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The blessed result was still further hastened of life, to their hope of a resurrection and by the correspondence between their tradi- , their return to God. tions, and the early history of our race a3 | " At the appointed season God will come ; recorded in the Bible. These very ancient The dead trees will blossom and flower :

When the appointed season comes traditions, usually transmitted by their

God will arrive. prophets in a kind of rude verse, tell us The mouldering trees will blossom and bloom that God created the world, and ordered

again." all things in it according to his will.

Such a people were prepared to receive the “He created man, and of what did he form him ? Gospel with readiness of mind. It came He created man at first from the earth, And finished the work of creation.

to them “in power, in the Holy Ghost, He created woman, and of what did he form her? and in much assurance.” He took a rib from the man and created the The great results that have attended our woman."

brethren's labours among the Karens teach We have, then, a minute account of man's us at least a most important lesson :-that history in the garden where God placed

success is largely dependent on the character him, of the trees whose fruit he might eat, and moral condition of the people, as well and of one which he was forbidden to touch. as upon the plans pursued and agents emThen comes the temptation by Satan, how ployed. The same brethren have laboured the man resisted; but on his going away, with equal diligence and for a longer time the woman, hy name Eu, yielded, and then | among the Burmans. These have given in persuaded her hushand to eat also. And | numbers only units where tlie Karens have so when Ywah (Jehovah) came to visit them, given hundreds. The Burmans are Budd“they no longer followed God, and no more hists, followers of a system which produces met his coming with their songs and hymns the most deadly apathy both of heart and of joy." The curse follows, and man be mind. From this destructive religion the came subject to death.

Karens have been happily kept free, and The story of the Flood is equally minute, through the providence of God preserved by though differing in some respects from the their ancestral and purer faith. So here the Scriptural narration. These legends cease seed of the Kingdom finds “good ground" with the Dispersion. Then they say men in which to root itself, and produce fruit “ did not know each other, and their lan a hundred-fold: while the Burman rather guage became different; and they became resembles the hard-trodden wayside, where enemies to each other, and fought." Many the seed can find no nutriment, and is other verses exist among them having quickly snatched away by the adversary reference to idolatry, to the practical duties of God and man.


GENERAL. TAE chief American news of the month is the arrival of the President's message, which was presented to Congress on the 1st of December. The message appears to be generally favourably regarded. - The three great powers have at last agreed respecting Greece. The enthusiasm of the Greeks in favour of Prince Alfred having rendered the cause of the Russian Duke of Leuchtenburg hopeless, the three powers now agree to revive the old self-denying ordinance, excluding members of their own families from the Greek throne. They have also, seemingly, with the exception of disappointed Russia, who grumbles through her press, agreed to recommend Ferdinand of Portugal to the Greeks.-The Ratazzi ministry in Italy has been removed, as it deserved, and one under the presidency of Faripi substituted.-The Baptist communities in Russia have to encounter many difficulties and much persecution in the public exercises of religion. At Memel it is forbidden to attend the meetings for edification, and the

preachers are unable to visit the members of the congregation. There are few Baptists in the district who have not incurred some penalty, either corporal or pecuniary: women even have been led from town to town loaded with chains, because they have not been afraid to confess their faith; and there is no sign of relaxation in the stringent measures adopted, but rather of increasing rigour. In the south of Russia, also, where several congregations have been recently formed, the authorities are doing their utmost to extirpate the sect; and three of the teachers," leaders of this innovation, are now in prison. In Russian Poland the Lutheran ministers have taken active part against the Baptists, demanding their imprisonment and prosecution. “One pastor ordered his parishioners, if any Baptist came to live among them, to chase him from the village with sticks." In some instances the preachers have been subjected to great indignities; and yet they have found favour with the people. Our readers are already aware that it is proposed to erect memorial churches in Mada

the Baptists, demo nastor ordered hisham. to chase

gascar on the sites rendered sacred by the martyr- | procession was formed at the Corn Exchange, and doms of the last twenty-six years. Five spots marched to the site in the following order :--The have been selected, and the ground given by builder, Mr. Smith, and the clerk of the works, Radama II. The London Missionary Society has, Mr. Whiteman; the two secretaries, Mr.J. Taylor, in answer to its appeal, received a considerable jun., and Mr. Joseph Foddy; the Rev. J. T. portion of the sum required for the erection of the Brown, the pastor of College Lane, and a number new buildings.

