TO AND FROM THE REV. PHILIP DODDRIDGE, D.D. LATE OF NORTHAMPTON: PUBLISHED FROM THE ORIGINALS: WITH NOTES EXPLANATORY AND BIOGRAPHICAL: BY THOMAS STEDMAN, Μ. Α. VICAR OF ST. CHAD's, SHREWSBURY. "His learning, piety, and politeness recommended him to the Mr. Orton's Life of Dr. Doddridge. SHREWSBURY: PRINTED AND SOLD BY J. AND W. EDDOWES. SOLD ALSO BY T. LONGMAN, PATERNOSTER-ROW, AND T. CADELL, S. HARWOOD, AND MRS. PRYSE, BOOKSELLERS IN SHREWSBURY. - MDCCXC. [PRICE SIX SHILLINGS, IN BOARDS.] 210. e. 246. TO ROWLAND WINGFIELD, ESQUIRE, OF THE HALL, NEAR SHREWSBURY, THIS VOLUME OF LETTERS IS INSCRIBED, AS A SINCERE TESTIMONY OF GREAT RESPECT AND ESTEEM, BY HIS MOST OBLIGED, AND MOST HUMBLE SERVANT, THOMAS STEDMAN. APRIL 3, 1790. PREFACE. THE Letters presented in this volume to the publick, will, the editor of them hopes, be found entertaining, interesting, and useful. Several of their writers rank high in the records of fame; and all of them were the friends of virtue, piety, and moderation... The taste of the present times appears to relish publications of this kind: and, provided they be undertaken with delicacy and judgment, it may not be amiss to indulge and gratify it. - " That pub"lications like this, (says Mr. Duncombe, " in his preface to the Letters of Arch"bishop Herring) in which nothing is "said that can offend, nothing but what " must please, or inform, and interest the "reader, are allowable and meritorious, appears |