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and obliges Urbino to quit Na-
ples, 47
-threatens to pillage
the City of Milan, 49-faves
Chancellor Merone's Life for the
Sake of Cafh, 50--his War-
like Courage and Death, 111.
Bourg, Anne du, Chancellor of

France, Mem. p. 31.
Brabafon, William, Efq; Vice-
Treasurer of Ireland, 181
Lady Sufan, ib.

Brian, Conner O, King of Tho-
mond, and his Defcendants,
66, 67.

Bridgeman, Sir Orlando, Lord
Keeper, 279.
Bridges, George Rodney, Efq; Re-
presentative in Parliament for
Winchester, 200.

Brion, Admiral of France, his
Death, Mem. p. 34.
Brittany annexed to France, Mem.
p. 30.


Bromley, Thomas, Efq; Ld. Chan-
cellor, 273-the late William,
Efq; ib.
Brown, Robert, a bad Steward
to the Cardinal, 329.
Bruyere, Monf. a Paffage in one
of his Fables applied to Wolfey,
Bulleyn, Lady Anna, re-called to
Court, 125her Letter to
Wolfey, ib. another, 126-
takes Offence at the Cardinal,.
divers Sentiments con-
cerning her, 128 — in great
Favour at Court, 250-keeps
the King almost always in her
Chamber, 253-diverts him.
from converfing with Wolfey,
256 paffes him infultingly,
257 the only Favourite at
Court, 322 fends Wolfey a
Token, 323-created Mar-
chionels of Pembroke, Mem.
p. 2
committed to the





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Tower, 12 her pathetick

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Calvin, a Cotemporary with
Luther, and a zealous Reform-
er, 76.
Cambden's inconfiftent Character
of Wolfey 182, defcribes
the Town of Ipfwich, and his
College there, 199.
Cambray, Congrefs at, 160.
Treaty concluded there, 161
-termed the Purgatory of the
Venetians, 161.



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Campbell, the Hon. Alex. Hume,
his Family and Character, 178.
Campeius, Cardinal, the Pope's
Agent at Augsburg, 172
arrives in England, 210
at Bath-place, 213-introdu-
ced to the King by Wolfey, 214
his Speech, ib. has Au-
dience of the Queen, ib.
refufes to produce the Decretal
Bull, 219- diffolves the Le-
gantine Commiffion, 242
follows the King into the
Country, and received with
Diftinction, 251
for London, 259-takes an af-
fectionate Leave of Wolfey, 260
his Baggage ftopped, ib.-


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231, 254.

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Catherine, Henry's Queen, re
ceives a Letter from the Doge
of Venice, 69 acquaints
the Emperor, &c. with the
Affair of the Divorce, 209
-not pleased with Campeius's
Advice, 215
her angry
Speech in the Legatine Court,
230-fends an Account of its
Proceedings to the Lady Mar-
garet of Auftria, 240 figns
the Proteftations fent to Rome,
ib.her Marriage with King
Henry declared void, Mem. p.
8-her Death, 11.
Cecil, James, Earl of Salisbury,
274-Brownlow, Earl of Ex-
eter, ib.


Charles I. King of England, his
great Miftake, in firit inclof-
ing Richmond-park, canvaffed,
186, & feq.
Charles V. Emperor, releases
Francis I. and enters into a
Treaty with him, 2-the Fear
of Luther and the Turks, his

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Motive for concluding the
Treaty of Madrid, 4, 5
the Ceremony at their part-
ing, 7-marries Elizabeth of
Portugal, 8-receives Ambaf-
fadors from Francis, 25-from
the Venetians, &c. 26.
fwers them both in very stiff
Terms, ib. to 28- and par-
ticularly the French King's
Complaints, 32, to 39 - his
Reply rejected, 118-his
Anfwers to the English and
French Heralds, 149, 150.
fends a Challenge to Francis,
ib. his Forces very fuccefs-
ful in Italy, 156, to 160-but
he, as well as Francis, inclines
to Peace, ib. marches with
an Army to Genoa, 168-re-
ftores Milan to Duke Sforza,
and reconciles the Duke of
Ferrara to the Pope, ib.-re-
duces the Florentines, ib.
fettles their Government, 170
-paffes into Italy, ib. - has
an Interview with the Pope,
171 - is crowned at Bologna,
172 holds a Diet at Augf-
burg, ib. his noble Anfier
refpecting Luther, 173 -en-
deavours to ftir up a Rebel-
lion in Ireland, 181-arrives
at Rome, Mem. p. 32-in-
vades France, ib.- -is proclaim-
ed a Rebel, ib.-has an Inter-
view with King Francis, and
paffes through France, 33-
Memoirs of his Reign, from
Cardinal Wolfey's Death to
his own, p. 39, after 358-
his reduced Stare compared
with his Eminence's, 49.
Chancellors, Lord High, of Eng-
land, fhort Memoirs of them, the
Commiffioners and Keepers in
Succeffion, from Cardinal Wol-
fey's Time, to the Rt. Hon.
Ggg 2

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Lord Hardwicke's, inclufive,

270, to 293.
Chancery-court, its Authority fet-
tled, 283
a Deficiency in
fome of its Officers, 289-
Suitors Money better fecured,
290, 291.

