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gerian expedition as explained to the European
and American powers, ib.

French poetry, 154, 155; see De Musset.

Greek Gnomic poets,-the period represented by
them in Greek literature, 27; changes in the dis-
tribution of the race, and in the government of
the States, 27, 28; early elegiac poetry: three pe-
riods in its development, 28; Callinus, 29; Mim-
nermus, 29, 30; Solon, 30-33; Phocylides, 33;
Simonides the elder, ib.; Xenophanes, founder
of the Eleatic school of philosopy, ib.; Theognis,
his elegies and personal history, 34-39.

Hawthorne, Nathaniel, 93; his characteristics as a
literary artist, 94; his style, 95; his treatment
of moral and psychological problems, ib.; love
of the simple and natural, 96; his delicate treat-
ment of delicate themes, ib.; views on the question
of slavery, 97; fatalism and transcendentalism, 97,
98; his small dependence on the interest of out-
ward circumstance, 98, 99; "The Spectre of the
Catacomb," 99; the highly ideal character of his
Romances, 100; America unfavorable to Romance,
ib,; his introduction of occult and supernatural
powers, 101; these agencies exemplified, 101, 102;
his peculiar vein of humour, 103; his exercise of
the critical rather than the constructive faculty,
103, 104; a piece of self-criticism, 104; criticism
on Ancient Art in Italy, 104, 105; his early at-
tempts at authorship, 105; larger works: "The
Scarlet Letter," 105, 107; "The House of the
Seven Gables, 107, 108; "The Blithedale Ro-
mance," 108, 109; "Transformation," 109-111;
remarks on the mental constituents of the author,
111; conclusion-opposing views, 112, 113.

Imbecile, Education of the, 40; complex nature
of man, tb.; connection between the soul and
the body, 41; influence of narcotics, 42; the
idiot an alien from his kind, ib.; the distinctive
difference between the animal and man, 43; edu-
cability of the imbecile not a question of mere
philanthropy, ib.; its great importance in our
own country, ib.; writings and efforts of Séguin,
ib.; the Royal Albert Institution and its claims,
44; apathy on the subject of educating the im-
becile, ib.; the wild man of Aveyron, ib.; Pinel
and Itard, 45; Foderé's efforts to ameliorate the
condition of the Cretins of the Alpine Valleys,
46; M. Esquirol, 46, 47; Dr. Guggenbühl's school
on the Abendberg, 46; progress in Britain and
America, ib.; and France, 47; labours of Voisin,

Lavater's illustration of human liberty, 48;
Voisin's theory of instruction, 49; Séguin on the
artifices necessary for the quickening of the dor-
mant intellect of the idiot, 50; results of educa-
tion-cases of restoration, 50, 51; theory on
which the education of the imbecile rests, 51;
uses of their likes and dislikes, 52; their delight
in colour, music, etc., 53; how a regard to author-
ity, command, and influence, may be brought to
bear on them, ib.; the great importance of this
whole subject, 54; its claims too great to be left
to individual charity, ib.; sympathy with the im-
becile, and with those connected with them,
claimed by our brotherhood in the great
gregation of humanity," 54, 55.
Indian railways; see Railways.


Las Casas, "the Apostle of the Indies," 1; his
connexion with the New World, 1, 2; relations
between colonists and aborigines, 2; conquests and
colonizations, 8; first importations of African
slaves, ib.; development of the slave system,

ib.; negro market in Spain and Portugal, 4;
early years of Las Casas, 5; his first voyage to
America, ib.; condition of the Indians in the first
period of the Conquest, 6; different phases of the
repartimiento system, ib.; Columbus, 7; Las Ca-
sas at first a slaveholder, S; his sudden change
of sentiment, and its results, ib.; his departure
from Cuba and arrival in Spain, 9; ludicrous oc-
currence among the Indians, ib. ; interview with
the Bishop of Burgos, and conflict with him, 9,
10; death of Ferdinand, 10; Cardinal Ximenes
and his colleague Adrian hear Las Casas's state-
ment of the wrongs of the Indians, ib.; project-
ed reform of Ximenes, 11; intrusted to the
Hieronymite commissaries, ib.; mutual distrust
between them and Las Casas, 12; return of the
latter to Spain in consequence, 13; consultation
with the Grand Chancellor Jean Salvage, ib.; Las
Casas substitutes negro for Indian labour, 14;
his plan for enrolling emigrant labourers, 15; op-
position of the Indian council, 16; their memorial
against the Clerigo, 17; his parable, ib.; sailing
of the expedition, 18; reception by the author-
ities of St. Domingo, ib.; breaking up of his col-
ony, 19; becomes a Dominican, ib.; re-entrance
into active life, ib.; cruel treatment of Indians
described, 20; province of Tuzulutlan—the "Land
of War," 21; its conversion, 22; papal bull
condemning Indian slavery, 23; Las Casas again
visits Spain, ib.; his work on "The Destruction of
the Indics," and the Nuevas Leyes, ib. ; is offered,
but declines, the bishopric of Cuzco, ib.; is con
secrated at Seville as Bishop of Chiapa, 24; hos-
tile reception, and subsequent contest, ib.; is-
suing in his resignation of the bishopric, 25; on
his return to Spain, he engages in a controversy
with Sepulveda, ib.; his literary labours during
his last years, ib.; estimate of his character, and
of the labours of his life, 26.

