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gistrates, but this the court refused. Unfortunately, since the law of elections in France has been changed, two of the bitterest enemies of the protestants have been chosen Deputies at Nismes. The future, therefore, is not without its dangers, and the condition of the persecuted may fluctuate with the slightest political alteration; but which, it is to be hoped, may be prevented from any acts that may again disgrace the catholic religion by the powerful expression of the public mind, actuated with better principles, or by the interference of the protestant influence in this or other countries. Happily, since the year 1820, no fresh complaints have issued from the south of France on the score of religion.

[blocks in formation]

Apostles, lives, sufferings and martyrdom
of the, 27.
Arguments for rejecting the pope's pow-
er, 209.

Argyle, earl of, and followers, defeat of,

Arian Heretics, persecutions by the, 69.
Armada, the Spanish, 501-articles taken
on board the, 510.

Armstrong, Sir Thomas, execution of,

Arras, martyrdom at, 99.

Arthur, earl of Essex, murder of, 541.
Articles, act of the six, 234.
Askew, Anne, martyrdom of, 243.
Assassination plot, account of the, 566.
Attack upon the Protestant churches, 586.
Atterbury's plot, 569.

Austrians, arrival at Nismes, 581.
Auto da Fe's at Madrid, 106, 107.


Benet, Thomas, persecution and martyr-
dom of, 251.

Badby, Thomas, martyrdom of, 194.
Barbarities of the inquisition in Spain and
Portugal, 113.

Barbarities of Jeffries in the west of Eng-
land, 541.

Barbary, persecutions in the states of, 149.
Barnes, Dr. Robert, martyrdom of, 236.
Basil, martyrdom of, 73.

Bateman, Mr. Charles, trial and execution
of, 559.

Beaton, cardinal, death of, 277.
Berengarius, 83.

Bezieres, siege of, 90.

courage of the earl of, 90.

Bible, translation of the, proposed, 223.
attempts to suppress the, 239.

Bilney, Thomas, martyrdom
Bohemia, persecutions in, 15
Borhoquia, Jane, cruel tort
Inquisition, 115.
Boleyn, Anne, coronation (
England, 207.

Boleyn, Anne, trial and ex
Bongey, Cornelius, martyr
Bonner, bishop, sufferings
pot under, 353-
Cranmer by, 387-e
persons, by 427-
Thomas Hinshaw 1
John Willes, 452.
Boralli, avarice and injusti
Bruis, Peter, 83.
Byfield, burning of, 218.


Calabria, persecutions in,
Campegio, arrival of, in 1
Careless, John, death of, 4
Catharine, Dutchess of Su
Catherine, Infanta of S
of, with Henry VIII
of her marriage de
monarch, 199 appen
pope, 201-is left by the
death of, 222.

Catholic arms at Beaucaire, 574.
Causton, Thomas, martyrdom of, 313.
Cavill, John, martyrdom of, 400.
Charles V., his efforts to extirpate the
Protestants, 139.

China, persecutions in, 144.
Christians, a general sacrifice of, 53.
Coberly, William, martyrdom of, 398.
Conceicao, Maria de, cruel tortures of, in
the Inquisition, 114.

Calas, John, martyrdom of, 181.
Conspiracies of the papists, from the revo

lution to the reign of George II. 566 -
Constance, council of, 133.

Constantine, vision of, 64,-victory e,
65-letter of, to the king of Persa,
in favour of Christians, 69.
Constantinople, capture of, by the infidels,


Convocation, debates in the, 226.
Coo, Roger, martyrdom of, 327.
Corneford, John and others, martyrdor
of, 460.

[ocr errors]

gistrish, derman, trial and execution | Germany, persecutions in, 129, 139.

electic 550
the prot!
Then account of, 202
Arc'pishop of Canterbury,
in of, attempted, 241-fur-
cuted may ns against, 247-charac-
it is to be, 2-divorces queen Cathe-
-accusation of, before the
grace the
-manner of escape, 384,-
mind, acte ation of, for treason, 386-
protestant f, 386-charge of heresy
year 1820, 86-condemnation and de-
of, 387-recantation of, 388
on the


ions in, 44.


