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and ought equally to be brought to a severe account; and therefore praying, that the house, taking these matters into their most serious consideration, will vigorously promote and prosecute those inquiries, and

named, have diffused such signal satisfac-| his majesty's faithful subjects, of the wistion through the whole country. We en-dom and fidelity with which it has distreat you to sift to the bottom the mass of charged its most sacred trust, by the proabuses which the aforesaid commissioners gress it has made towards protecting the have traced and exposed. We beseech people against such gross violations of the you to renew, without loss of time, and law and breaches of public duty; and to extend, if necessary, the powers so that the petitioners approach the house, as faithfully executed, of those commissioners. the guardians of the liberty and property We implore your honourable house to pull of the people, under a full conviction that down guilt, however protected; to save such shameful abuses will induce the house from rapacity, from peculation, and fraud, to do ample justice to the outraged feelings a people who contribute cheerfully to the of the country, by bringing to condign real wants of the state, and who never punishment convicted criminality; and complain but when their generous temper that they beg to submit to the house, that is abused and imposed upon : so shall the it would be highly derogatory to his macommons of England take the most effi-jesty's government, prejudicial to the pubcient course possible to vindicate the sul- lic service, and insulting to the house, and lied honour of the government; to con- the nation at large, for lord Melville any firm the public confidence, and to plant longer to continue in his majesty's councils, in all good hearts the most unfeigned ad-or to hold any place of trust, profit, or ho miration of the British constitution." nour, in or under the government; and that [PETITION OF THE CITY OF LONDON A-they conceive all other persons who may be GAINST LORD MELVILLE.] Mr. Ald. Curtis implicated in, or who have connived at, such presented a petition from the lord mayor, abuses, to be incapable any longer of servaldermen, and livery of the city of Londoning the country with honour or advantage, in common ball assembled, setting forth, "That the petitioners have uniformly concurred in and supported such measures as have appeared conducive to the safety and welfare of his majesty's dominions, and have cheerfully submitted to the most unex-cause the powers of the said commissioampled burthens, under a confidence that the resources of the country were faithfully and honestly administered; and that they learn, with the utmost concern and astonishment, from the reports of the commissioners for naval enquiry, now before the house, that the right hon. Henry Dundas viscount Melville, late treasurer of his majesty's navy, has been guilty of a gross violation of the law and a high breach of duty, whereby immense sums of the public money have been perverted to private emolument; and [PETITION OF THE CITY OF SALISBURY that they conceive it to be a high aggrava- AGAINST LORD MELVILLE.] Lord Vistion of such offence, that these disgrace-count Folkestone presented a petition from ful transactions were carried on during a the mayor and coproration of the city of period of unprecedented difficulty, when the very existence of the country was said to be at stake; and that the person so abusing his trust, so violating the law, was in the enjoyment of several high and lucrative offices, and ever among the foremost in laying additional burthens upon the people, and calling upon them to submit to the inost painful privations; and that they are duly impressed with a high sense of the virtue, integrity, and firmness of the house, and strongly participate in the sentiment which so generally pervades all ranks of

ners to be prolonged and extended, and other measures to be adopted, in order that such further enquiry may be made into the receipt, management, and expenditure of the public money, and the conduct of the public offices, as may lead to the detection of all abuses and the punishment of all offences, and that such a system of vigilance and economy may be established, as may effectually guard against the recurrence of such flagrant abuses."

Salisbury, setting forth, "That the petitioners have perused, with much concern and interest, the resolutions of the house of the 8th and 10th days of this instant April; with concern, that any charges of the nature therein implied should attach upon any individual in a high official situation, and with interest, that the representatives of the nation have, under the circumstance of such charges, marked such individual with their censure and reprobation; and that the petitioners beg leave to state, that, in common with the nation at large, they

have to lament the weight of the heavy came within the act. It declared, that burthens to which the legislature has found it was not the intention of the hon. necessary to submit them, but they claim baronet to defend the petition, as far as for themselves, in common with the na-related to the majority, or the right of tion at large, the merit of having borne voting, but he wished to defend himself them with patience, readiness, and equani-against the charge of bribery and corrup mity, trusting that what had been granted tion. He thought the latter words super.* liberally would be applied faithfully; but fluous, but did not imagine they vitiated when a suspicion is gone forth, under the the declaration. authority of parliamentary commissioners, and that suspicion apparently adopted by the house, that peculation has been hard at work, the petitioners take leave to call Sir John Newport was of opinion that upon the national representatives for re- the declaration came within the spidress, reminding them that it is of little rit and the letter of the act, as it was imconsequence as a public grievance, of little possible for the hon. baronet to proceed consequence in point of official morality, further; and as the charge of perjury goes whether the actual peculation be by men to civil penalties, the declaration, if not of great authority and power, or by their worded as it was at present, may be deputies and subalterns under their per-brought against him.