Mill, John Stuart, and Positivism, 123, 124; 134-


Mirabeau, 149.

Musset; see De Musset.

Positivism, or the Positive Philosophy of Auguste
Comte, 113; final purpose of Comte, 114; his
negative atheism, 115; the three different theo-
retic states through which our knowledge passes,
115, 116; the law of the three states, 116; clas-
sification of the sciences, 117; the hierarchy of
the sciences, 118; Biology and Sociology, 118,
119; main features of the Religion of Humanity,
119 seq.; the Positive Providence, 121; dogma
of the Positive Religion, 122; prayer the chief
instrument of its Worship, ib.; its nine sacra-
ments, 123; régime of Positivism, ib.; connexion
of the Religion with the Philosophy, 124; Madame
Clotilde de Vaux and Comte, 125; origin of the
Positive Society, ib.; the sacerdotal subsidy, 126
127; the Religion of Humanity instituted, 127
death of Comte, ib.; the sequel, 128; his widow
ib.; his successor as High Priest of the new faith
M. Lafitte, 128, 129; complete and incomplet
Positivists, 129; the Positive Philosophy in Eng
land, 130; progress of the Society, ib.; th
Positive Circulars, 131; influence of Positiv
principles on the political and social concep
tions of many eminent writers, 132; the quar
titative stage of Positive Philosophy, 133
tendencies of the Positive School in France, 134
and in England, 134, 135; sceptical results of it
principles, 135; confusion of objective and sub
jective methods, 135, 136; Comte's return t
the theological standpoint, 138.


Railways in India: recent conditions of travelling
there, 167, 168; difficulties to be encountered
in railway enterprise, 168; how viewed by the
East India Company, 169, and by Lord Dalhou-
sie, ib.; Indian railways, 169, 170; the Govern-
ment and the railway companies, 170; engineer-
ing difficulties, 171; preliminaries to the process
of construction, 172; question of land and irriga-
tion accommodations, ib.; ground for terminal
stations, 173; difficulties with native princes, ib.; |
the Political Agent, ib. ; methods of construction:
under contractors, and the departmental system,
174; drawbacks of contractors, ib. ; labourers on
the works, 175; cost of labour, 175, 176; natu-
ral obstacles: rivers, the Ghaut range, 176; the
inclines over the line of Ghauts, 177; interruptions
during construction-cholera, the Mutiny, 177,
178; progress of railway enterprise, 178; in-
fluence of railway travelling on the
tives, 178, 179; fares, arrangements; and accom-
modation, 179; courtyards at stations, ib.; car-
riages, luggage, etc., 180; scenes at the despatch
of trains, 180, 181; question of the success of In-
dian railways as commercial undertakings, 181;
railway employés, 181, 182; working expenses,
rolling stock, fuel, 182; system of Government
management, 183, and its results, 184; transport
of troops, ib.; Government becoming more lib-
cral, 185; necessity for branch railways, and
good approaches to railway stations, ib.; the ben-
efits of railways to India, present and prospec-
tive, 186; the railroad a social leveller, 186, 187;
its importance to Europeans in ill health, 187;
is it desirable that the State should retain in its
own hands the construction of lines necessary to
complete the present railway system? ib.; our
soldiers in India, 188; lines necessary to com-
plete our strategic communications, ib.; the
want of these, one of the chief incentives to the
great rebellion, ib.

Saint Simon, influence of, on Comte, 119.

Tennyson, Alfred, 217.

Wales, The Four Ancient Books of, 80; Mr. W. F.
Skene's scholarly introduction to them, 81; their
literary history ib.; previous knowledge regard-
ing them, ib.; sources of the early history of
Wales, 82; supposed localities of Arthur's bat-
tles, 83; sketch of Welsh history, ib.; situation
of Manau or Mananu, 83, 84; the Picts, 84, 85;
their place in history, 85; sources whence con-
clusions may be drawn: foreign contemporaneous
writers, relics of the Pictish language, 85, 86;
the etymology of districts occupied by them,

86, 87; table illustrative of the Keltic terminol-
ogy of places, 88; septs opposed to the Picts,
87,89; dates of the Welsh poems, 89; their literary
merit, and poetical character, 89-91; light
thrown by them on the religious state of Wales
during the dark ages, 91; Kelticism of Welsh
church, ib.; the sufferings of Christ described in
these poems, 92; Latin quotations, 93; remarks
on the religious history of Wales, ib.

