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"It cannot be doubted that the development pigment-cells of the skin is very much influenced action of light; and in this respect there is a rema correspondence between animals and plants-the tion of the latter, as is well known, being entirely that agent. Thus, it is a matter of familiar exper that the influence of light upon the skin of many in uals, causes it to become spotted with brown fre these freckles being aggregations of brown pigment which either owe their development to the stimu light, or are enabled by its agency to perform a de chemical transformation which they could not othe effect. In like manner the swarthy hue, which Europeans acquire beneath exposure to tropical cli is due to the development of many dark pigment and to this we usually find the greatest disposition viduals or races that are already of somewhat dark plexion. The deep blackness of the Negro skins dependent upon nothing else than a similar cause, of ing through successive generations. It is well know the new-born infants of the Negro and other dark r do not exhibit nearly the same depth of color in skins, as that which they present after the lapse of a days, when light has had time to exert influence their surface, and further, that in those individuals keep themselves during life most secluded from it fluence, we observe the lightest hue of the epide Thus among the intropical nations, the families of ch which are not exposed to the sun in the same degree the common people, almost always present a lighter and in some of the islands of the Polynesian Archipel bordering on the equator, they are not darker than inhabitants of southern Europe."

Thus much from Carpenter. The quotation made f him throws some "light" on our subject. What have long contended for, it fully proves, viz.: tha change of climate has much to do with the color of skin; that the action of light, by some means, develo

has its influence in giving a deeper tinge to the skin. It is supp that the calorific rays of the sun stimulate that gland to greater ac If that gland, why not the other glands of the human organism? if I mistake not, the function of all of them is nearly the same.

the pigment that makes the African black, the Mongolian olive-hued, the North American savage copper-colored.* Our color is confined to the surface merely, and, therefore, the argument against the specific unity of the race, on the ground of hue, as Dr. Good remarks, is only "skin deep."

Hair and nails, as well as the hoofs and horns of animals, are developed like the epidermis, from the subjacent membrane, and therefore the same causes that affect the skin would affect the color of the hair. The texture of the hair is everywhere the same. It may be straight like the Indian's, or wooly like the Negro's, but microscopic examination clearly demonstrates that the common notion, that the substance which grows on the head of dark-colored tribes is wool, is altogether a mistake. It bears no resemblance to wool, save in its crispiness and tendency to curl.

If phrenology be true, (although against some of its teachings there are powerful arguments), mental culture has much to do with the formation of the skull; and even the pelvis, limbs, abdomen and thorax, vary with corresponding degrees of civilization. Long ages of starvation, nakedness, ignorance and abuse, tend powerfully to reduce the physical man, in almost every respect. Under these influences, the limbs become lank and irregular; the belly projects; the forehead retreats; the nose flattens; the teeth and cheek bones become prominent, and mental and moral degradation correspond. The story of the Australians proves this; or, more to the point, the miserable Bushmen in South Africa. The latter wander in forests; sleep in dens and caves of the earth; eat snakes, lizards, roots; take no pains to wash or cook their food; and their language is a "gutteral grunt." Originally they were a decent kind of people; now they are not considered worth enslaving even. But place these Bushmen under the influences of civilization, give them wholesome nutriment and mental and moral culture for a few generations, and the general form of the body would change.

4 The tree-frog, kept in the shade, becomes a light yellow; exposed to the sun, he turns to a dark green. The nercis lucustris, (I do not know the common name), is whitish in the shade, but turns red on being exposed to the sun.

On this subject I will make two more quotations Prof. Carpenter :

"The analogical argument derived from the pheno presented by the domesticated species among the animals, is decidely in favor of the specific unity human race; the differences which have sprung u course of time, amongst the inhabitants of different pa the world, being such as we have a fair right to attri according to the recognized principles of zoology, t modifying influence of external conditions, acting up constitution peculiarly disposed to yield to it." (p. 2

That is, domesticated animals, known to have h common ancestry, vary as extremely as the human This is true of dogs especially. And the differe which present themselves among these domestic animals, are of the same kind as those that present th selves among the different races of men. They vary, with climate and country. The blood-hound in S was one thing, but introduced into the West Indies about three hundred years it degenerated into a race of a different form. The hog, in the same cour in a domesticated state, had various colors; but brou to our western shores, and left to run wild, it beco uniform in color, its head elongated, and its bristles g place to an apparent (or real) species of fur. As g changes have taken place in the horse, ass, ox, she goat, dogs, birds, &c., carried to South America and West Indies, three and a half centuries ago, by the Sp iards.

