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meration might be extended) and the late eloquent and pious Bishop Horne, not less instruct by sound and forcible reasoning, than animate and warm by the sacred fervour which pervades them. Far be it from the writer, humble in attainments as in years, to presume to range himself, even in the lowest * seat, with these eminently distinguished servants of the sanctuary. Happy may he esteem himself, if, from the study of their works, which, next to the inspired volume, he cherishes as the invaluable standard of his principles, and the animating guide of his devotions, he has caught even a feeble spark of that celestial spirit which made them burning and shining lights in the Church on earth, and has prepared them for the highest seats of glory in the Church Triumphant.

For the errors and imperfections which he fears will be found in the work, he must offer as his best, though (he is sensible) feeble apology; that from some unavoidable circumstances, the work, amidst the pressure of professional duties, was written and printed with a-haste and rapidity that prevented those frequent and careful corrections, by which only, a young and humble writer can hope to attain accuracy and excellence.

That the work, notwithstanding its imperfections; may tend to excite the attention of the careless to that inestimable ordinance which is the means and pledge of the Sa

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viour's grace and mercy-that it may aid the Christian to receive, with lively penitence, gratitude, and faith, the hallowed symbols of the body and blood of his blessed Redeemer, by which he is to be nourished and strengthened unto everlasting life is the humble but earnest prayer of

New-York, May, 1804.


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