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important to be quoted in full :—"That this meets

ing of pastors, deacons, superintendents, said The speech of the Emperor of the French, at

secretaries of Sunday-schools of London congr the opening of the Chambers, has been indeed the

gations, met at the invitation of the Baptist event of the month. In this address, which had

Missionary Society, having heard the important been looked to with the usual interest, the Em

statement which has been laid before it on behall peror announced his intention of summoning &

of the Society, desires to express its unabated Congress of European sovereigns to discuss the

attachment to the institution, and its solemn affairs of Europe ; and scarcely had the speech

sense of the importance of the objects at which been delivered before the Emperor addressed &

it aims; and in view of the urgent and increasing letter to all the “ crowned beads," small and

calls for missionary effort, strongly presses upon great, inviting them to attend a Congress, which the Committee to allow nothing short of the most he" prayed them to hold in Paris. The letter

absolute necessity to induce them to abridge the in which Louis Napoleon conveyed the invitation

labours of the Mission." "That this meeting is a remarkable document. It will be read with

cheerfully undertakes to aid the Committee of the interest in all circles. At the time we write

Society to extinguish the present debt, and to pro. nothing is definitely known as to the answers which

vide for the anticipated deficit; and recommende have been returned to the Emperor, though it is

the churches to make a special collection for this probable that the Congress will be beld.

purpose during the present missionary year, or to The King of Prussia has had another defeat. adopt such other measures as they may deem most The elections are over, and nearly as large a ma. desirable.” “That this meeting further suggests jority as last year, against his Majesty, has been that measures be taken by the Committee, in cote returned. The King has since opened his Cham junction with the pastors and deacons of the bers by a speech in person. Unlike our Stuarts, churches and congregations, to effect a thorou he could give a favourable account of the state of canvass among them for new or additional sub the revenue; and though he had got money il. scriptions, in order that the permanent income of legally, still he had it. But quite like themi, he the Society may be augmented.” told his Parliament what he would do, and what

An important Conference, called by the Com. he insisted on their doing. He would assent only mittee of the Liberation Society, has been beki to such a budget as should maintain the army;

during the month. Its object was to consider not as the country wills, but as he wills. The

what, under present circumstances, should be Prussian Parliament is refused the “power of the policy of the Society, and of the opponents purse;" he permits it to do but one thing--to fill

State Churches generally. The meeting thougar it for him. He hinted at the possibility of extra

the time was come to appeal especially to ide ordinary means being needed to enable him to do

electors; to ask of them to give paramount m. his part in Holstein, pointed to the possibility of

portance to sound ecclesiastical principles; to 12 more agitated times, and urged the more strongly

their franchise in the interest of religious equal ti a better understanding on home questions. Un

and, where electors right-minded on this subjek fortunately he has no notion of admitting that a

are sufficiently numerous. to make their me whole people can understand its own wants better

conditional on the full recognition of this gres than a foolish king, and incompetent unprincipled principle. Resolutions in accordance with these ministers, can.

sentiments were unanimously carried. The meet The death of the King of Denmark is one of the ing was well attended; but measures bare been events of the month. A good king, he yet does taken to test fairly the state of feeling in the mos not appear to have been held in much personal important localities. esteem. The result of his death is, that the father

Some time ago we recorded the abandonment of of the Princess of Wales-- Prince Christian-is

Secularism by Mr. J. H. Gordon, the lecturer called to the throne

the Leeds Secularist Society. Mr. Gordon bsan The clerical disturbance respecting the appoint been led to embrace Christianity by the presca mont of Canon Stapley to the archbishopric of of the Rev. George W. Conder, of Leeds, was so Dublin, has been quelled by giving it to the Dean

sequently received as a student into Cavendise of Westminster, Dr. Trench, and replacing the College, Manchester, where he maintained Dean by the Canon. The Dean is Churcbman honourable and consistent character, while enough, but he is not one of the Evangelical

talent as a public speaker procured bim extensive school. His merits, however, as a literary man, access to the Congregational churches in the of high social and religious standing too, will neighbourhood. His views on baptism har cause the appointment to be regarded with undergone a change, he was baptized a few more general favour

since by Mr. Maclaren, of Manchester, 8D An important meeting in connection with the now identified with the Baptist denomination. Baptist Missionary Society has been held in

Gordon has made great sacrifices in protes London during the month. It was a meeting of

