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A. D.


bert, King of Wessex, acquires great
Power under this Title..
823. His Authority as Bretwalda acknowledged
in all the Provinces south of the Humber ib.
836. But at his Death, this Power is weakened
by a Partition of his Dominions.....
At this point, just on the Approach to-
wards regular Government, Britain be-
gins to be ravaged by the Barbarians
of Scandinavia, called Normans in
France, Danes in England.

871. Alfred, his early Life...

876. Ravages of the Danes; "All the Saxons
are defeated but Alfred their King"..

877- He bursts from his Retreat, defeats Guth-

880. run the Danish Chief, compels him to

evacuate Wessex, and attempts to set-

tle and civilize his Followers, by grant-

ing him the Country to the North and

East, on Condition of his submitting to


880- Fifteen Years' Peace: Invasion of Hast-
895. ings in providing for Defence, Alfred
895- improves Ship-building: Character of
899. Alfred: extraordinary Union of Energy
in War with the Arts of Peace: his
Poetry and Translations.

901- Fourteen Kings; ten of them Descend-
1066. ants of Alfred, three Scandinavians,
and one a powerful Saxon Lord: the
more prominent Events during this Pe-
riod can alone be here related....

The Christian Church was the only Insti-

tution transmitted entire from the Ro-

mans to the Barbarians; Progress of

Ecclesiastical Power.

Origin of Clerical Celibacy: Corruption

engendered by it; its Value as an In-

strument of Ecclesiastical Ambition by

destroying all Ties but those of the


The monastic Orders called forth by a

Reaction of religious Zeal, when the

secular Clergy had reached a high Pitch

of Corruption: primitive Hermits: Mon-

asteries: Rule of St. Benedict..

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Ineffectual Attempts of Ethelred's Sons,
Edward and Alfred: treacherous Mur-
der of the latter.....

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Close Connexion of Language with
Thought and Feeling..


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Asser's Life of Alfred...


his Dominions with him: (960) on Ed-
win's Death he reigns over the whole ib.
Dunstan recalled and made Archbishop
of Canterbury........
977, Synods of Calne and Winchester: mirac-
978. ulous Pretensions of Dunstan not ne-
cessarily fraudulent, though unfounded ib.
970. Marriage of Edgar with Elfrida; tragical
Circumstances attending it...

975. Death of Edgar: Succession disputed
between Edward his eldest Son, and
Ethelred, Son of Elfrida: Edward



979. Treacherous Murder of Edward by El-
frida: Ethelred King...


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Lives of the Saints; Welsh Triads..
Scottish Chronicles and Poetry; Macpher-
son's Ossian....

Irish Chronicles...

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William Duke of Normandy; the Estab-

lishment, by his Ancestor Rollo, of a

Scandinavian State in Neustria..

Some expelled Norwegians founded a Re-
public in Iceland in the ninth Century,
where Literature and Liberty con-
verted these Barbarians for two Cen-
turies into a civilized People.....
912. Neustria ceded to Rollo, Son of the Earl
of Orkney, by Charles the Simple...... ib.

1035. William the Conqueror, fifth Duke of Nor-

mandy in lineal Descent from him..... 47

Assertion of William that Edward had

bequeathed the Crown to him; no he-

reditary Right in either William or


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ward, and by marrying Maud, a Princess

of Saxon blood..

Robert lands at Portsmouth; Normandy
ceded to him by Henry, on condition
of retaining England; treacherous
Breach of this Treaty by Henry, who
reconquers Normandy; and Robert lin-
gers out a long Life in a cruel Im-

An Attempt made by Louis VI. on be-
half of William, Son of Robert, defeat-
ed at the Battle of Brenneville.

Another Revolt, with the same Object,


Louis bestows Flanders and other Prov-
inces on William; his Death....
Henry's Cruelties and Exactions mingled
with occasional Generosity, the Off
spring of Chivalry, but exercised only
towards the noble and beautiful; it
stooped not to commonplace Justice
and good Faith..












Marriage of Henry's Daughter, Maud,
with Geoffrey Plantagenet...
Henry causes a general Council to take
an Oath of Fealty to Maud and her In-
fant Son....




William returns to Normandy; another
ineffectual Effort of Edgar Atheling..

Review of the Causes which contributed

to the Success of William...

1076. William goes to Normandy, to suppress
the Revolt of his Son Robert; personal
Combat of the Father and Son, un-
known to each other...

ib. 1135. (1st of December) Death of Henry..

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1087. (9th of September) Death of William ;
his Character..