of other ministers. The deacons, trustees, and

committee, afterwards followed, together with a We have pleasure in stating that the funds for

number of gentlemen from the town and surthe relief of distressed Baptists in Lancashire are

rounding villages. About 800 belonging to the being generously sustained. The Baptist Union has received nearly £1,000, and the Committee of

Sunday schools, together with the choir, brought the Lancashire Association £5,000, while a consi

up the rear. The procession was a very long one, derable sum has been also raised by a committee

extending, in fact, from the Corn Exchange to of our General Baptist brethren. We are sorry to

the chapel, and numbers of persons assembled to say that the distress continues to be as sorely felt

witness it as it passed. On arriving at the site, as ever, and there is nothing yet to justify the

those who were to take a part in the proceedings slightest diminution in the efforts to aid those who

took up their position near the stone, whilst

others got as near it as possible. The choir were are suffering under it.

placed in a suitable position on the left of the The Ramsgate Baptist Chapel case, in which many stone As soon as silence was obtained, the of our readers probably felt an interest, was decided ceremony was commenced. The 24th Psalm, on the 8th ult. The hearing had continued for beginning, “The earth is the Lord's and the ten days. The decision was in favour of the fulness thereof,” was first chanted; after which defendants. We are unable here to give the par an appropriate prayer, beseeching the blessing of ticulars, which are fully detailed in The Freeman, the Almighty on the work that was about to be "The Baptist Hand-book" for 1863 has just

commenced, was offered by the Rev. T. T. Gough.

An affectionate congratulatory address was then been published. It is a considerable improvement even upon former issues, the information

presented to the Rev. J. T. Brown, who was also being fuller, and more complete and correct. It

presented, on behalf of the Sunday schools, with a contains, in addition to the ordinary contents,

silver trowel. The stone was then formally laid, miscellaneous information, which will make it

after which Mr. Brown delivered an address. In supply more fully the place of the ordinary

the evening a crowded tea-meeting was held in “almanacs," and the excellent address of the Rev.

Doddridge Chapel, and addresses were delivered

by the Rev. J. T. Brown (chairman), Mr. J. Perry, C. Stovel at the annual session of the Baptist

Rov, J. P. Haddy, Rev. T. Arnold, Rev. I. F'ayne, Union. Altogether there are 142 pages for but

Rev. J. Brown, Mr. W. Gray, Mr. R. Bartrum, sixpence! We hope the book will be introduced into every vestry. It ought to be on every

and other friends. It was stated, during the prominister's table. A large circulation only can

ceedings, that the aniouut already contributed, make the publication self-supporting.

chiefly if not entirely by the people themselves,

exceeded £3,000. We deeply regret to have to announce the death

BLOOMSBURY CHAPEL, LONDON. -On Friday of the Rev. James Smith, of Cheltenham. Only in

evening, Dec. 5th, there was a meeting of a rather our last number we called attention to the testi

unusual character and special interest in Freemonial that was being raised by the friends of

masons' Hall. It was the fourteenth anniversary Mr. Smith, in order to place him in circumstances

of the opening of Bloomsbury Chapel, and of ease and comfort for the remainder of his days.

upwards of 500 of the present and former memScarcely had our article appeared, when Mr.

bers of the church and congregation were Smith was attacked with a severe internal com

gathered together to celebrato the occasion. They plaint, accompanied by the most excruciating

met to tea at six o'clock, and after an hour of suffering, which continued with but slight inter

friendly intercourse, the chair was taken at seven mission till the hour of his death. Dr. Hastings,

o'clock by Sir 8. Morton Peto, Bart., M.P. The his medical attendant, constantly visited him, and

chairman, in his opening address, referred briefly all that medical skill could do was done to alle

to the many mercies of the past fourteen years, viate pain, but all of little avail, till death, after

and the many causes for grateful joy. The pastor, a protracted struggle with a naturally strong con

the Rev. W. Brock, enlarged on the same topics, stitution, released the spirit, on Monday, the 15th

aud gave in an interesting detail a statement of ult., and introduced it to that rest for which it

the progress of the church, the total number had so long and so ardently longed. The ready

admitted to fellowship having been 1.354, its response nade to the appeal to which we have

present number, which he reported as 796, its already alluded, and the kind and Christian sym

losses by death and other causes, and the various pathy expressed in the letters accompanying the

efforts of usefulness now in active operation. He donations of members of various religious commu

was followed by the Rev. John Graham, of Craven nities, were a source of comfort to Mr. Smith in

