Memoirs of Sir Philip Francis, K.C.B.: With Correspondence and Journals, Том 1Longman's, Green, and Company, 1867 |
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Memoirs of Sir Philip Francis, K. C. B. with Correspondence and ..., Том 1 Joseph Parkes Полный просмотр - 1867 |
Часто встречающиеся слова и выражения
Adieu Almon American anonymous Anti-Sejanus appears August authorship Baggs Bath Calcraft Candor Chamier character clerk Clive common copy correspondence court D'Oyly dear Phil dearest Duke of Grafton Earl England evidence Farewell father favour Francis's gentleman George George Grenville give Grenville hand handwriting Henry Sampson Woodfall honour hope House India interest January Junius King Lady Letters of Junius libel Lisbon London Lord Barrington Lord Bute Lord Chatham Lord Kinnoul Lord Mansfield Lord North Mackrabie manuscript ment minister ministry never newspaper North Briton obliged Office watermark opinion pacquet pamphlet paper Parkes Parliament party period Pitt political Portugal present printer probably Public Advertiser published received Rosenhagen Seal Secretary Secretary at War signature Sir Philip Francis speech tell thought tion War Office wife Wilkes wish Woodfall Woodfall's write young
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Стр. 106 - Parliament assembled, had, hath, and of right ought to have, full Power and Authority to make Laws and Statutes of sufficient Force and Validity to bind the Colonies and People of America, Subjects of the Crown of Great Britain, in all cases whatsoever.
Стр. 142 - I will not censure him for the avarice of a pension, nor the melancholy ambition of a title. These were objects which he perhaps looked up to, though the rest of the world thought them far beneath his acceptance.
Стр. 386 - Musis amicus tristitiam et metus tradam protervis in mare Creticum portare ventis, quis sub Arcto rex gelidae metuatur orae, quid Tiridaten terreat, unice securus.
Стр. 323 - An Act for establishing certain Regulations for the better Management of the Affairs of the East India Company, as well in India as in Europe...
Стр. 209 - This letter will be probably a short one for a very good reason — because I have not Materials to make it a long one, for you know I do not mind Trouble ; not I. A letter of yours, dated in March, is arrived since I wrote last, but I think it does not require any particular answer, and if it did — for I have left it at Home. " Domestic news is as insipid as usual. Children bawling, servants fighting, my Wife scolding, your father and mother weeping, and Patty
Стр. 438 - Vhontieur de St. George; wore crosses, and finished the evening at the play-house, where we made the people all chorus
Стр. 169 - My Lord, the man who presumes to give your Lordship these hints, admires your character without servility, and is convinced that, if this country can be saved, it must be saved by Lord Chatham's spirit, by Lord Chatham's abilities.
Стр. 297 - Her person was that of animated, animating beauty, With a complexion of the most exquisite brilliancy, Unfaded when she fell ! Her understanding was of such quickness and reach of thought, That her knowledge, although she had learning, Was instant and original ; Her heart...
Стр. 156 - ... apology for its non-appearance : " We most heartily wish to oblige our valuable correspondent C., but his last favour is of so delicate a nature, that we dare not insert it, unless we are permitted to make such changes in certain expressions as may take off the immediate offence, without hurting the meaning.
Стр. 444 - I believe I have never told you that we have got Whitefield among us. He preaches like a dragon, curses and blesses us all in a breath, and tells us he hopes to die in the pulpit. He abuses the players, who in turn advertised to perform the Minor. The parsons petitioned the Governor against it, and the performance was dropt.