Woodrow Wilson: Essential Writings and Speeches of the Scholar-presidentNYU Press, 2006 - Всего страниц: 429 From the Ivy League to the oval office, Woodrow Wilson was the only professional scholar to become a U.S. president. A professor of history and political science, Wilson became the dynamic president of Princeton University in 1902 and was one of its most prolific scholars before entering active politics. Through his labors as student, scholar, and statesman, he left a legacy of elegant writings on everything from educational reform to religion to history and politics. |
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... Democratic gubernatorial nomination and a new career . During the decade of his presidency of Princeton , Wilson ... party politics during the decade . But he did not care to associate with the Bryan wing of the Democratic party ...
... Democrats well. Wilson had appeal. His national stature and solidly conservative views caught the attention of Democratic leaders, and two party regulars, George B. M. Harvey and James Smith Jr., decided that Wilson could lead the party ...
... party audience. Even the so recently skepti- cal progressives rose to cheer, and the campaign that followed brought ... Democratic candidate winning such broad popular support that victory looked increasingly likely. Perhaps they ...
... party leaders in states like New York and Illinois had reservations about promoting a man to the presidency who had ... Democratic nomination in 1912 was especially hot. As the minority party in national registration, the Democrats ...
... Democratic nominations worked in Wilson's favor. What fol- lowed is difficult to imagine in a day of nominating ... party and its convention. Although primary elec- tions, where they were held, favored Roosevelt, the convention ...
1 | |
41 | |
60 | |
On Education and Scholarship | 106 |
The Historian | 147 |
The Political Scientist | 218 |
New Jersey Politics | 313 |
Road to the White House | 341 |
The New Freedom | 349 |
Appeal to Republicans | 356 |
President Wilson | 366 |
at Pueblo Colorado | 411 |
About the Editor | 429 |