Char:el. the Rev. W. Landels, of Regent's Park his last days; whilst a knowledge of the fact that

Chapel, and the Rev. Thomas Jones, of Bedford an adequate provision was likely to be made for

| Chapel, Oakley Square. Mr. James Benham, one his bereaved partner, left him no cause of anxiety

of the deacons, then presented a brief detailed concerning any temporal affairs. The funeral took

summary of the financial history of the past place on Thursday, the 18th ult., at Cambray

fourteen years, stating the total sum raised for all Chapel.

purposes, exclusive of the very large sum liberally given by the founder in erecting the building, to have been upwards of £39,000. Mr. M Cree, the

active and zealous missionary employed by the DOMESTIC.

church, and the Rev. W. Brock, jun., of HampCOLLEGE LANE, NORTHAMPTON.-The laying stead, also delivered addresses. A vote of thanks of the foundation-stone of the new chapel in to the chairman was proposed by the Rev. W. College Lane, Northampton, took place on

Brock, seconded by the Rev. W. Landels, and Tuesday, Dec. 9th. Shortly after two o'clock a adopted unanimously.

meeting was heldance, At seven sented a very

absence, and dressed the addresses wer

months, 18

sixty feet sa

'It has sta

St. John's WOOD, LONDON. --A meeting of an 1 charge to the minister from 2 Tim. ü. 15. In the interesting nature was held on Wednesday evening, evening the chair was occupied by George Livett, Dec. 10th, in the large room of the Eyre Arms Esq., of Cambridge. The Revs. T. A. Williams, Tavern, St. John's Wood. We may mention that, J. Wisby (the late pastor), R. Blinkhorn, J. about five months ago, the Rev. W. Stott was led Wooster, J. Smith, and J.T.Wigner, also addressed by circumstances to St. John's Wood; and such the meeting. have been the beneficial results of his preaching, that a conviction has arisen in the minds of his

RawDON, NEAR LEIDS.-On Tuesday evening, friends that there was a Divine purpose in his

December 2nd, the members of the church and steps being led to that neighbourhood. A com

congregation worshipping in the Baptist chapel, mittee has therefore been formed to secure Mr.

Rawdon, took tea together in the British Training

School. After tea a public meeting was held, the Stott's permanent services; and the Eyre Arms being insufficient to accommodate all who come

Rev. R. Holmes, the pastor, in the chair. The

object of the meeting was to devise and discuss to hear him, it is contemplated to build a chapel

plans for the obtaining of increased accommodacapable of holding 1,500 sittings, with school

tion for the congregation. It has been proposed rooms attached, at an estimated cost of from £3,000 to £4,000. The foundation-stone is to be

that a new chapel be erected. Upwards of £1,700

has been promised by a few individuals, including laid as soon as half the estimated sum required is

£250 left for this object by the late Robert Milli. raised. About 500 persons sat down to tea, and the room, from its crowded state, presented a very

gan, Esq., of Acacia. N. Briggs, Esq., of Cliffe

Cottage, has offered the munificent sum of £1,000, animated appearance. At seven o'clock a public

conditionally that a handsome chapel be built, meeting was held, and the chair was taken, amid loud applause, by Sir S. Morton Peto, Bart., M.P.

adequate to the present and prospective require

ments of the congregation. If the offer should be Prayer having been offered by the Rev. Mr. Stott,

accepted, and the project--in every aspect a laudaMr. Lawley read several letters from ministers and others expressive of regret at their unavoidable

ble one-should succeed, the chapel may be opened

for worship in 1865, the centenary of the present, absence, and made a short statement. Sir S. M.

