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Buffon, 191, 192.

Bunsen's Battery, 206.

Byron, Lord, Letter of, 328.

Byron, Lord, Size of Brain, 242.


Calderwood, Prof., 242.
Calvinist, 334.

Carpenter, Dr., 200, 218, 221, 222,

Catholics, Roman, 333.
Cell-growths, 302, 303.
Chambers, Robert, 147.
Charbon, 220, 221.

Chimpanzee, 118.

Cicero, 38, 249, 343.

Combustion, 37.

Communists, Dreams of, 41.

Communistic Leaders, 258, 261.
Conceptions, Inborn, 124.
Confucius, 270.

Conscience, 268, 296.

Contagium, Spread of, 231.

Corpuscles, White, 8, 22.
Courage, Different Kinds, 331.
Creator, 176, 262, 279, 283, 317,

Creator, Benevolence of, 46.

Creative Power, 328.

Creative Theory, 150.

Cromwell, Oliver, Size of Brain,

Crystals, 157, 158, 194, 195.

Crystallization, 61.

Cuvier, Size of Brain, 243.
Czolbe, 75.


Darwin, 87, 97, 142, 150, 175.
Darwin, Descent of Man, 118, 120.
Darwinian Theory, 151, 186.

David, 322, 323.

Dawkins, Prof. Boyd, 93.
De Bary, 14.

Decay, 24.

Decomposition, 65.

Decrees of Deity, 309, 315.
Deity, 153, 154, 263, 271.
Delauney, 245.

Democritus, 246.

Denominations, Religious, 333.
Descent of Man, 266.

Design in Creation, 38.

Development Theories, 87.

Disease-Germs, 200, 201.

Dog, Scent of, 305.

Dogs, Sense of Right and Wrong,
32, 33.

Dryopithecus, 118.

Dualistic Views, 70.

Dumas, 278, 279, 281, 282, 283.
Dunglison, Dr., 238.

Eagles, 41.


Edmundson, Rev. George, 96.
Electricity, 198, 204, 303.
Elements, Simple, 78, 80, 82.
Embryo, 182, 183.

Etherized Matter, 293.

Evolution, Doctrine of, 325.

Evolutionist, Position of, 90.


Fairchild, H. L., 17, 26.

Faith, 330, 331.

Fallacy, 311.
Faye, Prof., 239.
Fermentation, 198.
Fichte, J. G., 75.

Fiske, Prof., 106, 126.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Mill, J. S., 313, 314.

Miller, Hugh, 167, 254.
Millennium, Dreams of, 41.

Mimicries, 15, 16.

Mind, 74, 284, 285.

Mind and Body, 300, 301, 302.
Miracles, 341.

Missing Links, 126, 127.
Mitchell, Dr., 93.

Mivart, St. George, 170.
Mohammedans, 334, 340.
Moleschott, 75.

Monads, 190.

Monera, 212.

Monists, 73, 157.

Monkey, Howling, 298.

Morse, Prof. E. S., 91, 92.

Moral Imbecility, 308.

Moral Laws, 321.

Moral Natures, 340.

Moral Responsibility, 277, 296, 305,

306, 315, 316, 338, 344.

Moses, 233, 247, 248.
Mules, 27.

Murchison, Sir Roger, 167.


Napoleon, Size of Brain, 242.
Nature Asserts Herself, 25.
Nature, Laws of, 264.
Nebular Hypothesis, 155, 156.
Necessity, 306, 318.

Needham, 191, 192.

Nirvana, 259.

Nysten, Researches of, 19.


Melchizedek, 134.

Memory, What Is It? 299, 300, 301.
Men and Animals Compared, 30.
Methodists, 334.

Odors, 305.

Organic Matter, Its Constituents, 2.
Organization, 61, 65.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
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