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ports timber, oak bark, hides, linen-rags, ashes, flax, hemp and tar. It also shares in the West India trade, and sends ships to the Greenland whale fishery.

We have also visited the beautiful city of Glasgow, which is said to rival Manchester in the fabrication of cotton goods, of which it manufactures to the value of 2,000,000l. annually; its other great branches are glassware, pottery, printing types, and cudbear. In the university, natural philosophy, chemistry, and the mathematics are its principal subjects. The environs produce plenty of coal, good free-stone, and brick clay. The Clyde and Great Canal confer on it all the advantages of a port and an inland town; it may be considered as the emporium of Scotland.

"Paisley which is another town of importance, seven miles west of Glasgow; is a handsome thriving town, and has gradually risen to importance since the union. It manufactures checked linen, thread, lawns, silk,gauze, and muslin ; its fancy muslin is said to be unequalled. Here are also considerable tanneries, soap-works, and manufactories of ribbands, inkles, &c. It has a populous neighbourhood, with numerous cotton-mills, print-fields, and bleachinggrounds, and its local advantages are great, consisting of good water-carriage, an abundance of coal, lime-stone, freestone, and coarse granite.

"The chief manufactures of Dundee, which stands on the Frith of Tay, are glass, linen, sail-cloth, cordage, buckram, thread, and leather.

"Next comes Aberdeen, which is chiefly situated between the Dee and Don. It is handsome, well built, and for trade and extent is said to be the third in Scotland. Its manufacture of stockings, thread, cottons, sail cloth, and veils, is extensive. The rivers yield an abundance of salmon, and the vicinity good quarries of lime-stone and granite.

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"Greenock, comparatively a new town, is much resorted to by shipping, for which it has suitable manufactures, it participates largely in the herring fishery, of which upwards of 45 thousand barrels have been cured and exported in a sea



"Perth is an increasing well-built town, pleasantly situated on the Tay, which admits vessels of 200 tons. bridge, a fine specimen of modern architecture, is 500 yards in length, and of great importance, being the principal tho

roughfare between the north and south of Scotland. It manufactures linens, cottons, and gloves. The adjacent country is fertile; the rented fislieries amount to 7000l. yearly.

"Inverness, the capital of the Highlands, is increasing and populous, has an excellent salmon fishery, a bridge of seven arches over the Ness, a good harbour, and a moderate foreign trade: it is also the chief market to a wide tract of the surrounding country. Manufactures ropes, linen, canvas, and cottons. An academy,, on an extensive scale, has lately been erected. The minerals of this district are limestone, marble, iron-ore, and rock-crystal.

"Montrose, on the Esk, is neat, healthy, and has a fine harbour, a good foreign trade, and valuable salmon fisheries, both in the North and South Esk. And there is a chalybeate spring, nearly equal in quality to that of Harrowgate. Its manufactures are canvas, linen, thread; and here it makes a great quantity of malt.

"6 Campbeltown has a considerable trade: here the fishing vessels rendezvous that annually visit the Western Isles.

"Stirling, south of the Frith of Forth, is situated on a hill which terminates abruptly in a steep rock. It enjoys a a very extensive prospect, and it boasts of an ancient castle, in which the kings of Scotland often resided. The manu factures of this town are carpets, woollens, and tartans. On the banks of the Carron, in, the south of the county of Stirling, is the largest iron foundry in Europe; upwards of 1000 men being constantly employed in it.

"Falkirk is chiefly supported by the fairs; which are held thrice a-year, for Highland cattle, of which above 45,000 are annually disposed of: the greater part of them is sent to England.

St. Andrew's, formerly the metropolis of the Pictish kingdom, has an elevated situation, and commands a fine view of the British ocean. The cathedral, a large Gothic structure, founded in 1161, was 157 years in building; but was so demolished in one single day by the rude fanaticism of John Knox and his adherents, that little of it now remains. The university contains two colleges."





