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The marking indicates technical analysis of household apparatus, foods and toilet accessories only



Good Housekeeping Magazine

Special Features of Unusual Interest

Schools of Fun and Fellowship

The joys and the beast no wating is the summer camps where boys and girl go to

BLOVI to spare

Decoration Day

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Eugene Wood 594

Trong trạng tramp the boys are march.ng but every year fewer of them astrated by W H.D Koerner

ward there are more graves to decorate This is a tribute that every woman should read

The Advance of Militancy.

The Militouts show their strength and the government replies with a club of the most Juminating chapters of Mrs Packburet s Own Story.

The Hairy Sand-Wasp .

An afternoon in the fields with the great French naturalist-philosopher The Kewpies Are Coming!

The Business of Being a Bride

Twentieth-century essentials for a happy marriage: the folly of letting a girl go to her new home unprepared to meet its duties

As Mother Never Made Them


Mrs. Emmeline Pankhurst 605

J. Henri Fabre 631 Rose O'Neill 637 Martha Bensley Bruère 645 Illustrated by Magine Wright Enright

How machinery is beating the housewife at her own work in the kitchen and making her life easier thereby

What Is Feminism?

Its not politics and its not just going to work" A vivid and thoughtful explanation of much-abused term

Simple Surgery

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Allan L. Benson 651

Rose Young 679

Woods Hutchinson, A. M., M. D. 688

What to do until the doctor comes when injuries occur either at home or on your camping-trips.

The Charm of the Antique.

Robert and Elizabeth Shackleton 703

Showing how much rich treasure tables, chairs, beds, chests, vases is to be found just around the corner

The Lonely Heart of Me

Fiction in This Number

And how, through the quest immortal, it was made glad. A charming Celtic folk tale. Saturday's Child

Into the life of Susan Brown, the little office-girl transplanted into society. love comes and brings with it trial.

The Prince of Mercuria

When Love Made the World Go Round.

The Last of the Morans

May Iverson, the convent girl who became a reporter. finds fresh adventure in the land of feuds.

Hashimura Togo Swats the Fly

And great is the fall thereof.

Mirandy on Romantic Love-Making

It's pretty sorry stuff judging from what little of it women hear.

Dr. Wiley's Department

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Leading Departments

Death in a Mask The Work of a Municipal Health-Bureau: The Science of
Nutrition: The Baking-Powder Question.

Three Meals a Day

Wastes in the Kitchen: Our Succulent Vegetables: Correct Combinations of Food.

Wallace Irwin 685 Illustrated by F. Strothmann

Dorothy Dix 694 Illustrated by E. W. Kemble

Harvey W. Wiley, M. D. 669

Other Features and Departments

Mrs. Rorer 708

Cover design Coles Phillips: Editor Say, 6-8. Advertising Section: A Prayer of the Springtime. Bouck White, 581: Fashions, 696; Butter Butter Better Butter, Henry T. Finck, 715; New Helps for Housekeepers, 718; Discoveries, 722; Index to Advertisements. 12-14. Advertising Section

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George von Utassy, Secretary; all, 119 West 40th St., New York Subscription, $1.50 a year. Published monthly by the International Magazine Co. 15 cents a copy COPYRIGHT, 1914 (Frade mark registered), by Good Housekeeping Magazine. Entered at the Post Office at New York, N. Y., as second-class matter. We cannot begin subscriptions with back numbers. Unless otherwise directed, we begin all subscriptions with the current sue, If you wish to renew your subscription to begin any number of months in advance, state the month. The expiration date of current subscriptions is always shown on the wrapper. Idress all communications to Good Housekeeping Magazine, 119 West Fortieth Street, New York




When the World


about the first thing its inhabitants do is to breakfast. Nearly a hundred million people in the United States awake hungry, and most adults realize that the comfort and profit of the day depend largely upon the quality of the meal they start with. Children don't think much about it, but the quality of their food is none the less important.

The clever housewife always meets

BAKING the emergency. She provides for break


fast nourishing food that will tempt the appetite.

Royal Baking Powder makes possible the earliest, quickest breakfast, with delicious biscuit, waffles, muffins

Absolutely Pure and hot-breads.




Foods made with Royal Baking Powder have been declared by expert physiological chemists more digestible than such breakfast breads made in the old-fashioned way or with alum baking powders.

Royal is a pure, cream of tartar baking powder, healthful and economical.

The marking indicates technical analysis of household apparatus, foods and toilet accessories only


"The Money Your Husband Earns"

In far off Holland one of the most fascinating and interesting sights in all of that quaint country on the Zuyder Zee is to see, on any market morning, the throngs of Dutch housewives as they literally swarm about the booths and carts of the insistent vendors, here sampling a cheese, there fitting a wooden shoe to the sturdy foot of the kiddie by their side, and everywhere bent on driving a shrewd bargain with the always specious huckster. Merchandise of every description which falls within the needs of the modest home is on display and many a Dutch girl gets her first lesson in discriminating purchase at the side of her mother in the market-place. The Holland lass, you see, acquires early those traits of home thrift and management which later, when marriage comes, make possible the wise handling of the far too meager wage of her liege lord and master.

Is not the same kind and species of impulse behind the humble shopper across the sea also directing you the wives in the towns and cities of the new world? Is it not this same desire to spend to sure advantage that makes your thoughtful planning a pleasure and not a task and often your personal sacrifice a joy and not a pain?

Did you, I wonder, read Dr. Russell's remarkable article in the March issue? If so you must have dwelt long upon the richness of a single paragraph which seemed more than any of the others to carry a wealth of deep significance and a rare fullness of meaning. So beautifully does it fit into the GOOD HOUSEKEEPING

scheme of things, so truly does it blend with the purpose of the work we are trying to do, that I want to give it to you again:

"I will undertake to guarantee the stability of our American democratic institutions if you will see to it that American wives are taught how best to spend the money their husbands earn. Somewhere in the last ten per cent. of a man's income are hidden away his present happiness and future prospects."

How many wives and-quite as important-how many husbands have stopped to think of it just this way before?

The bigness of a job is measured only by the opportunities it presents. "To spend the money her husband earns"-What an opportunity and what a worth while calling for the housewife who sees her mission in such a light. And we, too, of Good HOUSEKEEPING have an opportunity, an opportunity to make these advertising pages an ever ready and absolutely safe counsel for you who, in your spending, will to purchase wisely and well. Such a service as this represents the part that we may take in making your problems easier to solve the part that all advertising must take if you, whose business it is to spend, are to spend with profit and faith.

The day's work with us here brings, as it does with you, a measure of both the bitter and the sweet. Through it all, however, making the shaded places lighter and the bright spots even more bright, comes the consciousness that we are trying to render helpful service. To be willing to serve you is in itself a little thing to be able to do so is the great end to which we strive. Are we making headway-are you feeling the force of our work-catching the spirit of our efforts for believable, usable advertising? It would be a rich reward to have you say as much.

119 West 40th St., New York.

Advertising Manager.



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