Christianity. His motives and sincerity are 3 pastory and deacons of the churches in London suspicion, and be deserves a cordial recep connected with the Mission, and also of treasurers

the body with which he is now connected. and secretaries of auxiliariee, and superintendents open to invitations to preach ; and any comme and secretaries of Sunday-schools; and its object

cations made eitber to the Rev, A. Maclaren was to devise methods for increasing the income of

Manchester, or to Mr. Gordon, 34, Cotte the Sooiety. The facts reported to the meeting were very serious. The probable debt at the end of the

Street, Hulme, Manchester, will be attended w. financial year was estimated at EIGHT THOUSAND POUNDS, Various resolutions were passed, and

DOMESTIC. plans proposed and agreed to for meeting the anicipated difficulty. The resolutions are sufficiently I foundation-stone of the Hallnesu


le gooiety. Tetbods for incro!; and its obiec

financialous. The sts reportereasing the its object

ne of the Hallfield Road Chapel,

[ocr errors]

Bradford," was laid by Sir S. M. Peto, in the pre At half past four upwards of 300 persons from sence of a large concourse of spectators. The Leicester and surrounding places partook of tea. new building was opened on Wednesday, October At six o'clock the Rev. T. Lomas, of Leicester, 28th. The colonists have secured the Rev. J. having introduced the service by reading and Makepeace, late of Luton, for their minister, and prayer, 8 powerful and impressive sermon was therefore take possession of the new chapel under preached by the Rev. C. Vince, of Birmingham, favourable auguries. At the dedicatory service oni At the close of the morning service it was an. the day named every one eeemed impressed by nounced, by Christopher Bassett, Esq., that the the graceful proportions of the building, with its cost of the building, with alterations of the old excellent adaptation for all purposes of seeing. chapel required to adapt it to the purposes of a hearing, and worship. After singing the doxology school.room, was £860; and that, in liquidation of and a hymn chosen for the occasion, the Rev. J. P: the amount, £710 had been promised, leaving £150 Chown ascended the pulpit and gave a brief history still to be raised. The collections during the day of the circumstances which had led to the erection. amounted to the handsome sum of £104. The After another hymn the Rev. Dr. Godwin, who Rev. T. Thomas, D.D., President of the Baptist spoke with great energy and evident emotion, read College, Pontypool, preached in the morning and portions of Scripture from the Psalms and the evening of the following Sabbath; and in the Epistle to the Hebrews, and offered a fervent afternoon the highly esteemed pastor of the parent dedication prayer. Another hymn was sung, after church occupied the pulpit. At the close of these which the Rev. Hugh Stowell Brown, of Liverpool, interesting services it was announced that the new delivered a discourse of great power and excel building was free from debt. The chapel is a neat lence from John xiv. 21-23. Then a collection and substantial edifice, admirably situated, and is was made for the building fund, and the Rey. an ornament to the village, doing great credit to Henry Dowson closed the service by the bene. Mr. Elliott, of Countesthorpe, its designer and diction. A large company immediately adjourned builder. to the principal school-room, where a cold colla.

REGENT'S PARK, LONDON. A large meeting of tion had been prepared. After the repast the

this church and congregation, called to hear the Rev. Dr. Acwortb, late of Rawdon College, took

decision which Mr. Landels had arrived at with the chair, and, in an interesting address, congra

reference to bis recent invitation from the mis. tulated the church at Sion on the work they had so

sionary committee at Melbourne, was beld at happily carried out. Mr. Chown, who was greatly Regent's Park Chapel, on Wednesday evening, applauded, then addressed the meeting; and after

October 28th. Robert Lush, Esq., Q.C., occupied some reference to his own share in the work,

the cbair. The entire area of the chapel was filled passed on to speak of the financial condition of the

by an audience most anxiously waiting the result new enterprise. A sum of £7,080 had been ex

of Mr. Landels's decision. After singing and prayer, pended (including £280 for alterations, painting,

the chairman introduced the business of the meet. &c., at Sion Chapel). Towards this sum £5,100 ing, and expressed his own high appreciation of Mr. had been given or guaranteed by members of the

Landels's preacbing and cbaracter, and boped that Sion congregation, who, though not a wealthy

they might hear that he had determined to remain people, had given with the most devoted liberality.

