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ments of their learning constructed ? By the most of them; and the rest of them, b ceived their impulse and suggestions fro which had been laid open by that class. facilities, and general scholarship, and the s that flow down to us from those fountain-he vade all ranks, neither the text-books nor the of Common Education would ever have exi they are. Even the teachers, especially of Schools, and High-Schools, and Academies and fit the other teachers,-I would ask who th are? Graduates again; who transmit the the College to their pupils, and send it out, th feebler force, to every master and mistress in districts of our country. It beats like a pulse the arteries and veins of the educational systen and growth and direction to the whole.

And yet this all-pervading process is unnot healthful organic action is commonly unnoted e In fact, so little is it ordinarily recognized, t considerable shrewdness in certain respects, times appeared to regard the College rather as excrescence, an excrescence of a head, that the nourishment which ought to be diverted to mon-Schools; and have counselled accordin certainly a suicidal counsel; to which the old a Menenius Agrippa is more justly applicable th to the policy rebuked at Mons Sacer, in the Rom A sad day will it be to the cause of our Commo when their interests shall be set in conflict with ests of the College,-a day of darkness and the of death! Set the welfare of the members ag welfare of the head; and what will ensue! If paralyze the College,-or, which is the same thi the intellectual life and direction it is exerting Common-Schools, could be withdrawn from then it would rob them at once of the very excell praise of which the voice of the whole communit so loud; and in a short time they would die, f stopping of the wonted circulation by which th grown up.

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A course of remark somewhat similar to the one we have thus followed out, might be pursued with respect to that other Institution, which educates the world in the highest of all its concerns,-I mean the Institution of the Church, including the Sacred Ministry. It is true that the holy influences of the Church and Ministry do not origi nate in any secular schools; but, for the most part, they pass through them, and are impregnated by them. Speak ing in general terms, the form that is given to the preva dent religious doctrines, the dress in which they are clothed, the learning by which they are defended and illustrated, and the rhetoric and logic with which they are urged home on the convictions of people, are to a great extent the product of the College, and of other seminaries integrated with it. Again: from the same sources, more or less re motely, comes a large part of the Religious Literature of the day; which is read in your families, and in all fami lies, and thus dispenses a perpetual ministration of its own, sending out nearly as wide an influence as that of the preacher himself. It is but little else than the College working on the world through this medium. Most of the labored Treatises on Theology, that are held as standard works in their respective communions, and that serve either as directories of faith and practice to millions, or else that serve as stimulants to new thought and research among the leading minds,are written by men whose power was informed and tempered in academic halls; and the reader who peruses them is unconsciously drinking in, from every page, elements that retain the savor of the schools through which they have passed. Even the uneducated divine, who perhaps thinks himself free from all such influences, is nevertheless guided in his work, to some degree, by that general intelligence and learning, which the same institu. tions have spread abroad. He is not beyond the charmed circle, though he may think that he is. He reads his very Bible in the Translation that was made by scholars; he relies on the criticism, and philology, and archæology, which the race of liberally educated scholars have furnished, or which they have given him the means of con. structing for himself. They are virtually present with him in the whole course of his inquiries, and he uses their aid at every step, even when he is the least conscious of it.

Turn to whatsoever quarter you will of the relig you find the College at work there, steadily a sally affecting the results that are obtained! older Denominations of Christians, it has the charge of educating the multitude of preacher tors a numerous host, who go forth from th and, scattered over all the face of the land, many radiating points as it were, whence its in diffused abroad through their congregations, th families they visit, and through the parishes where they preside.


We have thus endeavored to trace out the ad ations of this powerful and far-reaching agent, the grand divisions of human concerns: in the Common Education or Common-Schools, and in occupied by the Christian Church and Ministry hardly be needful to proceed farther with this illustration. Were we to carry the survey onwa all the other departments of our social and public as that of law, medicine, the lyceum, the judici government, bringing out distinctly the part tha studies perform in each of these,-especially we look into their action in the vast provinces of Gen erature and Science, you are already sensible matter would at once appear. We should then tolerably adequate view of the thousandfold wor the College, that are constantly going on,-not in two departments only, but in all the governing f the world, and in all the choicer, dearer interests life.

