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In conclusion, there seems to be no doubt that almost any gelatinous precipitate can be successfully treated in this manner.

3. Tests for Nitrous Acid.

During the course of some work on the nitrites of nickel and cobalt, it was necessary to have an easy and accurate test for nitrous acid. I therefore reviewed all the tests given for that acid, comparing their relative degrees of delicacy, with the following results. For testing, a very dilute solution of Fischer's salt, (Co, 6NO,+6(KNO2) + 2Aq), which contained part by weight of nitrous acid, was employed.

Schönbein's test with a weak solution of indigo decolorized by potassic sulphide failed to give accurate results. Besides there are many substances which would have the same action upon the decolorized indigo as the nitrous acid.

C. D. Braun'st test with cobaltous chloride and potassic cyanide gave no reaction with so dilute a solution, even when several cubic centimeters were taken, the reaction only appearing when a comparatively strong solution of the nitrite was


Hadow'st reaction in which a nitrite when heated with potassic ferrocyanide and mercuric chloride forms nitroprussic acid which is detected by an alkaline sulphide, gave good results only when the nitrous acid was present in larger quantities, not being delicate enough to give a reaction with the standard solution of nitrite which I employed.

A modification of this test suggested itself, in which the nitroprussic acid is thus produced. To the solution suspected of containing the acid, potassic ferrocyanide and acetic acid are added, and the whole boiled. The solution is allowed to cool, and ammonic sulphide added. If nitrous acid was originally present, the characteristic blue reaction will appear. 10 c.c. of the test solution gave the reaction, but it failed with a smaller quantity.

The problem was finally solved by another reaction, namely, the production of phenol from aniline by means of nitrous acid. Evaporate the test liquid nearly to dryness, then rub it with a few drops of a strong solution of sulphate of aniline. If nitrous acid is present the odor of phenol will immediately result. This test is remarkably delicate, 1 c. c. of the test solution giving a perfectly distinct reaction. Nor can nitrous be confounded with nitric acid, as this last produces no phenol, but merely a yellow color, which of itself, as is well known, is of value as a test for that acid.

*Jahresbericht, 1864, 699.

Jour. Chem. Soc., vol. iv, p. 341.

Ibid. 1865, 702.

§ 4. On the Determination of small quantities of Manganese.

The delicacy of Crum's test for manganese is well known, but it is believed that no attempt has hitherto been made to employ it as a method of quantitative determination. The following work was, therefore, undertaken with that view.

A standard solution of ammonic oxalate was prepared, of which 1 c. c.=0·0005467 grm. Mn. A sample of dolomite was taken, and four portions were weighed out. These were dissolved in nitric acid, and a small quantity of plumbic peroxide added to each. On boiling, the bright color of hypermanganic acid appeared. The solutions were passed through small filters of asbestos with the aid of a Bunsen's pump, and the hypermanganic acid was determined by means of a standard solution of ammonic oxalate with the following results:

3-1300 grm. dolomite required 390 c. c. = 0.0216 grm. Mn = 00:069 p. c. Mn 2.781



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= 0.0134

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= 00:065

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In a sample of limestone from White Horse, Chester, Co., Pa. the analysis showed

3:4316 grm. required 120 c. c. 00656 grm. Mn = 1.92 p. c. Mn.

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83.5" 153.5" Mean

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But the method, though giving good results where the percentage of manganese is small, fails when any large amount of that metal is present. Well dried manganous pyrophosphate was treated with sulphuric acid, as nitric acid, though dissolving it, was found not to decompose it, little or no hypermanganic acid being formed when the plumbic peroxide was added. With sulphuric acid, the red color of hypermanganic acid was produced, but it was found that not even long boiling sufficed for total oxydation.

This was also the case with an alloy of iron and manganese. The longer it was boiled, the more hypermanganic acid was formed, but there seemed to be no definite limit. No concordant results having been reached, and a well marked end reaction in such cases being hard to obtain, the method as applied to general analysis was given up.

There seems to be, however, reason to maintain that when the quantity of manganese is very small, the method will be found both easy and accurate. Perhaps by some modification of the process, it may be made to apply also to the cases in which large quantities of manganese are present.

In conclusion, I desire to acknowledge my indebtedness to Dr. W. Gibbs for his careful supervision and many valuable suggestions.

Cambridge, March 1, 1871.

ART. LXI.-On the Oil-bearing Limestone of Chicago; by T. STERRY HUNT, LL.D., F.R.Š.

(Read before the American Association for the Advancement of Science at Troy, August, 1870.)

WHEN in 1861,* I first published my views on the petroleum of the West, I expressed the opinion that the true source of it was to be looked for in certain limestone formations which had long been known to be oleiferous. I referred to the early observations of Eaton and Hall on the petroleum of the Niagara limestone, to numerous instances of the occurrence of this substance in the Trenton and Corniferous formations and, in Gaspé, in limestones of Lower Helderberg age. Subsequently, in this Journal for March, 1863, and in the Geology of Canada, I insisted still further upon the oleiferous character of the Corniferous limestone in southwestern Ontario, which appears to be the source of the petroleum found in that region. I may here be permitted to recapitulate some of my reasons for concluding that petroleum is indigenous to these limestones, and for rejecting the contrary opinion, held by some geologists, that its occurrence in them is due to infiltration, and that its origin is to be sought in an unexplained process of distillation from pyroschists or so-called bituminous shales. These occur at three distinct horizons in the New York system, and are known as the Utica slate, immediately above the Trenton limestone, and the Marcellus and Genesee slates which lie above and below the Hamilton shales; the latter being separated from the underlying Corniferous limestone by the Marcellus slate.