The Secretary at War argued, on the contrary, that, unless the declaration was final, it could not be received.

mission and connivance; and therefore, Mr. Calcraft observed, that with the inpraying the house to continue such com-dulgence of the house, he would withdraw mission of enquiry as has already discover-the declaration, for the purpose of amended such abuses, and to institute any newing it; and as the hon. baronet was indiscommission which may be necessary to as-posed in the country, he would present certam whether in any other department of another, signed by him, to-morrow or the state the national finances have been next day. After a few words from Mr. misapplied, and also to devise such legal Rose and Mr. Grey, the declaration was proceedings upon those instances of misap-accordingly withdrawn.

plication already before the public as may [IRISH SMALL NOTES REGULATION BILL.] satisfy the general cry for justice, by bring- Mr, Lee adverted to the present rules ing all persons concerned to a strict re-prescribed by law, for the issue of small sponsibility." bank notes in Ireland, by which it was en[MIDDLESEX ELECTION.] Mr. Cal- joined, that no private banks should be alcraft said, he held in his hand a declara-lowed to issue notes under three guineas tion, signed by sir Francis Burdett, which value in that country. The effect of such the house, he had no doubt, would receive, a measure must obviously be highly deagreeably to the act of the 28th of the trimental to trade in general. The fariner king, for the regulation of controverted could not, on account of the scarcity of elections. The act being read pro forma specie, sell, a small quantity of corn there, by the clerk, the hon. gent. observed, to the amount of 20s. or 30s, unless he that, according to its provisions, any mem-could, which was very rarely the case, ber, in case of a contested election, might give change for a 3-guinea note, and thewithdraw himself from the contest, by same difficulty was felt in every other signing a written declaration to that effect, which the house was bound to receive. -The Speaker called the attention of the house to the present proceeding, Ile observed, it was certainly competent for a member to withdraw himself by signing a written declaration, but he must reInquish prosecuting the business totally, but not partially. The question was, whether the declaration was so defined, that the hon. member withdrew himself out of one or several parts of the charges contained in the petition.

branch of dealing. This was not felt in England, or Scotland, where the private bankers can get small notes from the Bank of England; but the national Bank · of Ireland was restrained, so as not to extend its issues. He saw no reason for this distinction in the case of Irish private banks, as they must always have in their possession national notes, in proportion to their own issues, and were therefore perfectly secure. He would leave it to any gent., conversant with business, to reflect on the extreme inconveniencies Mr. Culcraft was of opinion that the that must ensue ever here, if, while the declaration which he held in his hand restriction on the bank continues, there

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should be no smaller than 3 guinea notes]" sations of an Individual-with all our in circulation. In Ireland, the measure regard for town and country meetings had a most desireable tendency, as the" when properly directed in supporting › tradesman' there had seldom any other" the cause of independence, freedom, way of getting his note exchanged, but and public virtuc we canirot help again of repairing to the public house, and" and again declaring, that ford Melville spending a great part of the money. He has fallen a victim to confidence misthen moved for leave to bring in a bill" placed; to prejudice misjudged, and to regulate the issue of small promissory" to indignation misapplied. He has notes and bills in Ireland, which was been condemned without a trial. Whe agreed to." The hon. gent. next observed" an appeal has been offered to his inupon the great difficulties existing in the temperate judges-when a request has recovery of small debts in Ireland, where been made to put him on his defencecreditors were often obliged to travel from when it has been earnestly solicited to 30 or 40 miles, to the quarter sessions, at give him a fair and a candid hearing, and an expence perhaps superior to the amount" then to come to a decision on the méof their respective debts. The principal" rits of the case a strong and presumpobject of the bill he should propose, would tuous negative has been given, directed be to give niagistrates the summary power" and enforced by the violence of the of debts under 51. He then moved for times."-The hon. gent. proceeded to leave" to bring in a bill for the more ex-move that the printer and publisher peditious recovering of small debts in should be called to the bar of the Ireland," which was granted.


