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N one of the most terrible moments in the political history of France, two bands of soldiers were seen preparing to storm a strong barricade, erected in one of the most populous districts of Paris. The one division belonged to the national; the other, to the so-called mobile guard. This last corps was composed of very juvenile soldiers; so that it was common to see in its ranks boys of fourteen and fifteen,-who, nevertheless, were often the most daringly courageous of the band. On this occasion the barricade was hotly contested, and deeds of desperate courage were mutually performed by opponents,-who, alas! ought to have regarded each other as members of one family. Repeatedly had the barricade been fiercely assailed, and as often successfully defended, when, at the moment of the hottest conflict, two individuals rushed out from the ranks of their comrades, and, heedless of the shower of balls with which they were greeted, succeeded in reaching the top of the barricade; their companions hurried to their support,

VOL 11

No. v.

ΜΑΣ, 1854.

and the object of contest was taken. But the last shot fired by the retreating enemy entered the breast of one of the bold leaders, who fell, mortally wounded, into the arms of his brother assailant, (one of the garde mobile,) whose boyish frame could scarcely sustain the weight of the robust guardsman with whom he had fought side by side.

"I am dying!" gasped the garde nationale,-"I am dying; but open my knapsack-you will find there a little book-it is a Testament-take and read it, and pray God that you may do so with His blessing."

The wounded soldier expired, and the youthful survivor took possession of his legacy.

About a year after this event, a pious man, travelling on business, entered an inn at a considerable distance from Paris. To his no small surprise he observed in the chamber inhabited by the landlord a New Testament, which bore evident marks of being diligently perused.

"What! you read the Bible!" exclaimed he to the host, in a tone of mingled pleasure and astonishment. "Yes, sir; and with great benefit."

"God be praised!" rejoined the traveller; so in former days."

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"Yes, God be praised," replied the host; "for to Him, in very truth, the praise belongs, as you will yourself acknowledge when I tell you how all this has been brought about." And he forthwith related as follows:

"One of my nephews, whom I had taken into my family after the death of his parents, early displayed such a vicious disposition, that I felt compelled, for my own peace of mind, to bind him, when thirteen years old, to a tradesman in Paris, who I knew to be not only a conscientious, but strictly observant master; and on whose watchfulness I rested my last hope for the rescue of my unhappy nephew from utter destruction. But I soon learned that Paul had contrived to outwit even him; and had made his escape from his house with such success that not the smallest trace of him could be discovered. This intelligence naturally grieved me much; and I remained long in daily dread of hearing of him through the police; for I had little doubt of his soon committing some act which would bring him into the hands of justice.

"It is now about six months that one day the Paris diligence stopped at my door, and, to my no small amazement, I saw my truant nephew step out of it. I could not help shuddering on recognizing him; and hastily exclaimed,

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