among them. Mr. Landels rose to address the A further sum of £1,300 had been given, almost meeting, the silence of which indicated most un. unsolicited, by members of other Christian con.

mistakably the anxiety felt by the people to hear gregations and communions, leaving more than bis decision. He expressed himself highly grati5700 to raise. The collection that morning bad

fied at the resolutions forwarded to him, wbich amounted to somewhat more than £200, including

were passed at the meeting held during his tbe munificent donation of £100 from W. Murga.

absence in Scotland, and entered at some length troyd, Esq., of Bank Field; and the sum now

into the arguments for and against his accepting wanted was £527. Towards this amount several

the invitation from Melbourne. There were strong donations were promised in the room. Addresses

reasons for his going, but he had, after prolonged were also given by the Revs. H. Dowson, S. G.

thought and prayer, arrived at the conclusion that Green, and H. J. Betts. In the evening Divine

his duty was to remain in his present important service was again held, wben the ebapel was

sphere. This announcement was received with crowded to overflowing. The Rev. Alex. Maclaren,

great applause, and resolutions were passed ex. of Manchester, was the preacher, and delivered a

pressive of thankfulness to God for having brought sermon of great ingenuity, beauty, and power,

his servant to see it to be his duty and pleasure to from the miracle of feeding the five thousand, the

continue his successful ministrations at Regent's text being written in Matthew xiv. 19, 20. After

Park Chapel, and pledging the meeting to cothe collection Mr. Chown stated that the deficit

operate with Mr. Landels in every way possible to had been reduced to £400, which sum was, we

increase bis usefulness and promote his comfort, understand, raised at the remaining services. Mr. Landels announced to the meeting, at the

COUNTESTHORPE, NEAR LEICESTER.-It is not close, that the ladies of the congregation were de. long since a church was formed in this populous

sirous that an organ should be placed in the chapel, village, composed of members who withdrew in a

and a committee was accordingly appointed to friendly spirit from the parent stock at Arnsby,

carry out this proposition, with Mrs. Lush as the scene of the labours of the lato Robert Hall,

treasurer. The meeting concluded with a vote of sen. On Thursday, October 20th, a new chapel,

thanks to the chairman, and every one went away which had been in the course of erection for

with a feeling of devout thankfulness at the result several months previous, was opened for public

of the proceedings. worship. The morning service was begun by the HORSFORTH, NEAR LEEDS.-During the past six offering of prayer by the Rev. Shem Evans, of months the Baptist chapel in this village has been Arosby; and after the reading of suitable portions closed for the purpose of making very extensive of Scripture by the Rev. W. Bull, B.A., of Sutton. alterations. On Wednesday, October 7th, it was in-the-Elms, and an additional prayer by the Rev. again re-opened for public worship, when sermons J. Barnett, an appropriate discourse was delivered were preached morning and evening by the Rev. by the Rev. J. P. Mürsell, of Leicester, from Isa. R. B. Lancaster, of London. At two o'clock in lxii. 1. At one o'clock a large company sat down the afternoon of the same day a public meeting to a dinner provided in the area of the old chapel, | was held in the chapel, the Rev. R. Holmes, of

Handels Apudies of the be placed appointen as

Oc ober 13, offering prayers and the Rer. w

Rawdon, in the chair, when a short historical afternoon, the school-room, as well as the best sketch of the origin of the church in 1802, and an | the chapel, was filled with the congregation outline of its history up to the present time, to friends from other parts to a social tea-met? gether with an account of the ministers who have + After the tables were removed a public me presided over it, was given by Mr. Joseph Kitch- was held in the chapel, Mr. Jones, the scenes ins; after which, addresses were delivered by the deacon, occupying the chair. Mr. Skemp, Revs. E. Parker, of Farsley, T. W. Handford, Bilston, delivered an interesting address of Raw don College, and the Rev. W. Best, B.A., James Jones, the junior deacon, in a touchir of Leeds. At the close of the meeting the founda affectionate manner, referred to the happy tion-stone of a new Sabbath-school was laid by they had spent together as pastor and people, al J. 1. March, E.g., Mayor of Leed, the Rev. R. proposed that a subscription be at once enter Holmes giving ont a hymon, and the Rev. W. ioto for the purpose of presenting Mr. Ske" Best, B.A., offering prayer. On Lord's day, with a purse of money at the close of the yea Oc ober lith, sermons were preached in the and expressed a hope that it would be sufficier morning by the Rev. T. W. Handford, and in the not only to manifest their sympathy, but als afternoon and evening by the Rev. J. P. Clown, mat-rially to assist Mr. Skerp in making a fata of Bradford. Also on Lord's day, October 18th, provision for his family. The Rev. J. Smith, c sermons were again preached, in the morning by 1 Pontesbury, reconded the resolution. The Rer. the Rev. T. Alien, Wesleyan minister, of Hors- W. Thorne, of Welsh pool, also delivered an eardes! forth; in the aftoi noon ky the Rev. H. Dowson, and telling speech. of Bradford : and in the evening by the Rev. E. BOURNE.-The Rev. J. B. Pike hiring preParker. The chapel, in its present improved style,

