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nal fome Uneafinefs. Being at Dinner, furrounded with his Chaplains and the rest of his Attendants, Dr. Auguftine, a Phyfician, cloathed with a heavy Velvet Gown, in arifing up, pushed against the Cardinal's Silver Cross, placed at the Corner of the Table, which fell so heavy upon Dr. Bonner's Head, one of the Chaplains, that the Blood came trickling down his Shoulder. Upon this the Cardinal, imAn ill Omen. mediately retired to his Chamber, and, fhaking his Head, fàid, I do not like

Sir Walter

Walth fets out for the North.

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this Omen. It was observed afterwards, That, about the fame Hour as this happened at Cawood, Sir Walter Walsh, Knt. one of the Gentlemen of the King's Bed-chamber, Jet out from Court to attend the Lord Piercy, who became Earl of Northumberland upon his Father's Death, and they were directed jointly to arreft the Cardinal upon a new Accufation of High Treafon; and this Matter was tranfacted fo privately, that neither Master Cromwell, nor any other of the Cardinal's particular Friends, had the leaft Intelligence of it.

Sir Walter Walsh, upon his Arrival in the North, communicated his Inftructions to the Earl of Nor thumberland, who very readily accepted of this extraordinary Truft; thereupon he and Sir Walter repaired to Cawood to put their Commiffion in Execution, and came to the Cardinal's Seat, the Friday in the Afternoon before the intended Installment, attended by feveral Horsemen.

The Earl and Sir Walter on their Arrival first went into the Hall, and demanded the Keys of the Palace from the Porter, who refufing to deliver them with

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without his Master's Order, to prevent any further Difturbance, they contented themselves with taking an Oath from the faithful Porter, "That no Perfon fhould go out or come in at the Gates until he received further Orders." The Cardinal all this while remained ignorant of what paffed below, Care being taken that no one should go up to inform him; but at last one of the Servants found Means to acquaint his Master, that the Earl of Northumberland was in the Hall, who, barmlefly taking it to be only a friendly Vifit, immediately rofe from Table, and, they meeting on the Top of the Stairs, mutually embraced; but the ungrate ful, guilty Earl, trembling, faid, I arreft pou of High Treason. Upon this the Cardinal demanded to fee his Authority; for he could not at firft be purfuaded, that a Nobleman, who had been educated in his Family, and so kindly used by him, could have been prevailed on to execute so unthankful an Office. * The Earl refufing to fhew his Commission, Wolfey with great Prefence of Mind replied, I will not then fubmit to your Arreft; but, whilst they were debating together, Sir Walter Walsh came up Stairs, whom the Cardinal knew, and, he repeating what the Earl had before said, his Eminence readily furrendered himfelf to him; for, as he was one of the Bed-cham

* We can with Pleasure fay, that in our Time we had an Inftance of a very contrary Conduct, in an honourable Gentleman now in high Station, (when an Im peachment was exhibited in Parliament against a noble Lord, and a Chancellor too, on a Charge of High Crimes and Misdemeanours) who, among other Members of the House of Commons, was propofed to be one of the Managers to carry on the Profecution; but, inftead of eagerly accepting the

Earl of Northumberland arrefts Woifey of High Treafon.

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ber, he had Power, as it was then held, by a verbal Order only, to arrest the greatest Peer of the Realm. His Grace being now in Cuftody,* Is in Cuftody. Saturday was fpent in packing up fome of his Effects, and preparing for his Journey; but, as foon as the Country People were informed of what the Earl and Walsh had been doing, the Palace was furrounded by a great Number of Perfons, who made the Air ring with repeated Cries, May the foul Evil overtake them, who are taking him from us! And there they continued waiting, in order to fee the Cardinal carried away, that they might take their mournful Farewel of him, which gave Northumberland and the Knight no little Uneafinefs.