Gianavel, Joshua, noble conduct of, 177.
Glover, Robert, martyrdom of, 328.
Gore, James, death of, 349.
Goths and Vandals, persecutions by, 75.
Green, Thomas, scourging of, 469.
Grey, Lady Jane, declaration of, as queen,

Guernsey, martyrdom of three women and
infant in, 418.

Gunpowder plot, by the Papists, account
of the, 512.

Hamilton, Patrick, martyrdom of, 265.
Henricians, why so called, 83:

ointment of, as Vicar-Ge- Henry III. assassination of, 177.

-fall of, 235.

filt of, 48.

"om of, 44.


[blocks in formation]

Inquisition, of little use, 104.
Areopagite, death of, 33.
he regious houses, 231.

of the Inquisition, 85.
d Franciscans, the most
inds of the Inquisition, 102.
martyrdom of, 400.

feated by the Albigenses,

ogress of the reformation
of, 282-sickness and
less, birth of, 208--mira-
ervation of, 487.

hand, cruel persecution by,

reformation in, when begun,
190-progess of the reformation in,
in the reign of Henry VIII, 196.

Fabian, martyrdom of, 42.
Fairfax, Thomas, scourging of, 464.
Faith, St. martyrdom of, 52.

Farrar, Dr. Robert, martyrdom of, 315.
Females, monstrous outrage upon, 580.
Ferdinand, emperor, persecution by, 130.
Fisher, bishop, account of, 212, 215.
ortitude, a noble example of, 56.
ortune, John, martyrdom of, 404.
france, persecution in, 83, 98-horrible
massacre in, A. D. 1572, 125-per-
secution in, in the 16th and 17th
century, 177.
Frith, martyrdom of 2

Galerius, persecutions by, 61.

Henry IV., submission of, to Pope Gre
gory, 188.

Henry VIII. history of his marriage with
Catherine, 198-with Anne Boleyn,
296-with Jane Seymour, 226-with
Catherine Howard, 239-with Ca-
therine Parr, ib.-sickness and death
of, 250.
Heresy, what, 103.

Highed, Thomas, martyrdom of, 313.
Holland, Roger, History, &c. of, 444.
Holloway, Mr. James, execution of, 552.
Hooper, bishop, sufferings and martyrdom
of, 293.

Howard, queen Catherine, execution of


Hunt, John, condemnation of, 461.
Hunter, William, martyrdom of, 311.
Huss, John, life, sufferings, and martyr-
dom of, 132.

Hylas, a pagan, cruel conduct of, towards
his son, 53.


Ignatius, bishop of Antioch, martyrdom
of, 34.

Images, impostures of, discovered, 232.
Inquisition, origin of, 85, 102-officers of

103-sentence of, 105-mode of tor-
turing in, 109, 111-barbarities of
in Spain and Portugal, 113.
Inquisitor, horrid treachery of an, 113.
Interference of the British government,

Interview of the kings of England and
France, 206.

Irenæus, bishop of Lyons, martyrdom of


Italy, martyrdoms in various parts of, 159.


Jackson, John, examination of, 420.
Japan, persecutions in, 145.
Jerome, of Prague, life, sufferings, and
martyrdom of, 136.

John, king, surrender of his crown to
the pope, 189.

Johnson, Rev. Mr., sufferings of, 560.

Geddes, Dr., his account of an Auto da Julian, the apostate, persecutions under,

Fe, 107.

George, St. martyrdom of, 64.

Georgia and Mingrelia, persecutions in,


[blocks in formation]


bert, 223-

of Anne As.