and probably third, Baptist place of worship at Poto then addressed the meeting in kind and

Rawdon, appropriate terms; and addresses were also delivered by the Rev. Dr. Angus, the Rev. J. PALACE GARDENS CHAPEL, BAYSWATER.--This Batey, W. Heaton. Esq., the Hou, and Rev. B. W. chapel, which has been open some five or six Noel, M.A., and Mr. Stott.

months, is a large, commodious, and handsoque MERTHYR TYDFIL.-On Sunday evening, No. building, some sixty feet square, and affording vember 30th, the Rev. G. W. Humphreys, B.A., accommodation for 1,100 people. It has side and pastor of the first English Baptist church, preached

end galleries, with a platform pulpit supported his farewell sermon, on leaving to enter upon a on light, ornamental, cast-iron columns, slightly new sphere of labour at Wellington, Somerset. recessed under a Corinthiau entablature in wall of The chapel was thronged to excess, numbering other end. The gas lights are stars pendent from friends from amongst every denomination. On the ceiling; and the whole has an agreeable, light, the following Monday eveuing a large number of and airy effect. The building, at a cost of £4,500, friends assembled at tea, after which a meeting has been erected by Robert Offord, Esq., of St. was held under the presidency of David Joseph, Peter's Terrace, Kensington Park ; and the pastor Esq., the senior deacon. The Rev. Benjamin Lewis, of the church is the Rev. John Offord. On pastor of the second English Baptist church,

Thursday evening. Dec. 11th, the recognition commenced with prayer. The chairman made service of the pastor and church by other Christian some appropriate and affectionate remarks. Mr. ministers and friends was held. Sir Morton Peto, R. Jones, Rev. J. T. Davies, M.A., Rev. R. G. Bart., M.P., occupied the chair; and on either Jones, Rev. John Lloyd, and Rev. J. Evans, also side were the Hon. and Rev. B. W. Noel, M.A., addressed the meeting. An address was also read

and the Revs. F. Tucker, B.A., J. Stoughton, by Mr. A. Harris, treasurer of the chapel fund, W. Roberts, Dr. King, Mr. Vines, and S. Bird. from the church and congregation, expressive of

Several addresses were delivered, and the pro. deep regret at the termination of Mr. Humphreys' ceedings were of a most interescing character. pastorate, and of cordial esteem and warm attachment. A beautiful teapot was also presented to

BOSTON.-On Thursday, November 20th, very Mrs. Humphreys, and a purse of money to Mr.

interesting services were held in Salem Chapel, Humphreys. A very touching address followed,

Boston, in connection with the settlement of the read by Mr. Kelly, the superintendent, from the

Rev. J. K. Chappell as pastor of the church. The teachers and scholars of the Sunday school. Mr.

morning service was introduced by resident Humphreys suitably aud affectionately replied ;

ministers of the town, The Rev. W. Goodman, after which the Rev. Mr. Griffiths concluded the

B.A., of Lincoln, gave a lucid statement of the meeting with prayer and the benediction. Mr.

principles of Congregational Dissenters, after Humphreys leaves for Wellington amid, the uni

which the usual questions were asked, and the versal regrets of his friends at Merthyr.

ordination prayer oftered by the Rev. Richard

Bayly, of Newark (Mr. Chappell's pastor). The Histon, CAMBS. -- A rery interesting service

charge to the minister was given by the Rev. was held in the Baptist chapel in this vil.

Professor Thompson, of Cavendish College, Manlage, on Tuesday, December 2nd, to recognise

chester, from 2 Cor. iv, 2, and was a masterly the Rev. George Sear as pastor of the church.

discourse on the Power of the Christian MinisThe Rev. R. Blinkhorn, of Willingham, opened the

ter.” In the evening of the day the Rev. James service in the afternoon with reading and prayer.

