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Roman catholics may not be repealed." | country, were the sources of all those Ordered, That the said petition do lie grievances which imposed upon our ancesupon the table. tors the necessity of effecting the revolu [PETITION FROM OXFORDSHIRE RE- tion in 1688, and of establishing those SPECTING THE PETITION OF THE CATHO- Securities by which a recurrence of LICS OF IRELAND.] A petition of the those grievances was guarded against Freeholders of the county of Oxford, was and prevented; and the petitioners are presented to the house, and read; setting persuaded, that no measure could be forth," that the petitioners have seen, with devised more disrespectful to that great the deepest concern, that a petition has event, or to the illustrious characters been presented to the house by the Roman that were instrumental in effecting it, or catholics of Ireland, praying that the more repugnant to the principles establish laws by which they are at present exclud-ed by it, than the attempt to give to the ed from being members of the parliament Roman catholics a power in the govern of the united kingdom of Great Britain ment of this united kingdom; and that the and Ireland, and from filling the principal petitioners cannot but further recollect, offices in the executive government and that, by the existing laws, no Roman ca civil and military administration of Ire- tholic can wear the crown of this united land, may be repealed; and the peti-kingdom; a restriction which the petitioners humbly trust, that they are not tioners conceive to be founded in the deficient in those feelings of moderation soundest policy and wisdom; nor can the and tolerance by which an allowance is made petitioners help thinking, that the same for difference of opinion on religious sub- wisdom and policy requires their exclu jects, and by which a protection is afforded sion from the other branches of the legisto the exercise and practice of those different lature; and for this, amongst many other -opinions; but they are at the same time per- reasons, that nothing seems more incon suaded, that, to grant power and authority gruous to the petitioners, than, that the to persons whose religious principles are king should be obliged to discharge his hostile to the constitution of the Country, share of the government upon. Protestant is neither required by liberality, nor con- principles, and that his council should consistent with the dictates of sound policy or sist of persons devoted to a church of -self-preservation; and that the petitioners principles not only of a different but of a are convinced, by the experience of all repugnant nature; and therefore praying ages, that the principles of the Roman ca- that the laws by which Roman catholics tholic religion are incompatible with both are at present excluded from being memcivil and religious liberty; that they are bers of the parliament of the united kingparticularly repugnant to the genius and dom of Great Britain and Ireland, and spirit of the constitution of this united from filling the principal offices in the kingdom, so that it is impossible that executive government and civil and miliProtestants and Roman catholics should tary administration of Ireland, may not be ever agree in administering together the repealed."-Ordered, that the said peti-powers of government, and that such an tion do lie upon the table. attempt would be productive of the most [PETITION FROM DUBLIN RESPECTING mischievous distractions and weakness in THE PETITION OF THE ROMAN CATHO the public councils of the kingdom; and LICS OF IRELAND.] A petition of the - that though the petitioning Roman catho-lord mayor, sheriffs, commons, and citilics disclaim some of the mischievous doc-zens, of the city of Dublin, in common trines of the church of Rome, yet they council assembled, was presented to the * still admit that they acknowledge some of house, and read; setting forth, “that the the most dangerous ones, amongst which petitioners have seen with the deepest remust be reckoned the acknowledgement of gret a copy of a petition presented to the the supremacy of a foreign power in mat-house by certain persons in the name of ters of their religion, which must have the Roman catholics of Ireland, containa most important influence on their moraling demands of political power, which, if and political conduct; and that the peti-yielded, would be ruinous to our happy tiopers cannot but remember, that the constitution in Church and state; and that partiality of king James the Second for the the good conduct of the Irish Roman caRoman catholics, and the influence which tholics, as recognized by the Irish legishe gave them in the public councils of the lature in 1779, took place under the ope

