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FROM my boyhood I have heard of Dr. Morrison, who first translated the Bible into Chinese. Last year I learned, from an aged gentleman who was acquainted with the superintendent of a Sunday-school that Morrison first attended, the following particulars :

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The superintendent saw a young lady come into the school he went to her and asked her if she would like to be a teacher.

"If you have a class for me," she replied.

"I have none; but how would you like to go out into the street and get one?"

At first she hesitated, but finally consented-went out, and found a company of ragged, dirty boys, and persuaded three to come, and formed a class. The superintendent told the boys that if they would come to his house he would give them a suit of clothes.

Next Sabbath she found two there; but young Morrison was missing. She sought him-found the truant-brought him back with difficulty. The next Sabbath it was just so again; and so the third Sabbath, and so it was the fourth Sabbath. After the fourth Sabbath, at the monthly meeting, she reported that she could no longer feel responsible for him.

The superintendent, however, exhorted her once more to try to save him.

At last she replied, "Why, sir, the suit of clothes you gave him is all ragged and worn.'

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"Well, but I'll give him another suit if he will come to school."

So, next Sabbath she hunted him up, and induced her truant boy to return once more. He called upon the superintendent the next week, and got his suit of clothes; but, lo! the next Sabbath he was again among the missing; and so it proved again and again for four weeks more.

So, at the next monthly meeting, she reported how unsuccessful she had been. "I must give him up."

The superintendent said, "Why, it is hard to give him up, and let him go to ruin."

He then exhorted the lady to try it one month longer. She begged to be excused.

"Why, that second suit you gave him has shared the fate of the first."

"Well, well, nevertheless, if you will go and try it again I will give him a third suit."

So she went and brought the boy back for the three following Sabbaths. But on the fourth Sabbath she found, to her surprise, little Morrison there in his place of his own accord, and from that time on he became a most interesting scholar. He was led to the Saviour-experienced religionmade great improvement-became a man-a most mighty and useful missionary of the Christian Church. Church Missionary Record.


"Him that cometh to Me, I will in no wise cast out."-Joan vi. 27.

SINNER, haste while yet there's time,

Ere to-morrow thou may'st be

Far beyond the reach of grace,

Sinner, now to Jesus flee.

Bring to Him thy load of guilt,

He will all the burden bear.
See the Saviour waiting stands
Ready to receive thy prayer;
He will wash thy guilty soul

From the blackest stain of sin;
He will change thy filthy rags,

And will make thee clean within.

Fear not to approach His throne,
He the vilest will receive,
Nay-Himself has bid you come-
Will you not His word believe?

Seek Him then while yet there's time,
Ask-and He His grace will give,
Knock-the door He'll open wide,
And will bid thy spirit live.

He will be thy Guide and Guard,

To thine everlasting home,

Where the weary find a rest,

And the wanderers cease to roam.

BOOKS FOR THE ARMY HOSPITALS IN THE EAST. Ir will gratify our young friends who have busied themselves about sending books to the Army Hospitals at Scutari, to get the latest news of the arrival of the box last sent.

The intelligence is communicated in a letter from Rev. Mr. Drennan to Mrs. Muir, from which we extract the following sentences:

SCUTARI, 3d September 1855.

66 I had, some time ago, the pleasure of receiving your kind note of the 4th August. The box containing books, periodicals, &c., also, I am happy to say, came to hand in the end of last week. I am going to take the liberty of turning these somewhat aside from the purpose for which they were designed. Within these few days I have been ordered to the Crimea, and it is my present purpose to take with me the greater part of the books so very kindly sent out. My reason for so doing is, that some two or three weeks ago, two boxes of books reached this from the Glasgow Scutari Mission, which will be sufficient to relieve the want here,

for a time; whilst in the Crimea, as I am given to understand, books are very much wanted. The women's clothing you sent I have handed over to Lady Alicia Blackwood, who for the last nine months has had charge of all the women here, and has done an immense deal for them in every way. She has undertaken to see the various articles properly distributed. She has also promised to send me up to camp, after a while, whatever I may require for any of the women who are under my charge. I trust this will meet your approbation. I shall let you know from the Crimea how I find the men, and how your books are received.







I hope you will excuse the shortness of this hurried letter. I have some expectation of being sent off to the Crimea tomorrow, and I have a very great number of things to attend to before I go."

TWO DAYS IN THE HOSPITAL AT SCUTARI. MR. FERGUSSON, one of the missionaries sent out to Scutari by the Glasgow Association, gives the following interesting account of two days' work among the wounded and sick soldiers. He writes in his Journal :

"March 20th.-A most interesting day. Visited the whole of the upper story of the General Hospital, and all the special cases in the lower. Found many very ill. One of the 93d died on Sunday morning. Fever is exceedingly prevalent. One man, whose piety seems genuine, gave me some money to send to his wife should he die. He mentioned several days ago that he wished to tell me something, but that he would wait till he was a little better. Fearing he might not live long, I asked him to tell me today. He said that he merely wished to tell me what a blessing it had been to him to have become a soldier. He was brought up in the Church of Rome, and remained in that communion till he was twenty-three years of age. About that time he enlisted into the 93d Highlanders, and attended the Scotch church when that regiment was stationed at Carlisle. He used to put his fingers in his ears during the sermon lest he should hear anything against the Romish faith. But his conscience reproved him. He could not hold out against convictions. He listened to the word of life, and with a great struggle fled from the arms

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of Rome. Many,' said he, 'condemn the service, but it has been a great blessing to me. Had I not become a soldier, I might this day have been worshipping the Virgin instead of Christ.' This man has been telling me every time I have seen him how thankful he is for my visits. The first day I saw him, when I inquired whether I could do any thing more for him, he said, 'You have done more for me already than tongue can tell.' To-day he said, 'I like your teaching, sir. I was taken at the very first with it. You did not set forth the majesty of God apart from the love of the Saviour.' He says the peace he has is sometimes a cause of terror to him lest it should be a false peace. Another old 93d man wept bitterly, and said, 'No man has sinned so much as I have.' Another young man, when I had prayed with him, and promised to see him soon again, said, with the tear stealing down his cheek, 'Sir, I would like to see you all the hours of the day.' Another told me he had borrowed a New Testament, and had spent a very happy Sabbath afternoon reading it. I promised to take him to-morrow a Bible from the Scottish Bible Society. With a face lit up with the happiest smiles, he said, 'Ah! have you, Sir-have you got a Bible with the Scotch psalms and paraphrases.'

"Another young man, who has lost both his feet by the frost, seemed so happy when I rose up from praying with him, that he longed for another to share his joys; and, turning round to his companion on the left, who was wounded at Inkerman, he called out, 'Is S


I told him I had been with his friend before I came to him. He then said, 'S and I have some fine talks together during the night when we are both lying awake.' But there would be no end to these details-the history of every day is full of them. Posted, at the Main Guard, a notice of public worship to-morrow, (the national fast,) at 11 A.M., and afterwards announced the matter in person, in every ward and corridor in the Hospital, that none might plead ignorance.

"March 22d.-No 139, alluded to as near his end yesterday, died about 12 midnight. 132, deeply penitent, wept much when spoke to him of the love of Christ, and declared that no man can have sinned more than he has. He said, Men, when they are well, do not think of these things; but when they are laid upon a sick-bed, then they see the necessity for them.' I have frequently observed that I have been led to men, not of my own people, as if by accident, whose cases specially needed attention. To

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