viously Tesigned his pastorate in this tow, called forth the general approbation of all parties, preached bis farewell sermon there October 27th. especially of tho:e who had known it previously. In connection with this announcement we have The plans, &c., were drawn by Mr. John Bateson,

pleasure in reporting the following resolation, a nem ber of the church. The total cost of the

unanimously adopted at the Lincolnshire Conferilteration has been £416 55. 4 d., which sum has ence of Baptist churches belit at Conizobe. S D. been fully met hy contributions, and donations, tember 24th, and which the secretary or the Cone and collections at the opening services, to the

ference, the Rev. T. Barrass, of Peterloro', has amount of £427 7s. Sd., there beirg a balance of forwarded to us :-“That the cordial thanks of £11 ]s. 3d. towards the expense of the new

this Conference be presented to the Rev. J. B. school.

Pike, for liis excellent sermon this inorning : 201 TRINITY CHAPEL, BRADFORD, — The success as this will probably be the last time of our browhich has attended the preaching of the Rev. II. ther's assemblins with us as a Conference, me J. Betts at this place of worship has led to the deem it a suitable opportunity for expres; determination to erect side galleries, and to pro- ! our sincere regret at his removal from 1 vide an organ. On Wednesday, October 14th, the district, and at the same time for testify: chapel was formally re-opened. The Rev. J. H. : that bis genial and brother y disj osition, Hinton, M.A., of London, preached an excellent broad sympathies and catholic spirit, bis en sermon in the morning fronu Cols. i. 12, and tonk lient ministerial abilities, and his promp.it his text in the evening from Matt, viii. 8. On in fulfilling all public engagements, hare ter October 16th the new organ, which has been built dered bis iutercourse with us during the last sur for Trinity Chapel, was formally opened by Dr. teen years always welcome and profitable. W Spark, of Leeds. On Sunday, October 18th, the affectionately commend him to the guidance pulpit was occupied morning and evening by "the chief Shepherd,' and earnestly pray th: the Rev. J. Bawards, of Nottingham, and the wherever his future ministry may be exercise i Rev. Dr. Godwin in the afternoon. The con. the Divine benediction may abundantly rest une gregations, especially in the afternoon, were him." very large. The services were brought to a

ELLAND, Niar RASTRICK, YORKSHIRE.- About close on the Monday evening. on no londay evening

Nearly 600


two years ago several persons connected with the 1 persons first partook or an excellent tea in the

churches at Salendine Nook and Blackley took "S spacious school-room connected with the chapel.

large upper room” in this place for religijos A meeting was afterwards held in the chape!.

worship. God graciously blessed the effort ; *! Subsequently Mr. John Smith, as the chairman of on Nionday, October 19th, a church was formed. the committee charged with carrying out the

At two p.in, the Rev. J. Hirst, of Blackler, dealteratioue, was called to the chair. Ile addressed

scribed the nature and constitution of a Goy. the meeting in terns of thankfulness and congra. church ; the Rev. H. Watts, of Golcar, resd tid tulation. The meeting was also addressed by the

Confession of Faith and the Church Covenant Rey S. G. Green, the Rev. H. Dowson, the Rer. the Rev. D. Crampton, of Salendine Nook, forme J. P. Chown, and Alfred Illingworth, Esq. The the church; after which the Rev. J. Hirst set amount raised by the collections at the various apart three brethren, chosen by the newls forme! services was nearly £200; subscriptions to the

church, to the office of deacon. The ordinance of amount of £750 have also been promised. The the Lord's Supper was then administered, each of entire cost of the organ and the alterations is

the above-numed ministers taking part in the ser. about £1,200.