Wishart, George,-examination of the grounds
on which he is accused of being privy to a con-
spiracy against the life of Cardinal Beaton, 218
seq.; battle of Solway Moss: death of James v.
shortly afterwards, ib.; Henry VIII.'s project of
uniting the kingdoms by the marriage of his son
Edward, and Mary, at first entertained in Scot-
land-change of the Scottish policy-Beaton in
prison-Sir Ralph Sadler recalled, 218, 219; the
Laird of Brunston, 219; his correspondence with
Sadler, ib.; the letter from the Earl of Hertford
to King Henry, containing the charge against
Wishart, and the king's reply, 220; evidence on
which the "Wishart" of these letters has been
identified with the martyr-(1.) as to the name,
221, 222; (2.) as to the alleged intimacy of the
martyr with Brunston and his associates, 222;
Tytler's conflicting statements regarding Wishart,
ib.; statements of Dr. Cunningham and of Mr.
Hill Burton, 222, 223; evidence on the other
side-(1.) as to his devout and saintly character,
223, 224; (2.) as to his movements after return-
ing to Scotland, 224, 225; (3.) the date of his re-
turn, 225; statements as to this point, by Emery
Tylney and John Knox, 225-227; conclusion, 227.
Zwingli the Reformer, his birthplace, 55; recent
memoirs of him, ib.; his character misunderstood
both by Lutherans and Calvinists, 56; his "ra-
tionalism," ib.; his position in the matter of
Church and State politics, 57; contemporary
condition of Switzerland, ib.; called to Zürich--
subjects to which he devoted himself there, 57,
58; his views of Church and State, 58; obstacles
to the realization of his principle as to their iden-
tity, 59; Civitas Christiana, ib.; his relation to
the period of the Renaissance, 60; love of cul-
ture, 61; Erasmus and Zwingli, ib.; Luther's
contempt for Zwingli, 61, 62; different structure
of Zwingli's theology from that of Luther, 62;
personal aspects of his career, 62, 63; his minis-
try at Glarus, 63; personal characteristics, 64;
his wife, Anna Reinhardt, ib.; his reforms at Zü-
rich, 65; interview with Luther at Marburg, ib.
political complications, 66; death of Zwingli,. 67
strictures of D'Aubigné, ib.: verdict of Dr. Spör-
ri, ib.








ART. I.-1. The Life of Las Casas, "The Apostle of the Indies." By ARTHUR HELPS, Author of "The Spanish Conquest of America." 8vo. London, 1868. 2. Vidas de Españoles Celebres. Por DoN MANUEL JOSEF QUINTANA. 8vo. Paris, 1845.

3. Der Cardinal Ximenes und die kirchliche Zustände Spaniens am Ende des XV. und The Anfange des XVI. Jahrhunderts. Von Dr. KARL HEFELE. 8vo. Tübingen, 1859. 4. A New History of the Conquest of Mexico, in which Las Casas's Denunciation of the Popular Historians of that Event are fully Revindicated. By ROBERT ANDERSON WIL#SON. 8vo. London, 1859.

THERE is a mixture of religion and romance in the story of Bartolomeo de Las Casas, which, even apart from its high moral interest, must always make it an attractive study. All that stirs the fancy or engages the religious sympathies in those great events which form the charm of medieval history, the half-sacred, half-martial en thusiasm of the Crusades; the mingled piety and adventure of Rubruquis' or Čarpini's mission to Prester John, or of Pedro pini's mission to Prester John, or of Pedro Covilham's search for the supposed Christian kingdom of Abyssinia; the large-hearted philanthropy of John de Matha's Brotherhood of the Redemption of Captives; the union of proselytism and chivalry which impelled Francis of Assisi to court martyrdom the infidels; among the eager self-sacrifice which spread all over Europe, in cowl and scapular, his brethren, and those of his llow-apostle Dominic, renouncing fortune and friends, home with its tenderest ties, life with its most courted pleasures, in pursuit of that lofty vision of gospel




perfection which was the soul of medieval monasticism; even the less sacred spirit of scientific research or of commercial or territorial enterprise, which sent out, to every point of the compass, adventurous explorers, from Marco Polo to Ca da Mosto or Vasco di Gama,-names which will not suf fer by comparison even with

"The glorious roll Of those who search the storm-surrounded pole;"

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all these characteristics, in various degrees, are found in that episode of the history of the discovery and conquest of America with which the name of Las Casas is associated. And in Las Casas the various characteristics of these representative men of their several ages are found united to a simple, though at times unregulated, earnestthought and speech-a "rough and ready ness peculiarly his own; to a boldness of eloquence which few adversaries could withstand; a dauntless purpose which no resistance could check and no failure dishearten; a power of self-assertion in the cause of right which rose superior to all respect of persons, maintaining itself alike against the frown of authority, the arts of secret intrigue, and the warfare of open conflict; above all, to a large-hearted philanthropy, as warm as it was comprehensive: "Wide and more wide, the o'erflowings of his mind

Took every creature in, and every kind."

