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spoken unto you the word of God; whose as reflected from his course, and as beamfaith follow; of whose conversation (be ing from his writings. haviour, or course) attentively consider the * Thus star by star declines, ending;” or, as another translator, “ Con Till all have passed away,

As morning high and higher shines, sider their conduct and the exit they

To pure and perfect day. made." In verse 17 he refers to pastors Nor sink those stars in empty night, then living.

But hide themselves in Heaven's own light." The apostle had meditated on patriarchal Astronomers sometimes tell us of lost and Jewish worthies in Heb. xi., and calls stars and disrupted planets; and sad it is them “ so great a cloud of witnesses." He when a minister who has been a star to now mentions departed Christian teachers, others is himself quenched in moral darkseveral of whom, as Stephen, James, and ness; sad when we have to mourn over others, had won the martyr's palm. Some one of shining gifts, with « Alas, my of them Paul had assisted to slay ; but brother!” Not 80 you mourn. Your this great sin was blotted out by atoning pastor was " a burning as well as a shining blood, and he could remember it without light; " and he has “finished his course dismay, though not without sorrow with joy." (1 Cor. xv. 9).

Only a few of the godly men who We are thus taught that it is right to have been stars in the firmament of the call to mind the histories, the services, and Church, are remembered now below; but the departure of God's servants. In this, that does not signify ; they will come out as in almost everything else, there is a clearly before long, for “they that turn danger of extremes. Some of the tenden- many to righteousness shall shine as the cies of our age incline to over-estimate the stars for ever and ever." Oh, how glorious instruments, especially those greatly gifted ; will that firmament be! How illustriously but this we may avoid without overlooking it will show God's handiwork! This figure and forgetting those whom God has brings out individuality and companionhonoured. “There surely is,” says one, "a ship. Each star will shine; but the rays medium between deifying people and de of all will mingle, ever “singing, as they grading them.” The true preservative from shine," the praise of Him from whom all all extremes is to be sure to give the Re their glory is derived, and on whom it deemer his proper place of honour. Let is dependent. him ever be in the centre, and then doc. This beautiful symbol of stars, as detrines, instruments, and things will take scribing Christian pastors, is furnished us their right place. What value is the by Christ himself in the Apocalypse; and soundest creed, or the brightest talent, or | we do well to consider these symbolic stars the best things of earth, without him? All in connection with him, as made, held, and “ truth is in Jesus ;” all instruments are used. just what he makes them; and all things “He made the stars also." This is true are blessings when they come along with of all the firmamental stars, and of the

angelic host; “for without him was not In these verses we may observe the fol anything made that was made." And He lowing points :

who made the world, alone can make a I. The servants of God exhibited.

true-hearted minister and pastor. Would II. The Saviour exalted.

you not like to see a star made ? Angels III. The saint exhorted. Or, in other shouted for joy as they beheld the wonwords, here are some of the stars of grace, drous process (Job xxxviii. 6, 7). But and the one Sun of Glory. We are called surely they must wonder more at the to be practical students of this wondrous processes of grace. “By the word of the exhibition.

Lord were the heavens made, and all the I. The stars, or the servants of God, host of them by the breath of his mouth;" exhibited.-Those referred to shone once but the Lord Jesus took three years to below; they now shine above. How many form eleven of the chief stars of the Church. have been added to them since these words Having done this, he ascended up on high, were written! Among some of the last and from his Father's throne flashed some gathered is your dear pastor. For a long rays of his own glory into them, and then time he shone among you as a star to guide how lastingly bright and beautiful did many a tossed soul to the haven of safety. they become. He made another very large You will see his light here no more, except 1 star in three days (Acts ix. ; Gal. i. 16 ;


1 Tim.i.14-16), and millions have glorified i panionship. But the stars that Christ God for that star. Since then who can formed and fills, speak audibly and plainly. count their number? God only can “ call Like the star of Bethlehem, they guide to them all by name.” He can and he will. Jesus, stand over him, and speak only of Very strange sometimes are the methods

him. by which the Lord makes men true min Yes; as our text says, they " have spoken isters. Your pastor was a proof of this, to you the word of God!" All they say as may be read in his own testimony. He about complete justification, real sanctificawas made “not of men, neither by man, tion, true happiness, a deathless portion, but by Jesus Christ” (Gal. i. 1). He had and perfect communion through eternity, few human advantages, but he did not is all true, the very truth of God; and it despise them in others. He did well without is equally true that all is free for the vilest scholarship: let those who have it lay all to receive, and sure to him who desires to out for the Lord. It would be a blessed retain it. day for the churches, if none were intro And what wondrous results follow from duced to human training till it was made the shining of these stars! A marvellous manifest to themselves and others that thing is that “light painting" so familiar they had real gifts for the ministry.