vice. The friends then adjourned to the unog DAWLEY, SALOP.-On Monday, November 9th,

school-room in the village, aad partook of tes. At a public meeting was held in the Baptist chapel,

6.30 p.m, a public service was held in the school Dawley, to give expression to the sympathy of the

room. The Rev. D. Crumpton presided. The Ber. congregation with their pastor, the Rev. Thomas

H. Watts gave an address on the duties of Church Skemp, who, through an attack of paralysis, has

members one to another; the Rev. J. Hent, been permanently disabled from following the

of Hudder.field, spoke on the duties of the chur: calling of a minister of the Gospel. On the pre

to the world; and addresses of ene uragernes vious Sabbath evening Mr. Skemp, amidst the

were given by the chairman and the Bes. tears of his congregation, publicly read his resig

Hirst. nation of the pastoral office, thus casting himself ULEY, GLOUCESTERSHIRE.-Services of a vers ! and large family upon the providence of God and interesting character wera held in the Baptis the sympathi-s of his people. On the Monday chapel, Uley, on Tuesday, Octob-r 97th, in 201

nection with the ordination of Mr. W. C. Tavler, i president of the General Baptist College, Nottinglate of Pontypool College, to the pastorate of the ham, then delivered a very appropriate address, church. In the morning the Rev. Mr. Rooms, and the Rev. J. Taylor, of Alford, concluded the missionary from Berbice, commenced the service service with prayer. A public tea-meeting was by reading and prayer. The Rev. W. Overbury, held in the Town Hall at five o'clock. After tea of King's Stanley, put the usual questions to the the pastor of the church presided. Prayer was minister and senior deacon, which received satis offered by Mr. T. Barton, and addresses full of factory answers. The Rev. T. J. Newman, of kind and Christian feeling, and good wishes for the Shortwood. offered the ordination prayer. The prosperity of pastor and prople, were delivered by Rev. T. Thomas, D.D., President of Pontypool the Revs. W. Orton, W. Underwood, N, Chesse. College, then delivered a most impressive charge mun, W. Herbert, H. Richardson, and J. B. from 1 Tim. iii, 1. After singing a hymn, the Sharpley, Esq., J.P. Rev. E. Probert, of Bristol, delivered a most tell. CHELTENHAM.-On Tuesday evening, October ing and appropriate discourse to the church from

20th, a large number of the friends of the Rev. Deut. i. 38. The Rev. H. Jones, of Uley (Indepen W. G. Lewis, mipister of Salem Baptist Chapel, dent), then closed the service by prayer. In the Cheltenham, met to commemorate the twenty-first evening, at four, 260 persons sat down to tea ;

anniversary of his ministry in that town. About 200 after which the Rev. Messrs. Rooms, Overbnry, sat down to tea in the vestry. After tea a very Jones, Welby (late of Hillsley). Hughes (of Leila

crowded meeting assembled in the chapel, under bury), and Probert, gave interesting and suitable

the presidency or Mr. Henry Whitbread. In the a idresses.

course of the evening appropriate addresses were WINDSOR.-On Monday evening, October 19th, delivered by Messrs. Channon, Etheridge, I. services of a very interesting character were held Berkingsale, Whittard, and Beard, all of whom in the Baptist chapel in this town, for the recogni. expressed their warm sympathy with the pastor, tion of the Rev. Stewart Gray, the newly who had laboured so long and so zealously among appointed minister of that place. Tea was pro them. In the course of the proceedings the chairvided on the evening named. After tes the public man, on behalf of the meeting, presented to Mr. meeting was held in the chapel. Mr. Morton, Lewis an elegantly worked purse containing 110 senior deacon, was called to the chair, and gave a guineas, as a substantial though inadequate acbrief history of the church from its formation in knowledgment of the esteem they entertained for 2838 to the settlement of Mr. Gray. On being him as their friend and pastor. called upon, Mr. Gray gave an interesting address. WORCESTER.-On Tuesday, October 27th, this The Rev. J. Aldis then delivered an eloquent and

city was favoured with a visit by the Rev. C. II. telling address on the duty and helps of the

Spurgeon, who preached twice in aid of the buildChristian ministry. The Rev. John Graham, of

ing fund for the new Baptist chapel now in course Craven Chapel, London, followed in a spirit ot erection. The morning service was held in the stirring address to the church. The Rev. S.

