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Student's Manual.

Being an Etymological and Explanatory Vocabulary of Words derived from the Greek.




GRAPHO, I write.

BIBLIOGRAPHER, biblos, or biblion, a book. One who writes or transcribes books.

Lithography, lithos, a stone. Writing or engraving on


Orthography, orthos, correct. That part of grammar

which teaches how words should be written.

Stenography, stenos, short. Short-hand writing.

Telegraph, tele, distant. An instrument to convey intelligence to a distance.

Topography, topos, a place. A description of particular places.

Typography, typos, a printing letter. The art of printing.

KRATOS, power.

ARISTOCRACY, aristos, the best or noblest. That form of government which places the supreme power in the nobility.

Autocrat, auto, self. One who governs by himself. An absolute monarch.



Arctic, adj. from arktos, a bear. Belonging to the constellation called the Bear, which is in the northern hemisphere; hence the word ARCTIC is applied to all that relates to the north pole, as, "The Arctic Expedition."

Dioastrodoxon, s. from dia, through or by, aster, a star, and doxa, glory. The name given to a machine lately constructed by Mr. Lloyd, and intended to show the glory of the stars.

Eidouranion, s. from eidos, a form, and ouranos, heaven. The name given to a machine lately constructed by Mr. Walker, and intended to represent the heavenly bodies.

Stoics, s. A sect of ancient Philosophers, the followers of Zeno; thus called from stoa, a portico, because Zeno used to teach under a portico. The Stoics led a very austere life, and affected an indifference to all things. One of their doctrines was, that pain is no real evil; but that a wise man is happy in the midst of the severest torture. Hence we sometimes bear it said, "he bore the pain like a Stoic;" or "with stoical fortitude."


Stole, s. from stole, a long robe. STOLE is the eldest lord of his Majesty's bed chamber, whose office and honour it is to present and put on his Majesty's first garment every morning: this is usually done by proxy.

Zoology, s. from zoon, an animal, and logos, a discourse. The description of the animal kingdom, as botany is that of the vegetable, and mineralogy that of the fossil, kingdom. Natural history, properly speaking, embraces the whole of these departments of knowledge, though occasionally but improperly restricted to the first.

Testimonies in Favour of "The Student's Manual."

"If it were known how much real information a person may gain from this Manual,' and how much more he may appear to possess by making himself acquainted with it, there would be very few persons without it. To those who have not had the advantage of a classical education, and others who are entering on its rudiments, it cannot be too strongly recommended. Ingenuity in the plan, good taste in the execution, and utility in its objects, are the characteristics of this cheap and clever little work." The Literary Chronicle, No. 105, May 19, 1821.

"We know nothing of its origin nor of its author, but have no hesitation in bestowing our hearty praise upon both. The idea is excellent, the plan useful, the execution good, and the information necessary. Every reader not deeply imbued with classical learning must have felt the want of that which this publication is calculated to supply." The London Literary Gazette, August 18, 1821.

"The learner will acquire a benefit by the possession of this neat, cheap, and intelligent little publication; for the Author has not only given the Greek word in the English character, but he has analyzed it, tracing it to the root, and, together with a brief explanation of the meaning, he has occasionally added some amusing illustrations, calculated to render the study agreeable to young persons. Words derived from the Latin, but which the Latins derived from the Greek, are traced back to that language in preference to the Latin; for instance, Architect, which Johnson and Perry derive from the Latin only, is thus rightly given:-Architect, s. from arche, the chief, and teucho, I form. A master builder.'" Christian's Pocket Magazine, April, 1821.

For other Critical Testimonies, see also Monthly Magazine, February, 1821; New Monthly Magazine, April, 1821; The Lady's Magazine, October, 1821; and Eclectic Review, January, 1822.

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