Pass, if you please, from the lower types of ani organization, over into the vegetable kingdom. Vege bles change with the climate. Naturalists inform us t apples, pears, plums, variable as they are in taste, fo and color, sprang from the same seedling originally; a that the same is true of the cow-slip, ox-slip, primr and polyanthus. Go into the granary of the husban man, and look among his Indian corn. The most of may be yellow or white. But occasionally you will fi a red ear, a blue ear, a black ear, &c. The shape of t kernels, too, differs as much as the skulls of men belon ing to different races. The facial angle, that is if measure according to the method of Camper, varies


man but ten degrees,-70° in the Negro, 80° in the European, and in no respect does the shape of the head vary more. Is there not a vastly wider difference between a kernel of rice-corn, for example, and the form of an old fashioned kernel of yellow corn? And if all our variously colored and shaped maize, sprang from one primal seedling, does not analogy teach, that the variously colored and shaped men that go to make up the five races, might have sprung from one original pair? And was St. Paul out of the way in affirming before the Athenians that we are all of one blood?

Prof. Carpenter says: "The most important physiological test of specific unity or diversity, is derived from the phenomena attending the reproductive process. It is well known that in plants, the stigma of the flower of one species may be fertilized with the pollen of an allied species; and that from the seeds produced, plants of an intermediate character may be raised. These hybrid plants, however, will not perpetuate the new race; for, although they may ripen their seed for one or two generations, they will not continue to produce themselves beyond a third or fourth. But if the intervention of one of the parent species be employed-its stigma being fertilized by the pollen of the hybrid, or vice versa-a mixed race may be kept up some time longer, but it will then have a manifest tendency to return to the form of the parent whose intervention has been employed. Where, on the other hand, the parents themselves were only varieties, the hybrid forms are but another variety, and its powers of reproduction are rather increased than diminished; so that it may continue to propagate its own race ad infinitum. In this way, many beautiful new varieties of garden flowers have been obtained; especially among such species as have a natural tendency to change their aspect. Amongst animals, the limits of hybridity are much more

5 In the adult Campanzee 35°; in the Orang 30°; for though as high as 60° in some new-born apes, the jaws are made to project wonderfully at the time of second dentition. These higher monkey tribes differ from man in other important particulars. They have three less vertebræ than a human being; they have a peculiar pouch connected with the larynx that belongs not to the human species, also less perfect feet. These dissimularities are not found among the varieties of men; we meet with them only by stepping down among a lower species.

narrow, since the hybrid is totally unable to continue its race with one of its own kind; and although it may be fertile with one of its parent species, the progeny will, of course approach in character to the pure breed, and the race will ultimately merge into it. On the other hand, in animals as among plants, the mixed offsprings originating from different races within the limits of the same species, generally exceed in vigor, and in the tendency to multiply, the parent races from which they are produced, so as to gain ground upon the older varieties, and gradually to supercede them. In this manner, by the crossing of the breeds of our domesticated animals, many new and superior varieties have been produced. The general principle is, then, that beings of distinct species, or descendants from stocks originally different, cannot produce a mixed race which shall posses the capability of perpetuating itself; whilst the union of varieties has a tendency to produce a race superior in energy and fertility to its parents.

"The application of this principle (if it be admitted as such) to the human races leaves no doubt with respect to their specific unity; for, it is well known, not only do all the races of men breed freely with each other, but the mixed race is generally superior in physical development, and in tendency to rapid multiplication, to either of the parent stocks; so that there is much reason to believe that, in many countries, the mixed race between the Aborigines and European colonizers will untimately become the dominant power in the community. This is specially the case in India and South America." (p. 77.)

Such is the test, furnished by Carpenter, derived from the phenomena of the reproductive process. And he has given us one of a psychological character equally as conclusive, though I have not space to quote it.

I regret the attempts of scientific men to unsettle our faith in the doctrine of the unity of the race. So far as

6 When located at Richmond, Va., the writer heard this doctrine boldly denied. It was there contended that the mulatto, or the offspring of a European father and Indian mother, (or vice versa), could not perpetuate his species, with his own kind, beyond the fifth or seventh generation. I have more faith, however, in the affirmation of Carpenter, than in the opinions of uneducated men, who are anxious to justify slavery.

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