to us now. But what if the stars of night He who made the stars, holds them in his as well as the sun of day, could be em. own right hand, holds them up in the sun ployed for photographic purposes ? This light of his own countenance, that they may probably never will be the case literally; receive and reflect his beams (Rev. i. 16). but it has long been so spiritually : “For While safe in his hand, they are near his God, who commanded the light to shine heart. He takes as one of his titles, “Him out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts, that holdeth the seven stars in his right to give the light of the knowledge of the hand,” and he will fill it up. He prays glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ" especially for all those he sends forth to (2 Cor. iv. 6). I am almost ready to envy shine (John xvii. 18). He says to all in your late pastor, when I think in how many whose heart he dwells, “ Because I live, ye hearts and characters he was used to draw shall live also." His love constrains them the image of Christ. May many more like to move in the orbit of duty and service : him be raised up! In a letter I received yea, love is that in the spiritual system from him about five years ago, he writes, that gravitation is in the solar system. To “I believe if our hearts are set on the conbe a minister without sincere love to Christ, version of souls, if we travail in birth for is most awful; such must share the fate them, and directly aim to win them, we of Judas (Acts i. 25); but all living ones must be successful. I always find it so. shall be favoured with John to lean on Never did I more long or strive to bring his bosom (John xiii. 23), and lay at his souls to Christ than now. I subordinate feet (Rev. i. 17); and even amidst fears everything else to it, and I have my reand conflicts feel the grasp of his hand, and hear the melody of his voice, saying,

II. Let us now adore the glorious Sun “ Fear not.” Surely the perseverance of of Righteousness. It is meet and right to God's servants, amidst all temptations, do so. This is no idolatry, or else heaven snares, and errors, is a proof of the faithful is full of it (Rev. v.). And, blessed be love of the chief Shepherd

God, before long his will, as regards the And the Lord Jesus uses those whom he glorification of his Son, “ shall be done on holds. He makes them shine for the good earth as it is in heaven.” of others. Poets talk of the music of the These words, “ Jesus Christ the same spheres : the Holy Spirit speaks of the yesterday and for ever," are by some conmelody of the starry heavens (Psalm xix.), nected with the preceding verse, and are and applies this by the apostle to the considered as indicating what was the ministers of Christ. «Have they not heard ? | theme of the testimony or conversation of Yes verily, their sound went into all the the pastors referred to. But we have earth, and their words unto the ends of seen that the word " conversation" does the world” (Rom. x. 18). From the starry not mean this; we therefore consider the heavens comes no articulate sound, no eighth verse as a distinct proposition, one definite answer to the great questionings most simple and sublime, beaming bright of man's soul about pardon, happiness, with glory, overflowing with grace. Still, holiness, satisfying good, and true com | it is not to be dissociated from the words


before or after, as we shall presently see.

“ Though under-shepherds dwell in dust, Let us think of these words as containing

The aged and the young,

The watchful eye in darkness closed, & commendation, and suggesting a com

And mute th' instructive tongue, parison.

" Th' eternal Shepherd still survives, Language bas been ransacked to find

New comforts to impart; terms to set forth the glory of the natural His eye still guides us, and his voice sun; and surely the prophets, apostles, the

Still animates the heart." angels of God, guided by the Holy Spirit, “The world passeth away;" and conhave all employed every title of grandeur

cerning the very heavens it is written, and form of beauty to set forth the glory of “They shall perish ; but thou remainest; the Sun of Righteousness. What a title is and they all shall wax old as doth a garment; here: “JESUS CHRIST.” The words are and as a vesture shalt thou fold them up, familiar; but, oh, to think of his fitness and they shall be changed: but thou art and fulness who wears this title! “Every

the same, and thy years shall not fail ” letter,” says one, “beams and blazes with

(Heb. i. 11, 12). Yes; He who is ever "the Divine glory." Yes; but it is attempered same" shall change all things for the better. and softened to us by human tenderness. He who said, “ Lo, I come,” as he deGod's character is expressed, God's require | scended to the manger; He who said, " It ments answered, and man's need met, by | is finished,” as he hung upon the crossHim who wears this name. And then will say from the throne, “Behold, I make mark the testimony: he is “the same."

all things new. “It is done.” Yes, write, Think of the immutability of his nature ; write, for these words are true and faiththe same in Godhead glory : of the infinity

ful.” Oh, we can bear to think of " chang. of his person ; even him in whom God is

ing scenes and dying friends," we can bear ever well pleased : of the stability of his to feel that “the outward man decays," offices; a Prophet who never drops his and to " see our creature-comforts in the mantle, a Priest who shall never be dis

winding-sheet," when we realize “ Thou robed as Aaron was, a King whose throne

art the same." It is sad to think of the is for ever and ever; the same for all saving

changeful, without knowing the unchangpurposes : and then think of the sameness

inz One. We look around and sigh, of his intention, and the certainty of his success. What lays near his heart shall be

“And dost thou, Change! bear universal sway?