May I hope that the unfinished survey we hav of the field which it occupies, will serve to imp more deeply with the importance,-seldom apprec full, the solemn importance of an Institution th abroad on so universal a scale. And now, let us mind let it never be forgotten-that in proportion vast extent, and momentous character, of its results responsibility of those who are engaged in establish or in managing its concerns. Let them conside their seasonable aid or stinted parsimony in its bel not for a day nor a year, no, nor for any limits of ti space or interests, which mortal man can measure.

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generous bounty, their wisely directed efforts, their energetic, persevering fidelity to their trust, and the conscientious integrity with which they discharge their respective duties, will be felt in the effects through all the channels of intercourse among men, till time shall be no more.

There is another train of considerations which it may be proper to introduce, as a sequel to what we have said. Important as the part is, that any efficient College performs in the innumerable relations of civilized society at large, it still has a more special agency with respect to the particular community, or body of people, who, in common language, call it their own; among whom it arose, and by whose responsible care it must be, to a considerable extent, sustained. True, it may reasonably hope for a degree of patronage from all quarters, if it have the requisite merit; but then, the old proverb respecting the issue of "everybody's business," holds good here: it must be the immediate charge of some community of persons sufficiently large to supply its wants, and therefore of some very widely extended community, whose quickened sympathies will not suffer it to dwindle, and whose sense of self-respect is involved in its prosperity. Under the pres ent condition of public sentiment in this country, all institutions of the kind are virtually in charge of some specific denominations, or classes of men, who feel that their own success and reputation are identified with the success and reputation of their respective seats of learning. Our Colleges are not indeed generally sectarian in their regulations and conduct; they cannot very well be so, for any long period; there is something, in the very tendency of liberal studies, opposed to a narrow bigotry. Narrow, clannish prejudices, exclusiveness, and a liberal course of learning, will always be found irreconcileable. One must kill out the other. And yet, all our Colleges in New England belong to sects, in the unobjectionable sense that we have indicated. Nor does this happen by accident; it does not arise from any fault; it results from the constitution of society among us,-from the paramount sway which the religious element holds, and from the strength of religious organization. Complain of it as much as we please, it is what must be, so long as the subject of reli

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gion continues to maintain the highest place i science of our people, and while they at the continue to differ in their views of it.


If we were to overlook this peculiar state among us, and view the matter abstractly, wit ence to what is practicable under existing circu it might seem, from the considerations we have trating, that there could be no sufficient oc opening a new college; since those already in act upon the whole mass of society, and diffus -less of their benefits universally. Yes, but s preacher, of a village or town, in the same way, or less on all the citizens of the place, whe attend his congregation or not;-probably saves non-attendants from complete heathenism at the -it, therefore, never desirable that any other minist be opened there, after one has been established would be like a great deal of clever logic, that it may look well enough on paper, but does not for practical life, it is so extremely short-sighted given to culling its premises. Let me ask you that qualifying phrase, "more or less; " more o the benefits of those institutions are universally d not their full amount; not so much as is desirable in justice, it must be added, that the portion of thes fits which is thus diffused, necessarily retains the P ities of the quarters whence they came, and are, th attended with certain side-influences, that we ma unfavorable to other important interests, and for wh may wish to substitute such as are different. W desire to have the benefits in a more direct way, greater amount, than we can have them witho peculiar side influences.


But there is not time at present, nor is this the oc to go into a prolonged exposition of this point. W confine our remarks to one general consideration, will throw light enough on the urgent demand fo movement we have here begun. That class of Chris at whose desire this institution arose, and under auspices it is to fare, needed it. They needed it fo improvement of their own body in the higher acquis of sound learning; while they wished also to do

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