Woodrow Wilson: Essential Writings and Speeches of the Scholar-presidentNYU Press, 2006 - Всего страниц: 429 From the Ivy League to the oval office, Woodrow Wilson was the only professional scholar to become a U.S. president. A professor of history and political science, Wilson became the dynamic president of Princeton University in 1902 and was one of its most prolific scholars before entering active politics. Through his labors as student, scholar, and statesman, he left a legacy of elegant writings on everything from educational reform to religion to history and politics. |
Результаты поиска по книге
Результаты 1 – 5 из 89
... American . I. Di Nunzio , Mario R. , 1936– II . Title . E660.W712 973.91'3 — dc22 2006 2005037929 New York ... America IO 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 To the Memory of Paul and Rene, educators in the.
... American Universities 139 The Historian 147 On the Writing of History 147 The Course of American History 159 The Making of the Nation 166 States Rights 182 The Reconstruction of the Southern States 202 The Significance of American ...
... American Policy 380 On Relations with Mexico 383 An Appeal for Neutrality in World War I 389 Essential Terms for Peace in Europe 391 Address to a Joint Session of Congress Calling for a Declaration of War 397 The Fourteen Points 403 ...
... American history and politics influenced several generations of students and scholars and remains useful in under- standing the perspective of his contemporaries in a fruitful and productive period of American scholarship. In politics ...
... American exceptionalism , as in “ The Course of American History ” ( 1893 ) , and illustrated both the pro- fessional consensus of his times and deep personal feelings about his native South . His interpretations of Civil War and ...
1 | |
41 | |
60 | |
On Education and Scholarship | 106 |
The Historian | 147 |
The Political Scientist | 218 |
New Jersey Politics | 313 |
Road to the White House | 341 |
The New Freedom | 349 |
Appeal to Republicans | 356 |
President Wilson | 366 |
at Pueblo Colorado | 411 |
About the Editor | 429 |