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the same county with lord Melville, no stranger to lord Melville's agreeable convivial qualities, he had occasionally mixed in company with him, and had even been pleased with his society; he had now, when called on by his parliamentary duty, discharged that duty with fidelity, though to the exposure of any thing blameable in lord Melville's conduct? The hon. gent. begged pardon of the house for noticing this indecent reproach which had been thrown out against him. In doing so, he meant only to put himself right with the house, without any regard whatever to the right hon. gent.

Mr. Ellison begged pardon of the house while he performed his duty in shortly stating his sentiments on this subject. He had come down the other night, as he had today, with every wish to check peculation, and with every intention to follow up the resolutions of the house, as far as justice might seem to warrant. Expecting that the whole crime would be made out before the house ought to be called on to pass sentence, he on the former night voted for the committee, thinking that any sentence before the gravamen was made out, was worse than any punishment which the house might afterwards feel itself called on to inflict. The house, however, having determined that there was no necessity for a committee in the first instance, he came down this night with a determination to lend every aid in his power to bring the guilty to punishment, to pledge himself to assist any class of men to whatever party they might belong, who who would institute an enquiry, and punish abuses in every department.

tired! He ought to have been dismissed as well as Mr. Trotter. The hon. gent., however, had been arraigned,, as being nearly connected with sir Charles Grey, and also with sir John Jervis, with having omitted to recollect that the noble lord whom he now accused, had been the advocate and supporter of the two hon. characters. It never, however, entered into his mind that those two persons did owe any obligation to lord Melville. He had never considered lord Melville as their advocate. But, supposing it to have been the case, what was meant to be inferred from the fact? Was it to be alleged that the support which lord Melville then gave his two noble friends was a job, and that he (Mr. Whitbread) was now bound to do a job for lord Melville? Sir Charles Grey then stood on his trial. He was acquitted, and was twice thanked by that house for his conduct. Lord Melville, it may be said, moved for those thanks. Be it so. But would it be said he did so without thinking them merited? Far more, would it be urged, because lord Melville chose on that occasion to abandon his duty, that the hon. member and an hon. friend of his(Mr. Grey) were now called on to desert their duty? The right hon. gent. opposite had given a promise that night, that lord Melville should never again hold any office of trust in the management of public affairs; but might not his majesty change his advisers, and might not lord Melville be then again admitted into his councils? What means had the king of knowing what was done in that house? Had the right hon. gent. communicated their resolutions to his Mr. Whitbread hoped it would not be ne- majesty? That could not be; else he must cessary for him to make any apology for have been dismissed, and would not have offering a few observations on what had been allowed to resign. The hon. member been said. He had been arraigned by two felt anxious that the house should stand high right hon. gentlemen, both this night and in the public opinion; he felt doubly so, on the former night, for the way in which after the proceedings of the other night, he had opened the business. On the former lest it should be again let down. He beg night he had been accused of too much pas-ged to be allowed to state the way in which sion in his statement. As he was conscious matters stood on the morning when they last of feeling nothing of the kind in his mind, adjourned. Many members were anxious he hoped the right hon. gent. would do him that the concluding motion should then be the justice to suppose that he had miscon- made. He intimated his intention of bringceived him in this respect. As to his state-ing it forward that very night. Nothing fell ment of this night, he denied that he had from him indicative of any intention to reblamed lord Melville for tendering in his re-linquish his motion; he only wished to postsignation. He thought, on the contrary, pone the moving it for a few hours on acthat noble lord was right in retiring; but count of the exhausted state of the house. he must be of opinion that ministers were The right hon. gent., without assigning any reprehensible in allowing him. There was reason for the additional delay, proposed an this difference between him and Mr. Trotter; adjournment for thirty-six hours. This was Mr. Trotter had been dismissed; he had re-objected to by his hon. friend (Mr. Fox),

