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Abbotsford and Newstead Abbey, 9, 27. | Armada, the, 374.

Abolitionists, 260.

Afloat and Ashore, 71, 88.

Aftermath, 226, 245.

Arnold, Benedict, Irving's treatment
of, 29.

Arnold, Matthew, 232.

'Ages, The,' Bryant's Phi Beta Kappa Astor, John Jacob, his commerical en-

[blocks in formation]

Allegiance, treaty with Germany con-
cerning, 107.

American Anti-Slavery Society in New
York, Whittier secretary of, 260.
American Democrat, The, 70, 94.
American Lands and Letters, 449.
American Loyalists, Irving's attitude
towards, 30; in Westchester County,
N. Y., 75.

American Note-Books of Nathaniel

Hawthorne, 292, 315.
'American Scholar, The,' Emerson's
Phi Beta Kappa oration, 152, 162.
Among My Books, 458, 475, 476.
Among the Hills, 263, 280.
Amory, Susan, wife of William Hick-
ling Prescott, 125.

'Analectic Magazine,' conducted by
Irving, 6.

André, Major John, Irving's treat-
ment of, 29.
Anti-slavery movement, Whittier's
connection with, 259, 273-277;
Thoreau's, 331; Curtis's, 420, 421;
Lowell's, 456, 466, 479.
Anti-Slavery Papers, Lowell's, 459,


Appleton, Frances, wife of Longfellow,
225, 226.

Archæological Institute of America,

terprise in the Northwest, the sub-
ject of Astoria, 28.

At Sundown, 263, 282.

Atlantic Monthly,' founding of, and
Whittier's contributions to, 262;
Lowell editor of, 458.

Autocrat, The, of the Breakfast-Table,
340, 345, 355.

Autumn, Thoreau's, 324, 331.

Bachiler, Stephen, 256.
Bancroft, Aaron, father of George
Bancroft, 101.

Bancroft, George: his ancestry, 101;
education and foreign travel, 102;
tutor at Harvard, 103; the Round
Hill School, 103; early works, 104;
political appointments, 105, 107;
founds United States Naval Acad-
emy, 105; brings about treaty with
Germany, 107; last years, 107;
death, 108; character, 108; criticism
of the History, 110-119.
'Barbara Frietchie,' remark of Whit-
tier concerning, 265; popularity of,

Battle Summer, 440, 444.
Belfry, The, of Bruges, 225, 236.
Benjamin, Mary, wife of John Lo-
throp Motley, 360; her death,

Bigelow, Catharine, wife of Francis
Parkman, 381.

Biglow Papers, The, 456, 458, 466.
Bismarck, his student life with Motley,

Bliss, Elisabeth (Davis), wife of Caraffa, Motley's picture of, 371.

George Bancroft, 105.
Blithedale Romance, The, 291, 309.
Bonneville, 28.

Book of the Roses, 381 (note).
Borrow, George, Emerson's know-
ledge of, 182.

Boston Lyceum, Poe's appearance be-
fore, 197, 200.
Bracebridge Hall, 7, 17.
Bravo, The, 69, 89, 96.
'Broadway Journal, The,' Poe's con-
nection with, 196.

Bronson, W. C., quoted, on Bryant,

Brook Farm, Emerson's sympathy
with, 154; Hawthorne's connection
with, 289.

Brown, John, Thoreau's acquaint-
ance with, 323.

Bryant, Peter, father of William Cul-
len Bryant, 35.

Carlyle, Thomas, Emerson's meeting

with, 150; correspondence with
Emerson, 156; quotation from, ap-
plied to Whitman, 495.
Cathedral, The, 458, 470.
Cavalier and Puritan, Bancroft's com-
parison of, III.
Chainbearer, The, 71, 95-
Champlain, Samuel, 392.
Charles the Fifth, Prescott's contin-
uation of Robertson's history of,

Children of the Lord's Supper, The,
231, 236.

Christus, a Mystery, 226, 245.
Civil Service reform, Curtis's work
for, 421.