handsome and commodious chapel of the IndoEastman, Congregational minister, expressed his

pendents : about 1,400 persons were present. The cordial welcome to Mr. Gray. The excellent tone discourse was founded on Zephaniah i. 17, in conof the meeting, the cordial upanimity prevailing,

nection with Isaiah xlii. 16. At the evening service and the impression which seemed to rest upon the

the spacious chapel of the Wesleyans was densely minds of all by the addresses delivered, all served

packed with an audience estimated at 1,500 to to render the occasion one of a profitable cha 1,800. Both the above places of worship were racter..

generously lent for the occasion. The text at the QUEEN STREET CHAPEL, WOOLWICH. - On second service was taken from Mark vii. 32, and Thursday, October 29th, a very interesting meet following verses. A gracious influence pervaded ing was held in the school-rooms connected with the assemblies. The handsome sum of £73 168. this place of worship, for the purpose of taiving an was collected, the whole of which, by the kinduess affectionate leave of the Rev. J. Allen, B.A., ono of Mr. Spurgeon, accrues to the building fund. of the members of the church, on his removal to

STANSBATCH, HEREFORDSHIRE. - During the become the pastor of the Baptist church, Hook

past few years the Baptist church at Presteign has Norton, Oxon. Tea was laid in one of the rooms, had a branch station in this village. The meetingof which the friends partook, and then adjourned

house being too small, and also inconvenient, they to the adjoining room to hold a public meeting.

bare determined to build a chapel, more than £112 The pastor, the Rev. J. Teall, presided; and, after being already promised. A piece of freehold land singing and prayer, a resolution, expressive of

has been kindly given them, and the entire cost of gratitude to God for Mr. Allen's early piety, con.

the building is estimated at not more than £200. secration to the work of the ministry, and pros

On Monday, October 26th, the first stone of the pects for the future, moved and seconded by new chapel was laid by the Rev. S. Blackmore, of Messrs, Whiteman and Hiscock, two of the deacons,

Eardisland (who laid the first stone of the chapel was carried with acclamation. Addresses were sub

at Presteign), and who generously placed upon the sequently delivered by Mr. Waller, who, as super stone a cheque for £10 : other friends quickly folintendent of the Sunday-school, gave utterance, "!

lowed with offerings, till the collection amounted on behalf of himself and the teachers, to every

to £22 13s. The Rev. G. Phillips, of Evenjobb, kind wish for Mr. Allen; by Messrs. Hobbs and

W. Reading (Wesleyan minister), W. H. Payne, "Rose, two of the deacons, and Messrs. Price and

pastor, also took part in the interesting service. Buttle, members of the church.

A thanksgiving service was held in the meeting, ** Louri.-On Thursday afternoon, October 29th, house in the evening, which was well attended, the mernbers and friends of the General Baptist BUBBS, .SUPPOLK. The anniversary of the church in Walkergate, Louth, met on their new re-opening of the chapel in this place was held on and very eligible site in Eastgate to lay the fourida. 1 Tuesday, October 20th, when a most eloquent and tion-stone of a commodious chapel. In the un. impressive sermon. was preached by the Rev.C. avoidable absence of John Crossley, Esq., who Stovel, of London, at three o'clock. A public should have laid the stone, the service was pressed 1. meeting was held in the evening, presided over by upon Mrs. William Newman. The pastor of the Thomas Blyth, Esq., of Langbam. Fraternal adchurch read a copy of the document which was dresses were delivered by soveral ministers and deposited in the stone. The Rev. W.Underwood, ' gentlemen. About L550 häving been expended in



the pernoised

improring the chapel, one principal object of the their pastor, has entered on his labours with pleasing meeting was to secure the entira liquidation of prospects of cornfort and usefulness.- The Bez this debt. At the commencement of the day's | W. J. Osborne, late of Kilham, bas accepted the proceedings the sum of £90 was needed for this cordial invitation to the pastorate of the church as purpose. This amount was subscribed by those Earby-in-Craven, and entered on his lahoun who were present, and thus the Rev. J. Richard October llth.-The Rev. T. W. Handford of son and his friends have the satisfaction and joy of Rawdon College, has accepted the unanimous ise; worshipping in a sanctuary which belongs wholly vitation of the Baptist church, Moor Lama, to God.