unless it was understood that in the inter-ever, could not help having also a high val no public business should take place; respect for the authority and opinion of the and the right hon. gent. with a countenance commissioners of naval enquiry; they said, which he (Mr. W.) should not easily forget, and the hon. member said too, that Wilson said, upon every view of the case, it would was an improper person to continue in his be better to adjourn. Could it, however, present or in any other situation of public be in the contemplation of the house, that trust.-The hon. gent. said he could not, this delay was for the purpose of allowing after what had fallen from hon. friends of Ford Melville time to resign? If any meni-his, and from other hon. gentlemen, whose bers, however, found themselves taken by support he was anxious to procure, refuse, surprise, he should withdraw his motion, in the mean time, to withdraw his motion. but at the same time he knew that was not He was anxious, however, lest the public a thing calculated to satisfy the public. He should suppose that in passing their former said so, not in any spirit of resentment resolutions, they had only adopted in a against lord Melville, as if this resolution heat what they were unwilling to follow were necessary to make him feel his situa- up; he, therefore, had to suggest what he tion. If he had any feelings, and the hon. hoped would meet the opinion of every member entertained no doubt he had, no-gentleman present, that a copy of the rething could ring them more than the reso- solutions of that house, of the former night, lutions already passed by that house. He be laid before his majesty without any comwas conscious the sense of the house went ment. By this means he conceived that with him, that it was necessary that lord the house and the public might be saMelville should never again hold any oflice tisfied that lord Melville could not, with of trust. All, therefore, that he desired any consistency, be restored to any office was to find out some way of entering this of emolument or trust under the crown. opinion on the journals of the house, and This, he thought, was the best mode that the motion had on that account been of conciliating different opinions.-Hle withdrawn, The parallels which had been then moved, "that his original motion set up as to the motions against ministers be withdrawn;" which being agreed to, being allowed to drop on their resignation, the hon. gent. proposed, "that the resodid not at all apply. They were made on lutions of Monday be entered, as read;” the ground of incapacity; this was founded which was also agreed to. His next moon a delinquency. He knew that in com-tion was, "that these resolutions be laid mon cases, to be expunged from the list of the before his majesty." This motion was privy council was no disgrace. It had oc- agreed to, nem, con.` curred to his hon. friend (Mr. Fox). The Mr. Whitbread again rose, and said, that right hon. gent. then in the plenitude of he thought the most solenin mode of carryhis power, had recommended it as a mea-ing such an important step into execution sure proper for his majesty's adoption. He ought to be adopted on the present occahad, however, since retracted that opinion, sion; on that account he should propose, and had recommended to his majesty not" that these resolutions be laid before his only to restore him to that honour, but to majesty by the whole house.” promote him to his highest confidence. He The Chancellor of the Exchequer said, that had asked pardon for his offence before he understood the hon. gent. to have meant God and man. But, could ever such a re- that the resolutions should be laid before his commendation avail in favour of lord Mel-majesty without any comment, and in the ville, after the resolutions adopted by that most simple form. house? He was happy to understand that Mr. Whitbread replied, that it was his the Bank was not so much to blame as he intention they should be presented without had supposed; and also to learn, by what comment, but not without forin. fell from the right hon. gent. (Mr. Canning), quoted several precedents to prove the prothat the mode of conducting business inpriety of the mode of proceeding which his office was entirely changed, such would he proposed, and observed, that even had always happen when principals began to do no precedent existed, that course ought their duty. But, why, he must ask, was to be pursued which gave most weight and Trotter dismissed, and Wilson not? The dignity to the transaction. The motion right hon. gent, had said, Wilson was a was then agreed to, and it was ordered deserving officer. With all respect for the that such of the members as were of his assertion of the right hon. gent. he, how-majesty's most hon. privy council should VOL. IV.

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wait on his majesty, to know when he would be graciously pleased to receive the


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tending in the house of peers, pursuant to a summons by the Black Rod, on his return, informed the house that the royal The Chancellor of the Exchequer said, that assent had been given by commission to the hon. gent. had already given a general the Irish Militia Volunteer bill, the Irish notice of some motions he intended to Spirit Permit bill, the London Bread Assire make after the recess; he should wish to be bill, Boyer's Lottery bill, and several priinformed, if possible, on what day he in-vate bills.-Lord Stopford informed the tended to bring them forward. house from the bar that his majesty had Mr. Whitbread said, that on the very been waited on with the address of last first day after the conclusion of the holi-night, and had been graciously pleased to days, he meant to move that instructions appoint 4 o'clock this day to be waited on be given to the attorney-general to proceed therewith-A new writ was ordered for legally against lord Melville and Mr. Trot- the borough of Malton, in the room of ter; and also, that an enquiry should be the hon. C. L. Dundas, who since bis elecinstituted for the investigation of those tion had accepted the stewardship of his parts of the 10th report which had not majesty's Chiltern Hundreds.-The Prize been already considered by the house. Courts bill, and the Property Duty bill, There was one circumstance which he only passed through a committee pro formá, wished to notice, though he did not mean to were then reported, ordered to be printed be deemed too severe in so doing. He as amended, and the reports to be sevemerely meant to suggest to that hon. aud rally taken into further consideration on learned gent. (the attorney-general) that it the 30th instant. might be proper to introduce a restraining bill, to prevent the noble lord making away with his property. He did not mean, however, by stating this, to take the house by surprise.