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ration of severe laws, which since 1779]tion, in church and state, established by have been from time to time repealed, so Protestant legislators from the time of the as to place the Roman catholics of Ireland reformation to the reign of his present upon a footing of political power not en- majesty, would be destroyed and annihijoyed by any other dissenters from the lated; and therefore praying the house established religion in any other state; will continue to preserve unimpaired our but though the Roman catholics declared, excellent constitution, and reject the deat the time of relaxing those laws, they mands of the Roman catholics of Ireland." would be fully content, yet the petitioners Ordered, that the said petition do lie are sorry to observe, that that cordiality upon the table.. and union of sentiment which would be [PETITION OF THE DUKE OF ATHOL.] so desirable in Ireland has not yet taken A petition of John duke of Athol, was place; and further, the petitioners cannot presented to the house, and read; setting but observe, that the petition of the Irish forth" that the Isle of Man was granted in Roman catholics, though professing to ex-sovereignty by king Henry the Fourth to plain the tenets of that sect, as affecting the petitioner's ancestors, and confirmed political duties, is not signed by a single to, and made unalienable in, the petitioner's ecclesiastic of that persuasion; and that family by an act, passed in the 7th year of the assertion in the said petition, that king James the First, and they continued Irish Roman catholics are excluded from proprietors thereof, with sovereign rights, the privileges of corporations is wholly until it was thought necessary by parlia unfounded, inasmuch as they are admis- ment, for purposes connected with the pro sible into all guilds and corporations on tection of the British and Irish revenues, taking the oaths in their own petition re-to vest the same in his majesty, by an act cited; and that many of them do at this passed in the 5th year of his reign; and time actually enjoy and exercise such pri- that the petitioner is well satisfied that it vileges; but the petitioners observe, that was not intended in that transaction to de the object of this assertion seems to be to prive his family of the full benefit of the induce the legislature to compel the Pro-principle that has invariably governed the testant corporations of Ireland to elect legislature in all cases in which the public Roman catholics into their franchises, in safety has required that the rights and pro such numbers as to overbear and destroy perties of individuals should be resigned or the Protestant interest, an attempt which purchased for the protection of great na. was made both in England and Ireland tional interests, namely, that of giving full during the short and arbitrary reign of compensation to those who are called upon that unfortunate and infatuated king, James to make such sacrifices; and that the comthe Second, and which, with other serious pensation then given to the petitioner's fainnovations, led to the glorious re-asser-mily was estimated on an erroneous suppotion of the constitution in church and sition, that the greater part of the revenue state, under the great king William; and produced to him by the said island was dethat the petitioners beg leave most humbly rived from illegal sources, and from the to impress upon the house, that the lower introduction of articles which were afterorder of Roman catholics in Ireland are in wards smuggled into his majesty's domipossession of the same degree of civil, re-nions, to the great detriment of his ma ligious, and political liberty that is enjoyed jesty's revenues; and that, notwithstandby protestants of the same rank and sta-ing the lapse of time (a great part of which tion; and even the restraints complained has been employed in investigating the naof by the said petition affect a very incon-ture of the interests of the petitioner's fasiderable number of Roman catholics; the mily in the said island, and in the improvepetitioners therefore humbly conceive, that ment of the revenues derived by his mathe inducement held out by the petition [jesty from the same) the petitioner is able, to the house, viz." that granting the de-by original documents and evidence, to mands of the Roman catholics of Ireland prove that the revenue fairly arising to his would extinguish all motives to disunion family from the fair duties at the rates payand means of discontent," is utterly fal-able in 1765, accruing on articles introlacious, and they most humbly submit, duced into the island for the purposes of that if the demands contained in the said consumption only, independent of trade, petition were acceded to, all the fences would have 'produced an annual income, and securities of our excellent constitu- for which, together with the regalities that

