Woodrow Wilson: Essential Writings and Speeches of the Scholar-presidentNYU Press, 2006 - Всего страниц: 429 From the Ivy League to the oval office, Woodrow Wilson was the only professional scholar to become a U.S. president. A professor of history and political science, Wilson became the dynamic president of Princeton University in 1902 and was one of its most prolific scholars before entering active politics. Through his labors as student, scholar, and statesman, he left a legacy of elegant writings on everything from educational reform to religion to history and politics. |
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Результаты 1 – 5 из 35
... League of Nations Address before the Second Plenary Session of the Peace Conference 407 Appeal for Support of the League of Nations at Pueblo, contents ix.
... League of Nations at Pueblo, Colorado 411 Bibliography 421 Index 423 About the Editor 429 All illustrations appear as an insert following p. 208. Acknowledgments For her many, most helpful suggestions and for her x contents.
... League of Nations . Though never inclined to the radical , President Wilson's progressive New Freedom achievements brought important reforms to the nation and re- cast the role of the presidency and the federal government PREFACE XV ...
... League of Nations. Wilson's own writing on these matters testify not to a naive ideal- ist with an unrealistic vision, but to an internationalist whose Fourteen Points set the agenda for much of the twentieth century. Arms control ...
... League of Nations. Strug- gling past the crippled sentence, he managed to finish his speech with a moving call for the nation to keep faith with those fallen men who would never return from the fields of France. Startled reporters and ...
1 | |
41 | |
60 | |
On Education and Scholarship | 106 |
The Historian | 147 |
The Political Scientist | 218 |
New Jersey Politics | 313 |
Road to the White House | 341 |
The New Freedom | 349 |
Appeal to Republicans | 356 |
President Wilson | 366 |
at Pueblo Colorado | 411 |
About the Editor | 429 |