[PAYMASTER OF THE FORCES REGULATION BILL.] Mr. Rose prefaced his motion for leave to bring in a bill to amend the 23d of the king, as far as it relates to the regulation of the office of payThe Chancellor of the Exchequer hinted, master of his majesty's forces, by statthat it was not impossible his majesty nughting briefly the objects he had in view in intimate his wish to receive the resolutions bringing forward this measure. He had before the adjournment. The extent of the looked into the reports of the commissioadjournment had usually been from Thurɛ-ners of accounts, and found that no acday to Monday se'nnight; but he should counts had been passed from (the office of spropose that, in this instance, it might be the paymaster previous to the passing of from Thursday to Thursday fortnight. that bill; the provisions of that bill were Mr. Serjeant Best gave notice, that on an sufficient to secure the passing of the ac early day after the recess, he should sub-counts; but they gave to the public no mit a motion to the house founded on the 11th report of the commissioners of naval ,enquiry.Adjourned.



Thursday, April 11. [MINUTES.] The royal assent was given by commission to the Irish Militia Enlisting bill, the Irish Spirits Permit bill, the Bread Assize, and Boyer's Lottery bill.

means of compelling the production of vouchers, or of enforcing the payment of arrears that might accumulate in the hands of the paymasters; in consequence of which, considerable risk was incurred by the public, from the length of time that often elapsed before the accounts were audited. One of his objects, therefore, was, to enforce the production of vouchers to the pay-office, and to give process to the public for the recovery of any arrears that may remain in the hands of the paymasters. Another was, to separate the acting from the retired or removed paymasters. There were many provisions in the existing bill which were found inconvenient or unnecessary. Another object consequently was, by omitting these parts, to accommodate the provisions of the bill to the practice Thursday, April 11. of the office, under improved regulations, [MINUTES.] The Speaker came down adopted since the passing of the bill. The to the house at three o'clock, and after at-measure, he proposed he had prepared

The Lord Chancellor stated, that very shortly after the recess, he should move to appoint particular days for the delivery of judginent upon such causes as stood over for ultimate decision. The bills upon the table were forwarded in their respective stages. Adjourned to Thursday the 25th inst.



during the summer, and had since submitted bill). It was his intention, if present, to to the consideration of the auditors of have made some observations, which, from the public accounts, and to the war depart- the accuracy of his information, might be ment of his majesty's government. It had of national advantage. It might perhaps received the approbation of both, and he be irregular to bring the subject then be-. was sure it was now in a state in which fore the house, but he hoped that whatever he could confidently present it to the regarded essentially the interest and comhouse, the end proposed in it being pre-fort of the mass of the people would alcisely the same as the hon. framer of the ways have their lordships' support and former bill had in view, namely, to pre-hearty concurrence. It was truly lament, vent any misapplication of the public mo-able, that, at a period like the present, ney. If the house should agree to his mo- there should exist any men who endeavourtion, he proposed to introduce a bill, and fed to amass fortunes at the expence of the after the first reading to have it printed, community, but particularly at the expence and the second reading fixed for this day of the poor, who were, at present, bearing three weeks, in order to afford time to with cheerfulness their share of the burthens.. gentlemen to make themselves acquainted of the war; but this was unfortunately the with its provisions. The former act having case, which he could not more clearly ilbeen entered as read, leave was given to lustrate or satisfactorily prove to the house, bring in the bill; which Mr. Rose brought than by assuring their lordships, that the up, read a first time, and ordered to be quartern loaf was sold in Cheltenham, and printed, and read a second time this day many other large and populous towns three weeks. through which he lately passed, at one shilLord H. Petty observed, that more than a ling, when it was sold in London at 1s. 4d. month ago he had moved for copies of seve-The difference was nothing to a man of forral depositions relative to the gaol of Kil-tune, but to a hard-working man it was of mainham, and they were not yet forthcoming. the first importance, and ought to be reHe was surprised to find so much difficulty duced to its proper standard, if possible. in obtaining papers from Ireland. A simi- He had made the strictest enquiries respectlar circumstance had lately occurred, with ing the cause of this extravagant differrespect to other papers on a different sub-ence, and found that it was artificial. He ject, in which seven weeks had elapsed, stated this with the utmost confidence, be, without any return being made. He should, cause he was sure of his information, and therefore, move" that the return for the could prove the fact. It was the practice. papers he had nioved for should be made of certain millers and mealmen, who reforthwith." Ordered. The house then ad-sided about 15 or 20 miles from London, journed to this day fortnight, and the right many of them possessing from 200,000l. to hon. the speaker, followed by several mem-300,000l. to receive expresses from town bers, immediately went up to St. James's respecting the state of the markets, acwith the resolutions of Monday last. cording to which returns they either sent or kept back grain and flour, as it best suited their purpose. He wished to be understood as not at all wishing to, cast any adium upon, or excite public indignation MINUTES.] Several private bills were against a particular description of people; brought up from the commons, and read a but he could not, at the same time, refrain first time. On the motion of the bishop of from communicating to their lordships the Oxford, the committee on the Universities information which he had collected respectAdvowson bill was postponed till Monday, ing this most serious and important matter. for which day the lords were ordered to be He thought it high time for the legislature summoued➡Mr. Johnson, from the Irish also to consider how the assize of bread secretary of state's office, presented an ac-was struck and regulated in general.. He count of the State of the Gaols in Ireland, had reason to believe and be convinced, during the year 1804. * §from the best authority on the subject, that


Thursday, April 25.

