ScienceJohn Michels (Journalist) 1957 |
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Результаты 1 – 3 из 74
Стр. 186
... mathematics teachers in secondary schools ; ( iii ) review pos- sibilities for achieving greater awareness of the need for strong programs in science and mathematics , on the part of the gen- eral public , school boards , and school ad ...
... mathematics teachers in secondary schools ; ( iii ) review pos- sibilities for achieving greater awareness of the need for strong programs in science and mathematics , on the part of the gen- eral public , school boards , and school ad ...
Стр. 197
... Mathematics . A small library of the literature of mathematics from A'h - mose the Scribe to Albert Einstein , presented with commen- taries and notes by James R. Newman . vols . 1-4 . 2535 pp . Illus . $ 20 . The World of Mathematics ...
... Mathematics . A small library of the literature of mathematics from A'h - mose the Scribe to Albert Einstein , presented with commen- taries and notes by James R. Newman . vols . 1-4 . 2535 pp . Illus . $ 20 . The World of Mathematics ...
Стр. 684
... mathematics . However , they are surely not the only fields which have profited from his fertile imagination . He has made significant contributions lit- erally to every branch of mathematics , with the exception of topology and num ...
... mathematics . However , they are surely not the only fields which have profited from his fertile imagination . He has made significant contributions lit- erally to every branch of mathematics , with the exception of topology and num ...
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AAAS Acad activity American Soc amino acids annual ascorbic acid Association award Biochem biological Cancer cells ceruloplasmin chairman Chem chemical chemistry Chicago cloud seeding College Committee concentration conference culture Department Dept digoxin director discussion effects electron ence engineering enzyme ethanol experimental experiments field galactose galactose-1-phosphate galactosemia gibberellic acid glucose gram Health human industry inhibition inhibitor Institute kynurenine Laboratory material mathematics mechanism Medical Medicine meeting ment metabolism method molecules National nuclear nucleotide observed organic papers penicillin percent physics plants present president problems professor protein radiation radiocarbon dates reaction reactor References and Notes reported reserpine rhodopsin samples School Science scientific scientists serotonin serum session Society specific strontium-90 structure symposium temperature tion tissue tive ture United Univ University uridine uridine triphosphate versity Washington York zyme