were attached to it, the sum given could they do examine the matter thereof, and not be deemed an adequate compensation; report the same, as it shall appear to them, and that subsequent experience, founded to the house; and a committee was apon the system introduced after the revest-pointed accordingly; and they have power ment of the said island in his majesty, has to send for persons, papers, and records. fully confirmed that the compensation-Ordered, that the report of the com→ thus given was not adequate to the pro- missioners of enquiry relative to the Isle perty taken from the petitioner for the of Man, made in the year 1792; and also public service, and has also proved, that all accounts respecting the revenues of if a plan, similar to that which is now pur- the said Isle, which have been presented sued, for regulating the supply of articles to the house in this session of parliament, for the use of the island, had been adopted be referred to the said Committee.-Rein 1765, his majesty's revenue would have solved, that an humble address be presentbeen protected, and the interests of the ed to his majesty, that he will be gracia petitioner's family in the said island would ously pleased to give directions that there have been secured, and their value increas- be laid before this house, a copy of the ed instead of diminished; and that the report of the lords committee of his marevenue now raised in the said island greatly jesty's most honourable privy council, exceeds what parliament had in contein- dated 21st July 1804, upon the petitions plation at the time of the purchase, and of the duke of Athol to his majesty. the petitioner, being satisfied that it was [WEST INDIES.] Mr. Barham adverted not the intention of government at that to the alarm that prevailed on the state time to procure a benefit to the public by of our affairs in the West Indies. The sacrifices made by his family, without giv-right hon. gent. opposite (the Chancellor ing full compensation, rests assured that of the Exchequer) knew the dismay in the house will not deprive him of the full which the city was on this subject. It benefit that his family ought to have re- was conceived that great mischief had ceived for the resignation of their rights been done, and that the occasion of for the public service; and that the peti- that mischief had arisen from the negtioner has observed, that there is a bill lect of government. Whether that was now before the house for encouraging the the case or not, he would not say, but he trade, and for the improvement of the re- wished to put some questions, with a view venues, and for prevention of smuggling to to ascertain whether proper measures had and from the Isle of Man; and that the been taken for the security of our poss petitioner was not able to obtain his ma- sessions and property in that quarter, that jesty's recommendation to the object of if such measures had been taken, the his petition until the day appointed by the knowledge of the fact might do away the house for receiving private petitions had alarm. If such measures had not been elapsed; and therefore praying, that leave taken, it would be proper to enquire why may be given to present a petition for his they had not? He should if it were nerelief."-Ordered, that, in consideration of cessary, move for such papers as would the particular circumstances set forth in give information of all the measures taken the said petition, leave be given to present since the commencement of the war, for a petition as desired; then a petition of the security of our West India Colonies; the said John duke of Athol being offered but he would content himself in the preto be presented to the house; the chan-sent instance, with inquiring what infor cellor of the exchequer (by his majesty's mation government had with respect to command) acquainted the house, that his the sailing of the Rochfort squadron, its majesty, having been informed of the con- force, its destination, and at what time tents of the said petition, recommends it this information had been received? He to the consideration of the house; then should wish also for the instructions given the said petition was brought up, and read; to Admiral Cochrane, and the dispatches containing the same allegations as the pre-received from that Admiral from off List ceding petition; and praying, that provi-bon. He wished to know, whether that sion may be made in the said bill for Admiral sailed for the West Indies, and giving relief to the petitioner.-Ordered, at what time, and what forces he had with that the said petition be referred to the bim? If these questions were satisfactorily consideration of a committee; and that answered, any motion on the subject would

be unnecessary, as the time was passed who thought the exemption should when the disclosure they led to, could be of importance to the enemy.

be secured to charities under 601.; and Mr. Bastard, who thought the farmer should pay only for his actual profits, and not for his estimated profits according to the calculation of the commissioners on the rent, leave was given to bring in a bill to repeal certain provisions of the act, and to consolidate and render it more effec tual.

The Chancellor of the Exchequer felt himself under the necessity of objecting in the strongest manner, to the questions proposed by the hon. gent. The time was by no means passed, when the disclosure of the particulars required would be of importance to the enemy. On the contrary, it might be of the most material conse- The Chancellor of the Exchequer said it quence to make these particulars known to was his wish that the bill should be read them at present. He was certain, how-a first and second time, and then printed, ever, that when the proper time should to be considered during the holidays. The come it would be evident that there was new regulation would be incorporated with no neglect on the part of his majesty's those of the former ones that were suffered government, and as he was sure the alarm to remain, so that there would be but one that existed was beyond all proportion and bill on the subject. The chairman reportalmost altogether unfounded. ed, and the resolution was agreed to by the house.

Mr. St. John said there were other papers to which his attention had been call- [SMUGGLING PREVENTION BILL.] The ed, but if the disclosure of them was of any Chancellor of the Exchequer moved, that importance he would not press it. The the house should resolve itself into a compapers he alluded to were, an account of mittee on the act of 24th of his present our naval force in the West Indies in the majesty, for the prevention of smuggling. last year; and a similar account for the He stated, that the practice of smuggling ten years previous. The object was to had increased to an alarming extent, and shew, as he understood these accounts he had thought it his duty to submit to the would, that the force in that quarter since house a bill to remedy so dangerous an the commencement of the war, was not evil. The material object he had in view greater than that which had been kept was, to make articles of high duty in there during the peace. He gave notice, packages of certain sizes liable to seizure, that he would move for these papers on if found on board any ship in the narrow the first open day. seas. The distance within which they [PROPERTY DUTIES BILL.] The Chan-should be prohibited should not be less than cellor of the Exchequer, in pursuance of 100 leagues from the English coast. We notice, rose to move for leave to bring in had clearly a right to make any provisions a bill to amend the Property Act. One of we pleased with regard to the navigation his objects, he said, was, to give more ef- of our own seas by our own subjects, whatfect to the regulations respecting the ever exceptions might be necessary as to abatements; another was, to make some neutrals. Another object of the bill renew provisions relative to leases for lives. ferred to the hovering distance with reIt was also proposed to have a separate spect to Guernsey and the other Islands provision with respect to charitable corpo- in the Channel. It was notorious that rations. There were also some minor re-smuggling from thence had been carried gulations, unnecessary to be stated, as he on to an enormous extent. The measure meant, as soon as he had introduced the he meant to propose, in order to obviate bill, to move for its being printed.