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PRICE OF BREAD] The Earl of Sufif government established flour magazines folk rose, and expressed his regret, that at convenient distances from town, the high unavoidable business had obliged him to price of bread would be soon lowered, and be absent during the progress of a late always kept in due proportion to the quan-bill through the house (the Bread Assize tits of grain in the country. It was really

Lord Walsingham assured the noble carl, that the bill should not have been carried through its stages so soon as it had, if he was not informed that the noble earl had no objection to its progress.

The Lord Chancellor said, that it must be a gratification to the noble earl to know that the bill to which he alluded had no connection with the subject which he brought before the house.-Adjourned.


Thursday, April 25.

lamentable that a million of people, which the Thames.-Lord John Townsend and this city and suburbs contained, should be Mr. Garrow took the oaths and their seats kept in a state of expectancy on flour fac-in the house.-The Chancellor of the Extors for the most necessary article of life. chequer gave notice, that on Monday next If those magazines were established at cer- he should move for leave to bring in a bill tain distances, such as Uxbridge and other to continue the commission of naval inplaces equi-distant, he was certain that great quiry; and also that he should submit a convenience and saving to the people would motion for the purpose of appointing combe the happy consequence. Having said missioners to inquire into the conduct of thus much on this mest important subject, the principal departments connected with he should trouble their lordships no farther the great military expenditure of the counthan to repeat his hope, that the matter try, with powers to examine witnesses on might be well weighed and considered, with oath, and to report to both houses of para view of giving it that effect, which he had liament, in order that if no abuse existed no doubt would be highly beneficial. that required correction, the public may be satisfied with the assurance of the fact; or if, after investigation, new measures should seem necessary, parliament should adopt such as in its wisdom it may think fit,Mr. Kinnaird presented a petition from B. Tucker, esq. late a commissioner of the navy board, stating that a letter of the navy board to the admiralty, on the subject of the report of the navy board relative to sir Home Popham, prepared by Mr. Tucker, contained many gross, false, and scandalous charges against him, which were not communicated to him by the admiralty or the navy board, and from which [MINUTES.] The Speaker reported to he prayed an opportunity of clearing himthe house, that the house attended His self.-On the motion of Mr. Kinnaird, it Majesty on the 11th instant, with the reso-. was ordered that there be laid before the lutions of the house of the Sth instant, house, a copy of Mr. Tucker's letter to the relative to lord viscount Melville, where-admiralty on this subject.-Sir A. S. Hamupon His Majesty was pleased to give the mond gave notice that he would to-morfollowing most gracious answer: "Gen-row move for certain papers connected "tlemen; I shall on a occasions receive with the 11th report of the commissioners "with the greatest attention any represen- of naval enquiry. "tation of my commons; and I am fully [PETITION OF THE ELECTORS OF SOUTH"sensible of the importance of the matter wARK AGAINST LORD MELVILLE.] Mr, "which is the subject of your resolu- Henry Thornton presented the following pe "tions."On the motion of Mr.W. Smith, tition agreed to by the electors of Southit was ordered that a new writ should be wark, in common hall assembled: “To issued for the election of a representative the honourable the Commons of Gt. Britain for Hereford, in the room of J. Scudamore, and Ireland, in parliament assembled. We, esq. deceased. Mr. Johnstone, from the the undersigned, electors of the borough office of the chief secretary of Ireland, of Southwark, in the county of Surry, presented at the bar the various state-beg leave to congratulate your honourments relative to the prisoners in Kilmain-able house, upon the result, so glorious to mam gaol, which had been ordered upon the character of parliament, of the disa former day, on the motion of lord Henry cussions which have taken place in your hoPetty. Ordered to be laid on the table.-nourable house on the 8th and 10th days of Sir Thomas Metcalfe moved, that the se- this inst. April, respecting the gross malvercond reading of the Pancras Poor bill be sations in certain branches of the executive fixed for Monday next, which, after a few government, which have been disclosed in observations from Mr. P. Moore, was the Tenth Report of the commissioners of agreed to, and ordered by the house.-Sir naval enquiry. We pray your honourable J. W. Anderson obtained leave to bring in house to follow up that virtuous line of a bill for the formation of the Tunnel under conduct, which, upon the two days before

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