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house."The clerk taking up the paper in question, ascertained that the printer, and publisher was Mr. Peter Stuart, of Fleet-street; and on the suggestion of the speaker, the passage complained of was again read at the table. As soon as Mr. Grey's motion was put from the chair,

[PROCEEDINGS RELATING Το THE PRINTER OF `` THE ORACLE" FOR A LIBEL ON THE HOUSE] Mr. Grey rose, and, after stating his reluctance to take any step at all inconsistent with the most perfect liberty of the press, called the attention of the house to one of the most The Chancellor of the Exchequer rose, indecent libels on the procedings of that and spoke as follows: I certainly do alhouse, which it had ever been his pro-low, sir, that the passage now read is livince to notice.' It was, indeed, a libel bellous and indecent; but, if we are now of so gross a nature, that the house, in to begin to turn our attention to every consistency with its own dignity, could thing of a libellous and indecent tendency, not suffer it to pass over, without a strong which appears in the public newspapers, expression of indignation against such an I hope at least we shall observe the strictest attack on a solenin decision of the legis-impartiality. It is not the first time that lature. The hon. member then read the we have heard of libellous, licentious, following paragraph from "the Oracle" and unwarrantable observations in newsof yesterday. The article is prefaced papers, even on the proceedings of this by a statement that sir Charles Middleton house, and we have seen them altogether was appointed first lord of the admiralty. overlooked. If gentlemen have now,

While we announce this arrangement however, made up their minds that such "as the proper reward of public and pri-licentiousness of the press is not to be "-vate virtue, we cannot help sincerely tolerated; if they are resolved that maligregretting, that party rancour and po-nant remarks, whenever they appear de"pular clamour have at this time derogatory to the dignity of this house, shall prived our king and country of the meet with marks of our indignation, I am great and powerful abilities of lord Mel-satisfied. All that I ask is, that we shall "ville. In no period of our political not select one instance for punishment, "history can we find such an instance while we allow many others to pass with "of the strong effects of prejudice. With impunity. I certainly do not oppose the "all our profound respect for the motives motion.

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which influenced the majority of the Mr. Grey.-The right hon. gent. has "house of commons--with all our admi-allowed that the passage which I have "ration of that spirit which arouses and thought it my duty to bring before the "animates the people in their expressions house, is both libellous and indecent, and ***of indignation at the supposed malver- he has no objection to the Motion which

I have proposed. IIc says, however, that have delinquents brought to 'punishment, he wishes this not to be a particular in- is it not our province to teach those who stance selected for party motives, but a libel our proceedings, that they shall not part of a general system of inquiry. To do so with impunity? We have voted certhis I can have no sort of objection, for Itain resolutions on which his majesty's have selected this case merely because servants have not hitherto thought it their it struck me as one which it was the im-duty to take the least proceedings.-The perious duty of this House to take under right hon. gent. opposite, the treasurer of their special cognizance. The present the navy, even continues in office, a man instance was one which appeared to me whom the commissioners of naval enquiry right and proper to be selected, and on have declared unworthy of acting in any that account only have I brought it un-pecuniary situation, since, he refused to der the consideration of the house. The answer questions essentially connected with right hon. gent. has alluded to cases of the object of their investigations. If ever libels on this house which were overlooked. then, sir, it was fit for the house of commons If he did know of such cases it was his duty to be jealous of its honour and dignity, to have specified them, and if they did not surely this is the period when our calls to meet with adequate punishment, he has no jealousy are greatly increased. The very one to blame but himself. Those who strength and efficacy of our late resolutions did see such libels and who did not specify must depend on the measures which we them in this house, were certainly deficient now form, not as against an individual, in respect to that dignity in all its proceed-but for the support of the character of the ings, without which the honour and the house of commons. I therefore entirely importance of this house could not be coincide in the motion of my honourable maintained. If any man has seen and felt friend who introduced this business, while that our proceedings have been calumni- it is impossible to disagree with the right ated, and has not moved for the punish-hon. gent. opposite, that in all cases of a ment of the libeller, he has not doue his similar kind, we ought to proceed with the duty. We must see that our decisions greatest fairness and impartiality. are treated with proper respect, or else a general principle, indeed, I lay it down our character is destroyed. It is therefore that, independent of all party consideraon a principle of regard for our public uti-tions, whenever gross or indecent attacks lity that I think the present motion neces- are made on the proceedings of this house, sary, and I trust the house will act on the they ought to be punished with suitable same principles. severity. I therefore cordially vote for the motion.

