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faction to that by wch they enter: the traitor in factions lightly goeth away wth it, for when matters haue stuck long in ballancing the winning of some one man casteth them, and he getteth all the thankes.


CAP: 10

T is better generally to deale by speeche, then

then by ones selfe: Ires are good, when a man would drawe an aunswere by letter backe againe, or when it may serue for a mans Iustification afterwardes to produce his owne tre: to deale in person is good, where a mans face breedes regarde, as commonly wth inferiours: in choise of Instruments it is better to choose men of a plainer sorte, that are likely to doe that wch is committed vnto them, and to report back againe faithfully the successe; then they that are cunning to contriue out of other mens busines somewhat to grace themselues, and will helpe the matter in reporte for satisfactions sake: It is better to sounde a person wth whome one dealeth a far of, then to fall vpon the pointe at first, except you meane to surprize him by some short question: It is better dealing wth men of appetite, then wth those who are where they would be: if a man deale wth another vpon conditions, the start, or first

performaunce is all, wch a man cannot reasonably demaunde, except either the nature of the thing be such, wch must goe before, or else a man can perswade the other party that he shall neede him in some other thing, or else that he be counted the honester man: all practise is to discover, or to make men discover themselues in trust, in passion, at vnawares, and of necessity, where they would haue somewhat donne, and cannot finde an apt pretext: If you would worke any man, you must either knowe his nature, and fashions, and so leade him: or his endes, and so win him; or his weaknesses, or disadvantages, and so awe him, or those that haue interest in him, and so governe him: In dealing wth cunning persons, we must ever consider their endes, to interpret their speaches, and it is good to say litle vnto them, and that wch they least looke for..




p. 1 [1] John xviii. 38.

[3] Giddinesse: Lat. cogitationum vertigine. [4] to fix a Beleefe: Lat. fide fixa aut axiomatibus constantibus constringi. [7] discoursing: Lat. ventosa et discursantia. quæ ex ea inventa cogitationibus imponitur captivitas. bably Lucian in his Philopseudes.

[13] Lat. [15] Pro

[13] Imagi

[16] full

P. 2 [5] Candlelights: Lat. tædæ lucernæque nocturnæ. nations as one would: Lat. imaginationes ad libitum. of.. Indisposition: Lat. languoris pleni. [17] It is not certain to whom Bacon alludes. He uses the same expression again in the Advancement of Learning (11. 22, § 14): "Did not one of the fathers in greate indignation call Poesy vinum Demonum, because it increaseth temptations, perturbations, and vaine opinions?" There is a passage in one of Jerome's letters to Damasus (Ep. 146) in which he says: "Dæmonum cibus est carmina poetarum," and possibly Bacon might have had this in his mind and quoted from memory. But an allusion in Burton's Anatomy of Melancholy (Democritus to the reader, p. 103, ed. 1813) makes it probable that a saying of Augustine's is referred to. Fracastorius, a famous poet, freely grants all poets to be mad; so doth Scaliger; and who doth not? (Aut insanit homo, aut versus facit, Hor. Sat. 7, 1. 2. Insanire lubet, i.e. versus componere, Virg. Ecl. 3. So Servius interprets) all poets are mad, a company of bitter satyrists, detractors, or else parasitical applauders: and what is poetry itself, but (as Austin holds) vinum erroris ab ebriis doctoribus propinatum?" This is from Augustine's Confess. 1. 16. The origin of the expression is probably the calicem dæmoniorum of the Vulgate of 1 Cor. x. 20. [20] The Latin omits "with:" licet Poesis mendacii tantum umbra sit. [29] Beleefe: Lat. receptionem cum assensu. [30] Enioying: Lat. fruitio et amplexus. p. 3 [6] The Poet: Lucretius. "Sect" were the Epicureans. Adv. of L. 1. 8, § 5.

beautified: Lat. ornavit. The [8] Lucr. 11. 1-10: quoted again in

Suave mari magno turbantibus æquora ventis
E terra magnum alterius spectare laborem;..
Suave etiam belli certamina magna tueri,
Per campos instructa tua sine parte pericli,
Sed nil dulcius est, bene quam munita tenere
Edita doctrina sapientum templa serena
Despicere unde queas alios passimque videre
Errare atque viam palantis quærere vita.
[23] Truth: Lat. veritatem aut potius veracitatem.

[25] cleare


and Round dealing: Lat. apertam et minime fucatam in negotiis gerendis rationem.

p. 4 [1] Essais 11. 18. Montaigne in this passage is supposed to allude to Lysander's saying recorded by Plutarch: "For he sayd, that children should be deceiued with the play of Kayles, and men with othes of men" (North's Plut. p. 480, ed. 1595); on which Plutarch remarks, "for he that deceiueth his enemy, and breaketh his oth to him: sheweth plainly that he feareth him, but that he careth not for God." [7] Lie: Lat. mendax. [13] Luke xviii. 8.


[4-7] In

p. 5 [3] Tales: Lat. fabulosis quibusdam terriculamentis. the ed. of 1612 this passage stood thus: "Certainely the feare of death in contemplation of the cause of it, and the issue of it, is religious: but the feare of it, for it selfe, is weake." [7] weake: Lat. infirma et inanis. [8] sometimes: added in 1625. [19] In ed. of 1612, "And to speake as a Philosopher or naturall man.' [21] There is a passage in Seneca's Epistles (III. 3, § 14), which may have suggested this: "Tolle istam pompam sub qua lates et stultos irritas: mors es quem nuper servus meus, quem ancilla contempsit." p. 6 [1] Blackes, and Obsequies: Lat. atrata funera.


"Blackes," in the sense of mourning, occurs in Shakspere, Winter's Tale, 1. 2; "But were they false

As o're-dy'd Blacks, as Wind, as Waters."

[6] terrible: added in 1625. [9] slights it: 'es

[5] it Mates, and: added in 1625. [7] Attendants: in the ed. of 1612 'followers.' teemes it not' (1612). [10] After 'Honour aspireth to it,' the edition of 1612 has, "deliuery from Ignominy chuseth it," and this appears also in the Latin, metus ignominiæ eligit. [11] reade: 'see' (1612). Tac. Hist. II. 49. the Emperour: added in 1625. [14, 15] out

of.. Nay: added in 1625. [16] addes: 'speaketh of' (1612). & Saciety: added in 1625. Seneca, Ep. x. 1, § 6: comp. also . 3, § 26: quoted again Adv. of L. 11. 21, § 1. [18-21] A man..over: added in 1625. [22] in good Spirits: Lat. in animo generoso et forti. [23-25] 'but they are the same till the last' (1612). [26] Suet. Aug. C. 99. [28] Tac. Ann. VI. 50. [30] Suet. Vesp. c. 23. Dio Cass. LXVI. 17. Sitting upon the Stoole: added in 1625. [31] Tac. Hist. 1. 41; Suet. Galba, c. 20. [32] Holding forth his Necke: In all these passages

[33] Dio Cass. LXXVI. 17.

added in 1625. the quotations were omitted in the ed. of 1612. In the MS. of that edition in the British Museum, which Mr Spedding describes (Bacon's Works, vi. p. 535), the clause "Septimius Seuerus in dispatch," is also omitted.

P. 7 [3] Juv. Sat. x. 357. The true quotation is

Qui spatium vitæ extremum inter munera ponit

It occurs again in a parallel passage in the Adv. of Learning, 11. 21, § 5: "And it seemeth to me, that most of the doctrines of the Philo

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