Mr. For hoped that some means would be taken to render the abatements less inconvenient with regard to persons who had annuities. Those who paid such annuities, made it a general rule to deduct the 5 per cent. without considering whether the annuitant was a person who was entitled to the benefit of the abatements. Probably the right hon. gent. had this in view; if not, he wished to suggest it to him. After a few words from Mr. Calvert,

it in future, was to prohibit packages below a certain size from being on board ships hovering off those places. Another plan was, that where ships came in with smuggled articles, the persons on board should be liable to some penalty, unless they were transferred with their own consent to the navy. He also wished to have it made as penal to resist naval officers, as it at present was to resist excise officers. Another object of the bill was to prevent spirits being sold below proof at the diffe

rent ports where smuggled articles were (the empire, were absolutely abdicated. usually disposed of. With this view he should einpower the Lords of the Treasury to direct smuggled goods not to be sold at the ports, but to be consigned to their order, and disposed of under their control. He concluded by moving, "that the Chairman should be directed to move for leave to bring in a bill to prevent the practice of smuggling."-The report was received, and leave was given to bring in the bill.

From a deep conviction that this system could not long be persisted in, he had risen to call the attention of the house to the subject, as he had felt it his duty to do on many former occasions. Since he had last submitted the consideration of our affairs in India generally to parliament, the constitution of the house had been so much changed, as well as the individuals who composed it, that it became necessary for him to take a short view of our Indian {STATE OF AFFAIRS IN INDIA.] Mr. policy, from the time of our first settling Francis rose, and in a masterly and luminous there down to the present day, describing speech took an extensive view of our af-briefly the principles which parliament had fairs in India. It would not, he set out by at different periods laid down for the re observing, be denied, that the state of our gulation of our government. In the first inmense dominion in the Fast, was a sub-place, he had to state the reasons which in ject of the highest importance that could duced him so often to take up this office; be submitted to the consideration of parlia- this thankless office, as he had often exment. In proportion, however, as this em-perienced it. It was in 1773 that his first pire was extended, it seemed to excite less connection with India originated, when be of the attention either of the house or the was sent out by the government of that public. It seemed as if its very greatness period to be a member of the supreme had rendered it superior to the capacity of council. During a residence of six years the house fully to understand or beneficially in India, his conduct had ever received to regulate. If this really was the case, it the strongest marks of approbation; and was only an additional proof of the im- on his return in 1781 it had undergone the policy of that all-grasping system which most rigid examination. A committee of had too long guided our councils in India, the house had examined every act and every only an additional confirmation that such opinion which he had delivered while a a system must continue to produce conse-member of the supreme council; and he was quences of the most disastrous nature. proud in the recollection that the report of Abuses must, from the very nature of that committee was as favourable as even things, spring out of this excessive lust for his most sanguine wishes could have depower. Abuses must arise from the re-sired. It was a report of the most unquamoteness of our possessions, so little liable lified approbation. Other committees had to investigation or punishment. But it made similar reports, and after all the inwas fit that the house should bear in mind, quiry which did take place, he had a right that evils which originated in India would to say, that though not formally tried, he' not confine themselves to that country: was as much on his trial'as even Mr HastEven at this moment, some of those evils ings was, when he was formally arraigneđ were already felt, and many more would before the highest tribunal in this country. follow in their track. India, under its pre- To himself, who had received so little solid sent government, afforded us no revenue. advantage from the attention tre had be It was on the contrary there that our re-stowed on Indian affairs, it was a consola-s sources were consumed in ruinous con- tion to know, that his conduct, and the quests, that the flower of our troops were policy which he had ever recommended, cut off, fighting unnecessary battles. India, had received the most flattering testimounder a wise system of policy, might be at nies. Having said so much respecting the once a source of revenue and a fund of the origin of his connection with India, he most beneficial commerce. Before these proceeded to the direct consideration of effects took place, however, the present the question, in dong which he assured. system of apathy, with regard to our In-gentlemen that they had no occasion to be dian affairs, must be abandoned for a sys- alarmed by any apprehension of long, dry tem of jealousy, of justice, and of mode-details. All that he had in contempla ration. From the conduct of parliament tion was a bird's-eye view of the business, now, with regard to India, it appeared as for that would be fully sufficent for the if her authority to legislate for that part of object he had proposed on the pre-ent oc object VOL. IV.

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