Mr. Fox.I certainly do agree with the right hon. gent, opposite, that in a business Mr. Canning. The allusions which the of this nature, the strictest impartiality is hon. gent. has made to my conduct, renour duty. I differ with him, however, as ders it necessary to say a few words in reply. to the particular period when my hon. The hon. gent., sir, has represented it to friend near me has brought forward his be an aggravation of this libel, that Mr. motion. When we talk of the propriety of Wilson has been continued in my office such motions, I hope we shall not lose after the opinion of this house had been "sight of the particular circumstances and formally declared. [A general cry of No, the particular time under which they No, from the opposite side of the house.] are produced. It is the duty of this With all due deference to the hon. gent.'s house at all times to be jealous of its ho-logic, I think it is, in this instance, altonour, but this is a period when this jea-gether erroneous. It is, indeed, a most lousy ought to be the most active. A late extraordinary position, that, because other decision of this house has diffused univer-persons had been guilty of improper acts, sal gratitude throughout the country, and the author of the libel, who knows nothing it is our duty to see that this decision shall not be wantonly attacked and insulted. It is the more necessary, sir, for us to see that our resolution is properly respected, when we find men in high official situations endeavouring to act as the protectors of those condemned of the grossest malversations. When we see evident signs of reluctance to

of the matter, is to have a severer punishment. I wish, sir, the honourable gentleman had considered the matter a little better, and then, I am confident, he could not easily reconcile such ideas, either with logic or humanity. With regard to this Mr. Wilson, it is necessary for me to declare, that I entertain for him no individual

concern or regard. In retaining him in with success. In the other house of parthe situation which he now holds, I looked liament, however, it was introduced on the only to the equity of the business. I could suggestion of the lord chancellor, and when not reconcile it to my ideas of justice to I have said this, I have surely said enough dismiss one against whom no decision to shew that the clause was not meant to of this house had taken place; against be an idle, unmeaning provision; but an whom no proof of criminality, so far as active, positive regulation, on which every the use of the public money is con- individual appearing before the commiscerned, has been even attempted to be sioners had a fair right to act. Wilson established. He indeed refused to answer did take advantage of the clause, and in certain questions from the commissiouers so doing, only did what almost any man of naval enquiry, but on what grounds did would have done under such circumstances. his refusal rest? It was expressly under Though only himself an instrument, te the idea that his answers would subject him was sensible that his answers might bring to certain pains and penalties; not that he him into an unpleasant situation, which participated of any money improperly ap- therefore he prudently avoided. In such plied, but that he acted as the deputy of conduct there was no criminality, since, a person whom a vote of the house had while the individual exercised a right which declared guilty of a misapplication of the the law allowed him, the public sustained public money. In all these transactions no loss. This, sir, is the view which the Wilson was merely the deputy, merely the best consideration of the subject has suginstrument to carry forward the designs of gested, and, acting on these principles, I another. True it is, he filled up drafts in the have not thought it my duty to dismiss absence of his principal, but it was impos- Mr. Wilson from the situation which he sible for him, while he continued in the holds in my office. This house has hitheroffice, to refuse such an employment. He to decided nothing on the case of Wilson, night indeed have resigned, but nothing and, therefore, I have not felt it my duty short of this could have superseded the to dismiss him from his present employnecessity of the conduct to which so much ment. When the house does express such blane is now attached. Having then offi-a determination, it will undoubtedly be my ciated as a deputy, Wilson very naturally duty to bow to it with all suitable respect; refused to answer questions to which he but, till that opinion is expressed, I shall knew that punishment might be applicable, continue to follow that line of conduct and to which, under a clause of an express which appears to me, alike consistent with act, he was entitled to refuse any reply. justice and humanity. I am sensible, that Surely, sir, it will not be contended by the in following this course, I subject myself gentlemen on the other side, that the to a great deal of odium and abuse. My clause, under which Wilson refused to an- conduct is ascribed to the most dishonourswer the commissioners, was intended to able motives; my refusal to dismiss Wilson be an absolute nullity. It was certainly is branded with the opprobrious epithet of intended for some purpose, or it never protection of convicted guilt. Seeing the would have been adopted. It was de-matter, however, as I now see it, I shall signed for the protection of those who, endure all this odium and reproach. When though conscious of no moral delinquency, this house shall declare their opinion might, under particular circumstances, have fairly, it will be my duty to submit to it; been guilty of a legal crime. Such was till that period arrives, Wilson shall not, exactly the situation in which Wilson stood in the absence of any proof of his guilt, be in the whole of this business. Looking to dismissed from his situation. I shall nethe transaction in a moral view, looking ver, either by my voice or by my conduct, to him as not deriving the slightest ad-patronize the tyrannical, despotic principle vantage from any misapplication of the public money, he had no more to do with it than the pen which he used, than the very ink which he used for those drafts by which the transfer was effected. Let me remind the house too, that the clause was not introduced into the bill on light authority. I contended for it strenuously here, but my exertions were not crowned


of punishment previous to conviction. Having said so much in answer to the hon. member opposite, I have only to say, that shall not oppose the motion.

Mr. For, in explanation, maintained that the right hon. gent. had totally misrepresented his argument. He had not asserted that the conduct of the right hon. gent, as treasurer of the navy, was any

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