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Ability, latent, 21, 23 f.
Adams, Charles Francis, 124 f.
Adaptation, 3, 24, 38 f.; of animals,
3f., 12, 39 f., 149; and education,
24 ff.; and efficiency, 1, 4ƒ., 23,
29, 107 ff.; and environment, 27,
38 f., 152; and habit, 2, 86, 100 ff.;
of man, 4f., 12, 24, 28, 38 ff., 136,
269; significance of, 24; unreflec-
tive, 1, 4, 6 ff., 30 ff., 88, 104 ff.,
131 ff., 149, 321, 356.
Adrenalin, 191 ff.
Adventures, value of, 20.
Advertising, 10 f.; success of, 17.
Agassiz, Louis, 102.

Aptitudes, 124, 134, 145, 147.
Aristotelian theory, 63 f.
Association, and digestion, 348 ff.;
and fatigue, 184 f.; fixing, 257 f.,
271; interfering, 266, 268, 270;
and learning, 126 ƒƒ., 142 ƒfƒ., 156 f.;
and memory, 262 ff.; perverted,
353 f.; physiological basis of, 240;
and recall, 216 ff., 239 .ff.

Attention, and habit, 94, 121 f.; and
memory, 221 f.

Automatic writing, 208 ff., 217.
Automatization, principle of, 144 f.,
153, 157, 159.

Beauford, Rear-Admiral Sir Francis,

205 f.

Bebel, August, 329.

Beecher, Henry Ward, 38, 369.
Beethoven, Ludwig, 257.

Behavior, and adaptation, 1, 28f.,
48, 136; and habit, 86, 93 f.
Benzenberg, Johann, 62.
Billings, Josh, 77.

Biot, Jean B., 119.

Bradlaugh, Charles, 71.
Bradley, James, 53 f.
Brahe, Tycho, 55, 60, 79.
Buffon, Count de, 115.
Bushido, 118.

Business problems, blunders in, 55;
and efficiency, 4 ff.; experimenta-
tion in, 52, 58.

Cæsar, Julius, 203.
Carlyle, Thomas, 69.
Cavell, Edith, 13.
Charles, King, 62.
Charles the Tenth, 17.
Clairvoyance, 78, 80.
"Clever Hans," 26.
Coincidences, and adaptation, 16;
and intelligence, 18; and "reason-
ing" in animals, 17 f.
Colorado penitentiary system, 15,


Copernican theory, 55, 62.
Cromwell, Oliver, 44.
Crystal vision, 208ƒ., 217.
Curtis, Glenn, 56.
Cuvier, Baron, 66, 117.
Cyrus, King, 203.

Daguerre, Louis, 117.
Dalibard, M., 115.
Dante, 117.

Darwin, Charles, 49, 51, 66, 69, 76,
82, 160, 224, 265, 271 ƒ., 283.
Death-rate, 30 f.; in Europe, 30, 32;
general, 31 f.; of infants and chil-
dren, 32 f.; from organic diseases,
30, 32; reasons for increase of, 33,
35; in United States, 30 f.
Diamandi, 249 f.

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Emotions, and fatigue, 184; and

mental complexes, 67 f., 75.
Endurance, and exercise, 174 ff.; and
food, 176 ff.

Energy, and effort, 22, 88; and en-
durance, 104; and fatigue, 152,
168, 176, 181 f.; frugality of, 7,
88 ff.; and incentives, 148 ff.
Environment, adaptation to, 1, 3f.,
39; change in, 27 f., 38 f.; char-
acter of, 5, 25; and education, 24;
importance of, 23; and prejudices,
70; reconstruction of, 12, 20;
stimulating, 23; uneventful, 20,
24, 38.

Ericsson, John, 119.

Exercise, and digestion, 370; and
enjoyment, 184; importance of,
170 ff.; lack of, 33, 35 f., 38, 86.
Experience, bias in, 14 f., 18 f., 42 ff.,
48 ff.; conserved, 200 ff.; definition
of, 48; and efficiency, 45 ff.; and

learning, 123, 135; and response,
135; and thinking, 44.
Experimentation, 8 ff., 18, 53, 70, 87,
125, 162; on animals, 72 ff.; busi-
ness and social problems, 52 ff.,
61; in science, 52, 58f.
Extramarginal processes, 157 ff.