Two legal Revolutions completed in this

Reign, the Separation of the Ecclesias-

tical from the Civil Judicature, and the

Consummation of the Feudal System.. 56 1136. Revolt of Baldwin, Earl of Exeter, and

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fence of an Exercise of Religion older
than the Mahometan Power..

It is no valid Objection to a just Motive,

that Ambition may easily convert it

into a Pretext..

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Pope Alexander III. brings about a Peace

between the English and French Kings ib.

Becket made Archbishop of Canterbury. ib.
England now takes a Share in the Strug
gle against Papal Usurpations which
had agitated Christendom for a Centu-
ry; Sketch of its Origin and Progress;
Dispute concerning Right of Investiture 69
1152. Violent Character of similar Disputes in

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Becket repents of his Acquiescence: He
escapes to the Abbey of Pontigny, in


(21st of December) He is detained and im-
prisoned by the Duke of Austria in the
Castle of Thierstein.....
Leopold is obliged to surrender him to
Henry VI., who imprisons him at Tri-
fels, where his Confinement is discov-
ered by an English Minstrel...
Henry VI. brings him to Trial before an
Assembly of German Princes for
(amongst other Things) the Murder of






Nature of the Ecclesiastical Claims..... ib. 1194. (May) Richard returns to England, having

The Objects of both Parties were equally
arbitrary it was a Contest between
the Sceptre and the Crosier for Domin-
ion over the rest of Society...
1165. Henry seizes the Possessions of the Pri-



Henry purges himself from the Crime by

Oath, and receives Papal Absolution

after most humiliating Submissions... 77

Henry's own Sons made the tools of a
Conspiracy against him, excited chiefly
by the Jealousy of Eleanor, their Mo-
77, 78

1174. They are reconciled to their Father...... 78

1178. A dreadful War ensues between the Bro-
thers, on the Refusal of the younger to
take an Oath of Fealty to the elder.. ib.
(11th of June) Death of Prince Henry..

1179. The Feuds between the Father and his

surviving Son are renewed...

Philip, King of France, shelters and suc-
cors Arthur.
1202. (1st of August) John takes Arthur Prisoner ib.
1203. Mysterious Disappearance of Arthur; hor-
rid Murder of that Prince, said to have
been committed by John's own Hand.. ib.

Philip, as Lord Paramount of John's

French Dominions, cites him to answer

for the Crime, and, on his non-appear-

ance, declares those Provinces forfeited 91

John ineffectually attempts to recover



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1215. (April) John refuses their Demands; (22d

of May) the Barons in possession of


96, 97

(15th of June) Conference at Runny-
mede; Magna Charta; London held
as a Security for its Performance, and
Twenty-five Barons appointed as Guar-
dians of the Realm; Provisions and last-
ing Influence of the Charter........ 97-99
(22d of August) The Pope absolves John
from his Oath, and War recommences;
John calls in German Mercenaries, and
the Barons offer the English Crown to
Louis, eldest Son of the French King.. 100

(18th of October) Death of John..

HENRY III. 1216-1272.

1216. Henry, eldest Son of John, crowned in the

tenth Year of his Age; the Regency

intrusted to the Earl of Pembroke, Earl


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The Welsh are indignant at the Submis-
sion, and continue the War under Da-
vid, Llewellyn's Brother, whom Lle-
wellyn also joins....

Death of Llewellyn; deserted by his fol-



Prince David made Prisoner, and con-
signed to the horrid Punishment after-
wards appointed for Treason; probably
the earliest Instance of its Infliction.. ib.

State of Scotland previous to the Inva-

sion of Edward; rival Claims of Bruce

and Baliol to the Succession, which

gave Edward a Pretext for Interference 113

ib. 1292. (May) Edward summons the Nobility of

Scotland to meet him at Norham.

(2d of June) Overawed by Threats, they

recognize Edward as Lord Paramount

of Scotland, and place the Fortresses
in his Hands..



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De la Pole impeached; the Government
vested in eleven Commissioners.
1387. (August) The Judges, under the Influence
of De Vere and others, together with
the King, declare the Commission in-
(February) The Parliament condemn De
Vere and his Colleagues, and imprison
the Judges; Gloucester assumes the
Direction of the Government...
(September) The Acts of Gloucester's Ad-
ministration annulled by Parliament.. ib.

His treacherous Murder, with Richard's


Connivance, (in July, 1397)....

Means taken to conciliate John of Gaunt 142

Conversation between Mowbray and Her-

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The two Kings espouse opposite Parties
in the disputed Succession of Britanny ib.

1346. Assassination of D'Artaveldt, Edward's
Flemish ally, (July) Edward disembarks
a fresh Army near Cape La Hogue..

(26th of August) Battle of Crecy.

(29th of August) Siege of Calais..

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