Clemm, Maria, 192, 194, 198.
Clemm, Virginia, 192; her marriage
to Edgar Allan Poe, 193; her death,


Bryant, Stephen, ancestor of William Clough, Arthur Hugh, effect on, of

Cullen Bryant, 35.
Bryant, William Cullen: his ancestry,
35; early verses, 36; education, 36,
37; law practice, 37; marriage, 38;
editorial work, 38-41; political af-
filiations, 39, 40; works published,
41; travel, 42; death, 43; character.
44; quarrel with an opponent, 45;
criticism of his work, 46-62; his
translations, 58; quoted, on Coop-
er's quarrel with the Press, 70.
Burr, Aaron, Washington Irving
among counsel for defence of, 5.
Burroughs, John, 243.

'Burton's Gentleman's Magazine and
American Monthly,' Poe's connec-
tion with, 194.

Byron, George Gordon Noel, visits
American flagship, 103.

Cabot, Sebastian, passage on, from
Bancroft, 110.

Cambridge (England), University of,
confers degree on Holmes, 340; on
Lowell, 459-
Cape Cod, 324, 331.

reading Evangeline, 232; visits
America, 457-

Cogswell, Joseph G., 103.
Columbus, Irving's life of, 8, 20.
Commemoration Ode, 458, 470.
Conduct of Life, 156, 175.
Conkling, Roscoe, his attack on Cur-
tis, 423.

Conquest, The, of Granada, 8, 22.
Conquest, The, of Mexico, 127, 134.
Conquest, The, of Peru, 127, 138.
Conspiracy, The, of Pontiac, 381, 387.
Constitution of the United States, his-
tory of, by Bancroft, 108.
Cooper, James Fenimore: his ances-
try, 65; boyhood and education, 66;
enters the navy, 66; marries and
leaves the service, 67; his first books,
67; life abroad, 68; return to Amer-
ica, 69; quarrel with the Press, 69;
list of works, 70; character, 72;
style, 74; criticism of his works, 75-


Cooper, William, father of James Fen-
imore Cooper, 65.

Cortés, Prescott's estimate of, 136.

Count Frontenac and New France
under Louis XIV, 382, 391, 393.
Courtship of Miles Standish, The, 226,


Craigie, Mrs., her reception of Long-
fellow, 224.

Crater, The, 71, 95.

Croker, J. W., quoted, on Irving, 13.
Curtis, George William: his ancestry,
417; education, 418; at Brook
Farm and Concord, 418; foreign
travel, 418; newspaper work, 419;
the 'Easy Chair,' 419; books pub-
lished, 419, 422; orations, 420; mar-
riage, 420; political work and Civil
Service reform, 421; character, 423;
style, 424; criticism of his works,

Curtis family, 417.

Dante, Longfellow's translation of,
226, 249.

Davis, Elisabeth, wife of George Ban-
croft, 105.

Deerslayer, The, 66, 71, 81.
Defoe, Poe compared with, 203.
De Lancey, Susan, wife of James Fen-
imore Cooper, 67; her family, 75.
'Democracy,' 480.
'Dial, The,' 153.

Dickens, Charles, dinner to, in New
York, 46; quotation from letter of,
to Longfellow, 228; greeting to, by
O. W. Holmes, 350.
Divine Tragedy, The, 226, 245.

Dwight, Sarah, wife of George Ban-
croft, 105.

Early Spring in Massachusetts, 324,

'Easy Chair' papers, 419, 422, 425,
Edinburgh, University of, confers de-
gree on Holmes, 341.
El Dorado, 403.
Elsie Venner, 340, 352.
Embargo, The, 36.

Emerson, Ralph Waldo: his ancestry,
147; boyhood, 148; education, 149;
ordination and withdrawal from the
ministry, 149, 150; begins lecturing,
151; settles in Concord, 151; nota→
ble addresses, 152; connection with
Transcendental movement, 152;
lecture tour in England, 154; posi-
tion on slavery, 155; list of his
works, 155; visitor to West Point
and overseer of Harvard, 156; nom-
inated for Lord Rector of Glasgow
University, 156; death, 157; char-
acter, 157; criticism of his works,
160-186; quoted, on Bancroft, 103,
109; club meetings in his library,
418; Holmes's life of, 354.
Emerson family, 147.

