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PLATE I. A View of fome fuppofed Druidical Remains, near Saddleworth in Yorkshire,

Page 292.

PLATE II. View of an Ancient Monument in Huln Abbey, Northumberland, P. 302.

PLATE III. Diagrams, illuftrative of the Rev. Mr. Wood's Effay on Halos, P. 336.

PLATE IV. Phenomenon obferved by Dr. Haygarth, P. 463.

PLATE V. Plan of the Mine of Anglezark, P. 598.

Page 27, line

[blocks in formation]




from the bottom, for forbid read forbad.
10 from the bottom, infert the reference to note (R).
14, dele (R).

13, after "revive and" infert "thofe of."

2 from the bottom infert (X).

14, for manufactures read manufacturers.

22, for But the aftringency, &c. read And the aftringency of it, according to my trials, accompanies its colouring matter.

10 from the bottom, for compution read computation.


from the bottom, for properties read proportion.

222, laft line, after ideoque dele deoque.

230, lines 6, 7, for comcom read common.

296, line 6 from the bottom, for care read eafe.
16, for and in others read and others.






8, for regard read regarded.

22, for in quit read inquit, and for indagundas read indagandas. 8, for ledas read ladas.

5 from the bottom, dele if after Hence.

508, lines 3, 4, for there must be fome rife read some must rise.

514, line 5, for εξοχην read εξοχην.

560, 5 from the bottom, for Definia read Definat.

Page 618, line 19 to 22, dele "Owing perhaps to the great quantity of fixed air which becomes difengaged when the latter is diffolved in the ftomach by the Gastric Acid.

It is hoped that the authors of the feveral papers in this volume will excufe thefe, and fome other fmall typographical errors not noticed, which have been occafioned by the diftance of the editors from the prefs.

[blocks in formation]

I. THAT the Ordinary Members only shall be invested with

the privilege of voting and electing Members; and that the whole expences of the Society fhall devolve upon them.

II. That Gentlemen refiding at a distance from Manchester, fhall be eligible into this Society, under the title of Honorary Members, provided no one be recommended who has not diftinguished himself by his literary or philofophical publications.

III. That Gentlemen at a distance, who have favoured the Society with important communications, or from whom fuch contributions may be expected, fhall be eligible, under the title of Corresponding Members.

IV. That every Candidate for admiffion into the Society, whether as an Ordinary, Honorary or Correfponding Member, fhall be propofed by at least three Ordinary Members, who shall fign a certificate of his being, from their knowledge of him, of his character, or his writings, a fit perfon to be admitted into it; which certificate fhall be read at four fucceffive meetings of the Society, previous to the election.

V. That every election shall be conducted by ballot, and that the majority of votes fhall decide, thirteen Members at least being prefent; or a week's previous notice being given, after the fourth reading. That the prefident fhall have the determining voice, if the number of votes be equal.

a 3

VI. That

VI. That when an Ordinary Member removes to a greater distance than twenty miles from Manchester, he may be entitled to the continuance of the privileges of the Society, by paying five guineas to the treasurer, in lieu of his annual fubfcription.

VII. That a Prefident, four Vice-Prefidents, two Secretaries, a Treasurer and a Librarian, be elected annually by the majority of Members prefent, on the laft Friday in the month of April. The election to be determined by ballot.

VIII. That a Committee of Papers fhall be appointed by ballot, at the fame time, which shall confift of the Prefident, Vice-Prefidents, Secretaries, Treasurer and Librarian, together with fix other Members of the Society; and that this Committee fhall decide by ballot concerning the publication of any Paper which fhall have been read before the Society; and fhall felect, with the confent of the author, detached parts of any Paper, the whole of which may not be deemed proper for publication; but that the prefence of feven Members of the Committee fhall be neceffary for fuch difcuffion or decifion.

IX. That Vifitors may be introduced by any Member to the meetings of the Society, with the permiffion of the Chairman.

X. That every Member who fhall favour the Society with . communications, fhall fend them to one of the Secretaries, the Monday before the meeting of the Society.

XI. That the Secretary to whom the Paper fhall be delivered, fhall, with the approbation of the Prefident, or two Vice Prefidents, have the power of fufpending the reading of it until it be referred to a meeting of the Committee of Papers, whofe decifion fhall be final.

XII. That all Papers judged admiffible fhall be read by one of the Secretaries, or by the author, in their order.

XIII. That no more than half an hour shall be allowed for the reading of any Paper, and if the whole, cannot be read within that time, the remainder, except the Society determine otherwife, fhall be deferred till the fucceeding evening. No Paper however


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