Chaucer's Plowman's Tale, 106.
Chriftiana, Princess, her fmart
Answer to King Henry, Mem.
P. 25.
Church Hiftorian, on the Divorce,

207, 209 on Wolfey's Dif-
grace, 263-on his Legantine
Commiffion, 300-on his Re-
moval to York, 330-his Cha-
racter of him, 354, & seq.
Clanrickard, the Earls of, 67.
Clare, Daniel O Brien, Lord Vif-
count, 67.

Clarendon's Account of King
Charles I's Inclofing Richmond
Park, 186 of Dr. Williams
and Sir Thomas Coventry, 276

of Sir Thomas Finch, 277.
Clarendon and Rochester, Henry
Earl of, 279.

Clark, Jobn, a Favourite of E-
rafmus's, 79.
Clement VII. Pope, the Confpira-
tor against him discovered, 1—
joms with the Venetians and the
Duke of Milan, 22-pays a
Ranfom, 113-confined in his
own Cafile, 143-enters into
a Treaty with the Emperor's
General, 145---his Acknow-
ledgments to King Henry for
his Liberty, 147-would not
declare against the Emperor,
154 meditates Revenge on
the Venetians, 161 repairs
to Bologna, 171-has an In-
terview with the Emperor, ib.


conftitutes Wolfey Bishop of
Winchester, 200-fends him a
Bull extraordinary, 202-
appoints the Cardinals, Welley

and Campeius, to fit in Judg-
ment on the Divorce of Queen
Catherinne from King Henry
VIII. 210-fends his Thanks
to Henry, 214- the Decretal
Bull to Campeius, 219-and
Francis Campana with his Let-
ter of Credence to Wolfey, 219

his Commiffion for trying
the Cause of the Divorce, 221
&feq.figns an Avocation of
the Caufe to Rome, 241
his Letter to Wolfey on that Oc-
cafion, ib. -threatens Henry
with Excommunication, 242
-does it, Mem. p. 9-
Power demolished by Parlia-
ment, 10 has an Interview
with King Francis, 30-
dies, 40.


Clergy, plundered by King Hen-
ry VIII. Mem. 2.
Cleve, Ann of, King Henry's
fourth Wife, Mem. p. 22-
is foon difliked, and divorc-
ed, ib.

Coinage regulated, 95.
Coke, Sir Edward, his Remarks
on the Articles of Wolfey's Par-
don, 327.


Colet, Dr. a Memento of him,
Collier, Mr. 248-his Remarks
on the Articles against Wolfey,
319- -his Character of him,

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rash Attempt, 47-but made
his Holinels fcour for it, 48.
Coventry, Sir Thomas, Lord Keep-
er, 276-the Rt. Hon. Wil-
liam, Earl of Coventry, 277.
Cowper, William Lord, Lord
Chancellor, 286-appointed
fo a fecond time, 288--Wil-
liam, the prefent Earl, ib.
Cox, Dr. Leonard, one of Eraf-
mus's Correfpondents, 79.
Cranmer, first comes into play,
his Advice being pleafing to
the King, 245-his Original
and Relations, (still living) ib.
-made Archbishop of Canter-
bury, Mem. p. 7-gives Sen-
tence for the Divorce, 8-
confirms the King's Marriage
with Anna Bulleyn, ib.'
Cromwell, Wolfey's Succeffor in the
Ministry, 102-his Extraction,
and Character from Shakespear,
141, 142-repairs to Ipfwich,
192-Wolfey's chief Sollicitor,
301 he and the Chaplains
make a Collection for the reft
of their Fellow-fervants, 302
-fmartly defends his Mafter,
309 and acts very acutely,
writes to him, 323,
324, 328, 336, 337-great-
ly disturbed at his Mafter's
being arrefted, 343 loaded
with Preferments, Mem. p, 20
-fent to the Tower, 21-im-
peached, 22 - and behead-
ed, 23.

