The First Part of the Institutes of the Laws of England, Or, A Commentary Upon Littleton: Not the Name of the Author Only, But of the Law Itself, Том 1

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J. & W.T. Clarke, 1832

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Стр. 279 - And therefore on a feoffment to A and his heirs, to the use of B and his heirs...
Стр. 391 - I AB do sincerely promise and swear, That I will be faithful, and bear true allegiance, to their Majesties King William and Queen Mary: So help me God.
Стр. 205 - ... in all cases where a condition of a bond, recognizance. &c., is possible at the time of the making of the condition, and before the same can be performed, the condition becomes impossible by the act of God, or of the law, or of the obligee, &c., there the obligation, &c., is saved.
Стр. 391 - ... by paying that obedience to papal process, which constitutionally belonged to the king alone...
Стр. 203 - A.'s first and other sons in tail male ; remainder to his daughters as tenants in common in tail, with cross remainders in tail between them, if more than one, with remainders over ; A.
Стр. 279 - A. and his heirs, to the use of B. and his heirs, or to the use of B.
Стр. 290 - So that he who hath an use hath not jus neque in re neque ad rem, but only a confidence and trust, for which he hath no remedy by the common law, but his remedy was only by subpoena in Chancery.
Стр. 378 - Gray and his assigns during his natural life, without impeachment of waste; and after the determination of that estate by any means in his lifetime, to the use of the said...
Стр. 290 - ... of and in the like estates as they have in the ' use, trust, or confidence; and that the estate of the person so seised to uses ' shall be deemed to be in him or them that have the use, in such quality, ' manner, form, and condition, as they had before in the use.
Стр. 214 - ... in action, entry, or re-entry can be granted over ; for, so, under colour thereof, pretended titles might be granted to great men, whereby right might be trodden down, and the weak oppressed, which the common law forbiddeth, — as men to grant before they be in possession.

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