Can mortals pass not from thy realms away ? carried out. What he desires, God will give him. Yes; all Christ was, all he is, all Ponder well the answer :he is to be, is yours, believer, now. It is

« There was a day of wonder and of gloom, said of faith, that

Which raised pale dwellers from the riven tomb; “ It sets times past in present view,

When angels trembled, and men fearless gazed ; Brings distant prospects home,

When on the quiy'ring earth a cross was raised. Of things a thousand years ago,

How awful! ob, how awful ! A thousand years to come.”

« Upon that blood-red cross a Monarch hung !

An Elder Brother's' bleeding brow was wrang; This is a great exploit; but faith does

For man He bore the purple gauds of scorn, greater things than these, when it brings His kingly crown, a diadem of thorn! the “yesterday," the “to-day," and the His heart, which thrilled with love so deep, so “for ever” of Christ, to bear upon all the


For man was probed! Thou wert not there, o sins, the sorrows, the fears and hopes, the

Change! diseases and the desires of the soul. What

How wonderful! how wonderful a universe of wonders and glories is there

“ Ah, no! he cannot change ; that Saviour King in the name of Christ, and what a teacher

Whose praise triumphant saints and angels and guide is the Holy Spirit of God!

sing: While using these words as a distinct The same, when crushed to earth, his cross he

bears; proposition, we think a comparison is also

The same, when soul-gemmed coronet he wears; implied. There is nothing else stable but The same, when coming in his bright array ; Christ. Dispensations change and succeed

The same, for ever, yesterday, to-day!.

How glorious ! how eternal!" each other, but Christ is the same from the promise in Eden to the commendation III. Consider the exhortation addressed from the great white throne. Instruments to the saint. — “Suffer the word of exhorpass away ; one generation of pastors dieth | tation,” The structure of this epistle and another generation cometh ; but Christ is somewhat peculiar: it is a word of is the same.

exhortation throughout. First we have & statement of facts and doctrines, and of God's people. They are among the then exhortation; and blessed are they means provided for our improvement. In who are doers of the word and not hearers neglecting them we act ungratefully toonly. But we can only refer to this one wards God and man. Nor let us forget exhortation. We are here called-as regards that we in our turn are furnishing examthe faithful servants of Christ-to remem ples. There is no doubt but we shall have ber their sayings and services, to follow some to imitate us; therefore we should their faith, and to consider their ending. look well to our goings, for we are treading We cannot now enter minutely into the on wires that may resound, not only words, but only generally observe, that the through years to come on earth, but attainments and success of others as through the ages of eternity. regards Divine things, should awaken our In closing, we would say, Keep your eye admiration and excite our aims. It hath fixed, and your heart also, on the centre, if been well said, that “The remembrance of you would move aright in the circle. Con. dead saints, with admiration of their vir stantly live by faith on Christ, if you would tues and a desire to imitate them, is the be followers of those who were led of the only worship which is due to them from Spirit. By so doing you will be preventthe living.

ed from desponding amidst losses, from We should admire God's grace as errors in doctrine and failures in duty. seen in them. In calling them “out Observe how in the 7th verse the mortality of darkness into marvellous light," and of ministers is introduced ; then in the endowing them with gifts and graces ; 9th verse the instability of professors is in rendering them willing to devote all | referred to; while between the two, the to the glory of God, and the good of souls- great fact of the unchangeableness of the wo trace God's hand and glorify his Lord Jesus is placed. Your pastor is mercy. We praise him also for enabling | gone, but Jesus Christ remains. He can theni to hold out to the end, and to finish furnish you with another, and make him a a useful ministry by a trustful death. | still greater blessing to you. But do not While we admire much, let us earnestly forget your old friend who served you so aim to become more like them in all things long with so much devotedness and whereby Christ was honoured. Adinira success. I am sure the Master will be tion of excellency is a poor thing without displeased if you forget the servant. I am honestly seeking to imitate it. Yet many sure you will get into error if you do not may take credit for the first, neglect the “hold fast what you have heard" of him. second, and so deceive themselves fatally. Your old pastor will yet speak to you by Alas for those of old who stood admiring | his many useful works, wherein "he has and wondering at the ark of Noah, while endeavoured that you may be able, after the dark clouds were gathering above and his decease, to have these things always in earthquake shocks were preparing beneath ! remembrance.” God grant that you may and alas for those now who stand trifling all meet him in that day, of which he often with eternal things, or who give them only spoke to you, and be his "joy and crown a place in their heads, but close their of rejoicing” for evermore. hearts against them! Is it a time for you REMEMBER! May that emphatic word thus to amuse yourselves while the dark rest on your minds and hearts. If your billows of wrath are rolling right towards late pastor could come and speak to you you, and a neglected “REFUGE" is close again, would not it be in some such words as by you? Oh! flee from the wrath to come the following ? “Moreover, brethren, I de. by laying hold on the hope set before you! clare unto you the Gospel which I preached

