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Beaton, Cardinal,-was the martyr Wishart privy
to a conspiracy against his life? 218 seq. See
Wishart, George.

Bright, Mr.,-his public services during the last
thirty years, 258, 259; historical value of his
"Speeches," 259; remarks on the Editor's work,
ib.; specimens of style, 260; their artistic
excellence, 261; denunciation of the Ministry
during the Crimean War, ib.; on the great Amer-
ican struggle, 262, 263; their political-interest,
263; evidence furnished by them as to Mr. Bright's
political capacity, 264; his foresight and courage;
speeches, on our going to war to redress the
wrongs of others, 264, 265; on the Alabama ques-
tion, 265, 266; on our land-laws, 266, 267; his
love of truth, 267; his sympathy with the poor
and wretched, 268; the general election, 269;
triumph of Liberal principles, 270; the majority
in 1832, and the present one, 271; Disraeli's re-
signation, ib.; Mr. Gladstone, 272; the New Min-
istry, and what may be expected of it, 272-274.
Browning (Robert), Poetical works of, 189; pecu-
liarities of his fortunes, 189, 190; his capital de-
fects, 191; his portrait, ib.; measure, 192; indi-
rect statement, ib.; "Epitaph in the Catacombs,"
ib.; minor poems, and their characteristics, 192-
195; the aim at novelty, 196; indirectness of
detail illustrated in "James Lee," 196-198; unin-
telligibleness of some of his pieces, 198; novelty
in measure, 199; aim at novelty in diction: con-
ventional affectation, 200; Shelley, Keats, and
Wordsworth, 200, 201;
201; the "Cavalier Tunes," 202; "Paracelsus,"
Porphyria's Lover,"
202-205; the lesser dramas, 206; Henry Taylor,
ib.; "Luria," 207-209; "A Soul's Tragedy, 210,
211; "In a Balcony," '211; "Karshish," "Cali-
ban," etc., 211, 212; "The Glove," "
Pied Piper of Hamelin," 212; "hilde Roland,"
"Artemis Prologises," 212, 213;



Confessions," ib.; the youthfulness of his genius,
161; the two classes of poets, 161, 162; the ode
to La Malibran, 162; his attitude towards pre-
tension, 163; story of "Rolla," 163, 164; its
moral, 165; poems of a more elevated character,
ib.; on the uses of grief, ib.; the "Adieu," 166;
the range of De Musset's genius, 167; as a writer
of short stories, ib.; concluding remarks, ib.

Election, General, of 1868; see Bright.
Elliot, Right Hon. Hugh: the work of the diplo
matist, 139; Sir Gilbert and his lady, 140;
tutors and guardians of Hugh and his brother
Gilbert, ib.; their residence in Paris; Madame
du Deffand, etc., 141; French philosophers and
their admirers, ib. ; Catherine of Russia, and Vol-
taire, ib.; the young Elliots leave Paris, 142;
Hugh at Vienna and Warsaw, ib. ; joins the Rus-
sian army, ib.; nomination as English minister
at the Court of Bavaria, 148; Minto, the family
seat, ib.; death of Sir Gilbert,-Hugh transferred
from Munich to Berlin, ib.; state of Europe at
this period, 144; the Prussian Court, ib.; Madame
de Thun on Berlin society, 145; circumstances
which unfavourably affected his position at that
Court, 145, 146; Frederick and Mr. Elliot, 146;
Death of Lord Marischal, ib.; speculations of
Frederick as to our military failures in America,
147; war of the Bavarian succession, ib.; Made-
moiselle de Krauth, ib.; becomes Elliot's wife,
ib.; recall from Berlin, and appointment to Co-
penhagen, 148; fights a duel with Baron Knip-
hausen, his wife's cousin and seducer, 148, 149;
reception at Copenhagen, 149; Paul Jones and
the Baron la Houze, ib.; account of Mirabeau, ib.;
condition of Denmark at this time, and Mr. Elli-
ot's conduct as minister, 150; visit to England,
and return to Copenhagen, ib.; the "balance of
"-relations of Russia and Sweden, 181,
seq.; Elliot's negotiations with the king of Swe-
den, 152; and their successful issue, 153; mis-
sion to Paris, and negotiations there, with their
important results, ib.; war between Spain and
England averted, 153, 154; the Elliot correspond-
ence, 154.

"Count Gis-

Imond," "The Bishop of St. Praxed's," 213;
"My Last Duchess," 214;
"Soliloquy of the

Spanish Cloister," ib.; "The Flight of the Duch-

Browning's place among poets, ib.; general
Br" 214216; "Sordello," 216; Carlyle, ib.; Erasmus and Zwingli, 61.

summary, 216, 217.

Carlyle, Thomas, 216.
Comte; see Positivism).

Cretinism in the Alpine valleys, 46.

De Musset, French poet, his excellences and defects,
154; French and English poetry compared, 155;
the matter of De Musset's poetry, 156; his early
life and studies, ib.; "Les Confessions d'un Enfant
du Siècle," ib.; lines descriptive of his ennui,
157; his view of life, 158; study of Shakespeare
and Byron, ib.; "Elle et Lui" and "Lui et Elle,"
159; his four poems called "Les Nuits," ib.;
letter to Lamartine, 160; his own history in "Les

France in Europe and in Africa, 63; condition of
things under the Empire, ib.; primary and scc-
ondary questions, 69; future government of
France, ib.; English aristocracy analysed, 70; it
is inseparable from civilization, 71; the liberal
and the revolutionary flag, 72; glance at the
earlier history of France, 73; French radicalism,
ib.; external policy indorsed by French opinion,
74; the German question, ib.; the absorption of
Belgium, 75; the Eastern question, ib.; French
colonization, ib.: Algeria, Tunis, and Morocco,
76; population of Algeria, 77; amalgamation of
races, 78; the Berbers, or Kabyles, the true in-
digenous inhabitants of North Africa, 79; how
dealt with by the French, 80; objects of the Al-

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