Edwards, of Nottingham, preached to the church The Rev. T. A. Williams, of Haddenham, asked

and congregation in his usual happy and inthe usual questions, to which Mr. 8. Chivers, one

structive style. A public tea-meeting was held, of the deacons, replied. Mr. Sear also gave an

which was numerously attended. interesting account of his conversion and call to the ministry, and a confession of his faith. The LANCASTER.-The Rev. S. Todd, of Rochdale, Rev. J. Wooster, of Landbeach, thon offered the having accepted an invitation to become pastor of recognition prayer, and the Rev. J. T. Wigner, of the Baptist church which has been recently Lynn, delivered a most earnest and affectionate formed in Lancaster, the services in connection

Coraz which the made some voted to :

with which are held in the Upper Assembly Room, King Street, entered upon his duties on Sunday, Nov. 16th, when two services were held, each of which was well attended. By way of welcoming Mr. Todd, a tea-meeting was held in the Lower Assembly Room on the following Tuesday evening, when about 190 members and friends met. After tea, an adjournment was made to the upper room, and the proceedings took the form of a public meeting. Mr. H. Shaw was unanimously voted to the chair. The chairman made some appropriate remarks, after which the Revs. D. Peacock, F. Bugby, J. Cordingley, and other friende, successively addressed the meeting. Mr. Todd also delivered an admirable address. The new place is opened under encouraging auspices.

Ross. HEREFORDSHIRE.-The Baptist chapel. Broad Street, Ross, having been closed for eight Sabbaths, to allow of extensive alterations and repairs being effected, was re-openert for Divine worship on Friday, Nov. 21st. The Rev. N. Haycroft, M.A., of Bristol, preached a powerful sermon in the afternoon, from John xix. 2, 3. A public tea-meeting was held afterwards, at which a large number were present. In the evening a public meeting was held in the chapel. T. Batten, Esq., of Coleford, presided. The meeting was addressed by tho Revs, J. Hall, of Gorseley; P. Prees, of Cipderford ; N. Haycroft, M.A.; W. Best, B.A., of Coleford ; F. W. Buck, E. Davies, and J. R. Š. Harington (minister of the chapel). There was a crowded attendance at the evening meeting. On the following Sunday the Rev. F. Overbury, of Kingstanley, preached in the morning, and the Rev. J. R. is. Harington in the afternoon. Collections in aid of the restoration fund were made after all the services on Friday and Sunday. The cost of the restoration has been about £500.

Willenhall; T. Hanson, of West Bromwich; J. W. Bain, of Bilston ; J. Turnock and J. Aigué, of Bilston; and Mr. Russell, from America, also appropriately addressed the meeting

MIDDLETON, LANCASHIRE. - On Lord's day, Nov. 16th, a special service was held in the Baptist meeting-room, Water Street, Middleton, for the purpose of formally recognising the church which has been there gathered together. The Rev. James Dunckley, of Heywood, officiated on the occasion, and after a short sermon on the words, “This do in remembrance of me" (Luke xxii. 19), administered the ordinance of the Lord's Supper, and gave the right hand of fellow. ship to twenty-two communicants, who were thus publicly recognised and constituted into a church. This church is under the pastoral care of Mr. James P. Catanach.

MINISTERIAL CHANGES. -The Rev. Chas. Clarke, B.A., of Huntingdon, has accepted a very cordial and unanimous invitation to the pastorate of the Baptist church at Ashby-de-la-Zouch, Leicestershize, and commenced his labours there on the first Lord's day in December. --The Rev. H. Owen, late of Crewkerne, has accepted a cordial invitation to the pastorate of the church at Milford Haven, and has commenced his flabours, The Rey. H. Von-der-Heyde Cowell, B.A., of Regent's Park College, has accepted the cordial and unanimous invitation of the Baptist church at Taunton.-The Rev. T. M. Ind, of Farringdon, has resigned the pastorate of the church in that town, and purposes giving up his charge early in the new year.-The Rev. W. Jones, Bargod, has accepted the unanimous call of the church at the Bute Docks, Cardiff, and commenced his labours there on the 28th of last month.-The Rev. J. Beard, late of Tenbury, has accepted an invita. tion from the Baptist church, Garway, Herefordshire, to become its pastor, and entered upon his duties the first Sabbath in December. -Mr. I. Thomas, of Pontypool College, has accepted a unanimous invitation from the Baptist church at Amlwch, Anglesea, and commenced his labours December 25th.-The Rev. J. F. Stevenson, B.A., has resigned the pastorate of the Baptist church assembling in Mansfield Road Chapel, Notting. ham, and has accepted an invitation to the ministerial office in connection with the Independent congregation meeting at Trinity Chapel, Reading. Mr. Stevenson enters on his new sphere of labour early in the new year.-The Rev. W. B. Davies, late of Faversham, has accepted a unanimous invitation to the pastorate of the church meeting in Cow Lane Chapel, Coventry, and commenced his ministry there on the first Sabbath in December,

