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perhaps a third; and Great Britain, the mother land, the hive from which have swarmed so many nations, what is to be her future? Will she forever lag behind her children, or will she eventually cast away the fripperies of feudalism-the husks of which she has already discarded the kernel-and stand beside them, one among the republics of the world? Every year makes it more and more evident that the good seed is already growing luxuriantly in her soil. Mr. Matthew Arnold may believe that liberalism has reached its nadir, and Mr. Froude may prove from Aristotle and Plato that democracies are unstable; but liberalism will blossom into democracy, and democracy will in due season yield sound republican fruit.

The fashion just now in Great Britain of flattering the colonies with predictions of a brilliant future is usually qualified with the assurance that, though they may succeed as independent sovereignties, a far higher destiny awaits them in a united empire under a common flag. This view, though specious, will not bear investigation. To those who advance it the wish is only too evidently "father to the thought." Great Britain's interest in a union with her colonies can scarcely be much longer reciprocated. A spirit of dependence is not calculated to produce the best results in the political advancement of a state, nor does it tend to develop the highest type of manhood. Do the advocates of "imperial federation" believe that the thirteen colonies would have grown within a century into the most prosperous country on earth if they had remained dependencies of the British crown? A united empire encircling the world is a grand conception, but the stern logic of facts is against it. The position of British America to-day, in comparison with the United States, is sufficient of itself to prove its fallacy. The Dominion of Canada is the fruit of the one system-dependence on a monarchy three thousand miles away; the United States, of the other of independent republicanism.

Canada belongs, geographically, to the United States, and will in time gravitate to the Union. We do not need her; we do not want her; and there are many, very many reasons against the admission into the American Union of foreign states on an equality with the States that have grown up and been

educated under our system. But territorial contiguity and identity of commercial interests will in time lead to political identity. We do not need to buy the maritime provinces, as Mr. Atkinson suggests, to settle the fisheries dispute. The great magnet of the United States will eventually attract not only them but all the rest of British America, and put an end to disputes through a fusion of interests.

Such a disintegration of the British Empire will be more apparent than real, and will ultimately lead, if Great Britain's councils shall be guided by true statesmanship rather than by the short-sighted policy which alienated her earlier empire, to a stronger and more enduring union than could possibly grow out of an imperial or any other federation-a union which may include even the United States, the home of the majority of the English-speaking race. But this is possible only when the mother-land shall have advanced in political education as far as her eldest child, and shall have taken a position beside her, a champion of equality.

The patriots of 1776 discarded monarchy in form and in substance, and time has shown that they were right. The principles on which they built are destined to become universal, because they are founded on justice and the brotherhood of man. When Great Britain and her dependencies shall have recognized the grand truth underlying these principles, and shall have accepted home rule and republicanism, then, and not till then, may we look for the true millennium, the era of peace on earth, good will toward men. With the globe girdled by a belt of industrial republics, whose geographical position shall render impossible any conflict of local interests, and whose general interests shall all be subordinated to the general welfare, which must necessarily be in the direction of peace, the power of the Englishspeaking race will outweigh that of all the rest of the world. No other race of men ever had such a destiny or such an opportunity. Rome held a world in subjection by the arts of war; to them it will be given to hold a greater world in subjection to justice and equity through the arts of peace. Let them but decree that there shall be no more war, that international misunderstandings shall be settled by arbitration, and all the great nations

will be forced to disarm, and to return to industry millions of non-producers and thousands of millions of misappropriated


Is such a future of the English-speaking race wholly utopian? I do not believe it. In a few generations the United States alone will equal all Europe in population, and together with the rest of the English-speaking countries will number many hundred millions of kinsmen, all speaking the language of Shakespeare, all inheritors of Magna Charta. What shall prevent the several aggregates of this great race from forming a league-not offensive, but in a measure defensive-which shall be to the rest of the world an example and a warning? The healing hand of time is fast obliterating all traces of the bad blood engendered a century ago between child and parent, and we have reached a point where, free from provincial jealousies, we fear neither ridicule nor rivalry. Our heart is as large as our power is imperial, and we still have a true affection for the mother from whose loins we sprung and whose past is our past. Though her life and ours can never again be unified, I believe that it is not too much to expect that we shall yet walk hand in hand in the paths of peace, and exert on civilization's future an influence never before wielded by mortal man.



