about it. When the repast was over a couple of fellows were brought in charged with publicly exhibiting the portrait of Louis. Masaniello would hear no defence, but ordered them for instant execution.

To Châtillon, however, he behaved with courtesy, promising that he should have an interview with Marie Arcos, a promise which he faithfully redeemed. But in the meantime, Basilo had captured a couple of ratsthat is to say, he had intercepted two letters written by Châtillon: in one of them the marquis stated that he was completely blinding the fisherman, intimating that the said fisherman was little better than a fool; and in

the other, that he was likewise about to delude the ex-viceroy, and that Naples would soon be relieved both of insolent Spaniards and rebellious serfs. These letters were shown to the marquis, who protested that they were forgeries. This refuge of his would not have saved his life, had not Marie Arcos implored the mercy of the governor, and even her prayer might have been disregarded, but for the fact that she was held as a hostage for Masaniello's own wife.

A letter received from his wife, written in the Castel Nuovo, besought Masaniello to treat the ladies with all honour, assuring him that she was herself well treated and would soon be permitted to join him. Marie Arcos she had ascertained from a portrait to be the young and beautiful lady who had befriended her in the church of the Virgin of Carmel.

The letter, accompanied by an official document from the ex-viceroy, promising to exchange prisoners, changed the whole conduct of Masaniello. He furnished the duchess and her daughter with proper attire, and restored to them certain jewels which had been taken from the palace and had fallen into his hands. He also lodged them in appropriately furnished apartments and placed proper attendants at their service. As for Châtillon he was confined in a room in the castle, from which he found means to escape that night.

On the next day a deputation was sent to the ex-viceroy, commanded to treat on what was supposed to be, in popular belief, the charter granted by Charles V. to the kingdom of Naples. It was certainly true that Charles had granted certain privileges to the Neapolitans which had been denied them by his successor, but they were not in any way so great as the minister of Masaniello demanded. The ex-viceroy received the deputation with all respect. Had they arrived from the accredited agents of some powerful monarch, they could not have been more courteously entertained. The fisherman-elected to governorship by the public voicewas always spoken of by the ex-viceroy as Signor Masaniello. His bravery and prudence were alike extolled, and the members of the deputation were doubtless of opinion that the late viceroy himself was a far more agreeable person than they had ever supposed. The terms of the treaty were that Marie Aniello should be exchanged for the duchess and Marie Arcos, that the restoration should take place with becoming ceremony on the previous day, and that all honour should be paid to the ladies on both sides. It was further agreed that full immunity should be granted to all persons engaged in the late revolt; that all obnoxious taxes-which, indeed, in

cluded all fiscal imposts-should be at once and for ever abolished, and that Signor Masaniello should be perpetual Governor of Naples under authority of his serene majesty Philip. IV. of Spain and his excellency the viceroy.

The deputation were ignorant that the "Imbecile," the rat-catcher, had that morning conveyed letters of assurances to the viceroy that a fleet and army under Don John of Austria would shortly be in the Bay of Naples to execute royal authority and suppress the rebellion.

Terms of the treaty having been agreed on, and mutual courtesies exchanged, the deputation returned to Naples, and bells were rung and salvoes of artillery discharged; all the city rejoiced, excepting the "Band of Death," and especially Luzzano their lieutenant. He troubled his long black moustache considerably that day,-a habit with him when annoyed. So on the day following there were public rejoicings throughout the city, and in gorgeous procession Masaniello, clothed in a doublet of gold with a cloak of crimson velvet, and a plumed hat, jewelled, rode by the side of the ladies, and conducted them amidst the greatest enthusiasm to the church of Carmel. There they were met by the Cardinal Archbishop and a long train of ecclesiastics with all becoming homage, and there also they were formally introduced to the ex-viceroy; and best of all for the poor Fisherman, Marie, his beloved wife, was given to his embrace. There was a solemn service, high mass, and a sermon, and after this a public proclamation of the treaty, and official signing and other stately routine, and then after that a grand procession through the city, where the wife of Masaniello saw many terrible evidences of what had occurred, and in the conduct of her husband-so unlike the simple fisherman to whom she had plighted her troth-she noticed a terrible change, for which at the time she had no means of accounting. Luzzano troubled his moustache, and swore no good would come of this.

In the records of famous sieges we often read of the besieged and the besiegers undermining one another, burrowing in the earth like moles and forming subterraneous passages beneath subterraneous passages, and secret penetralia-storehouses of explosive powder-beneath all these. It was

so with the plots and counter plots which at that time undermined Naples. Masaniello stands alone as the man who was honest. He meant freedom to the oppressed, death to the despot, and he was not subtle enough to compete with friends or foes. He, poor simple soul, was working on the surface in the open day, but there were men of pick and

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