Tindall, 258-0.
265-of George
Walter Mille, 279-
289-of Laurence S
of Bishop Hooper, 29
land Taylor, 301—of '
kins, 309-of William
-of Thomas Higbed, 3
mas Causton and other
Dr. Farrar, 315-of Rawlin
317-of George Marsh,
Margaret Polley, 323-of Rob
muel, 325-of Robert Glover, C
lius Bongey, William Wolsey,
bert Pigot, 328-of Hugh Latin
Nicholas Ridley, 333-of John Wei
George Roper, Gregory Parke, 348
William Wiseman, James Got
John Philpot, 349-of Archbisho
Cranmer, 397-of John Maundrel,
William Coberly, John Spicer, 398-
of Richard and Thomas Spurg, John
Cavil, George Ambrose, Robert
Drake, William Tims, 400-of John
Fortune, 404-of John Careless, 408
-of Julius Palmer and others, 412-
of Joan Waste, 422-of Loseby and
others, 431-of Edmund Allin, 435-
of Rev. John Rough and Margaret
Maring, 440-of Robert Mills and

gistinish, derman, trial and execution | Germany, persecutions in, 129, 139.

electic 55
the pro
Phin account of, 202-
Arcbishop of Canterbury,
in of, attempted, 241-fur-
cuted may ns against, 247-charac-
it is to be 2-divorces queen Cathe-
grace the accusation of, before the
-manner of escape, 384,-
mind, acttation of, for treason, 386-
protestant 386-charge of heresy
year 1820, 86-condemnation and de-
on the sco of, 387-recantation of, 388

ions in, 44.

Gianavel, Joshua, noble conduct of, 177.
Glover, Robert, martyrdom of, 399.
Gore, James, death of, 349.
Goths and Vandals, persecutions by, 70.
Green, Thomas, scourging of, 469.
Grey, Lady Jane, declaration of, as queen,


Guernsey, martyrdom of three women and
infant in, 418.

Gunpowder plot, by the Papists, account
of the, 512.


Hamilton, Patrick, martyrdom of, 265.
Henricians, why so called, 83:

ointment of, as Vicar-Ge- Henry III. assassination of, 177.

[blocks in formation]


less, birth of, 208-mira-
ervation of, 487.

and, cruel persecution by,

reformation in, when begun,
190-progess of the reformation in,
in the reign of Henry VIII. 196.

Fabian, martyriom of, 42.
Fairfax, Thomas, scourging of, 464.
Faith, St. martyrdom of, 52.

Farrar, Dr. Rolert, martyrdom of, 315.
Females, monstrous outrage upon, 580.
Ferdinand, emperor, persecution by, 130.
isher, bishop, account of, 212, 215.
ortitude, a noble example of, 56.
ortune, John, martyrdom of, 404.
rance, persecution in, 83, 98-horrible
massacre in, A. D. 1572, 125-per-
secution in, in the 16th and 17th
century, 177.


des, Dr., his account of an Auto III


Henry IV, submission of, to Pope Gre
gory, 188.

Henry VIII. bistory of his marriage with
Catherine, 198-with Anne Boleyn,
296-with Jane Seymour, 226-with
Catherine Howard, 239-with Ca-
therine Parr, ib.-sickness and death
of, 250.
Heresy, what, 103.

Highed, Thomas, martyrdom of, 313.
Holland, Roger, History, &c. of, 444.
Holloway, Mr. James, execution of, 552.
Hooper, bishop, sufferings and martyrdom
of, 293.

Howard, queen Catherine, execution of


Hunt, John, condemnation of, 461
Hunter, William, martyrdom of 3
Huss, John, life, sufferings,

dom of, 132.

Es, the

rings and mar

Hylas, a pagan, cruel contion of, into Eng-
his son, 53.

rim of 60.
Ignatius, bishop of martyrdom of 309.
of, 34.
wastrees cruelties of, 140.
Images, imposture of Paul, cruel death of,
Inquisition, orig

103 sentrtyrdom of 400.
turing islation of the New Testa-
in Spar 5 215-te and martyrdom of
Interfere ng first, second, and third time
588 cturing in the inquisition, 109,
Intervi, 111.

Louse, earl of persecuted, 88-excom-
Irenated 90-treacherously seized,
97-surrender of 94-recovery of, 96.
Ital unis, manner in which a Christian is
treated st, 150.

in propositions of the parliament of,
to the Waldenses, 155



Valerian, emperor fastof, 49.
Venice, persecutions in, 158.

Vienna, siege of 148

Visitation to all the churches and monas-

teries, 221, 229, 231.

Walect, Hone, and Rouse, trial and exe-
cutha of 549.

and Mingrelia, persecutioles of Waklenses, persecutions of the, in France,

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