Woodrow Wilson: Essential Writings and Speeches of the Scholar-presidentNYU Press, 2006 - Всего страниц: 429 From the Ivy League to the oval office, Woodrow Wilson was the only professional scholar to become a U.S. president. A professor of history and political science, Wilson became the dynamic president of Princeton University in 1902 and was one of its most prolific scholars before entering active politics. Through his labors as student, scholar, and statesman, he left a legacy of elegant writings on everything from educational reform to religion to history and politics. |
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... Roosevelt in office was possibly influential , for he now saw more potential for presidential leadership and expressed more sympathy for dynamic government action , especially by the states , than he would earlier have conceded . But ...
... Roosevelt, who was now leading a progressive charge against the old guard. When the Republicans quarreled in 1884, the Democrats elected Cleveland. Now there was more than quarreling; a party split was possible, and hungry Democrats ...
... Roosevelt's evolution as a re- former, dominated the party and its convention. Although primary elec- tions, where they were held, favored Roosevelt, the convention nominated Taft. Roosevelt claimed he had been cheated by the ...
... Roosevelt or Woodrow Wilson. Roosevelt's New Nationalism, inspired by the progressive critique of Herbert Croly and by his own inclinations, shifted antitrust strategy to ar- gue that most trusts were efficient and productive and ought ...
... Roosevelt's 4,119,538. Democrats won majorities in both houses, and among the Re- publicans elected were progressives whose votes for liberal measures could be had. The election was a mandate for reform, and it was the once conser ...
1 | |
41 | |
60 | |
On Education and Scholarship | 106 |
The Historian | 147 |
The Political Scientist | 218 |
New Jersey Politics | 313 |
Road to the White House | 341 |
The New Freedom | 349 |
Appeal to Republicans | 356 |
President Wilson | 366 |
at Pueblo Colorado | 411 |
About the Editor | 429 |