Facts, classification of, 65; interpre-
tation of, 63 f., 76.
Falkenhayn, General, 47.
Faraday, Michael, 20.
Fatigue, and adrenalin, 191 f.;
causes of, 165 ff., 177; and change,
185 f.; and diet, 176 ff.; and emo-
tions, 184, 196 f.; and endurance,
104, 174 ff.; and energy, 168, 176,
181 f.; and exercise, 170 f., 196;
and habit, 87 f.; indifference to,
168 ff.; and memory, 184 f.; mus-
cular, 181 ff.; and practice, 180;
and rest, 182 f.; and school work,
188 f., 194 ff.; substances, 165 ff.,,
191, 195, 197; and work, 179f.,
181, 183 f.

Filene Co-operative Association,
103 f.
Firman, 283.

Fixed opinions, 66 ff.; cause of, 67,
70 ff.; effect of, 66, 69, 114 f.
Forgetfulness, motive in, 225, 232 ff.;
rapidity of, 253 f.
Fox, G. V., 119.

Franklin, Benjamin, 115.
Franklin, Sir John, 30.
Fryatt, Captain, 13.
Fulton, Robert, 55f.; 117.

Galen, 9.
Galileo, 19.
Galvani, 117.

Gastric juice, psychic secretion of,
356 ff., 364 ff., 368.
Genius, 49; conservatism of, 49 f.;
method of, 51 f.; military, 45 ff.
Germany, blunders of, 13.
Gladstone, W. E., 67 f.

Golf, 67, 132, 139 f., 150, 153.
Grant, U. S., 23, 46.

Habit, and adaptation, 2, 88, 93, 107,
110f., 121, 134; advantages of,
87 ff.; and instinct, 39, 85, 88,
110 f.; and learning, 153 f.; and
least resistance, 88, 104 f., 149;
periods for formation of, 95 ff.;
physiology of, 69 f., 85 f.; practi-
cal motives in, 105 ff.; and prog-
ress, 110, f.; selection of, 98 f.,
113f., 121, 152; of thought, 113 f.,


Halley, Edmund, 61.

Hansard, Reverend S., 207 f.
Hauser, Samuel T., 336.

Hawkins, Sir John, 318.

Health, 32 ff.

Henry, Patrick, 23 f.
Hill, James J., 102.

Holmes, Doctor Oliver Wendell, 116.

Hooke, Robert, 117.

Hooker, General Joseph, 47.
Hubbard, Elbert, 324f.

Hugo, Victor, 323.

Humboldt, von, 175, 197.
Huxley, Thomas, 68, 150, 265.
Hypnosis, 208 f., 212ƒ., 217.

Imagination, 59 ff., 279 f.
Inaudi, 249 f.

Jester, Alexander, 273 ff., 284, 286 ƒƒ.,

Johnson, Doctor, 280 f.
Jouffroy, Claude F., 117.

Kaiser, the German, 328 ƒ.
Keble, John, 20.

Kepler, Johann, 49, 55, 60.
Knowledge, 49, 83; and memory,


Langley, S. P., 56.
Lardner, D., 117.
Lavoisier, Antoine, 117.

Learning, and association, 126 ff.,
142, 156 f.; and effort, 147 f.,
151 f., 163; and experience, 123,
135 f.; and habit, 152 f.; incen-
tives to, 147 ff., 155, 163; and in-
struction, 124 f., 153; and mental
attitude, 154 f.; and monotony,
151; and nervous activity, 156 ff.;
progress in,' 137 ff., 162; rapidity
of, 251 ff.; and reasoning, 128 f.;
and tendency to forget, 129; time
in, 155.f.; unconscious adoption
of method, 130 ff., 162.
Lebon, Philippe, 117.
Lee, General Robert, 46 f.

[blocks in formation]

Indolence, of individuals, 21; racial, Lovering, Professor Joseph, 117.

[blocks in formation]

fatigue, 184f; and forgetfulness,
200 ƒƒ., 221, 225 ƒƒ., 234ƒ., 253ƒ.,
277 f.; and imagery, 246 ff.; and
intelligence, 244 f.; and interest,
200; and knowledge, 241, 269;
physical basis of, 216 ff., 234, 240,
271; and quantity of material,
268 f., 271; and rapidity of learn-
ing, 251 f., 257; and recall, 215 ff.,
238 ff.; and repetition, 254 ff.,
266 ƒƒ., 270ƒ.; and “rest periods,"
260, 270; and retention, 216,
219 f., 239 f., 257, 267 f., 271;
selection in, 198 ff.,
264 ff., 269 f., 271;

262 ff.