I. OUR notions of the localization of functions in the brain* are now, and for the fourth time in this century, undergoing radical changes.

Only very confused ideas were current up to the time when Gall undertook to establish his well-known doctrines. Science owes to that great thinker an irrefutable demonstration of the necessity of admitting that each distinct mental or physical cerebral function requires for its performance absolutely distinct organs. No one now, among philosophers, physiologists, or physicians, denies the correctness of this fundamental principle. But, while the doctrine of the plurality of cerebral organs is universally accepted, nothing remains of the many localizations which Gall and his pupils tried to establish.

For a long period, during which Gall's views concerning the seat of the various mental and physical powers of the brain were gradually demonstrated to be false, no general doctrine was admitted; but various localizations were proposed, and most of them accepted. Flourens placed in the cerebrum all the mental and

It may be useful to say that the word brain is used here to designate the whole mass of nervous centers contained in the cavity of the cranium. That mass is also called “encephalon." The brain is composed of three great parts: the cerebrum or cerebral hemispheres, the cerebellum, and the base of the encephalon. The cerebrum is divided into four lobes: the anterior or frontal, the middle or parietal, the lateral or sphenoidal, and the posterior or occipital. The base of the encephalon is composed of the medulla oblongata (which is the continuation of the spinal cord), the pons varolii, and the crura cerebri, over which are placed the tubercula quadrigemina. Inside of the cerebrum there are three parts adjoining the crura cerebri or sending fibers to them the internal capsule, the optic thalami, and the corpora striata. The surface of the cerebrum shows a good number of prominent parts (convex ridges), the "convolutions," separated by "sulci" (furrows). The tissue of the brain contains fibers, which are mere conductors and cells, which seem to be the active parts of all nervous centers.

sensorial functions, in the cerebellum a power of equilibration, and in a small portion of the medulla oblongata the source of the respiratory movements. Carpenter, Todd, and Bowman looked upon the corpora striata as the seat of the voluntary movements, and the optic thalami as the places of perception of sensations.

A third and greater change, which for a while seemed to carry almost universal acquiescence, originated about eighteen years. ago in some experiments of Fritsch and Hitzig. They showed that certain parts of the convexity or upper surface of the brain produce, under galvanic excitation, certain movements, while other parts cause other movements; and they concluded that the special centers for the movements of the arms, the legs, the eyes, the face, the neck, are located side by side in the cerebral convolutions. Soon after the publication of these facts and views, many physiologists and clinicians undertook to prove that most of the functions of the brain have their organs or centers in the gray matter of the convolutions.

Ever since 1870 the writer of this essay has been hard at work to show the untenableness of these views. Gradually and slowly, but surely, part after part of these doctrines has been given up or modified, and at present the greatest confusion exists among the followers of Fritsch and Hitzig, of Broca, of Charcot, and others.

The great question, overshadowing every other, is whether localization exists in aggregated masses of nervous elements, all endowed with similar functional powers, forming a special organ, a distinct, well-defined cluster of cells and fibers; or whether it exists in nervous elements disseminated in many parts of the encephalon. This last opinion is the one I proposed long ago; it is now gaining ground rapidly. It is necessary to state that no objection can be made against this view from the fact that nerve-cells possessing the same function must communicate with each other, as, if such communications are essential-and I believe that they are-concerted and harmonious actions can take place by means of intervening fibers exactly as well between distant as between neighboring nerve-cells.

The grounds on which the cluster-localizations had been based seemed to be extremely solid. The two principal ones

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