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" I now say, sir, as the proposition upon which I stand this day, and upon the truth and firmness of which I intend to act until it is overthrown, that there is not at this moment within the United States, or any territory of the United States, a single... "
Speech of Hon. Daniel Webster, on Mr. Clay's Resolutions: In the Senate of ... - Стр. 28
авторы: Daniel Webster - 1850 - Страниц: 64
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Speech of the Hon. Daniel Webster on the Subject of Slavery: Delivered in ...

Daniel Webster - 1850 - Страниц: 54
...intend to act until it is overthrown, that there is not at this moment within the United States, or any territory of the United States, a single foot of land the character of which, in regard to its being free soil territory or slave territory, is not fixed by some law and some irrepealable law beyond the...
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The Works of Daniel Webster ...: Speeches in Congress, and legal arguments ...

Daniel Webster - 1851 - Страниц: 568
...territory of the United States, a single foot of land, the character of which, in regard to its being free territory or slave territory, is not fixed by some...beyond the power of the action of the government. Is it not so with respect to Texas ? It is most manifestly so. The honorable member from South Carolina,...
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Speeches in Congress ; Legal arguments and speeches to the jury

Daniel Webster - 1853 - Страниц: 566
...intend to act until it is overthrown, that there is not at this moment within the United States, or any territory of the United States, a single foot of land, the character of which, in regard to its being free territory or slave territory, is not fixed by some law, and some irrepealable law, beyond the...
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Webster and His Master-pieces, Том 2

Benjamin Franklin Tefft - 1854 - Страниц: 562
...to act until it is overthrown, that there is not, at this moment, within the United States, or any territory of the United States, a single foot of land,...irrepealable law, beyond the power of the action of this government. Now, is it not so with respect to Texas ? Why, it is most manifestly so. The honorable...
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Speech of Truman Smith, of Connecticut, on the Nebraska Question: Delivered ...

Truman Smith - 1854 - Страниц: 28
...to act until it is overthrown — that there is not at this moment within tSe United States, or any Territory of the United States, a single foot of land, the character of which, in regard to its being free territory or slave territory, is not fixed by some law, and some irrepealable IHW, beyond the...
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Life of Daniel Webster

Benjamin Franklin Tefft - 1854 - Страниц: 506
..."fixed. pledged, •fastened, decided," to use his own strong terms, the whole question, leaving not " a single foot of land, the character of which, in regard to its being free territory or slave territory, is not fixed by some law, and some irrepealable law, beyond the...
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The Nebraska Question: Comprising Speeches in the United States Senate

1854 - Страниц: 144
...that there ia not nt this moment in the United Stntos, or any Territory of the United g tatos, ' onn single foot of land, the character of which, in regard to : its being free territory or slave territory, ia not fixed by i some law, and eome IRREPEALABLE law beyond the...
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Freedom and Public Faith: Speech of William H. Seward, on the ..., Выпуск 28

William Henry Seward - 1854 - Страниц: 16
...overthrown, that there is not at this moment in the United States, or any Territory of the United States, one single foot of land, the character of which, in regard to its being free territory or slave territory, is not fixed by some law, and some IRREPEALABLE law beyond the power...
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Webster and His Master-pieces, Том 1

Benjamin Franklin Tefft - 1854 - Страниц: 510
...whole question, leaving not "a single toot of land, the character of which, in regard to its being free territory or slave territory, is not fixed by some law, and some irrepealdble law, beyond the power of the action of the government; " that it would thereafter forever...
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The Life of William H. Seward with Selections from His Works

George E. Baker - 1855 - Страниц: 436
...of the United States, one single foot of land, the character of which, in regard to its being free territory or slave territory, is not fixed by some...IRREPEALABLE law, beyond the power of the action of this government." What irrepenJuble law, or what law of any kind, fixed the character of Nebraska as...
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