BILSTON.-A meeting was held in Salem Baptist Chapel on Tuesday, Nov. 25th, when 610 sat down to tea. The Rev. W. Jackson, minister of the place, presided, and, in a thankful strain, reviewed his three years' labours in Bilston, and mentioned the important improvements which had been made, and the great liberality which his people had displayed during that period. He said that one object of that meeting was to raise money to pay a debt of between £40 and £50, which had just been contracted in putting the minister's house into a state of thorough repair and comfort, and that forty days had been given for that purpose. The Rev. C. Vince, of Birmingham, took up the strain of the chairman, and delivered a very congratulatory and telling address. The Revs. J. Davis and J. Boxer, of

Editorial Postscript.

We hope our readers will not be otherwise than gratified at our presenting them with The CHURCH, this month, in a somewhat more attractive form. The change will, we are sure, be accepted as at least a proof of our desire to make our little Magazine still more worthy of the favour of the denomination. To this end our labours will be earnestly devoted during the year on which we now enter.

The portrait of E. B. UNDERHILL, Esq., which accompanies this Number, will, we trust, be acceptable to many of our readers.

May we repeat the request that we made last month, that our readers will do what they can, during this month especially, to increase our circulation for the coming year?


6 Built upon the foundation of the Apostles and Prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the

chief corner-stone."



Iga. xxi. part of 15th verse.

BY THE REV. ARTHUR MURSELL.* THESE words have been detached from the precise connection in which they stand, as supplying in themselves a sadly appropriate motto for a sort of general review of the year which has recently given place to a new season. I well remember, when a little child, being called, one unusually dark afternoon, to come out and look at an eclipse of the sun. A piece of smoked glass was put into my hand, and I was told to look up at the sky through this dingy medium. I have no recollection of having seen any of those celestial signs which interest the tutored and scientific eye at such times; but I remember that everything around me and above seemed dun and murky as I held the stained sheet of glass before my eyes. I remember, too, that I cut my finger with the glass, and commemorated the eclipse by a demonstration of tears.

It is through some such bleared aspect as this that we must take our retrospect of the panorama of 1862. The mirror which reflects its scenes shows them, for the most part, craped and reddened; the sun has been eclipsed, and the glass of memory through which we look is filmed with the smoke of cannon and the deathly reek of battle-fields.

We see pale Peace sitting with folded hands, and with her drooping head veiled from the unnatural glare of camp-fires, and trembling at the scaring sounds which bray upon her startled ear. She weeps the green and fragrant memory of one of her dearest and most loyal lovers; and the red morning twilight of the restless year finds her in mourning tears sitting disconsolate by the good Albert's tomb. The dither of the passing-bell was yet heavy on a nation's ear when the now dead year was born; and England, as she sorrowed with her widowed Queen, could scarce repress the feeling that the great foster-father of each peaceful art had been removed, lest his noble human heart should be too sternly stunned by the cruel prospects of the future ; and ere the vulture's voice had risen to its harshest scream, and ere the bloody dogs were fully slipped to bay the note of havoc on the world, the kindly pall was dropped upon our Prince's clay, as if to hide him from “ the grievousness of war.'

The thickening thunder-cloud which had gathered grimly in the West threatened in the early season to spread over our unscourged land, and greet the infant year with a baptism of blood. Audacious pirates, not content with fratricide at home, insulted Freedom's flag upon the open sea, and kidnapped Britain's guests from her protection. Burglarious rangers of the wave tempted the indignant

* It is scarcely necessary for us to say that, while we are exceedingly glad to be permitted to place this article before our readers, Mr. Mursell is alone responsible for the opinions on public matters which it contains,-EDS.

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