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greater taste of antiquity and politeness in their buildings and works of this nature, than what we meet with in those of our own country.-We all of us complain of the shortness of time, saith Seneca, and yet have much more than we know what to do with. We are always complaining our days are few, and acting as though there would be no end of them.-How can it enter into the thoughts of man, that the soul, which is capable of such immense perfections, and of receiving new improvements to all eternity, shall fall away into nothing almost as soon as it is created? A brute arrives at a point of perfection that he can never pass : in a few years he has all the endowments he is capable of; and were he to live ten thousand more, would be the same thing he is at present -ADDISON.

IV. The East-India Company was then purely a trading-corporation. Its territory consisted of a few. square miles, for which rent was paid to the native governments. Its troops were scarcely numerous enough to man the batteries of three or four ill-constructed forts, which had been erected for the protection of the warehouses. The natives, who composed a considerable part of these little garrisons, had not yet been trained in the discipline of Europe, and were armed, some with swords and shields, some with bows and arrows. The business of the servant of the Company was not, as now, to conduct the judicial, financial, and diplomatic business of a great country, but to take stock, to ship cargoes, and above all to keep an eye on private traders who dared to infringe the monopoly.-MACAULAY.

V.-1. How does Littré account for the initial h in huile, huit, etc.?

2. State the law according to which a is diphthongated in aimer and romain.

3. In what positions does c change into ch?

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may be, must obey the laws. earthly goods, wealth alone Charles the Fifth would not

Every citizen, whoever he Though a man possessed all could not make him happy. have been so unfortunate, had he been as prudent as he was valiant. For the sake of his friend he would have risked everything. He is too conscious of his own strength

to evade difficulties. We shall ascend the mountain before the sun rises. He insists upon your obeying his orders. We rely upon your making the necessary arrangements. I do not remember ever to have heard of it. Some wagons conveying provisions have unfortunately fallen into the hands of the enemy. This hour he and his children's children will remember. A truly nobleminded man does not boast of his good actions. I have become tired with running. He becomes stupid with sleeping. Which of my friends will in the hour of need stand by my side? Doctor N. has been appointed physician in ordinary to the Queen. The errors which require to be corrected are marked with red ink. This is a circumstance which deserves to be noticed. What was I to do in such a perplexity? He is said to have emigrated to America. A chapel stands at the place where Cicero pretends to have found the tomb of Archimedes.

Translate into English:

Seit die Mönche von den stillen Klosterzellen aus den rohen, ungebildeten Landmann durch Unterricht und Beispiel belehrten, wie er durch Beobachtung und Rachdenken sein Loos verbessern, reichlichere Ernten erzielen kann, seit die großen Städte in Gewerbfleiß wetteiferten, waren viele tausend größere und kleinere Erfindungen und Entdeckungen gemacht worden, die größere und kleinere Veränderungen in den menschlichen Verhältnissen herbeiführten. Wesentliche Umgestaltungen in dem Leben der Völker brachten die Erfindungen des Kompasses, des Schießpulvers und der Buchdruckerkunft hervor.

Daß eine Art Eisenstein, der Magneteisenstein, reines Eisen anzieht und festhält, kannte man schon früh; weniger beachtete man, daß eine feine Nadel ans diesem Magnetsteine mit der einen

Spise stets nach Norden zeigt, wenn mann sie wagrecht frei aufhängt, oder auf einen Stift legt. Schon im 13. Jahrhundert wurde diese Beobachtung gemacht. Manbrachte eine solche Nadel oder eine aus gewöhnlichem Eisen, die man mit Magnet bestrich, in ein Kästchen und hatte ein bequemes Mittel, um sich überall zurecht zu finden; denn weiß man erst eine Himmelsgegend, so kennt man aucht die andern. Dieses Geräth, der Kompaß, hat namentlitch die Schifffahrt gänzlich umgewandelt. Nicht mehr an den gefährlichen Küsten steuert man hin, sondern fährt getrost quer über die größten Meere; nicht mehr nach den Sternen blickt der Steuermann, die ihn bei bewölktem Himmel verlassen, sondern auf die zitternde Magnetnadel heftet er sein Auge, und sie täuscht nie.-KELLner.




Translate into French:

I.-Without laying aside that dauntless valour which had been the terror of every land from the Elbe to the Pyrenees, the Normans rapidly acquired all, and more than all the knowledge and refinement which they found in the country in which they had settled. Cæsar spared neither age nor sex; he slaughtered men in battle, in flight and after submission; he plundered them, he sold them for slaves; he burnt their houses, he wasted their fields; he left them to perish in the winter, houseless and without food. No man, of his own, or of any other time better understood how to avail himself of the frailties of others, and when to avoid giving any advantage by the untimely indulgence of his own.

II. There is nothing which so generally strikes the imagination and engages the affections of mankind, as the right of property: or that sole and despotic dominion which one man claims and exercises over the external things of the world, in a total exclusion of the right of any other

individual in the universe. And yet there are very few that will give themselves the trouble to consider the original and foundation of this right. Pleased as we are with the possession, we seem afraid to look back to the means by which it was acquired, as if fearful of some defect in our title.-BLACKSTONE.

III.-1. Name the authors of the following plays, and state what classical plays they have partly been taken from: Les Plaideurs, Phèdre, L'Avare.

2. What is meant by marivaudage?

Show that this word is improperly formed, and explain how the error originated.

3. What were the several causes, which gave to dramatic poetry the most prominent position in French. literature during the 17th century?

4. Give a brief account of French literature under the first Empire.

5. Characterize briefly Augustin Thierry, Guizot, Thiers, Mignet.

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by 2x+x+1,


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And multiply a3-3 by x3 +x3 y3 + y

2. Solve the equations

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

3. Given x+y=5 x3+y3=35; find x and y.

4. Find the number of combinations of n things taken ? at a time.

Apply this to prove the binomial expansion for positive integral exponents.

Find the co-efficient of x3 in (3 −x)'

5. Find the square root of 7+4√3.

6. The three sides of a right-angled triangle are in continued proportion and the hypotenuse is given (=c); calculate the other sides.

7. Of two given chess players the better wins on the average seven games to the other's five. In a match of 12 games 4 games have been played and one of these players, which it is not being known, has already won all these; find the probability that this player will win the match. No drawn game is to count as one of the twelve.

8. Find a numerical expression for the present value of an annuity for thirty years in which each payment is to bear to the preceding payment the ratio of 21 : 20. Interest being calculated at 4 per cent., and the first payment being £100.

9. Investigate the series for the expansion of er.

23 33

Sum the series 1+- + +


1.2 1.2.3

+ &c.

10. Assuming the series for log (1+x) investigate the

limit of (1+2)"

as n increases.

11. Eliminate from the equations

cos (0 - a)=a

cos (8-8)=b.

12. Find the result of eliminating x between two cubics.


1. A line parallel to the axis of a parabola bisects all chords parallel to the tangent at the extremity of the


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