But to return to our subject. Let us | unto you, which also ye have received, take for our imitation the best things of and wherein ye stand ; by which also ye the best people. Some professors have a are saved, if ye keep in memory what I habit of looking at the faults of good peo preached unto you, unless ye have believed ple, and using tliem as an excuse for their in vain" (1 Cor. xv. 1, 2). The Gospel own shortcomings. But remember, the he preached was the good tidings of the failures of saints are beacons and not death, burial, resurrection, and glorification evidences. They may in some cases be of the Lord Jesus. Keep these facts in useful to prevent despair, but must not be remembrance, and seek the aid of the Holy used as an excuse for sin. We are respon- | Spirit to extract from them whatever docsible to God for a right use of the examples | trines and blessings God intends to teach

and impart; so you will not receive the "Remember that Jesus Christ was raised grace of God in vain.

from the dead.” Ah! let us all remember Just before Charles I. laid bis head | him; the righteous, the loving, yet thornupon the block, he pronounced in the ear crowned King. Remember that he died once, of Bishop Juxton the one word, “REMEM and that he lives for evermore, and that he BER.” There was much anxiety to know is coming back to reign in righteousness. what this word referred to, but the secret Some years ago the senate of our land was never told. There is no doubt re abolished the long-used service devoted to specting WHAT you should “remember, ” | the memory of Charles I., so that he is and whom you should remember. Beware, now in England's estimate but as an exhen, of forgetfulness. If " gratitude is martyr, or rather an excluded one. he memory of the heart," then heart Never may the day come when any orgetfulness must be ingratitude.

of us shall do anything like this with About 1,600 years before Charles trod regard to our Martyr-King and Saviour. che scaffold, a far nobler man than he or Time, as it rolls on, shows more of the infiany other English king, was just about to nite glory of his character, and of the nount one. As he looked around his infinite importance of his work, his death, lungeon he saw, with faith's clear eye, "a his triumphs. The one only spotless Perrown of glory,' and exclaimed, “ I have son, the one only saying Name, the one ought a good fight, I have finished my | only rightful King, the one only unourse, I have kept the faith.” Then, changing, undying, ever-present Friendhinking of one very dear to him, he wrote let him be held in loving and everlasting a large letters the word “REMEMBER :" | remembrance !


BY THE REV. C. ELVEN. As the followers of Him who said to his immediate disciples, “Go rather to he lost sheep of the house of Israel," it surely behoves us to cherish a devout iterest in the welfare of “ the children of Abraham according to the flesh.”

In these days of scepticism, it is worth something to have a living monument -o the truth of the Mosaic writings; and such a monument we have in the existnce of the Jews as a separate people to the present day; a monument, though Oary with age, yet unimpaired by the lapse of years, every letter of its inscriphon being yet so legible that he who runs may read. And it may not be out of eason just now to remind any whose confidence may have recently been shaken,

at there are existing proofs of the truth of the Bible which are not only npregnable, but even unassailable by the arithmetic or metaphysics of prelatical eresy. For example ; our Lord expressly foretold the destruction of the city nd temple of Jerusalem; and that some forty years afterwards the prophecy as fulfilled to the letter is rendered unquestionable by the existence of the Arch

Titus, which was erected as a triumphal monument of the Roman victory over udea. There to the present day may be seen, cut in the stones of that arch, ae Roman soldiers carrying away the table of the shewbread, the golden trumets, and the candlesticks of the temple; and some who have seen them affirm ney appear as if fresh cut, so fine is the climate of Italy, and so firm is the stone Chich was selected for this purpose. There can be no doubt, therefore, that hese are exact representations of the sacred furniture of the temple, agreeable

the “ pattern showed on the mount.' Of the same irrefragable kind is the argument from the present condition of ne Jews. More than 3,000 years ago, Moses, by the spirit of prophecy, foreld, “ The Lord shall scatter thee among all people, from the one end of the

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