[ocr errors]

English Lands, Letters, and Kings,
English Note-Books of Nathaniel
Hawthorne, 292, 315.
English Traits, 156, 173.

'Divinity Address,' Emerson's, 152, Evangeline, 225; metre of, 231; stim-

[blocks in formation]

ulating effect of, on Clough, 232;
popularity of, 240.

Everett, Alexander, influential in Ir-
ving's going to Spain, 8.
Everett, Edward, 102.
Excursions, Thoreau's, 324, 330, 332.

Fable, A, for Critics, 456, 458, 468.
Fairchild, Frances, wife of William
Cullen Bryant, 38.

Familiar Letters, Thoreau's, 324, 326,

Fanshawe, 288.

Faust, Taylor's translation of, 405, | Gulliver's Travels, Irish bishop's re-


Ferdinand and Isabella, Prescott's

history of, 127, 131, 132.
"Fighting parson, the,' 148.
Fireside Travels, 459, 474.
Fiske, John, cited, on Longfellow's
treatment of Cotton Mather in The
New England Tragedies, 247.
Fitzgerald, Edward, 237.
French and Italian Note-Books of

Nathaniel Hawthorne, 292, 315.
Freeman, Edward A., quoted, 31.
Fresh Gleanings, 439, 443, 444.
'Frogpondians,' 200.

Frontenac, Count, in the New World,

Fudge Doings, 441, 445.

Fuller, Margaret, 153; Emerson's
Memoirs of, 156; her attack on
Longfellow, 229;
schoolmate of
Holmes, 338.

Gardiner, John, 124.
Garnett, Richard, quoted, on Emer-
son, 185.

Garrison, William Lloyd, his relations
with Whittier, 257, 258.
Gay, Sidney Howard, 42, 456.
Giles Corey of the Salem Farms, 246.
Gleanings in Europe, Cooper's, 94.
Godwin, Parke, quoted, on Bryant, 44.
Goethe, Emerson's estimate of, 173.
'Gold-Bug, The,' wins prize, 196.
Golden Legend, The, 225, 245, 246.
Goldsmith, Irving's life of, 27; refer-
ence to his work, 449.
'Graham's Magazine,' Poe's
tion with, 195.
Grandfather's Chair, 289, 300.
Greeley, Horace, his advice to Taylor
on writing letters of travel, 402.
Green, John Richard, quoted, on
Motley, 364.

[ocr errors]

mark concerning, 76.

Half-Century, A, of Conflict, 382, 391,


Hannah Thurston, 405.

Hansen, Marie, wife of Bayard Tay-
lor, 406.

Harlan, James, extract from letter of,
concerning Walt Whitman's remo-
val from government clerkship, 488

Harper's Weekly' and 'Harper's
Monthly,' Curtis's connection with,
419, 421, 422.

Harrison, Frederic, his criticism of
Evangeline, 251.

Haweis, H. R., 460.

Hawthorne, Nathaniel: his ancestry,
287; boyhood and college life, 288;
his first book, 288; collector of the
Port of Boston, 289; joins Brook
Farm Community, 289; marriage,
290; Surveyor of Customs at Salem,
290; consul at Liverpool, 291; fail-
ing health and death, 293; his char-
acter, 293; style, 296; criticism of
his works, 298-317; his refusal to
write an Acadian story, 240.
Hawthorne family, 287.
'Haverhill Gazette,' Whittier's con-
nection with, 258, 259.
Headsman, The, 69, 91.
Heartsease and Rue, 459, 473.
Heidenmauer, The, 69, 91.
Henry, Prince, of Hoheneck, the sub-
ject of The Golden Legend, 246.

connec-Heroes, The,' 38.

Greenough, Horatio, quotation from
letter of, to Cooper, 93.
Griswold, Rufus W., 196.
Guardian Angel, The, 340, 352.
Guide, A, in the Wilderness, 66 (note).

Hiawatha, 225; the metre of, 232;
popularity of, 240; sources and pur-
pose of, 242.
History, The, of the Navy of the
United States of America, 70, 93.
History of the United Netherlands,
362, 369, 373.

Holmes, Abiel, father of Oliver Wen-

dell Holmes, 337.

Holmes, Oliver Wendell: his ancestry,
337; education, 338; professor at

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