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Daniel, Father, 157, 160.
Delwin, Barons of, 67.
Decker, Sir Matthew, 331.
Devonshire, Earl of, beheaded,
Mem. p. 21.

Diffenters, first called Proteftants,

Divorce, Proceedings thereon,

Donerayle, Vilcount, 182.
Doria, Philippino, blocks up Na-
ples by Sea, 155-defeats the
Neapolitans, 156-deferts the
French Service, 158.
Douglas, Lady Jane, 66.
Douglas Faction, notorious in Scot-
land, much weakened, 175.
Drummond, Mr. his Character of
King James V. of Scotland,

Dryden's Encomium on Ld Chan-
cellor Finch, 281.
Duprat, Chancellor of France, his
Death and Character, Mem,
P. 31.


Echard, Dr. 244.
Eclipfe of the Sun, a great one,
Mem. p. 41.
Edward, Prince, (afterwards K.
Edward VI. of England) born,
Mem. p. 17-
comes to the
Throne, 46.
Egerton, Thomas, Lord Ellesmere,
Lord Chancellor, 274.
Eglington, Earl of, 176.
Eleanor, the Emperor's Sifter,

married to Francis I. p, 6.
Elizabeth, Princess of Portugal,
married to the Emperor, 7--
dies, Mem. 41.
Elizabeth, Princefs, (of England)
born, Mem. p. 9.
England, Affairs of, 1, 68, 120
great Rejoicings here for
the Pope's Deliverance, 147
-Affairs of, 182.
Erafmus repents he did not join
in with Wolfey's Sollicitations,
77-a conclufive Account of
him, his Friends and Writings,
to his Death, 76, to 84.
Exeter, Marquis of, beheaded,
Mem. P. 24.



Fiddes, Dr. his Reflection on
Francis I. 13-quoted in other
Cafes, 102, 138.
Finch, Sir Heneage, Earl of Not-
tingham, Lord Chancellor, 280.
Finch, Sir Thomas, had the Cufto-
dy of the Great Seal, 277.
Fingal, Earl of, 181.
Fish,, for abufing the

Cardinal, received into Fa-
vour, 300.
Fisher, Bp. deceived by the holy
Maid of Kent, 97-declares
against the Divorce, 207-
his Letter to Wolfey on that
Subject, ib. 208— beheaded,
Mem. p. 11.
Florence, a Mutiny there, 113-
befie ged, 168 its Govern-
ment settled, 170.
Fools Paradife, what, 309.
Fox, the Historian, 100, 358.
Fox, Bp. of Winchester, corref
ponds with Wolfey, 109-his
Death, 199.

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Fox, Dr. fets out with Gar-
diner for Rome, 209

with Gardiner and Knight,
returns to England, 210-his
Answer to Campeius, 214-
applies for a Decretal Bull
from the Pope, to ascertain the
Divorce, 218--which was fent
to Campeius, 219.
France, Affairs of, 1.
Francis I. King of France, ob-

tains his Liberty on giving his
Sons as Hoflages for the Per-
formance of fundry Articles,
2, 3-fwears to confirm them,
4-protefts fecretly against
them, 6-marrics Queen Elea-
nor, but did not confummate,
ib. the Manner of his being
exchanged for his Sons, 9, 10,
11-waves the Ratification of


the Treaty, 12 — his Exulta-
tion on his Freedom, 13
fends a folemn Ambafly to
England, 15 acknowledges
Wolfey to have been a chief
Inftrument in his Enlarge-
ment, 16-enters into a Trea-
ty with Henry, 21-with the
Venetians, &c. 23- his An-
fwer to the Vice-roy of Naples,
24-offers Terms for the Re-
leafment of his Sons, 25-
complains of the Emperor to
all the Princes of Chriftendom,
28, to 31-his Oath to con-
firm his Treaties with Eng-
land, 71-fends an Army in-
to Italy, 115-his Demands
on the Emperor, 118-grants
a very extraordinary Patent to
Wolfey, 132-and meets him,
134-fends Henry the Order
of St. Michael, 137-his For-
ces very unfortunate in Italy
and the Milanese, 156 to 160
-the Treatment of his Sons,
Prisoners in Spain, 165-
they are released, 166-mar-
ries Queen Eleanor, 167-wa
the Reltorer of Learning in his
Kingdom, ib. his Mother's
Memory not precious to the
People, 168-Memoirs of his
Reign, from Cardinal Wolfey's
Death to his own, p. 29, af-
ter 358.


French Officer put to Death for
Cowardice, Mem. p. 46.
Fronfperg, a German General, 48
-disappointed by Bourbon, 49.

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