Sets out for On Sunday, the ift of Nov. early in the Morning, he proceeded on his Journey towards London. As foon as he came out of his Gate

*This bafe Tranfaction fhews what Height of Rancour reigned in the Hearts of his imbittered Foes, and the Meannefs of Soul they had reduced Henry the VIIIth to; especially if we confider, that this worthy Prelate was peaceably retired to ferve God and his Flock, from the vain Pomps and Deceits of a moft corrupted, fallen Court, and troubled not his Head with any of their Affairs; yet even here his Enemies could not help envying his Happiness: For the Repofe of this now inoffenfive Man, forfooth, they muft difturb; and what then? why arreft and take him into Cutody, upon no lefs a Charge than High Treafon, although the King had, no longer than the Month of February before, granted him as ample and full Pardon, for all fuppofed Crimes, which Lord Coke admits was penned as learnedly and largely as the Wit of


Man could devife, In Fact, the Cardinal's noble and commendable Behaviour, from the Time of his Retreat to his being arrested, no way befpeaks Guilt; had it been otherwife, we are of Opinion, if he had given the Word to his Domesticks, and the Country about him, both the Earl and the Knight would have found it no easy Matter to have carried him away in Cuftody: He was confcious of his own Innocence, and therefore quietly fubmitted. But, happy for us, it is not fo in our Days! How many great Men have we feen, who have given Disgust, or at leaft been difapproved of, that have been fuffered not only to retire in Peace, but so to remain ; nay, fuch has been the prevailing Prudence and Clemency, fome of them have been recalled, and afterwards filled high Stations with great Applaufe.

the People, with great Lamentations, expreffed their Concern at being likely to lofe fo humane, fo pious, fo exemplary a Benefactor and Father; and with bitter Eclamations wished, That a Judgment might attend those that were the Cause of his being taken away from them! and thus they followed him for feveral Miles, until the Cardinal, with his ufual Serenity, defired them to be patient, for that he feared not his Enemies, but entirely fubmitted to the Will of Heaven.

The first Night he lodged at Pomfret- Arrives at Abbey; the next night with the Black Pomfret. Friars at Doncafter; and the Night following at Sheffield-park, where he remained eighteen Days. Here he was kindly entertained by the Earl of Shrewsbury, had great Refpect fhewn him by the neighbouring Gentlemen, who flocked in to vifit him; and among others his very honourable and grateful Friend William Fitz-williams, Efq; paid his Refpects to him, which gave his Eminence great Satisfaction. Whilft at Sheffield, the Cardinal was taken very ill one Day at Dinner, infomuch that he found a fudden Coldnefs at his Stomach, which inftantly spread Is taken ill. itself through his whole Body; and, as he

apprehended it to be an Oppreffion occafioned by Wind, he immediately fent for fomething to expel it; when the Earl of Shrewsbury ordered his own Apothecary to prepare the Medicine, which gave him Eafe, and, finding himself afterwards pretty well recovered, he retired to his Chamber.

When Cromwell was informed, that his Mafter was taken into Cuftody, he expreffed great Uneafinefs, and fpoke to the King in his Favour, who affured him, that, though he had caufed him to be arrested at the Importunity of fome of his Coun

* Quere, Whether this Apothecary did not make fome wil

ful Miftake in preparing the Medicine.

Council, he fhould be fairly heard before any Sentence fhould be paffed on him, and in the mean time fhould be treated with the utmost Refpect, and fome few Days after his Majefty directed Mr. Kingston to repair to the Earl of Shrewsbury's, in order to receive the Cardinal into his Custody, and attend him to Town.

Mr. Kington, upon his Coming to the Earl's Seat, was acquainted with the Condition the Cardinal was in; therefore it was thought proper to defer Mr. King fton's Waiting upon him till the next Day, and that the Earl fhould firft let him know it in fuch a Manner as not to make him uneafy. Accordingly, the next Day the Earl vifited the Cardinal, who he found very ill with a violent Purging: Nevertheless he told his Eminence, "That he was heartily forry for his "Misfortunes; that he had wrote to the King in his Behalf, and would omit nothing that lay in his Power to affift "him againft his Enemies; that he would have him "be of good Chear; and that, as he had often wished to appear before the King, he now feemed to have "an Opportunity, and he did not in the leaft quef"tion but he would clear himself of the Accufations "against him:" Acquainting him alfo, "That Mr.

The Earl of
Concern for


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Kingston was just arrived, attended with twenty"four Horfemen, who had been his old Servants " and Attendants, in order to conduct him to Lon"don." The Cardinal at firft expreffed fome Uneafinefs at mentioning Kington's Name, because he was Lieutenant of the Tower; but the Earl begged," Hẻ "would be under no particular Concern on that Ac"count; for he was fure King fton was fent down "to ferve him, and that he himfelf knew he was one Mr.Kingston "of his Friends." Upon this his Eminence replied, I fhould be glad to fee him," and immediately Mr. Kingston was introduced to him, where, after proper Sa


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