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various limestones which have been mentioned are truly oleiferous, the quantity of petroleum which they contain is too inconsiderable to account for the great supplies furnished by oil-producing districts, like that of Ontario for example. This opinion being contrary to that which I had always entertained, I resolved to submit to examination the well-known oil-bearing limestone of Chicago.

This limestone, the quarries of which are in the immediate vicinity of the city, is so filled with petroleum that blocks of it which have been used in buildings are discolored by the exudations, which mingled with dust, form a tarry coating upon the exposed surfaces. The thickness of the oil-bearing beds, which are massive and horizontal, is, according to Prof. Worthen, from thirty-five to forty feet, and they occupy a position about mid-way in the Niagara formation, which has in this region a thickness of from 200 to 250 feet. As exposed in the quarry, the whole rock seems pretty uniformly saturated with petroleum, which exudes from the natural joints and the fractured surfaces, and covers small pools of water in the depressions of the quarry. I selected numerous specimens of the rocks from different points and at various levels, with a view of getting an average sample, although it was evident that they had already lost a portion of their original content of petroleum. After lying for more than a year in my laboratory they were submitted to chemical examination. The rock, though porous and discolored by petroleum, is, when freed from this substance, a nearly white, granular, crystalline and very pure dolomite, yielding 54.6 p. c. of carbonate of lime.

Two separate portions, each made up of fragments obtained by breaking up some pounds of the specimens above mentioned, and supposed to represent an average of the rock exposed in the quarry, were reduced to coarse powder in an iron mortar. Of these two portions, respectively, 100 and 138 grammes were taken, and were dissolved in warm dilute hydrochloric acid. The tarry residue which remained in each case, was carefully collected and treated with ether, in which it was readily soluble with the exception of a small residue. This, in one of the samples, was found equal to 40 p. c., of which 13 was volatilized by heat with the production of a combustible vapor having a fatty odor; the remainder was silicious. The brown. etherial solutions were evaporated, and the residuum, freed from water and dried at 100° C., weighed in the two experiments equal to 1.570 and 1.505 per cent of the rock, or a mean of 1.537. It was a viscid reddish-brown oil, which, though deprived of its more volatile portions, still retained somewhat of the odor of petroleum, which is so marked in the rock. Its specific gravity, as determined by that of a mixture of alcohol and water, in which the globules of the petroleum remained

suspended, was 935 at 16° C. Estimating the density of the somewhat porous dolomite at 2.600, we have the equation 935 2.600 1537: 4-26; so that the volume of the petroleum obtained equalled 4-26 per cent of the rock. This result is evidently too low for two reasons; first, because the rock had already lost a part of its oil, while in the quarry and subsequently, before its examination: and secondly, because the more volatile portions had been dissipated in the process of extraction just described.

In assuming 100-00 parts of the rock to hold 4.25 parts by volume of petroleum, we are thus below the truth in the following calculations. A layer of this oleiferous dolomite one mile (5280 feet) square, and one foot in thickness will contain 1,184,832 cubic feet of petroleum, equal to 8,850,069 gallons of 231 cubic inches, and to 221,247 barrels of forty gallons each. Taking the minimum thickness of thirty-five feet, assigned by Mr. Worthen to the oil-bearing rock at Chicago, we shall have in each square mile of it 7,743,745 barrels, or in round numbers seven and three quarter millions of barrels of petroleum. The total produce of the great Pennsylvania oilregion for the ten years from 1860 to 1870 is estimated at twenty-eight millions of barrels of petroleum, or less than would be contained in four square miles of the oil-bearing limestone band of Chicago.

It is not here the place to insist upon the geological conditions which favor the liberation of a portion of the oil from such rocks, and its accumulation in fissures along certain anticlinal lines in the broken and uplifted strata. These points in the geological history of petroleum were shown by me in my first publications already referred to, March and July, 1861, and independently, about the same time, by Prof. E. B. Andrews in this Journal for July, 1861.*

The proportion of petroleum in the rock of Chicago may be exceptionally large, but the oleiferous character of great thickness of rock in other regions is well established, and it will be seen from the above calculations that a very small proportion of the oil thus distributed would, when accumulated along lines of uplift in the strata, be more than adequate to the supply of all the petroleum wells known in the regions where these oil-bearing rocks are found. With such sources existing ready formed in the earth's crust, it seems to me, to say the least, unphilosophical to search elsewhere for the origin of petroleum, and to imagine it to be derived by some unexplained process from rocks which are destitute of the sub


*This Journal II, xxxii, 85. See also papers on the subject by him and by Prof. Evans, Ibid. II, xl. 33, 334; and one by the author, II, xxxv, 170; also Report Geol. Survey of Canada, 1866, pp. 256-257.

ART. LXII.-On the Geology of the Delta, and the Mudlumps of the Passes of the Mississ ppi; by EUG. W. HILGARD.

[Continued from page 368.]

Origin of the Mudlumps.-The causes which give rise to the formation of mudlumps have been to some extent discussed by Sidell, Thomassy, and Lyell (loc. cit.). The former is inclined to ascribe the upheaval chiefly to the pressure of gas formed in the decay of driftwood and the like, buried in the river deposits. Thomassy resorts to the hypothesis of the existence of subterraneous channels communicating with the river, or with equally hypothetical reservoirs of water, far above; while Lyell ascribes the bulging of the bottom to the pressure of newly formed deposits upon a substratum of yielding mud, accompanied, and aided incidentally only, by the evolution of marsh gas in the decay of organic matter. I myself, having become aware of the existence of a strong artesian water pressure in the littoral formations of the Gulf, was inclined to ascribe the origin of the upheaving force to that source; and my visit to the mouths had for its object mainly, the comparison of the facts with each of the three admissible hypotheses, that of Thomassy being too fanciful to be seriously entertained.