Mental complexes, 67 ff.

236, 238,
systems of,

Military achievements, disregard of
rules, 45 f.

Mollet, Abbé, 115.

Mommsen, Theodor, 175, 197.
Montaigne, Michel de, 272.
Mozart, Wolfgang, 250.

Napoleon, 17, 45, 53.
Natural selection, 3.
Nerve-cells, 156; and fatigue, 167.
Nervous system, changes in, 333 f.;
and fatigue, 181 f.; and habit,
69 f., 85 ff.; and learning, 156 ff.;
and memory, 216 ff., 234, 240,
271; and vigor of body, 36.
Neurones, 216 ƒƒ., 240.
Newcomen, Thomas, 83.
Newton, Sir Isaac, 47, 52, 54, 60.
Nogi, General, 118.
Nowakowski, 302.

Observation, 291 ff.
Ohm, Georg, 117.
Older, Fremont, 27.
Owen, Sir Richard, 55, 66.

Palmer, Alice Freeman, 78.
Pasteur, Louis, 117, 119.
Phrases, and fixed opinions, 70 ff.

Physical deterioration, 34 ff.; men-
tal effect of, 38.

Pinkston, Captain L. P., 38.
Piozzi, Mrs., 281.
Plateaus in learning, 137 ff.
Plenciz, Marcus von, 117.
Powell, Sir Baden, 106.
Prejudices, 69 f.; of to-day, 77;
warfare against, 76.
Prison-life, 25 ff., 40.
"Psychics," 11, 78, 80, 283.
Psychophysical parallelism, 158.

Reasoning, associative, 128; factors
in, 51 ff.; illustrations of, 54; and
mental complexes, 67 f.; sources
of error in, 76.

Recall, 215 ff.; and associations,
216 f., 239 ff.; in criminal juris-
prudence, 219; and mental atti-
tude, 217; physical basis of, 221,
240, 271; and voluntary effort,

Reflex actions, 94, 98, 107.
Resistance, psychological effect of,
21; value of, 20.

Retention, 215 ff., 238, 242 ƒ., 257,
267 f., 270; theories of, 220.
Robertson, Smith, 173.
Robespierre, 16 f.
Rückle, 250.

Rumor, 308; accuracy of, 309 f.

[blocks in formation]

Slogans, 42, 71. `
Stimulants, 35 f.

Suggestion, 16, 283 f., 289, 303f.,

Sumner, Charles, 66, 69, 321.
Survival of fittest, 24, 39, 88.
Suspended judgment, illustrations
of, 53 f.; and reasoning, 53.
Synapses, and fatigue, 166; and
memory, 240.

Taber, Harry, 324.
Testimony, accuracy of reports in,
309 f.; and biassed opinions,
282 f., 289, 313; and feeling of ac-
curacy, 273, 288 f., 312 f.; identi-
fication, transfer of, 301 f.; influ-
ence of oath, 308; lapse of time in,
307 f.; and memory, 277 ff.; narra-
tion and questions, 306 ƒ.; obser-
vation, 291 ff.; picture-tests, 305f.;
and suggestion, 283.ff., 289, 303f.,
312; and talking, 277 ff.; and
thinking, 279 ff.; in trial courts,
289 f.

Thackeray, W. M., 42.
Themistocles, 203.

Thinking, association of ideas, 41 f.,
48; factors in, 10, 51 ff., 82, 198 f.;
geniuses, 48 ff.; mental attitude
in, 78 ff.; method of, 58 ff.; ob-
stacles to, 61 ff.
Torricelli, 63 f.

"Trial-and-error method," 8 ff., 18,
53, 87, 125, 162, 170.

Tynan, Warden Thomas J., 15, 27.
Typewriting, experiment in, 137 f.

Viereck, George Sylvester, 329.
Virchow, Rudolf, 223.
Voltaire, 76.

Wallace, Alfred Russel, 49.
Wells, Gideon, 321.
West, former Governor, 28.
Weston, Edward Payson, 173.
Will, adaptability of, 28 f.; and
bodily organs, 38.

Wilson, President, 333.

Yeats, W. B., 340 f.
Young, Thomas, 117.

Zinny, 301 f.

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