Science: v.1-v.219Moses King, 1965 |
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Стр. 1148
... York , 1965. 528 pp . Illus . $ 18 . Addition Theorems : The Addition The- orems of Group Theory and Number Theory . Henry B. Mann . Interscience ( Wiley ) , New York , 1965. 126 pp . Illus . $ 8.75 . Interscience Tracts in Pure and ...
... York , 1965. 528 pp . Illus . $ 18 . Addition Theorems : The Addition The- orems of Group Theory and Number Theory . Henry B. Mann . Interscience ( Wiley ) , New York , 1965. 126 pp . Illus . $ 8.75 . Interscience Tracts in Pure and ...
Стр. 1507
... York , 1965. 503 pp . Illus . $ 8.95 . Ergodic Theory in Statistical Mechan- ics . I. E. Farquhar . Interscience ( Wiley ) , New York , 1965. 243 pp . Illus . $ 12 . Vol . 7 , Monographs in Statistical Physics and Thermodynamics , a ...
... York , 1965. 503 pp . Illus . $ 8.95 . Ergodic Theory in Statistical Mechan- ics . I. E. Farquhar . Interscience ( Wiley ) , New York , 1965. 243 pp . Illus . $ 12 . Vol . 7 , Monographs in Statistical Physics and Thermodynamics , a ...
Стр. 1768
... York , N.Y. ( L. Ross , Anat- omy Dept. , Cornell Univ . Medical College , 1300 York Ave. , New York ) 24-28 . American Physiological Soc . , Univ . of California , Los Angeles . ( R. G. Daggs , 9650 Wisconsin Ave. , Washington , D.C. ...
... York , N.Y. ( L. Ross , Anat- omy Dept. , Cornell Univ . Medical College , 1300 York Ave. , New York ) 24-28 . American Physiological Soc . , Univ . of California , Los Angeles . ( R. G. Daggs , 9650 Wisconsin Ave. , Washington , D.C. ...
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AAAS acid activity aflatoxins American amino acids analysis animals anode antibody antigen aposematic argon atmosphere atoms auxin biological California cells chemical Chemistry clinoenstatite cloud collagen Committee complete concentration Dept deuterium effect electron energy enzyme ethylene experiments field function gradient grafts growth ibid Illus increase Institute instrument International ionization laboratory Lake Vanda Mathematics measured mechanism Medical ment meters methods mitosis Model mutant Nalgene National nitrous acid normal observed obtained operation optical papers particles percent Physics position potential present Press problems produced protein pulse range Rat Island records References and Notes response sample Science scientific scientists serum solution specific stimulation streamer streptolysin studies Surtsey symposium techniques temperature tephra theory thymine tion tissue tive tryptamine ture Univ University Washington York