As already stated, I at once found that the evolution of gas in the active vents was too insignificant to be considered as the cause of the rising of the liquid mud, which so greatly exceeded it in bulk, that the ascensional force of the bubbles, especially in so wide a vent-tube, would be utterly inadequate to balance the downward tendency of so heavy a liquid. It might still be alleged, in favor of the gas-hypothesis, that its pressure might be exerted statically upon the surface of the mass of liquid mud covered by impervious strata; but it is obvious that in such a case, the gas itself, necessarily accumulating at the highest, and therefore weakest, points, of the superincumbent mass, would be much more likely to break through by itself, promptly exhausting its force and quantity at any one point. No such rushing outbreaks of gas have ever been recorded, save in the case of blowing up of a lump with gunpowder; and, as Lyell remarks, this view renders inexplicable the occurrence of lumps exclusively about the mouths of the passes.

The latter objection applies equally to the hypothesis of the artesian origin of mudlump force, unless upon the (unproved) supposition that the excavation of the river channel might have rendered the outbreak of the artesian water easier there than elsewhere. But instead of excavating, the Mississippi has for a long time past always thrown shallows in advance of its


mouths; and unless it were conclusively proven that the mat ters ejected by the mud-springs were such as could not originate in the present delta formation, the artesian hypothesis must lose all show of probability. An accurate investigation of the matters in question, solid, liquid, and gaseous, was therefore indicated. A few specimens for this purpose were collected for me by Mr. Marindin, in 1867; but the perusal of his report accompanying them convinced me that a personal examination in loco could alone insure a perfect certainty as to their significance, and accordingly, in the autumn of the same year, I re-collected specimens from the same, as well as from other localities. Very unfortunately, the arrangements for gas analysis at my command were so imperfect that, while waiting for their improvement, the gas specimens were so vitiated by diffusion through corks and wax as to render them useless; and I have been unable to replace them as yet, but hope to do so in the near future.

Mudlump Gases.-The examination of the water and mud seemed, however, most likely to conduce to a solution of the problem, at any rate; for after all, the only information which could be furnished by gas analysis would be to indicate, by the greater or less amount of carbonic acid present, whether the gas originated from matter comparatively fresh and in its first stage of decomposition, or had its source in materials far advanced toward the stage of lignite or coals. The only perfectly reliable determination made was that of the carbonic acid contained in the gas collected from the most easterly active cone on Marindin's Lump, Passe à l'Outre, the rest of the determinations being somewhat vitiated, though doubtless very nearly correct.* The result was as follows:

Gas from East Crater, Marindin's Lump, Passe à l'Outre.

Carbonic acid,..

Marsh gas,-

Oxygen was not present.





The percentage of carbonic acid in this gas is very unusually large; its composition is nearest to that of the gas from common swamps, where vegetable matter is in its first stages of decay. The proportion between marsh gas and nitrogen is nearly the same as in the gas from the gas wells at New Orleans (see p. 245); but there is three times as much carbonic acid present

*After the explosion in the eudiometer, some nitrate of mercury was observed on its walls, in consequence of inadequate dilution of the gas. But the marsh gas was estimated from the carbonic acid absorbed after the explosion, the nitrogen by difference.

in the mud-lump gas, in accordance with the presumable more, advanced stage of decay existing in the former locality.

Mudlump Spring Waters. In taking specimens, common quart bottles were filled by immersion in the craters themselves, and immediately sealed. The liquid mud thus obtained would, after a while, separate into a lower stratum of pretty solid mud, and an upper one of clear water, in varying proportions. For analysis, the latter was carefully decanted, and the turbid part rapidly filtered through a Bunsen's pressure filter, and measured. 400 ccm. were then boiled to precipitate carbonates and silica, the filtrate re-diluted to the original bulk, and from 50 to 100 ccm. used in the determination, in separate portions, of chlorine, of lime and magnesia, and of sulphuric acid and alkalies, respectively; while a fourth portion served for an approximate determination of the solid residue, for the sake of roughly controlling the final results.*

I give below, in tabular form, the results of these analyses; presented in three different forms, for the sake of ready comparison with the composition of sea-water, from which they seem to be derived by a series of reactions easily understood from the nature and condition of the materials with which they are associated.

L. Water from the basin of a spring on a mudlump off Stake Island, Southwest Pass. Evolves gas and water in about equal proportions, no mud, but only fine sandy matter; and water flows off clear over the rim of the basin, which is two feet above tide level, and at the foot of a large extinct cone with a lagoon, surrounded by a high rim, in the center.

Water about of the bulk in bottle, the rest fine sand. Taste, very salty; color, slightly yellowish; turns brownish turbid very quickly on exposure to air. Coll. Dec. 3, 1867.

II. Water from a mudlump spring on Northeast Pass, collected by H. L. Marindin, of U. S. Coast Survey schr. Varina, in February, 1867.

According to the recollection of one of the crew, this specimen was taken from the same cone as the following one (No. III).

Water clear, faintly yellowish, about by bulk of the contents; the rest sandy mud. Turns turbid rapidly on exposure to air.

* With mixtures of this kind no method but that of evaporation with excess of carbonate of soda will yield anything more than an approximate estimate of the solid residue; involving an amount of labor and care not always justified by the end in view, when the relative amounts of ingredients can serve to control. The chlorine determination being the most accurate, and almost always in excess of the bases found available to form chlorides, the chloride of sodium, as here recorded, is the calculated amount, as is also the sum of ingredients.

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