Bolton, and hopes to enter upon his labours at the WESTOX TURVILLE. BUCKS. --Interesting

end of his college course.The Rev. G. White vices were held in this place on Wednesday,

head bas resigned the pastorate of the church at October 28th, when the Rev. J. Butcher, late of

Shotley Bridge, and closes his labours there in s Thorpe-le-soken, Essex, was recognised as pastor

week or trvo. --The Rev. J. Jenkinson, of Oakham, of Union Chapel. In the afternoon an excellent

has informed the church under his care that he sermon wag preached by the Rev. F. Tucker, B.A.,

intends in February next to resign the pastorate of Camden Road, London, after which near three

which he has sustained for nearly fifteen years.hundred friends sat down to a social tea. In the

The Rev. F. Britcliffe has resigned the pastorate evening & public meeting was held, under the

of the Baptist church, Doncaster, and removed to presidency of the Rev. F. Tucker. Devotional

Birkdale Park, Southport, for the health of a services were conducted by the Rev. F. Hood, of

member of bis family. The Rev. R. Ward, of Ford, and the Rev. J. J. Owen, of Princes Ris.

Glossop, has accepted a unanimous invitation to borough; after which, suitable and eloquent ad

the pastorate of the Baptist church at Hunslet, dresses were delivered by the Revs. A. D

on, of

Lecds, and commenced his labours on the first Haddenham, C. H. Harcourt, of Missenden, w.

Sabbath in November.--The Rev. Jeremiah Grif. J. Gates, of 'Aylesbury, E. Foster, of Wendover,

fiths, of Ponthenry, Carmarthenshire, has accepted and the chairman.

a very cordial and unanimous invitation to become

the pastor of the Baptist church, Llansamlet, LINCOLN.-On the 7th October, at the usual

Glamorganshire, and commenced his labours there quarterly tea-meeting of the members of the Mint

on the last Sabbath in October.—The Rer. E. Lane church in this city, a presentation was made

Jenkins has resigned the ministry of the Baptist to Mr. H. Freer, who had just completed twenty

church, Madeley, Salop, and is not at present open years of seryice in the deacon's office, of a pair of

to accept another invitation. We are requested valuable gold spectacles, and two handsomely

to state that the address of the Rev. J. B. Pike, bound hymn-books, with an inscription expressive

Jate of Bourne, is 66, New Walk, Leicester.-At of gratitude and Christian esteem.

the request of the committee of the Baptist Irish MINISTERIAL CHANGES.-The Rev. J. Allen, Society, and by the unanimous invitation of the B.A., late of Regent's Park College, having ac church at Grange, county Antrim, the Rev. H. H. cepted the cordial and unanimous invitation of the Bourn has removed from Portadown to that Baptist church, Hook Norton, Oxon, to become ! place.

Editorial Postscript. WITH this Number we complete another year's Volume of THE CAURCH. The i usual acknowledgments—both to those who have favoured us with contributions, and to those who have aided in increasing our circulation-are this year eminently due, and are heartily offered.

Next year we shall pursue the same course as hitherto ; only doing, if it is possible, more than ever to make our Magazine worthy of support. There is only one change that we shall make. We have found that the Portraits inserted in our Magazine- though much valued and highly appreciated-are not so acceptable to our poorer friends when an extra charge is made for them. In the coming year we hope to continue the Portraits, but shall in no case make them the reason for any extra coarge. Except in i December, wben the Title and Index are given, THE CHURCH will in future be always ONE PENNY.

In our January Number we shall give a beautifully-executed Engraving on Steel, con. taining PORTRAITS OP THIRTY (LIVING) BAPTIST MINISTERS. This will be a copy of the large Engraving presented with The Freeman newspaper. As no charge will be made for this Engraving, and as it will be executed in the best style of Sieel Engraving, only s LARGE ADDITIONAL CIRCULATION can compensate for the expense incurred in its production.

We respectfully request our ministerial brethren, and others, to do what it is possible at the close of the year to recommend THE CHURCH in their respective circles.

.*.* As some of our friends found it difficult to procure the TITLE AND INDEX when they were published separately, we have this year, as last, made it a part of the Magazine, adding in consequod. Ove Hols. penny to the price of this month's Number. This plan will be continued. As stated above, this addition of One Halfpexay to the price of the December Number will be the ONLY addition made to the price el THE CHURCI during the year,

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