OUR Travellers had been at sea but three days when they were overtaken by a storm, which drove them on the coast of Norway. The preceding evening had been remarkably calm and oppressive, and the vessel lay-to for some hours. About midnight a brisk wind arose, which rapidly became what the sailors call a stiff breeze. Towards morning the thunder muttered in the distance, and every symptom of an approaching storm became very evident. Our travellers were, at their earnest entreaty, allowed to be on deck, where they had not been long, before Doctor Walker directed the attention of the captain to an extraordinary large ball of blue fire, which appeared to the windward of the vessel, rolling on the surface of the water, at about three miles distant from them. The captain viewed with dismay this portentous ball, which came down upon them so fast, that before they could raise the main tack they observed the ball to rise almost perpendicularly, and not above 40 or 50 yards from the main chains: it went off with an explosion as if hundreds of cannon had been fired at once; and left so great a smell of sulphur that the ship appeared to be loaded with that mineral. After the noise was over, which did not last half a second, they found the main-top-mast shattered into above a hundred pieces, and the main-mast rent quite down to the keel. There were some of the spikes, that nailed the fish of the main-mast, drawn with such force out of the mast, that they stuck so firmly in the deck, that the carpenter was obliged to extract them with an iron crow; five men were knocked down, and one of them greatly burnt by the explosion, and one other was killed. To our travellers the whole of this scene appeared so new, so terrific, and so awful, that their feelings amounted almost to agony. The poor fellow who had been killed by the explosion of the fatal ball, was hastily committed to the silent deep, with "maimed rights,"

for the danger became every moment more pressing, and towards night it blew a tremendous hurricane. A difference between the steersman and the master of the vessel added not a little to the dismay which began to evince itself in the weather-beaten countenances of his crew. The captain desired they might tack and make for some of the British ports. The steersman pointing to the compass, declared they were then sailing direct for the northern coast of Great Britain. Capt. Welch did not deny but that the steersman was right as far as related to the compass; but he could not account for a circumstance which appeared in direct opposition to his own observation with regard to the movements of the vessel.

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"How terrific but how sublime, is the scene before us,' said the Doctor, as they gazed with fearful delight on the stormy ocean powdered with foam, while its fierce wave crested with fire, now heaved the vessel mountains high, now plunged her in the yawning gulf below, till impelled by a succeeding billow, again she rose, and then again rushed down from its precipitous height.

As the storm increased every moment, the captain entreated Dr. Walker, and his pupil, would withdraw to their cabins, whither they unwillingly retired. Colin remained on deck. In the short pauses which elapsed between the peals of thunder and the howling of the blast, the master's voice was indistinctly heard, and added considerably to the melancholy feelings of the travellers. The heavy roll of the vessel prevented them from keeping their seats, they were obliged to lie down in their hammocks. A tremendous clap of thunder, and a frightful crash on the deck, was followed by an awful, but momentary, calm, and they both sprang from their position, just time enough to make their escape; for the cabins on one side of the steerage, were all driven in by the lightning striking between the decks. The vessel now became unmanageable; in the course of ten or fifteen minutes, there was four feet water in the hold; and one of the pumps was so choaked, as to be unfit for action. All idea of saving the vessel was now hopeless, and instead of approaching land, they appeared, from their last sounding, to be far from any haven; having therefore collected a little fresh water, and a small quantity of provisions, which they put on board the boats, they quitted the vessel, and committed themselves to the boisterous deep, without knowing which way to guide their fragile barks. Soon after they left the ves

sel, they saw her pitch on her boom's end; and then suddenly recovering herself, she regained her equilibrium, and in a few moments she gradually sunk to the bottom: the sensations of the anxious sailors, as almost breathless they watched her majestic disappearance, may be conceived, but cannot be described. Towards evening the weather became a little more temperate, and as night came on, they could discover a star or two twinkling occasionally through the gloomy sky. About midnight the clouds began to disperse, and the captain then observed, from the position of the stars, that they were steering towards the north-east, instead of the southwest. This discovery caused an unusual sensation among the people, and a consultation followed as to the course they should pursue, when it was agreed, that as they had been driven so far in that direction, it would perhaps be as well to continue it, hoping they might fall in with some vessel which might take them on board, before their slender stock of provisions should be exhausted. Having rowed all night and great part of the next day, Edward pointed out, in the distance, a small speck, which he found increased in size, and in a short time it was pronounced by the exhausted mariners, to be a ship. They now redoubled their exertions, and Edward, who had never pronounced one single word indicative either of fear or apprehension, but had preserved the most calm and composed manner, during the whole of their perilous situation, threw down his oar, and burst into. tears, as a universal shout from the sailors proclaimed, that their signal was observed, and that the vessel was bearing down to their assistance. "Thank God, you are safe," exclaimed the agitated youth, as he grasped the hand of his tutor. "My poor mother, you don't know what I have suffered on her account too." The sailors, in the rude but glowing language of nature, expressed their joy in the strongest terms, upon their providential escape, and upon discovering the British ensign, as the vessel drew near, their satisfaction was complete. They found she was bound for Drontheim in Norway, and thither the captain safely conveyed our travellers. He too had been in the storm, but appeared to have escaped its most violent effects. When the Dr. mentioned how much they had been deceived in their route, the captain said the compass had no doubt been affected by the lightning, a circumstance which had once happened to him on a voyage to Barbadoes.

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