First, these various pyroschists do not, except in rare instances, contain any petroleum or other form of bitumen. Their capability of yielding volatile liquid hydrocarbons or pyrogenous oils, allied in composition to petroleum, by what is known to chemists as destructive distillation, at elevated temperatures, is a property which they possess in common with wood, peat, lignite, coal, and most substances of organic origin, and has led to their being called bituminous, although they are not in any proper sense bituminiferous. The distinction is one which will at once be obvious to all those who are familiar with chemistry, and who know that pyroschists are argillaceous rocks containing in a state of admixture a brownish insoluble and infusible hydrocarbonaceous matter, allied to lignite or to coal.†

Second, the pyroschists of these different formations do not, so far as known, in any part of their geological distribution, whether exposed at the surface or brought up by borings from *Montreal Gazette, March 1, and Can. Naturalist, July, 1861. This Journal, II, xxxv, 159–161.

depths of many hundred feet, present any evidence of having been submitted to the temperature required for the generation of volatile hydrocarbons. On the contrary they still retain the property of yielding such products when exposed to a sufficient heat, at the same time undergoing a charring process by which their brown color is changed to black. In other words these pyroschists have not yet undergone the process of destructive distillation.

Third, the conditions which the oil occurs in the limestones, are inconsistent with the notion that it has been introduced into these rocks by distillation. The only probable or conceivable source of heat, in the circumstances, being from beneath, the process of distillation would naturally be one of ascension, the more so as the pores of the underlying strata would be filled with water. Such being the case, the petroleum of the Upper Silurian and Lower Devonian limestones must have been derived from the Utica slate beneath. This rock, however, is unaltered, and moreover, the intermediate sandstones and shales of the Loraine, Medina and Clinton formations are destitute of petroleum, which must, on this hypothesis, have passed through all these strata to condense in the Niagara and the Corniferous limestones. More than this, the Trenton limestone which, on Lake Huron and elsewhere, has yielded considerable quantities of petroleum, has no pyroschists beneath it, but on Lake Huron rests on ancient crystalline rocks, with the intervention only of a sterile sandstone. The rock-formations holding petroleum are not only separated from each other by great thicknesses of porous strata destitute of it, but the distribution of this substance is still further localized, as I many years since pointed out. The petroleum is in fact in many cases, confined to certain bands or layers in the limestone, in which it fills the pores and the cavities of fossil shells and corals, while other portions of the limestone, both above, below, and in the prolongation of the same stratum, though equally porous, contain no petroleum. From all these facts the only reasonable conclusion seems to me to be that the petroleum, or rather the materials from which it has been formed, existed in these limestone rocks from the time of their first deposition. The view which I put forward in 1861, that petroleum and similar bitumens have resulted from a peculiar "transformation of vegetable matters, or in some cases of animal tissues analogous to these in composition," has received additional support from the observations of Lesley,* in West Virginia and Kentucky, and from the more recent ones of Peckham.+

* Rep. Geol., Canada, 1866, 240, and Proc. Amer. Philos. Soc., x, 33, 187. + Ibid, x, 445.

The objections to this view of the origin and geological relations of petroleum have been for the most part founded on incorrect notions of the geological structure of southwestern Ontario, which has afforded me peculiar facilities for studying the question. In this region, it has been maintained by Winchell that the source of the petroleum is to be sought in the Devonian pyroschists. I however showed in 1866, as the result of careful studies of the various borings: first, that none of the oil-wells were sunk in the Genesee slates, but along denuded anticlinals where these rocks have disappeared, and where, except the thin layer of Marcellus slate sometimes met with at the base of the Hamilton shales, no pyroschists are found above the Trenton limestone. Second, that the reservoirs of petroleum in the wells sunk into the Hamilton shales are sometimes met with in this formation, and sometimes, in adjacent borings, only in the underlying Corniferous. Examples of this have been cited by me in wells in Enniskillen, Bothwell, Chatham and Thamesville, where petroleum has first been found at depths of from thirty to one hundred and twenty feet in the Corniferous limestone, in all of these places overlaid by the Hamilton shales. It was also shown, that in two localities in this region, viz., at Tilsonburg and in Maidstone, where the Corniferous is covered only by quaternary clays, petroleum in considerable quantities has been obtained by sinking into the limestone. That the supplies of petroleum in such localities are less abundant than in parts where a mass of shales and sandstones overlies the oil-bearing limestone is explained by the fact that both the pores and the fissures in the superior strata serve to retain the oil, in a manner analogous to the quaternary gravels in some parts of this region, which are the sources of the so-called surface oil-wells. It is, therefore, not surprising that examples of pyroschists impregnated with oil should sometimes occur, but the evidence of the existence of indigenous petroleum, which is so clear in the various limestones, is wanting in the case of the pyroschists; although concretions holding petroleum, have been observed in the Marcellus and the Genesee slates of New York. There is, however, reason to believe, as I have elsewhere pointed out, that much of the petroleum of Pennsylvania, Ohio, and the adjacent regions, is indigeneous to certain sandstone strata in the Devonian and Carboniferous rocks.+

At the meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science at Chicago, in August, 1868, in a discussion which followed the reading of a paper by myself on the geology of Ontario, it was contended that, although the

*This Jour. II, xlvi, 360; and Report Geol., Canada, 1866, pp. 241-250.
+ Ibid. 240.
This Jour. II, xlvi, 355.

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