It is true that the problem to the solution of which the life of this remarkable man was devoted the relations, and especially the social relations, between the victorious occupants of a new country and the conquered aborigines whom they displace—

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is a problem which is as old as the history
of conquest, and one whose fitting resolu-
tion most probably can only be hoped for
as the latest triumph of Christian civilisa-
tion: but to Las Casas, in the New World,
this problem presented itself in circumstan-
ces peculiarly painful, and we think the only
drawback upon the almost unqualified pane-
gyric of his friends and the reluctant admi-
ration of his angriest adversaries-that sus-
picion of an over-fervent temperament to
which we alluded above-will find its ex-
planation, if not its defence, in these cir-
cumstances. Not even the coldest could
contemplate them without emotion. "If it
can be proved," says Mr. Helps in his gene-
ral History of the Spanish Conquest of Ame
,*" that Las Casas was on occasions too
impetuous in word or deed, it was in a cause
that might have driven any man charged
with it beyond all bounds of prudence
in the expression of his indignation." He
carries the feelings with him, even when the
judgment may refuse to follow. His impe-
tuosity, even taking the most extreme pic-
ture of it which his enemies have drawn, is
free from the slightest tinge of the vulgar
vice of excitable and uncontrolled irritabi-
lity. Throughout his career in America the
moral nature of the man appears in a state
of preternatural tension, the result of a
solemn consciousness of ever-present re-
sponsibility. But his ardour is never fitful
or intermittent, as is found in weaker tem-
peraments or under lower motives and less
generous impulses. It is as unvarying as it
is fervent and impetuous.

the result must have been in most cases that the existing population was dispos sessed of their lands or hunting-grounds, and either compelled to retire to a distant settlement, or reduced into servitude, more or less complete, under the new comer. The most ancient records of colonization are found among maritime peoples; because for them, besides the growth of population, an additional motive for the formation of new settlements was supplied by the necessities of trade. In this way were formed the Phoenician settlements on the northern coasts of Africa, Septis Magna, Hippo, Hadrumetum, Tunis, Carthage, and the Pelasgian settlements of Greece and Asia Minor, as well as the similar colonies of the islands of the Mediterranean. In many of these the aboriginal population seems to have in great part disappeared. In others, like the Helots of Sparta, they remained in a state of servitude more or less complete. In others, again, where the object was the carrying on of mining operations or similar works, the natives were probably held in a condition of enforced service, of which that of the Israelites under their Egyptian taskmasters is no exaggerated type. Most of the Greek colonies in Asia, in the Islands, and in Southern Italy, in like manner, were maritime. The greater number of them were even restricted within limits immediately adjoining the coast; and although several of the migrations which led to their formation had their origin in some political revolution of the mother city, yet the colonies were in almost every instance mainly commercial, and their relations with the peoples among whom they fixed themselves arose principally out of that character. But it was not so with the colonies of Carthage in Spain and on the Mediterranean, or with those of Rome outside of Italy, especially in the days of her later development. The settlements formed by both these remarkable peoples were, generally speaking, purely military positions, occupied for the purpose of conquest. In the colonies of the Carthaginians, especially in Spain, the native population seems to have been treated with extreme severity. The Romans, generally speaking, were content with appropriating a portion, commonly a third, of the land, which was assigned to the Roman colonists; and the population, with the exception of the captives of the lance and bow in the first conquest (who were ordinarily reduced to slavery,), remained in possession reduced to slavery), remained in possession of the rest of the land, the chief hardship of their condition being in the abnormal pro portion of the burden of taxes and other im * Vol. i. p. 240. vrede hetez parent positions which they were compelled to bear

Although the oldest traditions of the ancient world are those which regard the migrations of peoples and the successive displacement or interchange of races, yet neither from these traditions, nor from the narratives or speculations of the earliest histories founded upon them, is it possible to glean precise information as to the condition of the native races under the various early colonizations; but it can hardly be doubted that in direct proportion to the rudeness of the age was the oppression and degradation of the weaker race. And as the earliest migrations most probably had their origin in the natural growth of population, which made it necessary for the adventurer to leave an over-crowded home and seek for new settlements

exire, locosque Explorare novos, quas vento accesserit oras Qui teneant, nam inculta videt, hominesne sferæne,"

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