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and thus loving and beloved, she progresses through the various stages of life, ornamenting all its interesting relations, and bestrewing the path of duty with flowers of sweetest fragrance: she closes her brilliant and beauteous course, by gathering her duties together as a never fading boquet of flowers, binds them with her amiability, and bequeaths them to posterity; then fullorbed, she sinks beneath the serene and expansivé horizon.

"Death steals but to renew with bloom
The life that triumphs o'er the tomb,
She died not-but hath flown.
Live, live above ! all beauteous here,
What art thou in another sphere-
An angel in their own?"




THERE is no situation in life sufficiently elevated to render a regard to economy altogether unnecessary; and as the income of the majority is confined within narrow limits, the duty of becoming economists is invested with additional importance. Let me, therefore, strongly exhort you to be temperate in all your views and actions; be especially discreet in the article of apparel; for if you do not adhere to moderation in this respect, you will soon have the mortification of seeing your affairs in disorder. If you once lay aside attention to economy, nothing can be answered for-pompous living is the high road to ruin, and the reduction of fortune is almost always followed by depravity of manners. Remember, that in order to be regular, it is not necessary to be sordid-avarice is unprofitable, and dishonorable. Adhere to good management only in order to avoid the injustice and shame attendant on irregularity. Let us retrench unnecessary expenses for the sake of preferring such as decency, friendship, and charity require us to make. It is established good order, and not an avaricious looking into trifling matters, which turns to great account: avoid meanness in every shape;

for it is usually associated with dishonesty. Wher PLINY sent back a bond for a considerable sum which the father of his friend owed him, accompanied with complete acquittance, he remarked-"Though my es tate be small, and I am subject to heavy expenses, yet my frugality produces a fund which enables me to ren der service to my friends." Abridge, therefore, your fancies and diversions, that you may not be deprived of the gratification of generous actions, in which every person of a liberal mind ought to indulge. Avoid vanity, and be wholly regardless of the wants it creates. It is commonly said, "we must necessarily be like others :" this sentiment has great latitude, and leads to much evil :—a just regard to your income will leave you in no doubt as to the line of conduct you ought to adopt. He who is regardless of his own means, can never effectually enhance his friend's. Have a noble emulation, and be ambitious to excel in honor, probity, and integrity. Be rich in the endowments of mind, and in the practice of virtue. Poverty of mind is far more_deplorable than poverty of circumstances. S. L.


I LOOK forward a few short years, and see the aspect of society entirely changed. The venerable fathers, who have borne the heat and burden of the day, are dropping one after another into the grave, and soon they will be gone. Of those too, who are now acting members of society, some have passed the meridian of life, others are passing it, and all will soon be going down in its decline, to mingle with the generations who have disappeared before them, from this transitory scene of action. To a mind, seriously contemplating this mournful fact, it is an inquiry of deep and tender_interest ;-who are to rise up and fill their places? To whom are to be committed the invaluable interests of this community? who to sustain its responsibilities and to discharge its duties? You anticipate the answer. It is to you young men, that these interests are to be committed and these responsibilities transferred-you are fast advancing to fill the places of those who are fast retiring to give

place to a new generation. You are soon to occupy the houses and own the property, and fill the offices and possess the power, and direct the influence that are now in other hands. The various departments of business and trust, the pulpit and bar, our courts of justice and halls of legislation; our civil, religious, and literary institutions; all, in short, that constitutes society, and goes to make life useful and happy, are to be in your hands and under your control.

This representation is not made to excite your vanity, but to impress you with a due sense of your obligations. You cannot take a rational view of the stations to which you are advancing, or of the duties that are coming upon you, without feeling deeply, your need of high and peculiar qualifications. In committing to you her interests and privileges, society imposes on you corresponding claims; and demands that you be prepared to fill, with honor and usefulness, the places which you are destined to occupy. She looks to you for future protection and support, and while she opens her arms to welcome you to her high immunities and hopes, she requires of you the cultivation of those virtues, and the attainment of those gratifications, which can alone prepare you for the duties and scenes of future life.


"How happens it, papa, that the river, which is commonly so peaceful and clear, that it resembles a large looking-glass, is to-day so swelled and yellowish?" 'My dear, that is because the stormy south winds have brought down torrents of rain, which have drawn all the impurities of the fields into the river. A peaceful and innocent heart is like the surface of the water when

it is limpid. Heaven and earth paint themselves upon it in all their beauty; one may read to the bottom of it. It is thus, my child, that I can still read in your's; but if stormy passions should one day rise in your breast, your heart will be like this river, swelled and dusky, my eyes will no longer be able to read in it, and it can no longer reflect the beauty of heaven,"

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WE present our readers with a print of the Tallowtree, which grows in great plenty in China, and produces a substance much like our tallow, which serves for the same purpose.

It is about the height of a cherry-tree; its leaves are in the form of a heart, of a deep shining red colour, and its bark is very smooth. Its fruit is inclosed in a kind of pod, or cover, like a chesnut, and consists of three round white grains, of the size and form of a small nut, each having its own coat, and within that a little stone. This stone is encompassed with a white pulp, which has all the properties of tallow as to consistence, color, and even smell. The Chinese make their candles of it, which would doubtless be as good as ours, if they knew how to purify their vegetable tallow, as well as we do our animal tallow, and to make their wicks as fine. All the preparation they give it is, to melt it down, and mix a little oil with it, to make it softer and more pliant. Their candles it is true, yield a thicker smoke, and a dimmer light than ours; but those defects are owing, in a great measure, to the wicks, which are not of cotton, but only a little rod of dry wood, covered with the pith of a rush, wound round it, which being very porous, serves to filtrate the tallow attracted by the burning stick, which by this means is kept burning.

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This animal, whose appearance is very singular, is found in different parts of Asia. It is larger in size than the common goat, and the body is covered with long shaggy hair, which, it is probable, was the article used in making cloth, as spoken of in Exod. xxvi. 7, and xxxv. 26. The most striking part of this animal is its ears, which are remarkably large, being from one to two feet in length, and broad in proportion. In color the Syrian goats are black; some black and white, and some gray.

Dr. Russel, a modern traveller, informs us that this kind of goat is to be found in the country round Aleppo, a city in Asia, near the head of the Mediterranean sea, not far from Antioch; where they are kept chiefly for their milk, which is sweet and well tasted, and which they yield in considerable quantities. This milk is esteemed highly as food by the inhabitants of that country.

The same kind of goat is also to be found in the country near about the city of Jerusalem, and it is no doubt to flocks of this description of goats, that Solomon_refers at the end of the twenty-seventh chapter of Pro

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